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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

ohmigosh i love these few days
why? lemme list the reasons
(*oh yes, for people who do not find interest in my jap boys like germaine kwek for example, you guys should scroll down to the middle- thats where the non jap boys section is =D the non jap-boys section is highlighted in blue)
(warning: picspam ahead)
tomapi had an interview/photoshoot
in seventeen magazine!
that one i knew about,
because pi wrote about it in its jweb
and the pictures are finally out
and i loved them
i screamed when i found out about them
(thanks to the dear passer! that keeps me updated on tomapi info ^^)
the pictures are really, really nice
and it captures their friendship perfectly
and it has a kinda nostalgic feeling too
and the theme of the interview
is how pi & toma's friendship can last for 11 years
so they were basically recounting their past memories together
which means lots and lots of lovey dovey tomapi *squeals*
and like talking about how each other are their rock
i was so, so happy yesterday
i actually wanted to run over to post
but i had no time because i was rushing ihp
now pictures ahead!
tomapi having fun together (:

studying! see how close they're sitting next to each other? if only akame could take after them

yay for tomapi friendship!

(: this photo gives me a warm feeling inside

look at how well they've grown up to look! and they look even more compatible now than last time, which i never thought would ever happen (: its a pleasant surprise

droolworthy picture of them (:

now see why i was so ultra happy about it (:
the whole thing is practically screaming

i am so, so happy now
there is so much tomapi love going around!
first is toma starting off by promoting kurosagi in his jweb,
then is pi's long unforgettable jweb entry about toma
and now is this lovely photoshoot + interview that almost moved me to tears
okay not really moved me to tears
but it gave me a really warm feeling inside (:

i love you, pi & toma
and i love you two even more as tomapi
don't ever, ever lose this friendship okay
you've survived 11 years
and you two are the closest friends to each other
you and your families are like practically kin to each other
i mean pi, you even drag toma along on your family holidays!
and you guys used to take baths together when you're small

remember what you said pi
you said that you want you & toma both to be neighbous in the future
so that you two can be close all the time (:
im holding you to that pi!

2. today is 30th april: HEY SAY JUMP IN TOKYO DOME DVD IS OUT!

hsj dvd is finally out!
and kamichan and akaru already posted leaks of the dvd
and i've seen some of the backstage footages
and they are absolutely precious
they look more comfortable with each other now
than when they first started out

i shall wait for the whole dvd to be uploaded
one of the clubboxes i know are apparently uploading it right now
and littlex subs are going to sub the dvd (:
i can't wait!
after so long of waiting,
the dvd is finally out

now, all i need to wait for is a kat-tun dvd & a NEWS pacific concert DVD ^^


i absolutely adore the summer time pv
i have a feeling the director just placed them on the set
directed the camera at them
and told them to just go do whatever they want
and they did! =D
they were ultra, ultra cute in this PV
this is the cutest PV i've ever seen (:

i especially love the scenes with massu in it
massu is making me fall deeper and deeper in love with him
everytime i see him (:
i shall find out how to screencap and put the cute moments up ^^

and kat-tun's new song don't you ever stop
i heard it as a radio rip first
and because the high frequency was like irritating my ears
i didnt really like the song
and i didnt see what was the hype about the song

all the kat-tun fans are going crazy over the song,
saying that its the best song that kat-tun ever recorded
at that point of time i was like huh?
it doesnt sound very fantastic to me
i prefer real face or keep the faith or LIPS

but after i saw their music station performance
and heard the song properly
i fell head over heels in love with the song
now i can see what the hype is about already
and the dancing is just fantastic
i love jin's "hell yea" XD


their new single is coming out!
and from what i heard i loved it already
i only heard a small part but i fell in love with it
even kamichan loved it,
so that means it must be really great
i saw a sneak preview of the PV
and its super duper cute too (:

i cant wait for their new release!


ohmigosh i flipped when i saw this
my two favourite bands on the same program
im just waiting for someone to upload the full show
apparently there,
hsj perform their new single dreams come true
and NEWS perform summer time
both with choreography (:


happy early birthday kei-chan!
i shall do a proper birthday post for you tomorrow
when its your actual birthday <3>

7. today is sports day!

we only had lessons until 12.45 because today was sports day
and ms chia apparently lost her voice
so she couldnt teach
so after our IH at 11.35, we were free until 3

oh yes in the morning we had sc investiture
which was super duper boring
and as usual the bullied the IP kids
some of the IP kids are the ones who carried & arranged the chairs in the hall
and they gave everyone else except the IP students proper chairs
and we had to sit at the back on benches

if you dont like us then dont even start this stupid programme
whats the point of accepting us
and showing your blatant dislike for us in such a manner
just because we're the youngest doesnt mean that we can
be pushed around by you people all the time
we are also part of the college
as you guys have always emphasized
so actually start keeping to what you said

anyway alicia and i were keeping ourselves
entertained during the investiture =D
i was introducing her to the world of jap boys haha
she agreed that japanese people dance the best
and that kat-tun's new single don't you ever stop is nice too!
and she loved the dance moves too yay

i also showed her massu's solo, atsutsuki
i love the song & the martial arts dance movements
apparently she agreed with me! =D

and after IH,
shuyi wasn't feeling well,
so we sent her home
get well soon dear (:

oh and IHP presentation sucked
me and kwanwei were like: we're so dead the entire time lol
aiyah but thankfully it's over already
hopefully we can score more marks on the content part

we went down to eat

and after that i curled up in a chair in the class
with my zen vision w
i finished one pound gospel episode 8!
now i have one more episode left to go
im going to miss kousaku ):

but of course
i got distracted by alicia's psp XD
i think alicia should have learnt her lesson by now
it doesnt make a difference whether she brings her psp to school
because in school everyone will be queueing up to play djmax
and in the end in the entire two plus hours we had to slack
she only touched it like 5 times XD

after that was sports day
for once i dont feel ashamed of being in ursa
ursa rocked today!
everyone was so high
i think they should have a most enthusiastic house award
we would definitely win hands down
i mean the other houses were so dead!
only ursa was being extra and high XD

but we did so, so, so much better than we expected
i was kinda shocked at the total turn around ursa did
oh and the cheerleading segment was the highlight of the day
all the cheerleading routines this year was not only dangerous,
it wasnt really nice either

all the houses all had someone who fell
either they couldnt catch the flyer properly
and she hit the ground
or the flyer couldn't get up properly and fell down
it was super scary
especially during draco's performance
because xinying was performing

and i have to say
watching someone you know perform is really, really scary
because she was one of the flyers and quite a few times
she almost fell off the guys' shoulders
i swear, my heart literally stopped during those moments
but she did a really good job (:
nice going xinying!

