♥Thursday, November 29, 2007
urgh i hate people in the service sector
with lousy attitudes
who act like they have no fault at all
they seriously stink
anyway today was a busybusy day
i got up for piano at like 9,
then rushed off to the sitex show
at singapore expo
oh yes, get this:
heh =D
got it at the creative show heh
okay enough freaking out =D
after that,
rushed down to bugis to meet
cuiting, yi'an & wanyu
they made me go all the way to bugis street to meet them
its a long walk
okay im just lazy
we went to this spin off of jack's place for lunch
and guess what happened
we wanted to get the student saver's meal
which started at 1.30pm
and it was around 1.15pm when we went in
so you know what the waitress asked us to do?
she asked us to go out
and come back in twenty minutes
i mean hello?
how ridiculous is that?
the restaurant wasnt even half full!
such bad attitudes
but thats not the one im mad about
though im irritated by this one
in the end we decided we didnt have time for lunch
so we walked around and bought food to eat
before catching
enchantedthe show was nice =D
i liked the cartoon part the best haha
and the girl was really pretty!
i have to go find out that actress name
and the songs were really nice!
the four of us couldn't get the songs out of our head >.<
but one question
how come the other girl is so ugly in real life
but she suddenly becomes so pretty in the cartoon?
its ridiculous lol
but then again
its disney
unimaginable things happen there
oh yes
after that we went to spin the machine
our mickey mouse spin spin machine is GONE
they removed it! T_T
but they put in a new machine-
i love egg =D
we went nuts over it
its super cute
these are the two i spun out
the racing car and the policeman
arent they cute? =D

then these are all our eggs in one line
yi'an wanted the angel and she got it
that's so unfair!
it doesnt even match her personality!
heh X)

and these two are mine & cuiting's
so cute
she got the robber & i got the policeman =D

after that we went to sit at the foodcourt
and talk
before i had to rush down to chinatown
to meet kor & mum
for the japan trip tour briefing by SA tourgroup,
which is the tourgroup we're taking
okay that's where my rant starts
our trip is from 18th-27th december
18th-24th in hokkaido following the tour group
and 24th-27th in tokyo on our own
get this
they told us that we were leaving on the 26th
the lady who we booked the tour with
said that she called daddy up
and told him its the 26th and showed us what she recorded down
but daddy insisted she told him 27th
okay, yes
there's no evidence
you cant tell who is right
but she claimed that what she recorded down was evidence
i mean hello?
you can change what you recorded down
you could have recorded it down later
and forgot what you said
and she herself said that she cant remember what she said
because there's so many people everyday
number 1:
she doesnt care that our holiday plans have been disrupted
we planned to spend 3 days there
so we could see everything
and now our trip is cut short to about two days
number 2:
she is so bloody unpleasant
and impolite
and rude
when we started off and asked her real nicely
what happened
she said
oh its not my fault.....
fine, if you think its not your fault then alright
but dont say it in front of us please
it'll just serve to make us angrier
especially since we were really upset over the change in dates
and she never said sorry once
she was like
oh the flights are all fully booked so you cant take themthere's nothing we can doa more polite way of saying would be
im sorry, but all the flights from japan back to singapore are booked until chinese new year, so im afraid we can't change you to another flight. wouldn't life be so much better
if they just put a bit more effort on their service?
because their service gives the impression of the company
and let me say this
her service
has just spoiled the whole image of SA tours for us
we are definitely
not going to go back there
and you cant blame us
because if you were us
wouldnt you just be majorly pissed off
at the attitude you get
when you're already so upset over your holiday plans being ruined
and stuff?
you wouldnt want to go back to that company either
okay maybe its just that horrid lady
but thanks to her
she just ruined the whole image of her company
her attitude stinks
it stinks majorly
she should go take some lessons
on how to provide better service
we wont expect to change the date because there's no choice
but what pisses us off is her attitude
if she was a bit nicer
i bet we wouldn't be so upset either
that's why i
hate people in the service sector
who are so bloody unpleasant and rude
there are some who are really nice
but there are some who are horrible
utterly horrible
its not a small thing,
like an item that you can change
its something really big
its an overseas trip
we already booked the hotel
and now we have to cancel one night
and they may charge us for it
she just treats it like the whole thing is our fault
and she cant wait for us to finish
so she can go home
she pisses me off majorly man
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, November 28, 2007
i was digging through the cam pictures
for our malaysia trip ones
and guess what-
i found pictures of the stuff
i bought from korea! =D

