♥Saturday, March 29, 2008
i just feel like blogging
don't ask me why
even i dont know haha
i guess im wierd in that sense ^^
i just went to cut my hair
now my fringe is short
and my hair is really thin
and really layered
at least at the bottom
at the top is still puffy -.-
just came back from my grandma's house
its nice to see that us cousins have grown closer
im just sad that ahgong isnt around to see
i know he was worried that we werent close to each other
its just sad that only when he leaves that we learn to treasure each other
oh and remember what i said that if i see another star im going to scream?
i must be a sucker for punishment
because this time i voluntarily went to offer my services to outlining stars
*gets hit hard on the head by shuyi*
i cant help it!
he looked so pitiful sitting there
with one big bag of stars
all alone
outlining one star after another
i just couldn't resist going up and offering to help
like i said
i must be a real sucker for punishment
anyway im enjoying gachi baka
its a nice and funny show
and im enjoying it even though the reviews all gave it less than 5
and even though most people said that it was a ripoff gokusen
but i think the teacher is cuter than yamaguchi
he's funnier for one thing
and massu!
he just grew on me and now he doesnt want to leave
everytime i see him smile my heart melts
the next show on my list is one pound fukuin
i wanna watch gluttony kame!
but i dont know whats with guys and building up muscles
i mean
its nice to have muscles
but isnt it nicer to be skinnier?
look at skinny yamapi!
he was so heartbreakingly handsome when he was
skinnyand he looked so cute with toma!
i miss 4tops and tomapi ):
okay im digressing again
yea! look at skinny yamapi!
and then look at skinny kame
kame is meant to be skinny
kame spells skinny!
and he is so dashing skinny
but now he put on muscles too
for one pound fukuin
but i still miss skinny kame
and yamapi is too beefy now
in kurosagi his muscles were bulging
it couldnt really fit into the shirt -.-
im just glad that chinen right now is too young to think about muscle building ^^
bio is driving me nuts
the stand we have to take is so darn difficult
its so much easier to say that we shouldn't meddle with human genetics
but now we have to explain why we should sheesh
i wonder if i should watch my boss my hero
tegoshi, koki & nagase are acting in it
but i don't really like all three
okay i like them
but i dont fangirl over them like i do to kame, chinen, yamapi etc.
maybe i should delete it and create more space for my com
so i can go download one pound fukuin
that brings me to a very important point
i shall go on strike for more storage space for my computer
i just have too little
and i have to keep deleting and deleting
and i hate that!
because i love rewatching things
but i cant because i need more space ):
i've been doing so much maths these days
my head is spinning
i wish i can hurry go j1 soon
so i can drop science completely
but then again i dont want to
because that means 07v14 will be split up
the whole ip cohort too and i'll miss that ):
argh im thinking and talking such depressing things now
i shall go watch my pretty boys and cheer up ^^
yay for pretty boys who can take your mind off almost anything
even though its shallow XD
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, March 28, 2008
i hate stars
if i see another star i'll scream
the previous two nights were spent
cutting and outlining stars
for kor's SC campaign
im not even involved in it -.-
i stayed up till like 1am just doing that
and there were like 600+ to do
i wonder
do i have some
'exploit me' sign on my head?
im seriously starting to think so
anyway weekends are finally here
i've been struggling through the entire week just for weekends
and we cant even enjoy our weekends properly
we have bio project to do
physics project
chinese project
what happened to one project per semester huh
i'd really like to know
i wish april was here ):
i am eagerly anticipating the release of sensei wa erai
& hey say jump tokyo dome concert DVD
i hope sensei wa erai is a proper drama series
because the CM kept saying it was a special drama or something like that
*crosses fingers and prays hard*
if its a proper drama
i'll just faint with happiness ^^
and massu is just so, so cute
im watching gachi baka now
and the sensei is so adorable he cracks me up haha
and massu & tegoshi are acting in it!
