♥Friday, January 25, 2008
the NEWS dvd is damn nice (:
and i went nuts
because littlex was backdancing for all their concerts
and they had quite alot of close ups
which made me go nuts
yay chinen!
he looked so cute last time
and he still looks cute now
littlex- chinen, yamada, yuto, ryutaro, shintaro & taiga
today was a shitty day
so unbelievably shitty that i dont want to talk about it
and i meant it when i said that
hey say jump & all the other johnny artistes
and anime is my comfort zone,
my refuge place
whenever i just look at their pictures
my troubles go away
and i feel happy again
and even though i'd probably never get to meet
chinen and the rest
and even though my anime is all fake
they're still a hell lot better than this shithole reality right now
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, January 22, 2008
oh yea
this week's hyakushiku
is the second part of the "bath" hyakushiku
and this week
we get to see chinen strip! =D
okay fine im not some pervert
he didnt really strip
he just went into the bath in speedos
he looks so cute in speedos
and there's your proof that he's a guy!
i'd put up the photo of him in speedos
but i think it wont really be appropriate

chinen in his chocolate bath! =D
i love this week's episode =D
japanese guys are love
can someone make it for me? =D
japanese guys are love
maybe my reluctance
and tendency to forget about blogging
stems from the fact that
im too lazy to log in
because somehow the remember me option
doesnt work on my comp for blogger
(its only blogger!)
oh well
anyway we changed our places
and i miss my old table!
i miss lavan's hyperness
because lessons arent boring with him around
in my new table
im bored to death
how am i going to survive 6 weeks at this table?
first week of school has passed
but it felt like a really long week
and we get tired out before school even ends
probably because we have so few breaks
unlike last year
sheila and i have a new year resolution!
to practice really hard for guitar
and not to pon any practices without valid reason ^^
lets see how long we can keep to that huh sheila XP
ooo and i discovered yamapi!
and kamenashi =D
seishun amigo is such a nice song
and the PV rocks
because there's yuto & yamada there
yamada is hidden most of the time
but yuto is the lead backup dancer
and he is SO cute
now if chinen were there
seishun amigo PV would be my number 1 favourite PV
but he isnt
its actually still my number one PV X)
and i want hey say jump to release some more new songs!
im addicted to their music
and their performances
and the members
i need more! ):
i think its gonna be some time before they release another single
but hopefully soon (:
nobuta wo produce is a really nice drama
though im only on episode 5,
i love it already
yamapi is so cute here
with his flapping hands and stuff
and kame is cute here too =D
maki horikita from hana kimi is acting here too
her acting is really good
from a nosy little bugger to a withdrawn quiet girl
not bad
and yuto
words fail to describe how cute he is in nobuta wo produce
he was only twelve or eleven when it was filmed i think
there was one scene
where he gave the cutest ever puppy dog eyes anyone can ever give
gosh my heart just literally melted
young yuto = uber cute yuto
not even chinen can match up to how cute he was
but now yuto is cool
and chinen is uber cute =D
thank you japan
for producing such cute & cool guys
for me to fawn over =D
AND for the last time
hey say jump is made up of
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I WANT THAT POPOLO ISSUE 02!maybe if i put it real big it'll come true
japanese guys are love
i love this month's shounen club episodes! =D
especially the hey say jump performances-
wonderland train,
& tobira no mukou
are simply lovely songs =D
its those kinda songs where you gotta keep listening to
but for wonderland train
i loved it the moment i heard it!
probably because there were tons of chinen solos X)
heh nah kidding
i think chinen's voice + yamada's voice
or chinen's voice + yuto's voice
make a great medley
their voices tog are darn nice
and chinen can do amazing backflips =D
yay for chinen!
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, January 14, 2008
performed by heysay7 =D
i love ya3genishiro =D
i can always find the latest shokura episode our hsj performance on it
shokura jan 13 episode is out~
im off to download my wonderland train
more chinennnnn! <3
japanese guys are love
the jap magazines were sold out in kino!
and its only been
eight measly days since the shipment arrived-
they look so darn cute in popolo issue 02
i cant believe it
the next shipment that comes in
im gonna go wait there on the day it arrives
the popolo issue 02 is so darn cute
i am so darn pissed
stupid singapore
i hate hate hate singapore
i cant get my anime here
i cant get my jap stuff here
its totally useless
so much for being the
happiest place in asiapffft
what crap
anyway thanks to yvette
who dutifully accompanied me down to bugis kino
and put up with my depression after not getting my mags
and for coming home with me
and hearing me rant about hey say jump =D
see i thanked you
anyway we changed sections!
now me & sheila are in prime 1 together
i am still so pissed by the jap magazines
some more they all look so darn cute in popolo!
myojo i dont really mind
the next shipment coming in is the march issue
i dont even know whether it has my hey say jump or not
i hate singapore
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, January 12, 2008
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, January 11, 2008
hey say jump already performed their new song
tobira no mukou
on shounen club 2008.1.6
heehee im off to watch their performance
i think it'll be really cute =D
more chinen!
and yamada!
now if only i could find the performance of their new song shingitai
japanese guys are love
i so need to learn how to make blogskins
because i want a nice chinen one
or a hey say jump one
but there is a horrifying lack of hsj blogskins
and absolutely zilch chinen blogskins
japanese guys are love
service learning camp is over
well it wasnt as bad as i expected it to be
technically it wasnt really a camp
because on tues & wed,
we went to school at the usual time,
then went to sembawang campsite by a chartered bus
and we get back to school at 8.30pm
thursday we did the same thing
but we stayed over and camp ended today
err my group was rather retarded
our group name is eidolv
go figure out what that's supposed to mean
but it's really fun & crazy
we spend most of the time laughing
HA bananas & the zoo
what a lovely combination
tuesday was nothing much
except that we built a race car out of newspaper
that had no backdoor
but because of that,
we won! =D
yay for us
we were laughing so hard we couldnt stand up
wednesday we went to the childcare centre
almost all the v14 people went to the same one =D
i took this really sweet k2 girl
her name is venise or something like that
i read to her and stuff
and when we had to leave
she told me: I like you
my heart literally melted at this sentence
i love little kids =D
seriously, i really do love them
kundan's kid was funny
he kept picking chinese books for kundan to read
thursday was more fun
we had some cool board game
which requires us to like find missing artifacts
the whole place was a screaming mess lol
in the afternoon we watched a movie called drumline
and it was rather nice
the drumming was darn cool
at night we had murder mayham
paris hilton was "killed"
ahaha =D
we had so much fun doing the stations
and we had water games too =D
i went abit nuts that night
i was too high already lol
at night we went over to the boys room for awhile
before going to sleep
it was a rather uneventful night
because everyone was tired already
this morning we had the presentations
before camp ended
a few of us,
me, siling, kundan, kwanwei, jonathan, chris, jingrong & marcus
went out to eat
jonathan, jingrong & marcus left after lunch
and we went over to kundan's house
to watch return of the king =D
i havent watched that movie in ages
but chris version cuts lots of scenes lol
when i have time i'll go rewatch the entire LOTR series
and watch all three extended versions =D
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, January 07, 2008
i was right
you know
nothing about me
nothing at all
japanese guys are love
last friday we had sunrice workshop
it was a cooking workshop and
it was nice =D
me, amanda & christopher
were in one group
and we made super delicious
laksa, popiah & black pepper prawns
lots of funny things happened,
especially with the thai chef heh
but im too lazy to type them out
and we took tons and tons of pictures
but im too lazy to upload
today we had some social etiquette course
it was alright i guess
me, amada, siling, kwanwei, liushuang & marcus went for it
it was funny
especially the shoes part heh
stupid tanten gakuen Q episode 11
the quality is so horrible!
i cant bring myself to watch such horrible quality
when i've been watching really good ones
from episode 1-10
and i cant see my yamada ryosuke's face clearly!
he's darn cool in this anime
yay ryuu!
its the last episode!
and it landed on a
cliffhangerand its about RYUU!
a.k.a. yamada ryosuke
a.k.a hey say jump member
a.k.a my chinen's bandmate
they're both uber uber uber cute
but chinen still comes first heh
although yamada comes in a close second
and because tanten gakuen episode 11 is so hard to find
i have to do the painstaking task
of downloading the RAW
then doing some stupid things to upload the subtitles
the things i do for them sheesh
oh yea
you dont know me
you know
nothing about me
so just leave me alone
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, January 03, 2008
forget it
i like morimoto ryutaro too =D
okay actually not really
i sort of have some funny love-hate relationship with him lol
when he's just so cute
i love him
but when i see him replacing chinen
i dont like him
i think im going nuts
must be because chem repaper is over
im going off to watch some more heysayjump and chinen!
to celebrate that chem repaper is over aha
japanese guys are love