aquilla was really good
and ursa was unexpectedly good as well
ursa did us proud by emerging second in the cheerleading competition!
yay *shakes pom poms*
overall, ursa got 4th
but i think its a real big improvement
considering the fact that we came in last for cross country this year
go ursa! (:

after that went out for dinner
and had a nice long chat (:
and tomorrow is a public holiday!
so that means i can sleep in late yay
no school!

okay i think i should stop
because its a super long post

japanese guys are love

Monday, April 28, 2008

picture of the day- kame! <3
just a short post before i go off to do IHP

Kamenashi Kazuya
Chinen Yuuri
Yamashita Tomohisa
Ikuta Toma
Akanishi Jin
Koyama Keiichiro
Masuda Takahisa
Yamada Ryosuke
Nakajima Yuto
Ayukawa Taiyo
Aiba Masaki
Nakamaru Yuichi
Arioka Daiki
Inoo Kei
Ohno Satoshi
Tegoshi Yuya
Yaotome Hikaru
Tanaka Koki
Uchi Hiroki
Nishikido Ryo
Yasuda Shota
Ohkura Tadayoshi
Yabu Kota
Nakai Masahiro

i think its pretty accurate! ^^
kame, chinen, pi & toma being my number 1s,
and keichan, massu & jin being my number 3s =D
and of course yamada & yuto being my number 6s
haha and goofy adorable taiyo coming in 10th (:
i miss taiyo
i wish he didnt left JE
taiyo is like the only really innocent one
and he makes everyone crack up,
just like massu

all massu has to do is open his mouth
and people start laughing already
same with taiyo
i remember his "choooooo~" thing XD
it made me laugh & laugh over and over again
i miss taiyo

anyway today there was a lizard in my bag
how freaking disgusting is that?
it was before guitar
and i ran off to find sheila to go down and eat something
because i was starving

then when i came back to pack my bag
something ran over my hand and into my bag
i swear, all my hair literally stood at that moment
i peeked in after that and saw that stupid idiotic lizard staring back at me
hiding in between my books

thank goodness i put my mags in a kino bag
otherwise it would have crawled all over them!

and shiyao saved my life
she was so brave!
even though she was terrified too
she managed to pull all my books out,
go outside and shake the lizard out of my bag
if not for her i would have brought the lizard home
im getting the chills just thinking of it

anyway i have to go do IHP already
silly kenneth
send us the email and forget to attach the info lol!

japanese guys are love

Thursday, April 24, 2008

my dear bakanishi jin!
i miss you very much ):
maturity has changed you completely
you are still quite baka at times
but not like before
and you're not so forthcoming with your affections
especially with kame
it feels like there's still a wide chasm between the two of you
that time hasnt bridged yet
when will we see the return of akame in your younger days?

i was watching ya-ya-yah's midsummer swimming competition
and you & kame looked so happy & comfortable with each other
when you were singing harukana yakusoku
kame was leaning his head on your shoulder
and you two were pushing each other off your floats
where has that akame gone right now?
i wonder what happened
did you leave kame behind?
did kame leave you behind?
or did you two just grow apart?

and now you & nakamaru are as thick as buddies
but i still dont know about you and kame which makes me really sad
i love nakamaru very much,
but everytime i see you all buddy with nakamaru & not with kame
i feel sad ):

i wonder how kame feels about it
i wonder how you feel about it too
its like after you came back from new york you're a different person?
you dont put as much of yourself into your work anymore
thats the feeling i get
and kame throws himself completely into his work
i bet you knew that when he was shooting nobuta wo produce
he survived on an average of two hours of sleep per day
are you taking care of him properly?
you know how he gets when he throws himself into work completely
he doesnt take a rest or think for himself

now there is so much kokame,
and i feel sad too whenever kokame comes up
but right now,
i think koki is good for kame because he is actually taking care of kame
i wonder if you are?

sorry please ignore my ramblings above
as i know most of you usually do ^^

i decided i shall not do a picspam XD
instead i shall just put one picture haha!
im too lazy to go upload pictures now
plus its late already and im about to doze off
i dont know why but i was extremely tired this morning
i didnt sleep exceptionally late last night either

i think its because of guitar practice yesterday
all of us were extremely tired & exhausted,
but we didnt know why lol
and we got further details for our japan trip! =D
it sounds super fun
i cant wait to go back to japan again!

俺が待ている!も少しです ^^

please excuse my horrible japanese above >.<
for the one millionth time,
i regret stopping my third lang
but i was given an ultimanium by my parents
actually, i wasnt given a choice in the matter at all
i was forced to drop jap, and it shall be the biggest regret of my life

i know what words to use,
but i just dont know how to string them into sentences
and i realized how tough it is to try to make them into sentences
and now i gotta struggle to teach myself again
nevermind, i shall not give up
for the sake of my japanese boys!
and japan ^^


anyway im starting to love my table mates more and more ^^
we have so much fun crapping during lessons haha
ranon is so much more noob than me! ^^
at least tomorrow there's half day
but the rest of the day is taken up by open house prep urgh

and saturday is open house,
but im leaving early because
my grandfather's niche is ready already (:
so we're going down to faith methodist church
where his ashes are and put them in the proper niche
the collabarium (?) there is really peaceful and quiet

next time when i die too,
i want to be buried there (:
im making plans for the future haha
but i hope it'll be a long, long, long time before it happens
after that we're going to paint ahma's house ^^

i just went on a gokusen 2 craze haha!
because i found a site where all the gokusen 2 stuff are,
the gokusen 2 special reunion which i've been searching for a long time,
and the gokusen 2 special DVD feature ^^

i have no more space in my computer
and my computer is lagging like mad
i hope daddy will let me change my computer soon,
or at least let me reformat it
the speed is driving me nuts
everyday im trying to delete stuff and clear some memory >.<

and now im trying to download all the NEWS, KAT-TUN appearances on shokura
and the songs they sing and put in my zen vision ^^
and NEWS just released their summer time PV!
it is super duper cute, just like their weeek PV ^^
i have a feeling the director just told them to go out there and have fun,
and they did haha
its just like kanjani8's wahaha pv

and i really, really need to clear space on my computer
i shall go clear now ^^
when i got more things to blog about
then i shall do a nice lengthy blog post on it (:

