i love july 4th
do you know why?
because it's massu & jin's birthday! (:
i flipped when i found out,
because they're like one of my two favourite people
and they share the same birthday! =DDD
another thing why i love july 4th
MAOU premieres today!
maou stars our beloved ohno satoshi; leader
and our beloved ikuta toma (:
okay now on to the birthday speeches,
(it's a tradition! i can't miss it xD)
MASSU dear,happy 22nd birthday! (: everytime i look at you, or watch you on tv, you always bring a smile to my face because of your hilarious antics and blurness that is sinfully cute. i know that you're not as popular as the rest of the members of NEWS like pi, or tegoshi or ryo- but i still love you the best (next to pi & keichan) out of NEWS (: i think it's so brilliant that after so long in JE, you still haven't lost that innocence and "mypace" attitude that everyone seems to have buried when they enter JE. you're like a fresh ray of sunlight and everytime i see your smile it warms my heart (: whenever i feel really sad, your smile always cheers me up. and i love the way you just do whatever you like, without caring about appearing cool. you're like aibachan & keichan in that aspect you know (and that's why i love you three so much)
the three of you just want to have lots of fun, doing the thing that you love best, which is performing and singing your hearts out (: aibachan loves doing his silly experiments, keichan loves talking xD and you love just going "my pace" (:i hope you never ever get down about the fact that you're not as popular as the rest, because you're still loved as much as them, and if you ever leave (i hope never) your presence will be sorely felt and missed (: i dont know how to put my feelings down in words for you, massudear & i'll just sum everything up in a simple sentence: i love you, massuchan & dont ever change (:love, szeying
JIN DEAR,happy birthday to you too (: at first, when i got to know KAT-TUN & JE, you weren't really top on my list, i still loved kamechan more than you. but as i watched you more, and got to know you more (well as well as i can from a computer screen -.-), i find myself liking you more and more (:at first when i got to know you, i didnt really like you because of the way you just shirk your responsiblities and do what you want, like going off to LA & leaving KT-TUN behind barely a year after your debut. but i guess that's what makes you right, you wouldn't be jin if you were as obedient as kamedear.but i really miss the bakanishi jin that i used to see back in the past. the bakanishi jin that was so carefree with his emotions and wasn't afraid to show his true personality. that bakanishi jin that loved kamechan very much and wasn't afraid to show it. now you only show your true self to a few select close people, i think, and you present sexy jin akanishi self to the camera. i miss you, bakanishi jin, but i guess people do grow up, and you've grown up (:aww man this is supposed to be a birthday post, not a ranting post -.- anyway i'm really, really glad that you came back to KAT-TUN. although i joined really late, and wasnt there during that nervewrecking period where everyone wasnt sure whether you'd be back, and wasnt there to celebrate with fans all over the world when you announced that you were coming back, i can still feel it, and im so very, very glad that you came back (: KAT-TUN wouldnt be whole without you, and akame wouldn't be whole without you too. you've changed alot since you came back from LA, but i cant really say that much since i dont really know "know" you. but i hope that you'll continue pursuing your passion in JE and not leave KAT-TUN again, because they need you (: every single one of you is important to the band, and if any one of you are missing, it wouldn't be complete.have a great birthday celebrating it with pi & shirota, your mabudachi & whoever else you're celebrating it with. (don't forget massu! he has the same birthday as you, show massudear some love (: ) i love you!love, szeying
there i'm done!
and i managed to rush it out before 12am,
which means its still their birthday (:
talking to iris now on msn
im missing japan trip & thailand trip really, really badly ):
it's hard to come back to reality after being so blissfully away from reality
for two lovely weeks
oh well, they're forever in my memories anyway (:
and the friendships forged will hopefully never disappear (:
probably going out with germ, jq, gra & louise sometime soon
(maybe even after exams, but we're at least still going out)
and we shall have another icecream chef outing with the universal studios gang
that me & sheila misses very dearly (: