♥Tuesday, February 19, 2008
my grandfather just passed away
it's a bit hard to believe it
although i've seen his body and attended his wake
it still hasnt sunk in yet
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, February 14, 2008
happy valentine's day!
warning: long picture spam post ahead
i'm a very happy girl today (:
because today's valentine's day!
and today was really fun
because i received vday presents haha
all my vday presents his year (:
SHUYI, AMANDA, ALICIA, KOK & KWANWEI for the nicely wrapped chocolates (:
BERNICE, my mortal in 08v14 for the famous amos cookies
i love famous amos cookies haha
i went nuts when i saw that the package was meant for me ^^
CHRISTOPHER for the lovely bouquet of ferrero rocher
it's really nice! =D
he gave *AHEM* one too XD
no prizes for guessing who!
*ducks away from flying objects*
see its so nice! (:
GERM for the lovely rose
although its half dead already
because she didnt put wet cotton wool at the bottom and wrap it out
but its the thought that counts!
and my rose hasnt died yet!
im still waiting for the picture where all of us stood in a row with our half dead drooping roses haha
ALICIA for the dingly dangly handphone thing-
though its so random haha =D
KENNETH for that silly yet sweet poem he wrote (:
(fine thank you kwan wei for that stump you so happily drew -.-)
GODMUM for that beautiful anime notebook from malaysia!
it looks exactly like my dear omi from weiss kruez!
and i have absolutely nothing on him except for my deck of weiss kruez poker cards
because weiss kruez is quite unknown & old
thank you godmum! =D
tada! isn't it pretty? ^^
what a great haul this year-
im a happy girl (:
oh and other reasons to be happy!
i did well on my trigo quiz
and i got my magazines!
as i have repeatedly exclaimed

potato issue 02, duet issue 02 & winkup issue 02-
i missed myojo & popolo issue 02 ):
the potato issue cover is my favourite! (:
its so nice & pink and chinen looks so cute here
but then again he looks cute
popolo & myojo issue 03
my myojo issue had hey say jump stickers! =D
did i mention it already? haha
i like the myojo cover (:

the pretty 8-page poster of my beloved jap boys that is currently on my wall
hey say 7 on one side, hey say best on the other
naturally i put hey say 7 up
because of chinen (:
he looks damn cool here!
they all do,
except for ryutaro (the one with the pinned up fringe)
he looks retarded -.-