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ohmigosh i can't believe what i just read
remember yesterday how happy i was,
flailing over the fact that yamapi mentioned toma in his jweb?
even though its one measly sentence?
whoa, looking back i realize that i get satisfied really easy
because guess what just came up ^^
(it shall be in pink because pi loves pink ^^)

Konbachiwa ^_^

Today the weather was normal / nothing special!
Yesterday I went to eat with Toma, Toma's mom, my mom, and my sister.
What kind of combination is that / do I call that (laughs)

MA~ I've known them since I was 11 years old
We're pretty much friends that know and understand everything about each other ne!
I'm so happy!

While with Toma this is what we chatted about!
In order to combat Tegomassu [Note: I wasn't sure what word to use instead of 'combat', but he means it in a fun and friendly way ^^]
Why don't we make a tomayama! (laughs)

Ah ~ Even though right now it's unrealistic.
But maybe sometime we can do a drama or a stage performance / play
Or we can do something live [Note: Aww Pi ^^ keep hoping!!! Maybe one day~]
It will definitely be very happy ne

Saying it like that It's my dream ne!
Because before NEWS was formed
We were always together [Note: We = Pi and Toma]

And without knowing it
we were fondly remembering / reminiscing,
and the more we talked the farther we got ne.

And then on the way home,
a man that I don't know came from behind and put his arm on my shoulder!
Pushed himself between me and Toma,

And I thought, "Who is this guy"
And so I turned around.
It was actually Hasegawa Jun! [Note: He was in 4TOPS too. Wow, what are the chances?]

Miracles occasionally will happen ne!What a meaningful / amazing day!

credit: xmoonprincessx @ http://community.livejournal.com/yamapi_jweb/

*silence for awhile because im away flailing/screaming in one corner*

these few days are such happy days
there's so much tomapi loves!
*cuddles both of them*
i can kiss yamapi right now for like dedicating one whole entry to toma
sorry im like in cloud 9 right now,
no, im ecstatic!
i was so happy i ran straight here to blog after reading it ^^

it started off normal,
i was as usual going around and looking at all the communities,
before i realised that i havent checked pi's jweb yet
so i went to check and i found this treasure

a sweet tomapi picture to celebrate first ^^

now, lets go over the entry bit by bit
we shall do a critical analysis on it XD

"Today the weather was normal / nothing special!
Yesterday I went to eat with Toma, Toma's mom, my mom, and my sister.
What kind of combination is that / do I call that (laughs)"

of course today was nothing special, you silly pi
because yesterday you met up with toma!
of course today would seem normal ^^

"MA~ I've known them since I was 11 years old
We're pretty much friends that know and understand everything about each other ne!
I'm so happy!"

you've got that right, pi
so dont give up on this friendship & abandon toma again ^^

"While with Toma this is what we chatted about!
In order to combat Tegomassu [Note: I wasn't sure what word to use instead of 'combat', but he means it in a fun and friendly way ^^]
Why don't we make a tomayama! (laughs)"

*squeals* tomapi & tegomassu!
my two favourite otp, all that's missing is akame now hmmmm
this paragraph made my heart soar
teogmassu are like practically married and joined hip to hip!
its like, when you see massu, you think of tegoshi and vice versa

ohmigoshhhhh imagine if tomapi is like that
the world will be perfect
all that pi got wrong was the name
its not tomayama, silly pi, its tomapi ^^
(tomayama sounds like tomyam >.<) i'm not angry with yamapi anymore, because remember in his birthday post i mentioned that i was sad that he hardly declared his affections for toma? this paragraph just completely declared to the whole world that tomapi will strive to be like tegomassu gogo! *waves pom poms* "Ah ~ Even though right now it's unrealistic.
But maybe sometime we can do a drama or a stage performance / play
Or we can do something live [Note: Aww Pi ^^ keep hoping!!! Maybe one day~]
It will definitely be very happy ne"

keep hoping pi!
im hoping along with you,
along with like millions of fangirls across the world ^^
it'll just be like tegomassu in gachi baka,
and akame in gokusen 2,
and koyapi in kurosagi (though its only for one episode)

if they act in a stage play together
i die die also will find a way to get to that stage play
i promise! ^^

oh if they want to do something live
they should form a duo like tegomassu and debut!
so toma can finally get his long deserved debut
and tomapi can be together (:

hmmm the rest of the entry isnt as juicy, so i shall just comment on snippets

"Pushed himself between me and Toma,"

hasejun, as much as i love you because you were in 4tops with them,
do not break up tomapi
they hardly have any time together! >.< color="#33ccff">"Miracles occasionally will happen ne!What a meaningful / amazing day!"

i agree pi, what a meaningful/amazing day!
and my miracle & your miracle just happened ^^

im still on high from this entry
hopefully we'll see the return of tomapi very very soon
i have a feeling we will (:
okay pi, i wont scold you anymore for not mentioning toma
because this jweb entry has just made me happy for a long long time
everytime i feel angry with you for neglecting toma
i shall just come back and read this jweb entry ^^

and thank you to xmoonprincessx for translating pi's jweb entry daily
she seriously translates it daily! ^^

aaaah i feel so happy now
and my downloads are working again
though there's still something wrong,
at least they working now (:

heheh and today at my table was really fun (:
during bio we were like doing art and craft
and me, shuyi, ranon & yumeng were crapping throughout the whole lesson
we were laughing at like practically everything
like our pathetic envelope opener that we used as a scissors,
and we were bugging yumeng to sing for us (:

physics was fun too haha
because we did this experiment
so basically today was more fun than the other days
and the three sciences were endurable and enjoyable for once (:

oh oh! i just thought of something
tmr i shall go share this amazing revelation in the world of tomapi
to justyne! ^^
she's the only other tomapi fan i know haha
we'll go flail together during guitar ^^

japanese guys are love

Monday, April 21, 2008


its scary you know
because yesterday i was posting
how sad i was that yamapi & shige were getting closer
and how yamapi was abandoning toma
and i was wishing really hard for yamapi to post about toma in his jweb

and when today i opened up the community page,
i saw this!