massu is climbing up to be one of my favourite JE people
his smile is so infectious
and its so wide and sincere
everytime he smiles i feel all warm inside ^^
that's something only massu can do haha

eek his smile is so cute XD

kawaii chibi massu =D

tegoshi & massu- massu looks way adorable here =D
and tegoshi looks quite cool in the drama
he was given the bad boy image
i bet throughout the whole drama,
i can count the number of lines he had on one hand lol
most of his scenes were just of him brooding
he talked really little haha
and someone uploaded one pound fukuin!
oh and one pound fukuin finished airing, with 9 episodes
i shall go download it later
can't wait to see kame in it
i watched the first and third episodes, without subs
and on youtube some more,
so the drama didnt leave a very good impression on me
but i think kame acted really well in the drama
he's a versatile actor
i can't wait for him to act in more dramas ^^
yamapi too,
he's a really good actor
and his discography is like whoa
he acted in tons of dramas
so im like working backwards, trying to catch up
i miss the teenage yamapi
where he was so skinny and cute
i like the skinny him in contrast to the muscly him now lol
skinny pi! those were the days
and i cant wait to see chinen act in more dramas
and that brings me back again to the fact that
i cant wait for sensei wa erai to come out
oh well im off to do bio now
yucky bio

kame! because i like him ^^ and skinny pi reminds me of skinny kame

NewS <3>
and how could i forget chinen (:
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, March 25, 2008
i went down today to kinokuniya with zhangqiao
to get my magazines + singapore in a nutshell
but guess what
i got my magazines,
but singapore in a nutshell was out of stock!
so i left my name with them
and they'll call me when it arrives
so that means another trip down to kinokuniya
me & zhangqiao ate at yoshinoya for dinner
that girl wanted to eat at sakae sushi
what a spendthrift lol *shakes head*
but im glad that me and zhangqiao got alot closer this year
we bonded over common interests XD
and speaking of my magazines
actually its not worth buying for those who only like one group
or one person
because the whole magazine has
debuted groups, like hey say jump, NEWS, kat-tun,
johnny's juniors like TOMA =D, shintaro, kyomoto
johnny's junior groups like question, ABC
and long debuted groups like tackey & tsubasa, kinki kids
so seriously
its only worth buying if you like all
and it so happens that as i delve deeper into the wonderful world of johnny's
i end up liking all ^^
so its worth it for me haha
and chinen is just simply getting hotter and hotter
he's looking cooler and cooler in magazines,
but of couse he still has that baby look and face
and it doesnt help that he's so tiny
but then again,
if he becomes big, he cant sit in yamada's or hey say best's laps
so its okay for him to remain small ^^
but in videos,
especially the HSF medley clip,
he looks damn cool now (:
my chinen is growing up!
and i cant wait to see how is voice will sound like after it breaks
i think it'll be like yabu's
yabu's voice is still quite high after breaking
and i love ya-ya-yah episodes
its such a funny show
and ya-ya-yah was so cute
yabu & hikaru were so cute,
and taiyo makes me crack up
he's just so adorable! and blur ^^
plus kkkity, and later NEWS were regular guests
so almost every episode there were
koyama! and massu!
its seriously super funny
oh and speaking of real life stuff
today we had the most horrible physics practical
we all couldnt finish the test
and the graph was negative
so i drew wrongly and had to re-do,
wasting precious time
and chenxi said it was 10/15% of our CA1
im so dead
oh well im off to watch an inconvenient truth for geog RM
i like my yamapi blogskin ^^
and i need more storage space for my computer
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, March 23, 2008
400th post!
and a new blogskin to celebrate it ^^
its yamapi this time!
i was trying to find a chinen one but there weren't any T_T
and there were so few kame ones
and basically not many JE boys blogskins out there
which is damn sad
if i could, i'd make hundreds of blogskins all of JE boys ^^
but sadly i dont have that talent
mugging for differentiation quiz now;
and watching NEWS get shocked on utaban XD
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, March 22, 2008
april is going to be the most perfect month ever
1. sensei wa erai starts showing on april 12thneed i even say more for this?