my current desktop wallpaper
not planning to change it soon!
they all look so cute here
the original hey say 7
which i still say is the best
they should have stuck to it
but oh well
they are all pawns on johnny's chessboard
went out on chinese new year eve after the celebration
here are our pics at ajisen ramen
germ, me & shuyi
the four girls- germ, me, alicia & shuyi =D
alicia & me- i look older than her here AHA XD
oh and pictures on chinese new year-
with my cousins
all five girls (:
okay thats the end of picture spam haha
i wish i had more NEWS stuff too
and maybe kat tun
but i like NEWS more
all the jap magazines have almost all the johnny artistes
so theres hey say jump, NEWS & kat-tun
and there's my dear ikuta toma too! =D
although he's just a johnny's junior ):
がんばって トマくん!
& がんばって 知念(チネン)!
i'm looking forward to you acting in more dramas
or have a television show like yamada, yuto & ryutaro in heisei families
i can now safely say that i love NEWS
i love all of them
yamapi, koyama, masuda, shige, ryo & tegoshi
i've even come to love shige, ryo & tegoshi
i think tegoshi's really pretty
like my chinen (:
pretty jap boys yay!
i like NEWS almost as much as i like hey say jump
hey say jump comes in first
with NEWS as a really close second
hey say jump's first because there's chinen there
and yamada & yuto
but then again
i like NEWS almost as much as HSJ
maybe even more?
haha but anything with chinen comes in first ^^
i shall have a dedication post to NEWS & HSJ sooner or later
when i have the time
anyway this is a really long post
i shall stop here now haha
happy valentine's day! (:
although i didnt get to meet my chinen XD
its been a pretty great valentine's day <3>
i've never loved 07v14 more (:
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, February 13, 2008
woohoo i got myojo & popolo issue 03! =D
i love the myojo issue
nice stickers that i probably will never use
because i cant bear to use them
i'll probably just frame them up somewhere
and keep them where i can see them easily heh
and i am in the midst of shredding papers right now
remember my previous post
where i said i'd tear up and burn up the peer appraisal forms
if i get sent another one?
joy to the world
i got another one
so now im in the midst of carefully shredding paper
and stacking them in a pile to burn later
i hate peer appraisals
tomorrow is valentine's day
i did seriously last minute shopping today for my chocs
but i got them, thats the most important ^^
i wish i could meet chinen on valentine's day
that'd be the best, BEST thing that ever happened to me
in my entire life
*prays hard*
as if that can happen
he's all the way in japan
and im all the way in measly singapore
but hey
a girl can dream
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, February 10, 2008
oh yes
& if i see one more peer appraisal form
i am going to smash the computer in
thats not a very good idea
because if i do
i won't have any computer left
and i cant go online
i cant fangirl over my pretty jap boys
bad move
IF the peer appraisal form was a piece of paper
i'd rip it up into tiny microscopic shreds
dump it all in the dustbin
and make a huge bonfire out of it
that's how much i hate peer appraisal forms
and to think that earlier in the week
we were complaining about not receiving a single peer appraisal request
huh kwanwei
i take that back
japanese guys are love
everytime i come online
and see the dead blog of mine
i feel guilty somehow
kinda hard to believe that i actually did haha
i have lots of pictures that i wanna post
but they're still rotting in the camera or my handphone
and i am simply too lazy to upload them
so no pictures =D
but i shall give highlights of the two weeks that i didnt blog at all >.<
1. I GOT MY JAP MAGAZINES =DDDDDDDDDDthis one is the best highlight of all.
170 pages of full colour prints of my favourite boys-
no wonder johnny makes so much money of us fangirls.
plus! in one of the mags,
there's this
huge poster of hey say jump =D
one side is hey say 7
& the other side is hey say best
its easy to see which side i put up
of course its the hey say 7 side
duh because thats where my chinen is =D
so now everyday wherever i look in my room i see him ^^
and i took pictures from every angle of my
three mags- duet, potato & winkup
but they're naturally still in my phone =D
2. i found two fellow fangirling people to fangirl with overi love daphne kok & zhangqiao =D
kok goes nuts with me over all the dramas
& zhangqiao goes nuts with me over all the people that i like!
incidentally, she loves those people that i do too ^^
like yamapi, jin, kame, teppei etc.
3. chinese new year is here this means that i had 5 days of slackness ^^
these 5 days have been filled with visiting, angbaos
& naturally i had 5 days of nonstop
NEWS, kat-tun, hey say jump & jap dramas =D
but this shall be the last time i fangirl over them so much
because i promised myself
& everyone else
that i shall enjoy during cny
then after that i shall mug nonstop for review week
4. we went out on chinese new year eve this year chinese new year celebration sucked to the core
we spent 3/4 of the time in the classroom
where i spammed 02jam
its super fun
but i suck at it
and after celebrations,
me, germ, alicia, shuyi, amanda & jonathan
went to parkway for lunch
amanda went off early
& jonathan went home when we went to eat
we went ajisen ramen to eat
& chris joined us after going to vs
we had fun ^^
and my comics
finally came out
so now my fruit basket series is complete
and i have one more comic book
before my other series is complete
and i can swear off comic buying
and buying anime stuff
to save for my jap magazines
yay ^^
i shall just stick to online scans ^^
and its after i went japan
that i realized how sucky comics connection is
but thats the best i can get in singapore
darn singapore
they should invest more money into jap stuff
and ironically
comics connection is about anime
anime originates from japan
so there should be anime + japanese stuff there right?
there's anime + korean + taiwan stuff
it should be jap stuff
i went to comics connection
and i can't find one freaking jap stuff there
how pathetic is that
*shakes head*
UNhighlights of the weekschool's starting again tmr
that was a long blogpost
i promise
i'll upload the photos
(sooner or later- thats the key word XD)
japanese guys are love