"And then I did my interview/photoshoot for SEVENTEEN!

Now I'm going with Toma, Toma's mom, and my mom to eat (laughs)"

xmoonprincessx; yamapi_jweb community

how cool is that!
when i saw it i absolutely squealed
and rush over here to blog about it
im so glad yamapi is spending time with toma again
long live tomapi!
- you guys are still my very first and one of my favourite otp; dont let me down!

hmm okay updates
this weekend has been the slackest weekend i had this year
which i am so glad for
because there was no homework
and there's no pressing project to hand in this week
its been a long time since i could kick back and relax

today we had our first lit opt lesson
our teacher isnt ms sandhya, like we thought it'd be
it was mr james ho instead
when we first saw him, we went O.O he teaches lit?
but into the lesson,
i loved him & this module

we're doing romeo & juliet
and for this lesson we did this quiz on shakespeare
mr ho rocks,
he even managed to bring in england's history ^^
and its about my favourite timeline, the tudor house
where it has king henry VIII, anne boleyn, catherine & jane seymour
the resulting catfight over this king who isnt even worthy
and he's really nice & interesting too
im looking forward to how this module will turn out (:
i just pity those people doing history XD

oh yes and im really, really happy now
ecstatic even
because on top of yamapi's jweb post,
daniel gave me a few addons for mozilla firefox
one is a download accelerator and the other is a megaupload free slot generator

i've been rather worried about my internet connection speed these days
because its been staying at 48kbps, which is really sad
so the whole week, i couldnt download anything because the speed is too slow
and my download just shuts off halfway

but the download accelerator is fantastic
im going crazy trying to download everything i wanted
making up for lost time haha
even though the download speed is still slower than normal,
at least its at a proper speed
i shall go investigate the problem later ^^

i managed to finish downloading my sensei wa erai
& my gokusen 2 special reunion!
i couldnt stay away from my sensei wa erai
i just had to watch it, with or without subs
anyway i should be able to understand most of it
so its okay haha
i'll watch it again when the subs come out
i cant wait to watch my chinen!

and i finally found the gokusen 2 special reunion
i've been searching all over for it and i found it!
its without subs, again but thats no problem
most of the stuff i watch are without subs anyway ^^;
haha i cant wait to watch
another two hours of kame, jin & teppei goodness ^^
oh and not forgetting my tsuchiya ( i forgot that actor's name again -.-)

speaking of tsuchiya
i wonder if zettai kareshi is being subbed
i havent gone to check it out yet
i shall go see haha
anyway the first episode is probably out already
i shall wait until the entire season is done
before downloading it

now the next thing on my list to download is
the hey say jump PV making
newshfan has subbed it so i shall go watch it with subs ^^
anyway i bet the quality is better than the lousy flv one i downloaded last time
i really hope she's subbing the hey say jump in tokyo dome dvd
and i really hope someone uploads the dvd soon

and i finished downloading
part 2 of the okyaakusama wa kamisama KAT-TUN concert
i shall go watch the entire concert later ^^
oh and speaking of concerts
i still havent finished watching my kaizokuban con yet
too many kat-tun concerts to watch
i hope they release a new concert dvd soon
where they perform LIPS & keep the faith ^^

and im hoping NEWS will release their pacific tour dvd soon too
i think they should be releasing one
because i wanna watch their concerts
i love their concerts, even more than the kat-tun one
i cant count the number of times i've rewatched the
Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD
i just simply love it and i love their songs
actually frankly speaking,
NEWS is my favourite band,
even overpowering hey say jump ^^;

and i've fallen in love with the songs from the pacific album,
especially ai no matador & nantoka narusa
ai no matador is really nice, has that spanish feel to it
and nantoka narusa was a pretty much solo by massu,
with a few lines by yamapi & kei!
that's why i love this song
my three favourite NEWS people sang it!
and the beat is catchy and the song is nice
haha ^^

oh yes,
who wants to go guitar concert?
i have to sell off my tickets by next week >.<
16th may, friday, 7.30pm @ vjc performance theatre
please go? (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 20, 2008

as i said, i hate being sick
but thank goodness im almost over the stupid flu
and i have no more fever already yay!
friday was spent sleeping the whole day away
and i finished watching kurosagi!
the ending was interesting haha
but i heard the kurosagi movie is lousy
yamapi speaks bad english there
tsurara(maki) only appeared for 15 minutes (what desu yo!)
and the plot was lousy
oh but i guess watching yamapi is worth enduring the lousy plot
the only thing i feel sad about is that tsurara was only given a short screentime
i wish they developed hers and kurosaki's relationship more
in the drama it was rather vague
i was hoping that they'd develop it more during the movie
but from what i heard- not a chance
aaah nevermind
i shall just go watch and see for myself ^^

oh yes have i mentioned how much i hate cats?
okay these are the only three languages i know how to speak in XD
*gets bricked*

but seriously i hate cats
kittens are the most adorable things on earth
i adore kittens
but i hate cats
so im more of a dog lover
because dogs are cute from puppies to adults
but cats urgh
there was this stupid cat at this side path of my condo
i just came back from church and was walking through that to go home
when i saw this cat sitting in the middle of the sidewalk
I was just planning to walk beside it
and leave it in peace
but then as i got closer
the cat's hackles raised
and it was all bristling and ready to pounce on me if i got nearer
we had this staring match for the longest time
before i had to give up and take another way
i had to walk back out all the way and take another entrance
stupid cat
i think even if i came with a sign saying "i come in peace"
it still won't let me pass

and oh yes physics project is finally over
thank god
after one week of mad rushing and late-nighters
its finally done phew
i hate shigepi! >.<
i was right in saying that yamapi forgot about toma )':
in pi's jweb, he went for some super painful doctor appointment thing
and he got through it by thinking of shige's smiling face
what about toma?
poor toma my heart goes out to him
even yamapi forgot about him
pi, hurry and write a jweb entry where you mention lots of toma again
and let me have faith in tomapi again
pretty please?
if you're not convinced i have a photo for you!
see! it was you and toma in the younger days when you two were so close; isnt it lovely?