heh all these are mine
amazing huh
but 15/16 of them were bought on the last day of the trip
i went crazy because i wanted to get stuff
and we didnt have any shopping time
till the last day

and these are the stuff kor bought for me
from japan! =D
all anime + orlando bloom from POTC =D
i love the deathnote poster the most-
its the anime version!
so that means i get to see my lovely bishies
light & L =D
anyway back to the trip
it was quite a short drive down
we went to sofitel palm resort
in JB
and boy that place is super nice
the toilets have aircon!
how high class is that!
and the rooms are nice =D
me, kor & kenneth shared a room
but the toilet is the real best part of the room
its like humongous
and ultra nice
i never stepped in such a nice toilet in a room before-
okay maybe i have
but its not often, i assure you!
i forgot to take a picture of the toilet T_T
we played pool
but for all the niceness of the hotel
the game facilities sucked
one pool table was out of order
and the other pool table was lumpy
and our balls kept getting stuck inside the pool table
so we had to keep calling the guy over for help

we went swimming after that-
first time in this year i swam >.<
dinner we went out
and we shopped! =D
i bought two t-shirts plus a pair of brown converse shoes =DDDD
i bought the t-shirts for $10 altogether
and the shoes cost me only $45
heh brilliant huh
i love shopping in malaysia

oh me & shanice did sandart!
believe it or not
its the first time i did it
what a deprived childhood i have T_T
i was such a noob
even shanice was laughing at me
next day we went bowling & shopping again
but there was nothing much to shop
actually we just hung around the resort
oh and in the evening
we went to play football
and my goodness
i have bruises every inch of my legs
know why?
because of KENNETH SEE
he kicked the ball at me in close range
with full force
the ball rebounded over different parts of my legs
ever time T_T
and at night we watched the match between
bolton & man-u
kor was cursing and swearing
because man-u lost
and they played terribly
that wasnt the worse part
the worse part
was that kenneth kept pulling the blanket
and of course i had to pull back
and kor kept complaining that the blanket was too tight
and he had two empty spaces next to him X)
he was in the middle haha
so we sort of had a blanket fight
and we slept really late
around 1plus to 2

