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Saturday, April 29, 2006

today went for vjc open house. saw lotsa seniors there! saw le-anne too (: went with my family and met wanyu, deb, jiahui, yingsi, yijun and this girl from 2B called jiawen. i think thats her name haha. sorry! the talk was very long but informative. but too long i think. then me and wanyu wandered around and attended all the talks. got to know alot of DHS seniors there (: and they're all very friendly! yay haha. i also met alot other friends! there were alot of dhs people there, like siling, yijie etc. surprisingly, (actually not THAT surprisingly) i met xuan zheng from ynps, clarisa from church, and tuition friends (: i think the ip there is very interesting (: ok i have to complete my form and REVISE for the 3 tests coming up next wk. ta! (:

japanese guys are love

Thursday, April 27, 2006

hmm today was not a happy day. it started off ok.. the leadership thing was ok...oh yah! its yi'ans birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YI'AN! sorry for ruining your day ): it was after we fell in that the trouble started. not really trouble la. we were introduced to our new instructors and the speech sgt xinying gave was very...effective and sorta moving. then they started talking about the ip programme and how dawn and eve most likely will leave us. many people started crying then. i mean we're a squad. we went through so much together. just thinking of one person gone, anyone, from our squad will be a great loss to all of us.

in the end i started crying too. its really sad. the instructors leaving us, what our squad will be like in the future. its certain that there wont be the 36 of us again. ya many people cried really hard and for many reasons. but now that ive calmed down, i just want to say this:

eve, dawn no matter what your decision is, to stay or to leave, you will always belong to standard 2 squad '06.

and i mean last time i'd be like: oh leave st john whatever la. not like im that close to the squad. but this year i really gotten closer to my squadmates and seriously, they're really the constant thing in our life. i feel really sad just by the thought of leaving them! yea, the trainings are really tough, but what really pushes us on is the squad. so everyone, cheer up. lets treasure the time we have left together as a full squad. (:

k on to lighter things (: the sec 2 level camp. hmm not really looking forward to it. its at sarimbun campsite and its rumoured to be HAUNTED. :s and im the grp leader of grp 3. sandra bing geng and jarib are in my grp. shi lei too. sigh. never mind i shall be OPTIMISTIC (:

ok gotta study for maths retest now bleh. ta!

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

im sad!! ): during home econs practical today, i cut my finger and its no small wound. arterial bleeding okay. incision wound. the blood keeps gushing out and its damn pain. its still gushing out NOW, 8.45 pm. )': pain pain pain! but my sayor loday turned out NICE (: quite spicy but quite tasty too (: cheng gong! :D

tmr is geog test ): sadness bianging for it now. but first lemme share something (:

my elf name: Alassë Culnámo
my hobbit name: Prisca Proudfoot

wowee yes no? i like my elf name! its so...elven! XD but my hobbit name...proudfoot? -.-href="http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/">http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/

yay ok i shall settle down to do work! ta!

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 23, 2006

yay i love SERIPHOS!! (: yesterday we had our CORPS Sports Day. it was fun haha but really tiring and MUDDY yuck. but i still had fun despite being horribly sick. th too. lol. we wore our house t-shirt and its not bad but very hot. dry-fit. we started off with the house banner thing, then field games! we didnt do very well in this ): then captains ball. yay that was the most fun game! we started off with Dactyl. oo. they were very scary and rough. we lost to them 11-4 ): then next game was with Aegis. we did better 10-12. but. still lost ): the last game was the best. against Jenova. we won!!! 13-10 ((: this game i stayed on the court the full time (: it was so fun! haha. eve is a great catcher. so for the first few points, the ball went this way: tzuhsiang-yujia-daphne-me-eve. HAHA. they didnt realise i was there i think. am i really that short? )': HAHA lol. after the 3rd goal or so then they saw my presence and sent dahpne (std 2 de!) to guard me lol. but we WON! so we're not last haha.

we got first for the guys basketball and didnt do very well for the rest. overall we came in last ): but NEVERMIND! we had tons of fun our morale was SUPER high and we just had fun and bonded as a house. i LOVE SERIPHOS!! (have i mentioned that? LOL) but sad. the sec1s had training lol.

