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Friday, October 24, 2008

lalala okay im updating. yes, desiree, i'm updating so that you can see things from my perspective -.-

first of all, let me start off by saying that VJC is crazy. or more specifically, VJC chinese department is crazy. chinese everyday ever since end of years ended. okay, maybe it wasn't everyday, but it was close to everyday, and this week we had chinese everyday for two hours. two hours of lmn is close to making anyone lose their sanity. next week, we're going to have FOUR hours of chinese everyday and that is enough to make people LOSE their sanity. please pray that we survive next week.

and i swear lmn loves picking on me. when she's done picking on the others on her blacklist, mainly siling, desiree, moses etc. once she's done, she turns to me. i swear! today she made me move to the front for no reason. and then promptly put the blame on me when she shifted the others to the front. geez

prom shopping is fun, but tiring and frustrating at the same time. i got my dress, but i need to get my shoes, accessories, purse, makeup etc. i wasnt even considering doing up my hair all these but apparently the rest are all going to the hairdresser to do up their hair. so i shall follow alicia :D and there's still makeup to consider. oh gosh prom is such a troublesome thing. i hope amanda's mum can like let us go over and do our makeup there :D

this week other than silly old chinese we had some weird sharing session on the qualities of a 21st century worker, which was total crap. but my group was fun, cause got me, xinying and leslie. crazy group :D leslie concluded that me and xinying cant coexist peacefully. its more like we show our affection to each other by fighting xD the project itself was boring, but the group people were fun :D and mr boy's group is slack, not like rachel ong's. thank goodness i got mr boy this time.

i cant wait for olevel chinese to be over, but at the same time i dont want it to be over. cause once it's over, 07v14 has kinda officially disbanded as a class. i miss this class, it's been a great two years although fraught with troubles and stuff. but i think our class is a closer knit one now and i cant bear to leave all of them. especially since im going humanities stream and everyone else's going science. oh well. at least we still have three weeks together next year, so must make full use of that time before we split.

we had phototaking yesterday and guess what i brought. no, seriously, guess. my jap winkup magazine! NEWS was on the cover :D i had a tough time deciding which to bring, but since i kept bringing kattun, i decided i shall give NEWS a chance. unfortunately the ones with arashi on the cover aren't very nice, and i dont even need to talk about hey say jump.

OH OH speaking of hey say jump, i have converted amanda to the light :D she agrees with me that chinen is cute/hot now! he has seriously grown over the year, his voice broke, his face matured, his hairstyle changed. whoa, i feel like a proud mother/sister, seeing him grow over the year. but that's kinda screwed, cause i want to marry him. hmmm, okay let me change it. a proud fangirl :D

and i finished iljimae :D wonderful, wonderful drama. twenty episodes of leejoonki as the main actor. in a mediaval korean drama. with long, wavy hair. in hot armour and angsty emotions and past. DROOLWORTHY DRAMA :D i cant wait till it comes out on dvd, hopefully i can get it :D next thing to watch on the list is time between a dog and a wolf. another 16 episodes of droolworthy scenes of leejoonki. but he cut his hair for his drama and i dont like his hairstyle. he doesnt look pretty ): but oh well. its ljk. i won't complain :D

i've been on an arashi spree recently and i still havent outgrown it yet. but how can i! arashi is such an adorable and lovely group, with so much member-ai and love between the members. and their shows are hilarious. and their songs are nice. ooooh! i love arashi :D i love kattun too, but i dont like their new version of CTKT ): and they havent released a new single in ages. please, johnny, let them record a new single ):

NEWS are also kinda MIA, cause the only time i get to watch them is when they perform, or on concert DVDs or when they release a new single cause they dont have a regular tv show. i miss massu! oh yes next dramas on the list to watch when they're done airing: ryuusei no kizuna & scrap teacher :D

i have officially concluded that i have no motivation to keep a blog. cause sometimes i go on a blogging spree, and other times i just completely forget that i have a blog/too lazy to update. but i shall try to update, promise (:

oh and i cut my hair yesterday BUT THERE'S NO VISIBLE DIFFERENCE T_T thats why i hate going to any other hairdresser other than mine at my grandma's house. the entire time i was like: dude, what are you cutting -.- but at least he didnt ruin my hair so it'd still look presentable for prom :D

okay i have really run out of topics to talk about. seriously, so i shall stop here and blog again when i think of new things to blog about xD

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i got back all three science papers the past two days

with this, i have officially concluded the chapter of science in my life.