and since i already posted a photo
i feel like doing a picspam^^

tegomassu! ^^ im beginning to love tegomassu more and more; because its massu! that speaks for itself XD and tegoshi is beginning to grow on me bit by bit ^^ i think they look really nice in this photo haha
have i mentioned how much i love this guy? <3
uchi is growing on me too ^^ i realise that i like guys that look like uchi, for example nagi, shirota yuu; i dont know they just look really hot to me XD
akame! see you two looked so happy together last time, what happened? ): it hurts to see past photos of you two being so close & happy, like this one, when now you two wouldnt even be caught dead posing in a photo like this together ):
this is my current wallpaper ^^ i love this photo, other than the fact that its akame, for reasons i dont even know myself XD

oh yes, LIPS PV *drools*

here is kame being deliciously hot in eyeliner- i swear, that guy looks absolutely hot in eyeliner, really

another picture of kame being deliciously hot- he's hot in the entire PV! i think he looks really good in black hair (:

of course, jin looked really hot too in the PV ^^

another screencap of jin ^^
credits: all the pictures do not belong to me
LIPS PV screencaps go to vani13 ^^
okay im done haha
it wasnt really a picspam actually
i just uploaded whatever photo caught my eye heh
i think i should go bathe right now
then go watch one pound no fukuin maybe?
i have two more episodes to go ^^
i love kousaku, and i absolutely ADORE kame in one pound no fukuin

japanese guys are love

Thursday, April 17, 2008

i'm sick
and im miserable right now T_T
now im reminded of why i hate being sick
and i cant skip tmr because theres a stupid trip to the museum
stupid stupid ihp trip

i think i caught the flu from kor
because my eyes are red
my throat hurts and im sneezing my brains out

but anyway i passed my grade 5 piano exam ^^
i got 113, and my scales got 18/21
i can't believe it lol!
all the drilling for scales paid off
and as expected, i failed sight reading XD

today was funny
we went around pulling everyone's shoelaces XD
and kwanwei punched me in the eye
i have to say
kwanwei may not look strong
but he is damn strong
he flung out his hand
and it promptly caught me in the eye until i was tearing
reminder: never make kwanwei angry

im still miserable
because i am sick
i wanna go sleep now,
but there's the stupid physics project to do
stupid physics
i swear,
by the end of this week everyone's going to hate physics the most
so will i

on to happier things (im trying to forget the fact that i am SICK)
oh yes
toma didnt dedicate an entry to pi on his birthday! ):
he just rambled on about monsters or something like that
toma how could you? ):
i was anxiously waiting for your jweb entry but it didnt materialise
and stupid pi went to the onsen with jin
yes, i know that jin is your best friend,
but so is toma!
have you forgotten toma just because he hasnt debuted? ):
both of them are such silly boys

me & justyne were complaining
about how mean johnny-san is
toma is already 24 and he hasnt debuted yet
he tore apart 4tops and dumped yamapi into news,
(not that im complaining because i love news)
but at least he should put toma into news with yamapi
and now toma is a undebuted junior
and i dont think he'll ever debut at this rate
its like yamapi is on the fast track to stardom
while toma is left behind trying frantically to catch up, but he cant
poor toma ):

and yamapi always looked the happiest with toma
i think he said before that
only when he does photo shoot with toma that he can really smile happily
toma is one of the most important people to yamapi in the past,
and i bet yamapi is still the most important person to toma
but is that fading?
is toma slowly fading away from yamapi's list of priorities?
i wonder
and i know for sure toma hasnt forgotten yamapi
because in his jweb he was advertising for kurosagi movie like mad
and he happily proclaimed that he went to watch kurosagi to support yamapi

and kame and jin too
they're really sad
they used to be so close but something happened
or maybe they just grew apart
but its really sad watching the videos from last time
and seeing how close akame were
and comparing to the videos now
where they hardly talk to each other
and jin spents 24/7 with nakamaru

and they were so carefree last time
kame wasnt as hot as he is now
but he looked so much happier and healthier
and he was happy being with jin
and jin was being bakanishi
and he looked really happy too
and most importantly,
he looked really carefree

but now jin is so reserved
he isnt his baka self anymore
kame doesnt look as healthy as last time
i wouldnt be surprised,
considering the fact that when he has drama filming
he sleeps for a grand total of two hours
he is overworking himself to death
my poor kamechan ):

and more importantly they dont look as happy as last time
i mean if they still are happy
and they're not really close
i dont really mind because the bottom line is that they're happy
but the thing is now they're so estranged and they look so exhausted and unhappy

and chinen!
i dont know how chinen is getting along
because i hardly see him now ):
i think its unfair that yamada, yuto & ryutaro have a tv show to themselves
what about chinen?
chinen is pretty much forgotten except for appearances with hsj
he was also forgotten last time in the past
he was the longest one in johnny's jimusho compared to the rest of hs7
but its only now that he got noticed
and even now that he's noticed
he doesnt get the due attention he deserves
he's a brilliant singer,
and a brilliant dancer
but he's like pushed out of the spotlight
just like toma

sorry emo post today
because im feeling miserable
so my post shall be miserable too
lol off to do physics project again
i swear i hate physics

japanese guys are love

Monday, April 14, 2008

haha okay
i shall blog due to a certain
sharlene lee yinghui
who is bugging me to go update regularly XD

and for the sake of
germaine kwek
i shall post about something unrelated to my jap boys
because she falls asleep reading it heh
(but its kinda hard XD)

today we had like an unofficial half day
miss ong didnt come for once *gasps*
i think its the first LA lesson we missed
and we had no service learning either
because of some hand food and mouth disease outbreak at the centres
one less week of getting bullied by the kids

so i was in a dilemma
school ended at 12.45 technically for me
so i had five hours to kill until it was guitar at 5pm
but there is no way i am going to stay in school all five hours and wait
and i really, really didnt want to go
so i decided to think of reasons why i couldnt go!

but in the end i arrived at the conclusion that
just going for the practice is less tiring than trying to think of a reason not to go
and then i remembered daddy was on leave today
so he was my personal chauffeur for the day
i love you daddy!