the next day was checkout
we stayed in the room and watched spongebob =D
then we left the hotel
and wanted to stop by a shopping mall
to eat & shop before going back to singapore
but whoa we went on a road trip instead-
here's what happened
kenneth's family was leading at first
but then they missed the shopping centre
and the worst thing is that the shopping centre is next to the highway
and we were on the highway,
so there wasn't any u-turning
we pulled over,
discussed the situation,
asked for directions
then daddy led instead
the guy told us to turn left, left & left
but daddy missed the left turn
so we continued on the expressway
by now we were freaking out
but thankfully we found a u-turn
so we u-turned
and promptly backtracked
but guess what?
we missed the turn again!
and we travelled all the way back
because there wasnt any uturn nearby
and we travelled like 1/2 of the distance
back to the resort heh
then we finally found a uturn
and back we went again
this time, we turned at the correct junction
and we got into the shopping mall!
this time, yes we turned in time
but there were two options
turn or go straight
me, mummy & kor
were yelling at daddy to turn left
but he decided to trust his instincts
which happened to be wrong
and went straight
and guess what again?
we missed the turn! heh
we were ready to jump out of the car already haha
so this time
instead of going back to the highway
we tried the turn left, left & left part
we turned correctly
but then promptly got lost
in the huge network of roads in that part
so in the end,
we gave up
and we asked kenneth's family to lead instead
and guess what?
they brought us to the shopping mall!
so in the end we concluded
when daddy's in the back, following someone
he always makes the right decisions
but when he's in the front leading-
err you can deduce for yourself
from the commentary above X)
all in all
we had a rather funny roadtrip
anyway i cant wait till we go japan!
a few more weeks yay
then i can go shopshopshop for anime
okay maybe i wont
because things in japan are outrageously expensive
but i will be in JAPAN!
thats the most important thing
the land of ANIME
zomg i feel like swooning ^^
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, November 25, 2007
im back from malaysia =D
had a nice three days at
the sofitel palm resort
in JB with aunt siew tin & family-
will post up pictures later
when we upload it from the cam
i feel like deleting my blog again
its getting irritating again
anyway i dont feel like blogging now lol
so tata
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, November 21, 2007
okay so apparently we didnt really go round singapore
we just went from bedok to bugis to bishan and back to bedok
met amanda at bedok mrt
and took a train down with her to bugis to meet germ
lol i was telling her about a
nightmaredream i had last night
heh it was interesting
but kind of disturbing too
nevermind its top secret =D
anyway met germ at bugis
and we walked around for like close to half hour
trying to find a place to it
all the seats were taken
and pastamania cheated our feelings!
there were signs all over proclaiming pastamania is here
but in the end it was undergoing renovation sheesh
in the end we settled for mos burger
and i was complaining to them about odex
lol i think im really lag
the odex fiasco happened since feb 2007
and it was only last night
that i went to google it and found out the details
got lots of things to say about this fiasco
but i shall not
in case i get sued for freedom of speech
but all i can say is this:
with all that's happening
soon singapore is going to become a laughing stock
okay back to topic
after that went to central library
in search of our dear dachangjin
but we couldnt find it
so we looked it up on the catalogue
and realized that it was in bishan library
and so we promptly took a train down to bishan
lucky for us
we found the book,
and not just one copy
we found THREE copies!
one for each of us
sweet huh =D
after that went to walk around j8
i havent been there for like two years
last time i went was in sec 1
where i went to j8 twice a week
because of third lang
i remember j8's comics connection being the best
the one where i can find everything
to my horror