i've already publicised it like mad lol
its chinen, yamada, yuto & daiki together
i can predict this is going to be my top favourite, if not favourite dramas (:
2. NEW: hey say jump DVD is going to be released on april 30thexcuse me while i scream
i have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for a hsj DVD release
and this DVD release not only shows their debut concert
(on the 22nd december, MY birthday, on the day i was in JAPAN, and i missed it)
it also shows footages of their performances from their debut at yokohama arena,
up to their debut concert
i can finally see chinen's bungee jump and his solo! =D
after catching so many teasers on the TV station's exclusive on their concert
i can finally watch it for myself =D
on shounen club,
almost all their solos have been performed-
yabu's rain dance, yamada's perfume, hikaru's flame of life;
yuto has already performed so many solos on shounen club
all that's left is chinen's one ^^
i really feel like getting this DVD
but its $62.23 from CDJapan
or i could wait until someone kind uploads the whole DVD
oooo i have a feeling NEWShfan may sub & upload it
since she subbed the hey say 7 making of DVD
*crosses fingers*
i dont mind if its not subbed
since i can understand quite a bit
i just want it *wails*
so those two are the BIG highlights ^^
oh! i thought of number 3 =D
NEWShfan is going to continue subbing in april
so that means more clips for me to download yay =D
i love april ^^
if you exclude school and lessons that is
anyway some interesting things:
i finished watching one litre of tears
and its really nice + sad
now i now why sharlene & daphne are going kyaa over ryo
he is just too appealing in one litre of tears
*ducks away from sharlene holding a pencil*
im not going to steal ryo away-
i just find him appealing ^^
anyway i got my chinen already why would i want ryo? XD
this is slowly making NEWS my all time favourite band-
next to hey say jump of course
because last time i didnt really like ryo
but i find myself liking him more and more
so that means i love the whole of NEWS!
so this means i should go and rewatch the NEWS DVD and look at them in a different light ^^
oh and one really interesting/wierd thing happened
i was watching the last episode of one litre of tears
and as usual i was bawling
and when aya died,
it suddenly started raining really, really hard
the funny thing was that the sky was really clear before that
and it was just at the moment of her death that it started raining
and it stopped raining when i finished the drama
it kinda freaked me out
i mean its just a DRAMA
but then again, its based on a real story
cool huh
(i should spend more time studying than thinking about all these useless things)
*smacks head*
now i have kurosagi, honey and clover, one pound no fukuin, yukan club, sapuri & sore wa totsuzen to finish watching
before sensei wa erai comes out
goodness me
plus kurosagi movie is already out
i have too many things to watch
and no more space in my computer
and no time
but dramas make me a happy girl
especially if they're featuring my jap guys
but then
all the dramas im watching
im watching it because there is one of the guys i like in it
aaaaah why do they act in so many dramas >.<
i cant wait for hey say jump 02 otakara photobook to come out
i loved volume 01 and its only the hey say best boys
the next volume will have my chinen
oh and speaking of chinen
he's reaching puberty ):
im half happy and half sad
happy because he is going to be such a heartbreaker
and he's going to be as good looking as yamapi, kame etc.
okay im biased
and he's going to grow and look older than me
so people will stop calling me a pedophile
i mean honestly people!
he's only one year younger than me
that does not make me a pedophile
plus in november, after his birthday,
we'll be the same age
for approximately 23 days ^^
but im sad because his voice is one of the things i love the most about him
i just downloaded the heisei families 2007 hit medley clip
and i loved it
the hey say 7 boys were dressed in damn cool clothes
all in black and white,
like hey say best dresses on shounen club which makes them look hot
and the medley is as follows:
1. ultra music power-hey say jump (heysay7)
2. weeeek- NEWS (yuto)
3. love so sweet- arashi (chinen!)