he fetched me home at 12.45,
then sent me to school at 5pm,
then fetched me from guitar at like 7pm
haha my daddy's so sweet ^^

oh and today in guitar we learned a new song
to play in japan and its called shabondama
or something like that
it has the same tune as jesus loves me!
and all the dynamics are in japanese
so its damn cool
they put like
やさしく for gentle
悲しみ for sad
i had a great time trying to decipher the dynamics haha

oh and today mr foo said that
its been proven that those who eat raw meat have slower reactions
because the raw meat contains a certain virus
that causes the body to have slower reaction
so during recess i was telling germ
that she must have grown up eating raw meat XD

and shuyi was just hilarious today during bio
i shall not say what happened,
for my own safety
but it was damn funny
she was so blur! right shuyi XD

oh and we had helmsman last week
on financial literacy
tuesday rocked because we played cashflow the whole day
and we ended at 12!
then we went out to eat to get alicia's present
speaking of presents
i dont want to buy alicia any more presents
she is no fun! >.<

wednesday and thursday was boring
it was just talks the whole day
but stocks are quite interesting actually
i like my class!
because my class has germ, kw, alicia, rachna & me in it ^^
we crapped when mr boy was getting too boring

then on friday we had cashflow competition!
actually i like cashflow its interesting ^^
and i've learned more about the financial world
but i will never venture into the business realm
i'll just die out there
i have no talent for business at all
i think if i go into business
i'll just get cheated out of
all my money lol
in korea i only managed to bargain the price down by 100 won
how miserable is that! >.<

oh and friday we had feeling fab,
and ours was massage
lol alicia was having fun tickling me T_T
but the massage seriously felt good
other than the fact that alicia had fun at my expense of course
then we watched this really boring movie
of 12 men in a courtroom
the whole one & half hour movie took place in that room
nowhere else
so me, alicia & kw occupied ourselves with other things ^^

oh and after that,
me, alicia, siling & kw went down to some ulu fbt place
to get our class jerseys
the only design we could get was red and white
and we had a hilarious time there
about the sizes, and how we could write our own ghost stories XD
oh! and also how kw slid on the floor and almost flattened all of us
it was simply hilarious ^^
and on the mrt me & siling were arguing that each of our guys were good boys lol
my draco & chinen are good boys! ^^
oh yes and on sunday me & yvette went out for lunch ^^
the takoyaki auntie freaked me out
haha but we had a good time catching up ^^
and i showed her my jap boys!
and she found them funny!
i am such a good advertiser

okay i think thats sufficient non jap stuff already haha
germ, you can stop reading here if you want
but i highly encourage you to continue reading ^^

now on to my favourite topic
kame&yamada in one pound no fukuin ^^
i've been watching one pound no fukuin
ohmigosh i simply LOVE this drama!
kame's acting as an overweight boxer, who falls in love with sister angela, a nun
its seriously, seriously funny
especially those scenes with kousaku, kame's character, in it
the whole drama is simply really funny
actually i think that the plot is pretty mediocre
i wouldnt be interested in it if it wasnt for kame acting in it, honestly

kame really brought life into the show as kousaku
he's played so many roles
from the angsty-ly poor hiroto,
to the amazingly cute ishida,
to the angsty-ly cool ryu,
and the amazingly good-natured yuuki,
and the cool popular shuji

he brought out all their characters perfectly
kame really has the gift of acting
and now he took on a different role,
as the humorously gluttonous kousaku
who is very simple minded
all thats in his mind is:
boxing, food & sister angela

you people should seriously watch it!
kame acts really, really well here
and its really funny
i cracked up at every scene haha

oh and honey and clover
its really a love triangle, rectangle, hexagon etc.
but its worth watching because of the amazingly cute+hot toma,
and the amazingly cute narumi riko
they look so cute together haha
poor toma
he's terrified of wearing shorts now
because his character, takemoto never wears anything else but shorts
he was so grateful to get into the role of nakatsu again because he could wear jeans! haha

oh and today sharlene told me that
there's going to be a taiwanese adaptation of honey and clover
and joecheng is going to be acting in it
*double pukes*
all the more for me to stay away from it XD
i think im biased to all things but japanese
i hate taiwanese stuff with a passion now
and i dont like korean either,
except for my cute/hot lee joon ki!
but im definitely not going to watch
they butchered hanakimi
in the taiwanese adaptation,
(i dont even have to watch it to know XD)
and i bet they're going to butcher honey and clover
and ruin my darling toma's image
one reason not to watch it: there's no toma
so while germ and sharlene are hyperventilating over this,
i shall stick to my jap honey and clover ^^

oh and i heard kurosagi is going to be showing in singapore soon!
during either june or july
i book the two of you to go with me to watch!
then we can go kyaaa over how hot yamapi is ^^
and then we can go to mise exclusive and drool over all the overexpensive stuff
and then kok & me can go develop more photos of yamapi!
what a beautiful life haha
of course sharlene is welcome too
but i doubt she wants to go
because there's no ryo lol

oh oh and during the hols i shall go catch up on my jap
with sharlene & daphne kok ^^
i really need to advance
i basically know the words
i just dont know how to put them together in sentences and stuff
and its getting pretty irritating
because whenever i want to write something i cant
because of my limited grammer
i wish i never dropped jap ):
oh oh and i shall go finish watching kurosagi
so that i can go catch the movie later
the plot's heating up now!
tsurara finally confessed her love for kurosaki
(i just wish they gave satoshi more airtime- they just left his story hanging; i think satoshi is one of the biggest influences on kurosaki's life, and one of the few people who can actually touch him)
oh yep but first i have to do physics
my group is damn slack
we havent even decided on what to do for the experiment! >.<
we are so dead and its due this friday

okay so now i've satisfied everyone
i've satisfied germ with real life stuff
and i've satisfied sharlene with our jap guys ^^
now i shall satisfy myself with my kame

