♥Monday, May 26, 2008
JA NE PEOPLE!IM OFF TO JAPAN TO SEE MY PRETTY JAPANESE BOYS <3i'll do a proper update when i get back from japan on saturday
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, May 14, 2008
just a quick update
before i go back to doing that stupid chinese paper
i'll be so glad when this term is over
this term has been a horrible term
with the influx of neverending projects
and the guitar practices
but then on the bright side my guitar skills have improved tremendously ^^
i've had practice almost everysingle day until 7pm for the past two weeks
and friday is finally the concert,
thank God
i hope we'll be able to put up a good enough performance
since its full house
but today we played really badly
so i hope we can buck up in time for the concert
oh and i have steeled my resolve to learn the electric guitar
& the drums
i promise, one day i'll learn those two
electric shouldnt be that bad
since its all notes
and im like the wierdest person ever
i know how to play notes
but i dont know how to play chords on the guitar
which is unheard of
anyway LA test is finally over
it was better than i expected it to be
but next week there's still history & biology test
next week is going to be a very bad week
after the concert practices this week
next week we're practicing for japan
so its almost everyday practice again
and our shakespeare proj is due next thursday
and i havent started at all
and history test is on thursday
and chinese project is due on thursday too
ohmigosh thursday is going to suck majorly
there i go with my broken japanese again
but oh well
it has improved majorly
after watching and listening to my jap boys <3
it must have
since now i watch nothing but japanese stuff ^^
next week is going to be a horrible week
but i shall hold on (:
oh yes good news before i go off
VJC soccer girls won against SAJC 2-1
but the school is crazy
declaring half day and forcing the whole school to go down and support
and spending close to $2000 just on chartering buses & balloons and stuff
just for one finals
they're crazy
but i was excused because we have guitar practice haha
so i spent the whole day stoning in the PT
and another good news!
don't you ever stop single
topped oricon charts today with an astonishing record of
104,864 copies sold (:
YAY for kat-tun! <3
they deserve it
i think the sales numbers will continue being that high for the rest of the week
and they'll definitely top the weekly oricon charts too
i'm so happy (:
oh and now i gotta go back to doing chinese T_T
gary: sorry i reply your cr gb & tags during the weekend after my concert okay
and your ryo pic spam like during the hols m(_ _)m
i have absolutely no time now
i'll talk to you later on msn too when i have the time okay ^^
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, May 09, 2008
gary: thank you! =D i'll go find you online when i feel like emo-ing again and spilling my guts out to someone okay- you come and find me too! ((:
anyway on to the main post:
(people who wish to read my real life posts, scroll past the pink section ^^ i think you know who you are haha)
haha i almost forgot that it was your birthday today (:im so tired, i just got back homeand the bus refused to comei ended up standing there for one hour just waiting for the stupid busbut when i came back home and realized that it was 9th May,i rushed to get this post out before today is overanyway you're 15 now yama-chan! <3you're the same age as me now haha isn't that fun(i just wish chinen was the same age as me too now)i love you and your acting!you've grown up from a adorable little kidto a dashing 15-year old who has captured the hearts of many fangirlsi saw you on the audition in the ya-ya-yah episode!the televised audition that you went for (:you were so adorable back theni watched you in tantei gakuen Q,and i absolutely loved you therei think i wouldn't have loved TGQ so muchif not for youoh and i loved your hair back then toocan you change your hairstyle back that way? =Dand you were alright in one pound gospel too,just that kame completely captivated me XDbut you acted well tooim so glad you and kame have a close senpai-kouhai relationshipalthough you may not be as close to him as yuto isi still think its great that you've gotten to know him betteralong with chinen too of coursehaha and do return some of chinen's enthusiasm for you please?he's like all happy and going "yamachan!" everywherein his interview with his beloved ohnohe even mentioned you like throughout the whole interview!so do show a bit of warmth towards him? please? (:although chinen is a spoilt bratdo forgive him ^^and your JE career is taking of with HSJ and your dramasi hope you have a great time and have a successful career (:i'll see how much more you've progressed when i make the same poston the same day next yearim looking forward to it!happy 15th birthday <3anyway this week's been a crazy week
i am absolutely exhausted
with all the projects that are still coming up one by one
and all the tests
i feel like dying geez
wednesday we had the ming ju test
i mugged the whole of tuesday night for it
memorizing all of them
and tuesday was integration quiz