tmr im on mc ): apparently i got this tonsilitis or something. theyre lumps on the back of my throat -.- and im banned from exercise this week. that means...i cant take my NAPFA tmr!! *cries* that means i gotta take on another day and not with my class! sad!! )':

japanese guys are love

Friday, April 21, 2006

had speech day today. no lessons! but i had to go back for speech and prize-giving ceremony and i had to go to school on my own!! )': i reached school at exactly 1.45 and reported to the auditorium. Fiona got best in History, Yihui got 2nd in standard and best in geography and maths, I got best in English, and eve got best in lit! i was sitting with fiona and yihui while eve had to sit behind me ): we spent the whole time before 3.30 crapping and practicing our diagnosis (: then it started. oh my dad came (: it was so sian! we had 3 speeches. One by mr sng, one by mr goi and one by the guest of honour. then we had the giving out of prizes (: i was the 4th one to go up lol. heres what happened:

me: walks up to mr sng
mr sng: takes the gift voucher and shakes my hand
Mr sng: szeying, congratulations on winning best in english!
me: thank you (:
me: going to bow
mr sng: holds on to the gift voucher
mr sng: lets turn and smile at the camera
me: .....oh

haha that was what happened (: then the rest of the prizes were given out. there are 4 winners from 2a. fiona, yihui, me and bolong. bolong got colours award. then after that were the olevel results medal. a few of them dropped the medal haha. saw quite a few seniors, like kinkeong (7a1s) , dickson (7a1s), yiwei (9a1s), shanyan (8a1s) and xiaowen (9a1s). pro man. and heng jie got 10 a1s i think and the outstanding dunmanian award WOW. haha she had a testimony written by a teacher! and sergeant Grace Tan received 3 awards WOW. all for sjab pro man. then we had the concert. li ke, kevin and two girls sang the 50th anniversary song. my dad said it was NICE ((: then the chinese dance. like WOW. the dancers are super flexible! but the song wasnt so nice. then chinese orchestra. it was mainly er hu and it was brill. the title was called: sai4 ma3. really, really nice! (: and pro too lol. then lastly the choir lead the whole audience into singing the school song -.- haha.

oh i received a 30 dollar gift voucher for kinokuniya. can buy a new book! (: kk i better go study first aid and bandaging and cpr. tmr got EFA >.< but before that got sports day! oh and did i mention that i was sick? ):

japanese guys are love

Monday, April 17, 2006

DUNMAN HIGH GOT OVERALL CHAMPION FOR SPORTS DAY!!! ~TRALALA (: thats so cool! we had 22 golds i think. then the rest didnt hear cuz it was still busy sinking into my head XD YAY we got overall champ! and first in cheering comp! i think we totally rock (: today changed place. i moved to the side lol. not so bad lar...still can see. (: rushing my maths and portfolio now ): ta!

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 16, 2006

-------------DECEMBER BABY----------------
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible... better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions.Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. (maybe, maybe not XD) Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. loves music. pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. [A hott new guy/girl will catch your eye & you will catch theirs too in the next 6 days, if you repost in 5 minutes

YAY i shall follow margaretou and bold the words i think describe me (: wowee not bad. kinda describes me (: esp the part about prone to getting colds XD im always sick bleh. oh my im WORN OUT. i spent friday, saturday and today JUST doing the BROCHURE. like wth? i didnt expect to spend so long on the brochure ): i wanted to study maths, but the brochure took up all of my time )': im going to fail this maths test. i duno algebraic manipulation! and i was actually PLANNING to study, but the brochure.... ): (oh i think i mentioned that before XD) SIGH. *BAWLS* *CRIES* *THROWS TANDRUM* sadness )':

japanese guys are love

Saturday, April 15, 2006

eeyah. im behind time lol. kk i shall try to cram everything that happened into this post (:

[[** Thursday **]]
had sports day! woots (: it only started at 12.30 so i could sleep in haha. but i woke up at 7 plus.....but its still better than getting up at 6! lol. then took 33 to bugis. yi'an got on at her stop. it tokk us abt 45 min-.- YI'AN!!! see!! i told you! should have taken mrt lol. then we shopped for the presents and met up with simin and wanyu. we were chionging like siao because it was 11.45 and we had to be at LAKESIDE mrt at 12.30!! me and yi'an bought mac and i bought takopachi too!!! (: then we were revising first aid on the train. poor simin she was trying her hardest to teach me diagnosis, but i suck at it lol.