4. honey beat- v6 (yamada)
5. keep the faith- kat-tun (keito)
6. a single from kanjani 8, which im not going to bother because i dont like kanjani 8 in the first place XD (ryutaro)
7. ending off with ultra music power
a nice line up of hit singles from 2007,
which i love except for kanjani 8's one
i cracked up when i saw chinen singing arashi's love so sweet
its rigged i tell you!
it figures since that chinen is the ultimate ohno fanboy,
(he obsesses over him as much as i obsess over him!)
they'd give him arashi's song to sing XD
he even caught ohno's autographed signboard how lucky is that-
and the thing is; ohno was throwing it towards chinen
chinen is one lucky guy =D
his voice is still so much higher compared to the rest
but now you can hear a tinge of lowness already
his voice isnt as high as it used to be
im going to miss that
i seriously love his voice
i dont just love him for his looks
i love him for his voice too
someday when his voice breaks completely
i wonder how low it'll get
im going to miss hearing his lalalas that only he can reach
i hope his voice still remains high enough to reach those notes
like kei-chan's voice! =D
but he looked so droolworthy hot in the medley clip
im off to find screenshots of it so i can put in my phone
where i can see it everywhere i go ^^
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, March 20, 2008
i deleted my previous post
i just needed to rant to get it out of my system
anyway on a happier note:
i finished bio EU (:
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, March 17, 2008
today is the first day of school
and as usual its hard to get out of holiday mode
hols was filled with fun,
with going out & jap dramas all the way (:
me, daphne & zhangqiao's outing on friday was a success!
sky of love was uber nice
we all loved the show and we wanted to go back and see it again
its a really sweet love story
but really sad too
and mise exclusive was finally open! ^^
but the things there are so darn expensive-
one clear folder costs $20.90,
which is ridiculous
but me and daphne really want it >.<
she wants the one of yamapi
i really want the one on koyama & yamapi ):
there were really nice laminated huge pictures for sale
and there was one of chinen which was really, really nice
but it was $10-
even i wont spend $10 for one laminated photo
in the end we just bought small photos
and today was an unexpectedly pleasant day-
i was doing my work,
when suddenly one whole gang of people crowded around me
to be honest
i got really freaked out because they were staring at me & giggling
in the end they whipped out this bag and went happy birthday XD
i was like O.O
you guys are three months late haha
but its the thought that counts
and their present is the best thing that i could ever receive
the first one was this really comfy looking pair of slippers
they're so adorable haha
and they're really comfortable too!
thank you (:

and the second item beat everything else hands down
even if they bought me a bag, or clothes, or anything-
it still wouldn't make me as happy as this

its a hey say jump photobook!
and not just any photobook,
its the hey say jump otakara photobook volume 01: hey say best version
haha i went nuts when i saw it
i knew that such a thing existed
but i gave up on anything else other than my magazines
because i thought they didnt sell in singapore
and they actually found it! =D
it was really really nice & sweet of them to do so
i can imagine the cashier's face when they called up kinokuniya asking
whether they had any hey say jump merchandise
and some more this was the last copy left and it was at bugis
so they reserved it and rushed down to bugis to get it for me
i was so touched by it (:
and some more they panicked when they realized there was no chinen inside XD
because its the hey say best version-
the hey say 7 version isn't out yet haha
alicia even wrapped it for me!