and i completely screwed up one question argh
but on a happier note
i've been really paying attention in class these days
and i understand chemistry for once! =D
i love organic chemistry haha
oh and today we were rushing out the hist summary
and it was so funny
because me & kw were using the library printer
but we had no idea where to put the paper in XD
we put it in every possible place before we gave up
and called for help and guess what
all we had to do was press a button and it would print -.-
we felt like absolute idiots haha
i've been having guitar practice nonstop
and next week is going to be a bad week
with lang arts test on tues
and guitar practice until 7 on tues & wed
and whole day rehearsal on friday for the concert
but its the last leg
after this week i still have another intense practice week
for the japan trip T_T
but im looking forward to it
i'm going to go down there and buy every magazine
that features my jap boys on the cover
since i can get them cheap in japan
i shall go there and hunt for my anime + jap boys stuff
i miss japan so much
i think its bad going to japan
because now that i've experienced it
i keep wanting to go back
today i was talking to jonathan in class
about my japan trip
and i felt so nostalgic lol
i had really good memories there
and it was the first holiday in a long long time
that i actually really enjoyed myself
today we had thailand trip briefing
and we got our intinery
we felt so cheated
me, jieqi & joann rushed out the ppt for kanchanaburi
and in the end we're not going there ):
but i think thailand trip is going to be fun (:
the people going there are fun haha
i dont feel so bad about not going australia anymore
week 10 is going to suck
on top of my endless guitar practices
we have hist & bio test in that week
which i havent touched at all
first i have to study langarts
this term sucked to the core
im so glad its finally going to be over
and i guess im taking one step at a time to get my life back on track
i think i see the gaps filling up already
i guess all i had to do was try
soon i'll feel like the old me again
it just takes time
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 08, 2008
i feel rather out of sorts this year
i don't know why and i don't know what im feeling
i just have this feeling
that i have to put my life back on track
sorry no update today
i don't feel like blogging
like i said i've been feeling out of sorts
and i'm feeling it the worse today
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 01, 2008

dear kei-chan,
happy birthday! i'm sorry that i almost forgot your birthday; i only remembered it when i went to the communties and saw all of them wishing you a happy birthday!
anyway, you're 25 now i think! and you still look as youthful as ever <3>
and i remember in peroxidepest17's fic about the whole of NeWS becoming super heroes, and your "power" being the fact that you could talk some one from jumping off a bridge and getting a new love for life. i also remember in her sequel, where you guys actually get super powers, how you became an empath because you are so sensitive to other people's emotions. that's what i love about kei-chan <3
i love how childish and freely you act in all the shows/performances/dvd backstages even though you are the oldest in NeWS; sometimes you seem like the youngest and shige seems like the oldest instead *laughs* your roles are completely reversed!
i also love at how you can laugh at everything, even your own flaws; i remember in NeWS mania where you said that being positive helped you combat your weak stomach. and i also remember how everyone used to tease you about your single eyelids, but you always manage to laugh it off and keep a huge smile on your face and not get affected by it
and although im not a big fan of shige, i still find it amazing that you can be best friends with shige even with your completely opposite personalities- i think kei-chan can get along with anyone you want; even ryo has a soft spot for you, although i bet he has the biggest soft spot for his tego-nyan XD
you're just like the mother to NeWS, just like nakamaru is to kat-tun; you can get along with everyone, but thats not hard considering that NeWS is full of member-ai <3>
and i love how you just have to mention about member-ai in everything you say and do- i think without you NeWS would crumble, not on the outside of course, but on the inside.
i bet you're always the one fussing about everyone, making sure that pi isnt too tired out by his relentless schedule and sending him mails to cheer him up; making sure that ryo isn't going to drop dead from juggling both NeWS and kanjani8; always pandering to tegoshi's whims and taking care of him; smiling along with massu to cheer the whole group up because the both of your smiles together can cure anyone's depression; and of course always being there for shige
i love kei-chan's smiles and personality, as much as i love massu's. even though now massu holds a big place in my heart, you hold an equally big place because in the end i still remember you <3>
i hope you never change and continue to be the pillar for NeWS;
lots of love,
japanese guys are love