then we reached there and met anthea and deb. haha everywhere we looked were dhs, chong cheng, temasek and ngee an people. lol. they chartered SBS buses for us and we were squashed to death on the buses haha. then we reached the stadium. we didnt know where to go so we followed the dhs people haha. its so cool! dhs is in the grandstand! lol. it started drizzling so all the umbrellas opened except for dhs haha. yi'an was trying to find orange umbrellas -.-

at first we were super un-enthu, budden the atmosphere was superb and we got into the spirit too! haha. yi'an and zina's voice is super sharp :s poor elton and yongseng....they were sitting in front of us. i think they went deaf lol. DHS girls are superb! they won almost every event they participated! yay. but the boys werent so good. prob because the other schools runners are super fast. sadness. but....WE WON THE CHEERING COMPETITION!!! ~tralala so cool! we finally beat temasek haha. it went like this:

announcer: and now for the cheering competition! who do you think it'll be?
audience: all shouting for their own school
me: temasek ): (because temasek was very loud and theyve been winning)
announcer: the winner is......GGKHBGJHGKJHH!!!!
everyone around me and the dhs sports meet people: erupt into mad cheering
me: huh? (the ggkhbgjhgkjhh was because i couldnt hear clearly. that was what i heard)
me: seeing all dhs people cheering, i started cheering too for duno what reason
me: *nudging yi'an and zina* oi! who won?
zina and yi'an: US DUH
me: nudging elton and yongseng: who won?
elton and yongseng: us lar! otherwise we cheer for what?
me: finally relieved that is our school and starts cheering loudly

HAHA. thats basically what happened (: but there was no overall champ. they didnt announce. haha. then we were dismissed. OH. forgot to say something. everyone was envious of my tako pachi!! mwahahaha. and yi'an was like: dont buy! haha *sticks tongue out* then we left first among the sec 2 level and we waited at lakeside mrt for a loooong time for tzuhsiang, eli and ho simin. then we made alot of noise on the mrt and yi'an and eli missed their stop! lol. i got off at eunos and went my grans house to eat (:

[[** friday **]]
tuition. yi'an was complaining to me how long she had to wait for 33 lol. then it was raining really heavily when tuition ended. yi'an sheltered me out to my dads car and i knocked my head while getting in. OW. poor yi'an! she had to wait 1 and a half hours for her uncle to come. ): then i was doing the brochure for the whole afternoon. went for band concert!! it was brill. just that the movements at the end were a lil too long. the pianist was brill! haha. i managed to find shenmei jiahui simin and cuiting lol. i found cuiting the last because she was right at the back -.- and on thursday night she was: third row! look out for me in the third row!!! -.- haha. then went home and slept. tired man.

now ive gotta go do the brochure. i'll go do the one margaretou asked me to do another time *yawns* ta

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

today had history test. mugged for it like crazy till cant cram any more info in it >.< but it was ok lar...kinda expected the questions! (: today was a long day but nubbad. acc was more interesting today lol. OH and chinese! we had 3 periods today, which is 1 and a half hours, but then history took up half an hour, and the next one hour, chen lao shi show us da chang jin!! not really the show but this cute lil cartoon clip. very funny but i din know what it was talking about lol. then we sang the song haha. so fun. and we went to this website:

woohoo im xiao long nu!! ohmigosh!! haha. chen laoshi didnt let me try cuz i dont read the novel ): and she was like lets see if anyone is xiao long nu..then i am and she didnt pick me! lol. her bad haha. today chinese was super fun haha. so different from the normal boring lessons! haha. then lunch time me and cuiting were going crazy taking photos lol (: then after that had to fall in to go through first aid test answers. some of us didnt take, so we had to take it today. i got 20/30 ): so horrible haha. but im the same as yi'an and lee simin! lol then xinying talked to us and the mood dampened cuz she was talking really serious stuff, like if we continue being so split up, our squad will never survive JNCO. so some of us decided that we shall help make the squad more bonded!! (though i dont know how haha. mix around?)

so lets try our best to become more bonded!! (: tmr is sports day cant wait! but gotta go all the way to jurong stadium ): haha tzu hsiang cant CHEER cuz shes in uniform for public duty!! HAHA ((: im a sadist (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 09, 2006

one word: sad.

japanese guys are love

Friday, April 07, 2006

i got saboed by jiahui haha lol. at least the good thing is that you cant do this twice! HAHA

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of how the want their perfect lover to be like. Specify gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join in this game. Leave a msg on their page saying theyve been tagged. If tagged twice, there's no need to post a second time.