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 13, 2008


after like a month of waiting,
its finally out ^^
i havent' got a chance to watch it yet
someone uploaded it on veoh,
but the quality is horrible
so i dont want to watch heh

i'll wait
until a subbed and good quality one comes out
im very good at waiting
that time,
i waited to open my birthday present for two months
because someone gave it to me like two months before my birthday

but it caught my attention right away
kamichan posted a few funny snippets of the show
and i loved it
yamada was like some snobbish rich kid haha
and yuto is like a ball of hormones and he acted really well in this show
he was awesome ^^
in one of the scenes,
he had a magazine with yamapi on the cover!
and i remember in yamapi's jweb
he said he would go talk to chinen about some stuff
YAY my two favourite idols together

and daiki
was awesomely cute ^^
its kinda hard to believe he's older than the rest of them haha
*gets bricked by him*
his height is a sensitive issue see
don't worry daichan,
i understand your plight

but i cant find a nice picture of sensei wa erai to put up ):
the one that has the boys in it is horribly blurred
and its amazing that johnny has lifted his idol ban on drama pics


anyway i found another drama to watch!
have i mentioned how much i love april?
its airing april 15th!
i cant wait for it-
i have the whole manga series
and i loved it
and now its going to be made into a live action!

except the plot is kinda different
it takes place at a office instead of a high school
but its still okay ^^
the female lead, Aibu Saki
isn't that bad looking
i can live watching her as riko

and ohmygosh the male cast is terrific
i didnt realize who was the male cast!
get this:
night tenjo is being played by
Hayami Mokomichi
he was tsuchiya in gokusen 2!
and i remembered thinking that tsuchiya was damn good looking
except that he was a little too tall
and he's playing night tenjo!
he's going to be a brilliant night ^^

and soshi!
i havent forgotten soshi ^^
guess who's playing soshi?
Mizushima Hiro!
he's the one who acted as the dorm 3 dormleader in hana kimi!
and he was the only dorm leader i liked out of the three,
and he's damn good looking too

what a brilliant makeup of cast
i squealed when i saw the cast lineup
i love the two male leads

haha now im starting a new countdown again ^^
i can't wait!
and its actually a drama series,
not a one time special like sensei wa erai

im crossing my fingers and praying really hard
that sensei wa erai becomes a drama series
because tantei gakuen started as a special too
then it developed into a drama series
so maybe sensei wa erai willl be the same
if it happens
i'll be positively over the moon
one whole drama of chinen, yuto, yamada & daiki!
what a lovely thought

and of course there's last friends
the one that sharlene is currently spasming over
im curious to see what ryo would be like as an abusive boyfriend
but he can pull it off, im sure
if he doesnt smile he looks damn scary haha

im practically shivering in anticipation right now
so many nice dramas this spring
oh and not to forget, there's gokusen 3
but i highly doubt i'll watch it
because it'll probably have the same plot as gokusen 1 & 2
and i dont love takaki enough to go watch it
and there's no kame & jin!
and teppei!
and hayami!
nuh uh
gokusen 2 still remains first in my heart <3>four hours straight
im so proud of myself
so im relaxing tonight
i deserve it haha

i shall go continue watching kurosagi
suddenly i feel like continuing it
im on episode 5 right now!
swindler yamapi is so hot

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

zomgosh i just forgot one very important thing:


i love you even though you are not part of 4tops anymore,
i love you even though you're not as close to toma as before,
i love you even though you have become so buff and lost your nice lovely slender figure,
i love you even though you aren't as cute as you were when you were young,
i love you even though you are so close to jin and it makes me sad that jin isnt as close to kame as he is to you,
i love you even though your character, kurosaki, was so mean to satoshi, koyama's character,
i love you even though you kicked keichan in the hoshi wo mezashite dvd,
i love you even though in the never ending wonderful story dvd, you snapped poor keichan with the rubber band he gave you for your birthday,
i love you even though you seem closer to jin & ryo than to toma,
i love you even though you arent as forthcoming in your affections for toma as he is for you
i love you even though you got mauled by korean fangirls


i love you because although 4tops is gone, NewS was formed
i love you because you still remember toma from time to time
i love you because there is still some appeal in your muscly figure (though its close to zero)
i love you because although you're not cute now, you've become an undeniably and heartbreakingly hot idol
i love you because you and bakanishi are so cute together that you make me feel guilty that i wish kame was closer to jin than you are to him
i love you because you were just acting in kurosagi & that you arent that mean and heartless to keichan
i love you because you made up for kicking kei-chan by watching his butai & going out for dinner with him after that
i love you because although you snapped poor keichan with the rubber band he gave you for his birthday, you made up for it by writing a song to thank him
i love you because you and toma have still been best friends for 12 years
i love you because you proclaimed your affections for toma by declaring on recommend to the whole world, and hasejun, and yoko, and hina, the number of moles toma has on his body
and i love you because you were still so sweet even after being mauled to death by your selfproclaimed fangirls

and most of all i love you even though you love the colour pink XD

there! im done ^^
what a long list of loves for yamapi
reminds me why he is one of my favourite boys
you go pi!

and i missed kame's birthday!
because during his birthday was my grandfather's wake
and i figured that it wasnt the time to celebrate
or acknowledged his birthday
when i have the time i'll do a proper waay belated birthday post for him
just like pi's one that i did above
wait for me kame! LOVES

japanese guys are love








ohgosh have i ever said how much i love april?
if i havent, lemme say it again
its full of so many goody stuff

three singles!
released in the same month
and all by my favourite bands
how fantastic is that? ^^
kat-tun's new single is don't you ever stop
and there are three limited editions,
each one featuring a different duet from different members
kame&ueda, taguchi&jin, koki&nakamaru
i wish they'd release an akame duet
i bet all the fangirls will go crazy over that
so will i ^^
i miss akame!