it was renovated
and it turned out to be exactly like parkway's one
i went into depression after that lol
walked around for awhile before we went home
tmr there's piano-
i absolutely loathe them
they should be taken away
and friday we're going to JB with aunt siewtin & family
=D until sunday
three days of relaxation
sounds good to me =D
but i'll miss my anime ):
three days without it
oh yes & good news
daddy just told me
that my chances of getting zen vision w
are increasing!
its not much
but its a start =D
*hints* daddy pleaseeeee? =DDD
even with all the happy animeful holiday
sometimes i wonder
if i have done things differently
would things have turned out differently?
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, November 20, 2007
mondaywoke up real early
at like 6.30am to follow daddy
so he can drop me off at school
because miss ong wants mine & a few other peoples'
essays and stuff to display at a conference
yep, i am very honoured
kenneth just msged us to tell us that on
saturdayand we have to hand in by
monday& school's closed on sunday
so if i dont follow daddy
i have to waste 1 & a half hours travelling
just to drop them off at her locker
reached home at about 7.30am
and daddy went to work
i started a new series!
.//hackSIGN =D
its a brilliant show
its this virtual reality world
where the characters can battle
and can log in & out and stuff
ultra cool =D
but the show is more of a pyschological show
something like
facets of the mind X)
not much action
more on emotions and stuff
kinda cool =D
im on episode 7 heh
21 more episodes to go
oh yes back to the topic
went out with godmum after that to orchard
we watched
the gameplanat lido =D
the seats are
i had lots of fun rocking back & forth heh
the gameplan was nice
and it was really sweet =D
as expected of a walt disney movie i guess
and it was funny! =D
after that we went to taka's basement
to eat at this pasta place that we ate at before
godmum was ultra nice & treated me the whole day =D
i had erm salmon pasta
and we had calamari rings with that really nice sauce of theirs!
altogether a nice day =D
though sorry godmum for being so sleepy
and quiet
and not very good company >.<
tuesdaylunched with cuiting!
for once i only had to wait for her for
5 minutes
which is a HUGE surprise
because usually she makes me wait there for like
half hour
usually the earliest is half hour
latest i waited was one hour -.-
anyway we followed our usual tradition
and ate at the macs near interchange
we sat there and talked for like 3 hours!
it was amazing
but we had a lot to catch up on =D
that silly woman thought that wanyu was coming
imagine our horror when wanyu said at 2.30,
which is the time we're supposed to meet her,
that she just finished comp train & is going for tuition -.-
we went comics connection! =D
but my manga isnt out yet T_T
and i saw a new manga that i want to buy
otou man or something like that
can't remember the exact title
but im broke
and im saving up for japan
and i bought shoelaces for my shoe
but it didnt match! T_T
the gold was brighter than i thought
and black clashed with it
but i like the shoelaceeee! ):
sigh gotta go back & buy the white one already ):
anyway, as amanda put it
tmr we're going round singapore in search of dachangjin
so wish us luck >.<
tzuhsiang said that gakuen alice season 2 may be coming out
im gonna go see if its true =D
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, November 17, 2007
for the millionth time:
i think anime is such a nice thing
bless the person who invented it
anyway on friday
tzuhsiang came over =D
met her at bedok first
& we had lunch at macs-
she got a mosquito from her happy meal
mosquitoes are EVIL i tell you
they bite you & stuff
and make you super itchy & irritated
and you scratch the whole night
and cant get to sleep
they're evil
then she came over
and we spent a very enjoyable afternoon
watching anime =D
YAY for her
because i found someone who i can watch anime with
and who appreciates the beauty of it,
just like me =D
the guys are all droolworthy
and the hottest
is still my shujou, (emperor)
ryuuki =D
he's hotness abound!
he's the grey coloured hair guy
just look for the hottest guy in the pictures =D
the guys are all so hot! =D