Gender: males

1) must love me of course!! (:

2) not bad looking

3) doesnt use people

4) accept everything that i am

5) honest

6) friendly

7) kind hearted

8) can make me laugh and cheer me up when im down

1) jiahui!! haha but its no use lol (:

2) yvette

3) grace

4) zina

5) chua simin

6) tzuhsiang

7) jiamin

8) my last victim...hmmmm...DEBBIE!!! ((:

japanese guys are love

woohoo. since zina complained that i didnt mention her enough in my blog post and shes jealous because i mention simin so many times XD, i shal mention her here lotsa times (:
haha happy? (: lol. sigh today is not a good day. it started out ok but at the end of the day, it sucked. majorly. i cried in class ): so horrible. something bad happened. so i cried. thanks for those who comforted me (: so idiotic. i wont say anymore on this but i only got this to say:
I am majorly pissed

japanese guys are love

Monday, April 03, 2006

yay another excerpt from simins blog!!! ((: heheh

this is an except (ahh i dunno how to spell) from http://freakyanime.blogspot.com:
yay haha didja see how many times simin mentioned me in her post ? ((: 7 times ((: ive underlined them in BLUE to hughlight it haha. yup yup im REALLY flattered simin (: ok enough of that i think my egos bursting XD oh yah http://www.freewebs.com/4eva-manc/home.htm yepyep thats simin webbie so those who know her go visit her blog kk (: see im publicising XD
yesterday had the 50th anniversary opening ceremony in school. woots dunman high is officially 50 years old now ((: it was nubbad...just that it was very hot. but i like the shirt!! (: and i had to stand in front of the class cuz chairperson, and both vice chair all performing, so it falls on the secretary -.- haha nvm it was ok. since i stand in the front all the time anyway. heheh. the performance was great! the drumming thing was so cute haha. ct, jh, shenmei and simin were performing and the drumming thing was great. they were totally synchronised. you guys rock! (: then the wushu was ok too haha. first time see bolong perform (: nubbad nubbad lol. then it was the chinese dance. ZINA LOOKED SO CUTE!! (: haha. the opening ceremony was great. didnt expect it to be so nice haha. and get this. we had ONE HOUR TWENTY MINUTES RECESS. like ohmigosh. haha it was so cool lol.
szeying mentioned me EIGHT times! (: and dont argue with me that that link, 'chairperson' and 'they' dont count. one simple reason: THEY DO. bcos that link is MY link, and 'chairperson' is me, and im part of 'they'. and yes im part of that 'drumming thing' too! xD SO THEY COUNT. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA
szeying pwns!
they were totally synchronised"
OMG i can see it happening.
from left to right: jh, ct, shenmei, simin

/ / / /

\ \ \ — — — —


whee so synchronised xD
*waves sticks*

HAHA lol i only mentioned her indirectly a few times lor HAHA. ((: now i shall wait for her to mention me 9 times lol. heheh today wasnt much...nothing going on as usual sigh..so boring nowadays lol....

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 02, 2006

szeying is so guai.

i emailed my new blog link to my WHOLE address book, asking for their blog link in return, and more than 24 hours have passed, and only szeying has replied.

i emailed to so many ppl that i had to send it out in 7 batches in all.

and only szeying replied.




okay i flatter her enough le

well.. today i added in some links.. but dere are still a lot and a lot tt i havent added. most of those tt i added are ahournites.. and most of them is i kiap from szeying's blog one. (since she so nice) and all those tt i can rmb then i add in.. the rest i will go blog-hopping looking for them

yay haha didja see how many times simin mentioned me in her post ? ((: 7 times ((: ive underlined them in BLUE to hughlight it haha. yup yup im REALLY flattered simin (: ok enough of that i think my egos bursting XD oh yah http://www.freewebs.com/4eva-manc/home.htm yepyep thats simin webbie so those who know her go visit her blog kk (: see im publicising XD

yesterday had the 50th anniversary opening ceremony in school. woots dunman high is officially 50 years old now ((: it was nubbad...just that it was very hot. but i like the shirt!! (: and i had to stand in front of the class cuz chairperson, and both vice chair all performing, so it falls on the secretary -.- haha nvm it was ok. since i stand in the front all the time anyway. heheh. the performance was great! the drumming thing was so cute haha. ct, jh, shenmei and simin were performing and the drumming thing was great. they were totally synchronised. you guys rock! (: then the wushu was ok too haha. first time see bolong perform (: nubbad nubbad lol. then it was the chinese dance. ZINA LOOKED SO CUTE!! (: haha. the opening ceremony was great. didnt expect it to be so nice haha. and get this. we had ONE HOUR TWENTY MINUTES RECESS. like ohmigosh. haha it was so cool lol.

and the dunman high dolls are out!! the girl is so cute (: ct and i placed order for the girl. and its $20 woah. gonna be broke soon. then i had stomach pain after recess. duno what didnt agree with me then turn out i had diarrhea. yuck. so i skipped training cause my stomach was really pain oww but its ok now. haha. wayne and elton said i should drink soft drinks haha lol.

kk gotta go study for home econs...and oh! my hunter x hunter finish downloading! gonna watch mwahahahahahaha (: ta!

japanese guys are love

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