no wonder the other night she suddenly asked me
how i would wrap my books
whether the corner is triangle or square XD
and this was the secret that they were sneaking around for weeks
thank you to
germ, kwanwei, amanda, jonathan, siling, chris, daphne, kenneth, alicia, rachna, zhangqiao & shuyi for this lovely lovely present
and for brightening up my day today with this wonderful surprise
my heart was literally floating in the clouds the whole day XD
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, March 13, 2008
i love my dear
kame, yamapi, jin, koyama & chinen;
hey say jump, NEWS & kat-tun;
for one simple reason:
it helps me to forget that such unreasonable people exist in this world
anyway the torturous term 1 is finally over
and my hiatus is over too
(though i never did officially announce one)
lets see a few highlights again:
1. review week is overyep as the title says,
review week is over
no more mugging thank goodness;
at least for now
but i dont get it
why cant i just enjoy this holiday and not worry about mugging?
i have no life
all i do everyday is come home and mug
so is it so much to ask for me to just enjoy this pathethic bleeding one week of holiday?
instead of just mugging my ass off 24/7
im not some super human
or some super mugger
or some data digesting machine like shuyi
i have a
lifeand i want to make the most out of it
is that so wrong?
so what if my interests lie in japanese guys and japanese dramas?
everyone has their own interests;
it just happens that mine lies there
its only when someone points it out
that you realize that you have absolutely no life at all
and you realize how pathetic that is
2. guitar camp is over^^ i didnt stay over
yay =D
anyway the dreaded guitar camp is finally over
not that it was as bad as i thought it was la
my group was fun at least ^^
and practice went...
okay i guess
guess what
other than mugging studies i have to mug guitar too
fun huh
3. piano exam is overthis one is a big relief
all the practicing and stressing out for the exam is over
funny i spent almost half a year practicing for it
and the exam is over in 10 minutes
it doesnt satisfy the
energy input= energy output equation
but at least its over
no more practicing the same old boring pieces
and no more practicing horrible scales
at least i can play what i like to play now
4. i have rediscovered my love for kame*beams*
i can't believe i didnt really find him interesting once
now im ga-ga over him
along with chinen, yamapi, koyama, toma- you get the point
he's just so _____. (fill in all the possible good adjectives you can think of ie. sexy =D)
i love his singing (though some people say it sucks)
i love his dancing (though it can't compare to some)
i love his acting (i love his dramas as much as i love yamapi's ones =D)
i just love kame in general
*hops around*
5. i discovered tatta hitotsu no koithis is absolutely one of the best dramas
and one of my favourite ones
its one of those dramas that capture your attention
from the beginning to the end
at least it did for me
but believe it or not,
after watching tons of japanese dramas,
this is the first japanese love drama that i've watched
this proves how diverse japanese dramas are in contrast to say
taiwanese and korean (ducks flying pots and pans coming from germ-i swear one of these days that girl is going to kill me for insulting her dear ISWAK all the time XD)
anyway back to the main point
thats reason enough to watch ^^
but i love kame's acting, seriously
i love him in gokusen 2, where he acted as the angsty ryu
sapuri, where he acted as the silly ishida yuya
nobuta wo produce, where he acted as the popular shuji
and now i love him in tatta hitotsu no koi,
where he acted as the hot but poor hiroto
one funny thing was that i kept thinking that kame is a really good hugger
i watched him hug nao throughout the whole drama
and his arms seem really comfortable ^^;
i just have this feeling that he's a really good hugger XD
anyway tatta hitotsu no koi is a drama worth watching
plotwise its sort of like those typical
two people from different status meet and fall in love
facing many different obstacles along the way
but somehow the way the drama was directed and the acting
really sets it apart from the rest-
watch it! =D
6. koyama guest-starred in kurosagi episode 2yep koyama costarred along with yamapi in kurosagi episode 2 ^^
these two are my favourite in NEWS
and they acted in the same drama!