what a huge relief! :D science was never my forte, nor my passion. rather it was kinda more like a torture for me. although taking arts may limit many things, i know i have no future in science. and i already know what i want to be anyway, so its all dandy (:

my marks so far are rather shitty. my highest is chem, ironically, which is not very high compared to everyone else. i feel dumb when i compare their results to mine, but i shall not take heart in it because its only EOYS. i'll study hard for A levels, and i think i probably will since its humanities :D my dream combination. if only they let me take it earlier, but i guess taking science was good too

tomorrow's an important day, cause we're getting back our LA & IH papers. please let me get good grades for them? i want to get my A through them, most probably my only A, which is sad. but i shall strive for it :D

yesterday was a really lousy day. everything was fine, until i reached home and realized that my phone was missing. i started panicking and looking everywhere, but i couldnt find it. i even called my phone loads of times to see if anyone picked it up. when i called daddy for help, i was in tears already because this is the first time i really, really lost my phone.

thank goodness i left it in class and mummy went all the way back to college to help me search for it. thank you, mummy, even though i yelled at you for not picking up your phone, and was a total bitch to you.

apparently i left it on the table in class and jingrong and tim found it, and they and germ were trying to call me about my phone. but i guess i hogged the line trying to call my own phone ^^; whoo but at least i got it back. i'll never, ever misplace my phone again. i swear.

on the side note, lee joon ki is hot :D i have rediscovered my life for him through iljimae! twenty delicious episodes of him as the leading character in a historical drama. with long hair. he's a total knockout :D maybe i shall go watch my girl after iljimae just to watch some more of his hotness.

i love arashi. and arashi loves me :D

p.s. i deleted most of my links. now it looks so much nicer :D anyway those that i deleted are either dead, or those that i dont frequent, or those that i dont talk to anymore. yep. spring cleaning

japanese guys are love

Saturday, October 11, 2008

i planned to leave this blog dead but by request of others, i shall update xD exams are finally over, thank goodness. but next week is the return of scripts, i have a bad feeling about my bio paper. hopefully i won't fail, even a pass would be enough for me.

our post exams activities are kinda crap, except for the get real week. i was attached to the zoo, and it was super fun :D now i remember why i love animals and the zoo so much! i was attached to the night safari holding area, where all the extra animals are kept, as well as all the old animals. its kinda like a old folks home xD

but the animals there are really sweet, especially the slow lorises. there're 8 of them althogether there, and my favourite is still my sweet little kiki! she's so adorable and tiny. all of them sleep in flower pots hung up in the cage, and usually the average slow loris will fill up the entire flower pot. she only filled up half! *squeals*

i was attached to really nice zookeepers there, mohan & geraldine (: they were really, really great people and im really glad that i was attached to them. in the morning, we'll clean up the cages and stuff, which includes all the leftover food and the shit, and in the afternoon we prepare food and give it to them before doing enrichment (: im so going back to the zoo for self-initiated cip :D

haha and the v14 people at the zoo went to the night safari on friday, our last day after our job attachment was over. all i can say is that the next time i go night safari, i'll go with my family on the tram. it was freaking scary on the trails, cause there wasnt anyone around! we were the only ones there and we were all really scared. considering we only had one guy with us xD but it was fun haha.

the next few weeks were all chinese lessons. argh, i hate chinese. i cant wait for chinese o levels to be over. why cant i take japanese as my second language instead T.T at least i'll have the passion for that. but oh well. just one more month before i can drop chinese completely. considering that i dont fail it of course.

and this week was invigorate. invigorate was kinda fun, but i still think last year was the best. it was the most fun of all. this year there were tons of injuries, and i had really bad muscle ache. all over. so bad that i had problem walking up and down the stairs. everyone can testify for me ^^; it was so bad i was wondering if i had pulled a muscle. but thank goodness it was just muscle ache :D

and we had this personal voice workshop thing, which was total CRAP. i mean seriously! it was a workshop on presentation skills, but they only made us go for it after our whole ip life is over. and our trainer was total crap as well. she was demeaning, always cut people off, never ever respected us, was rude etc. the whole list can go on. its just a really, really torturous workshop and im so glad that it's over. i survived the whole workshop! im shocked O.O

oh and our school has like this cat hanging around. i think she's officially adopted our school as her home, and she's a really really sweet cat! everytime i sit outside guitar room to practice, she will come to the back of my chair and rub herself against it, and sit down. she's really friendly, but some souless people in the school painted her a variety of colours, and we had to cut off her fur to get he paint out. now, her fur is in patches and her face still has some paint left ): i feel really sad whenever we see her.

but on the happy side, we named her! :D haha yesterday we sat there the entire break and called her different names. she only responded to desiree and mascarenhas. so we concluded that her name shall be desiree mascarenhas meow meow :D a lovely name, dont you think? xD

japanese guys are love

☆ ME

victoria junior college (IP)
22nd december
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put God first in my life
arashi/NEWS/kat-tun merchandise
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