NewS new single is called summer time
according to yamapi's jweb,
they've already finished recording it
now all's that left is the release of the cd

and hey say jump's new single is the newest news-
the new single is apparently a nice dreamy ballad
but the title isn't released yet
but im sure it wont disappoint ^^

im starting to rediscover my love for hsj again
because they've been lying low for the past few months
with not many new performances,
my love for news & kat-tun have overpowered them already
but now with all the rewatching of ya-ya-yah shows,
and rewatching their performances,
im starting to rediscover my love for them again ^^
and of course chinen!

and i have developed a new found love for
yabu, hikaru & inoo
they are so darn cute
they are so adorable, they make you fall in love with them in ya-ya-yah shows
that guy can melt hearts

he completely and totally captured my heart
and he's so goodnatured, and good tempered, and CUTE,
and not to mention
he can sing
i love massu <3

oh and did i mention that my class jersey has chinen on it?
im going to get chinen and 24 on my class jersey
profess my undying love for him
and it looks darn nice
i visualised it already XD

this week is helmsman
pretty slack actually
since there is thankfully no project this helsman week
and we spent the whole of tuesday playing cashflow!
how fun is that ^^

and today i had guitar
i am proud to announce
that i can play most of the pieces
the keyword being most
i shall work harder
so i can play well during the concert
and during the japan trip!
so i can go to japan with no regrets
and enjoy myself there
breathing in the same air as my jap boys ^^

oh yes
korean fangirls
they nearly trampled poor yamapi at the korean airport
yamapi was there for a personal holiday
with shirota yuu's brother (why not toma? dumb ol' pi -.-)
and apparently
the fangirls in korea have some mafia contact system
because he was there for two days
and in two days
the news spread until at the airport,
there were 1000 over fangirls

the worst part is
since its a personal holiday,
pi had no bodyguards
and he had to brave the screaming crowd of mad fangirls
they ripped his shirt,
pulled his hair
and someone's present bonked off his head
(someone threw a present at his head -.-)

and when pi finally made it through the screaming madness
of fangirls,
he was exhausted and was crouching to catch his breath
like he just went through a forest of wild animals
which technically, he did
and the thing is
pi was still the sweetest guy on earth even after being trampled by his fangirls
he, even while braving through that mad crowd,
stopped to help a fangirl who had fallen down and was being
stampeded like him
how sweet is that goshhh
(if toma was there i bet he'd protect pi- or maybe pi'd protect him XD)

and pi didnt publicly hold a grudge against the mad fangirls
he was really sweet about the whole matter
even though he nearly got mauled to death by his own self-proclaimed "fangirls"
at least he appeared okay outwardly about the whole matter

but i think that's bringing obsession to a new height
i mean its fine to proclaim your love for them online and stuff
but if its at the stage where you're ready to maul said favourite idol to death,
then i think thats being more than just a little obsessive
you are obsessively dangerous then
and you should not be released into the public
for everyone's health

and its always so nice finding fellow JE fangirls
she loves yamapi too!
and the best thing is:
usually people stop at the loving yamapi part
im like the only one out of the people i know who love toma too

poor toma's been neglected
but not anymore!
justyne loves toma too!
she loves tomapi ^^
love one, get one free heh
they come in a set,
if you love one you must love the other one too
heh im talking rubbish
im just too ecstatic
when we found out we were screaming during guitar lol
JE makes the world such a nice place ^^

oh yes
please come for guitar concert if you want
16th may, vjc performance theatre, $10
i hate ticket selling season
its such a bother

talking about my je boys make me so happy ^^
it makes me forget the fact that i have seven more guitar tickets to sell XD
i am off to go download some more ya-ya-yah episodes
MASSU! here i come ^^

japanese guys are love

Sunday, April 06, 2008

i actually wanted to do a pic spam post
but stupid blogger is irritating me
so too bad
maybe next time ^^

anyway i finished my stupid history assignment!
yay to me haha
im doing on malay street
used to be a japanese red-light district last time
XD i think its cool
but seeing other people's ppt,
i feel inferior
waaaaay inferior >.<

oh yes btw
it's his birthday today ^^
but he always doesnt make a big deal out of his birthday
so its not really a biggie thing

oh and yesterday went out with daphne to bugis
haha we went to get our mags first,
and we went kyaaa over all the guys
i have officially made her a massu fan ^^
but its not a really big thing,
because massu is just so darn cute,
you watch him once and boom!
you're hooked XD

we went to eat pastamania again
(everytime we go out we always end up eating pastamania!)
and then we went to take photos of our respective streets
for the history assignment
its a long story ^^

and i've finally finished all my homework
yay for me!
i've been mugging these two days straight doing hw
so i deserve a break now (:
and im off to watch my pretty boys again
i just downloaded loads of ya-ya-yah episodes
i love ya-ya-yah- its a really funny show ^^
and yabu was such an irritating little ferret last time
he's grown!

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

is it okay if i go hide in a corner right now?
i am so embarrassed
i have no more face
i cant believe i fell for something like that!

but i have justification!
i read it on kamichan's blog,
who is the most reliable JE information source on the internet
and akaru's pretty reliable too
but apparently kamichan was in the scam too
*hides even further*

i think i'll go delete that post
to save myself from losing some face
now, come to think of it
the whole thing does sound pretty stupid
but then again
it kinda sounds believeable
i mean
its johnny!
if he can come up with wierd names like hey say jump,
or kkkity,
he can come up with this kind of thing

but im so glad JE is not splitting up
into some stupid two companies
and they're thankfully not placing so much emphasis on heisei
that heisei tv channel freaked me out
i dont mind seeing my hsj members all the time
but 24/7? and on a tv channel?
even i have limits sometimes

and i am so so so SO glad
that there is no 11th member
it gave me a huge scare
honestly the whole thing gave me a huge scare
but then
one thing that made me go "errrr"
was akaru being accepted into JE lol
i was kinda doubtful about that
i should have known!
and it was april fool's for goodness sake!

this year i am a failure
i fell for april fool's day tricks twice
the first was with the indieventure allocation
mr boy was horrible!
i almost had a heartattack
and this JE thing too
it almost gave me a heart attack
yesterday i was this close to dying geez

but today all the bad things have turned into good things!
somehow im excited about the thailand trip
and i forget that bangkok is in thailand
so i can SHOP, SHOP and SHOP even more! =DDD
and im rooming with germ again!
we're going to have loads of fun again ^^

and the JE stuff turned out to be fake
so im a really happy girl now ^^
i shall go do my piano homework
and rejoice in the fact that JE isnt splitting up ^^
and laugh at myself for my own dumbness

p.s. ryo is a pervert! XD

japanese guys are love

☆ ME

victoria junior college (IP)
22nd december
JE boys


put God first in my life
arashi/NEWS/kat-tun merchandise
japanese dramas
go to japan again


2A blog



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xcake @ blogskins || babes
brushes: yumei-k

Layout features idol Tomohisa Yamashita, otherwise known as Yamapi, from JE. Best viewed in 1024x768, IE 6.0.