kyaaa~ XD
but its only for one episode- sad
but the main reason why this comes under a highlight
is not the relationship between koyama & yamapi,
rather its the relationship between the characters they play
koyama plays satoshi, kurosaki's ex-you can say-best friend
and the interaction between them is heartwrenching
you can see the pain kurosaki felt when he realized that satoshi was a swindler,
one of the people he hates the most
and you can see how much satoshi trusted and treasured kurosaki
to tell him that he was a swindler, to put his whole fate in kurosaki's hands
and in the end,
when kurosaki betrayed him,
my heart wrenched for satoshi who trusted him so innocently,
not knowing that his words were used against him
but then again,
kurosaki also had to face the pain of betraying his friend,
because he wants the best for satoshi
in the end, the part that hit me the most
was when that stupid detective guy asked kurosaki
if he'd go over the fence for satoshi,
as satoshi once did for kurosaki,
and kurosaki just walked away, leaving satoshi behind
T_T what a heartwrenching episode
i cried while watching it, amazingly
and as you can tell
i only watched up till that episode -.-
because for me that episode is the best one that they can ever produce
the others dont hold much interest for me
but i shall finish kurosagi because all in all,
kurosagi is an interesting drama
its a very different one, something like tantei gakuen, except much darker
its just that i get sidetracked really easily ^^;
7. proposal daisakusen was a let-downi can't believe it either
i kinda had high hopes for yamapi's new drama, proposal daisakusen
but i only watched the first episode and i didnt like it
i stopped watching it already
the 'hallelujah' part is getting irritating
ken is irritating me with his wishywashyness
i dont like the main female lead
somehow she just rubs me the wrong way
i kinda find the whole plot ridiculous
and the main thing is that they have no chemistry -.-
at least for the first episode
haha who knows when i have time i may go watch it
and then sooner or later you guys will see a post from me
squealing and raving over proposal daisakusen
8. me, zhangqiao & daphne are going to mise exclusive & to watch sky of love tmrwe went out on saturday,
but mise exclusive is closed
so now im crossing my fingers and praying that it'd be open tmr
but the real highlight is that we're going to watch sky of love =D
we were stuck on saturday,
whether to watch sky of love or L change the world
because i saw that sky of love hit number 1 in japan's box office,
and it looked nice
but in the end we decided to watch L change the world
L change the world is not bad for a spinoff
its quite nice actually
but the gore *shudders*
its a lot worse than the original deathnote movies in terms of that
but L is so cute in this movie
his character is really developed more in this spin off
all thats missing now is light ):
then outside the lift,
we saw the trailer for sky of love
and we immediately got hooked
we even wanted to go back and watch it on the same day lol
but we're going to watch tmr ^^ yay for us
and my day will be perfect if mise exclusive was open =D
9. my magazine collection is expandingeverytime i look at my magazines
a warm fuzzy feeling arises in me ^^
but my wallet has the exact opposite reaction >.<
10. the new drama starring my favourite, favourite boys: sensei wa eraithe best should be saved for the last yep?
in april,
chinen, yamada, yuto & daiki
will be starring in a drama: sensei wa erai together
i freaked out when i read kamichan's blog
i mean zomg this is like
kame & yamapi acting together in nobuta wo produce
kame & jin & teppei acting together in gokusen 2
its that big
because they are my otp! yamajimachi =D
plus a healthy mix of daiki
these four are my absolute favourite in hey say jump
yamajimachi reminds me of akamepi =D
i squealed and went nuts when i found out about it
and its confirmed,
because the CM for the drama has been released
they're so cute *starry eyes*
this shall be my most highly anticipated drama of all time
i think they're only going to start filming in april
so i guess it'd probably be released in the later part of 2008
but i cant complain
because its already a dream come true that they're starring in the same drama
all four of them!
i mean there were rumours that
chinen, yamada & yuto would star together in gokusen 3
but it turned out to be false
and i let go of my hope for them to star together in a drama
but imagine my shock & happiness
when i get news that the three of them plus the ever adorable daiki
are acting together in the same drama ^^
i can't wait, seriously
haha i shall stop here
its been a really long post
and all with my fangirl rambling
i doubt people will read it throughout
i can bet that once they see the word japanese boys
they'll click to the next page XD
and you guys know who you are haha
japanese guys are love