my beloved ryuuki with shuurei- shuurei, stop being an idiot & accept him!
he's like the perfect guy ever and you're just throwing him away sheesh
my lovely bishies! =DD arent they droolworthy- (from left) seiran, shuuei, kouyuu & ryuuki

my four bishies plus shuurei
ohhh and tzuhsiang loved gakuen alice too!
ha see
trust my taste in anime
and she loved natsume too =D
he's so uber cute
and i love his earring
it makes him look so cool
& yoh-chan is simply the cutest thing i ever saw
oh yup im halfway through spiral now
i actually like it!
(i better, after going through so much trouble to find it)
ayumu is cool =D
and the plotline is like whoa
they're all geniuses
brilliant people
its a mystery; detective genre anime
like deathnote
see i do NOT only watch romance genre stuff
oh! and we watched ff7 advent children too
i tell you
cloud has freckles okay
and th agrees with me
that the animation is superb
and tifa is super pretty =D
yay for cloudxtifa goodyness!
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, November 13, 2007
heh finally pried myself away from anime
and went to play squash
& jog round bedok reservoir
its around 4.2km i think
but it didnt really tire me out
kor was so surprised that i looked so perky
because i was jogging really slow
taking my time
& listening to click 5 on my mp3 =D
it felt really good jogging
maybe i should go jog round bedok reservoir more often
instead of going to the gym =D
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, November 12, 2007
actually i was supposed to have something on today
but something cropped up last minute
and it was cancelled ):
but oh well
i shall just continue spending my time
watching anime & reading fanfiction i guess
i think fanfiction is nice =D
especially since daddy & mummy dont buy books for me
and i dont really go to the library often
sometimes what the authors can come up with
is absolutely mind boggling;
that they can come up with such a brilliant plot
with all the details
all just based on a universe that the original author presented
obviously there are some absolutely crap ones
that dont even deserve to be labelled as stories
but there are others simply outstanding ones
and i enjoy reading them =D
i wish i could write like that;
but it takes time & practice
but im sure one day i'll be able to get it right =D
anyway now im watching
saiunkoku monogatari! =D
i think learning japanese is a great help
because when they have the opening sequence
i try to decipher the japanese words at the bottom;
but on the other hand
i think im doing too much japanese-
when i was writing my zuo wen
i realised that i was writing it in jap >.<
thank goodness it was only a few lines lol
maybe i shall start watching bleach after i finish
saiunkoku monogatari
and kor downloaded the bleach & naruto game into the psp!
its ultra fun =D
i love sasuke (naruto) & ishida & hitsugaya! (bleach)
yep i think i shall start watching bleach =D
i think naruto is too long already T_T
with shippuden gosh
can die watching it >.<
whereas for bleach-
there's still hope =D
after that maybe i shall start watching
the japanese version of hanakimi =D
because /th raves about it
& says that its like ouran!
how can i resist it then-
i LOVE ouran =D
but even with all the happy plans
about anime & japdramas
there's still the constant
heavy cloud hanging over me
reminding me that i have to study chem
and that i have a repaper next year T_T
and not to mention
to read the newspaper everyday
& work hard to get my zen vision w;
sorry, its not to get
its to get daddy to even CONSIDER
i think i have a very sad life lol
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, November 08, 2007
that for a start? X)
heh but honestly
i wonder what my life would be without it-
without comfort
andddd without alot of problems either >.<
anyway we finally got a PSP! =D
its a PSP slimlite-
i think its ultra cool (:
its black & we got a 4gig memory card
thanks to chris
who spent the whole afternoon
giving me a whole load of advice on how to buy the psp
and what to check for and stuff ^^
but my zen vision w... T_T
but its not as impossible as i thought it was!
daddy said he'd
considerits nothing much
but its a start! ^^
hopefully i can convince him to let me get it
before our malaysia trip
or latest,
by our japan trip =D
goshhhhh i can't wait! ^^
class chalet was alright
it was sad that i couldnt stay over
because originally there were only two girls & nine guys
and of course
daddy & mummy feared for me
and didnt let me go lol
but i'd rather never ever to go back to
costa sands pasir ris chalet
it sucked to the core
the bottom level had no air con!
what an autrocity >.<
anyway i've been back
full swing into my anime craze lately!
been getting loads of nice anime to watch-
i just finished gakuen alice
and its uber cute ^^
next one im going to start on is
spiral or .//hackSIGN
i got both already
plus alot other series like
deathnote & stuff
can't decide which to start on
so many nice ones! ^^
and i cant wait to finish getting my
saiunkoku monogatari-
i think it'll be uber nice
like fushigi yuugi
oh! i finally watched my fushigi yuugi OVAs
*cries in happiness*
i can't forget how disappointed i was
when i found out that the fushigi yuugi that daddy bought for me
was english dub
thats the worst thing that you can ever think of
let strike through it!
lets petition to rid the world of english dub
lol sorry
im a bit kisiao now
i have no idea why
maybe its the thought of so many nice anime to watch
im gonna go download the kart client!
its this uber cute racing game
sorta like maple story
it finished downloading already yay!
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, November 05, 2007
the one place in our body that causes the most pain
is the
the toenails
1. They are very prone to getting crushed/ they are broken easily
- this causes tremendous pain & bleeding
2. the probability of ingrown toenails are 75% most of the time (for me that is)
- leading to exteme pain again & an operation which causes even more extreme pain
- and oh, you have half a toe missing =D
3. you have to cut them properly or the probability of ingrown toenails goes up to 90%
now on to the foot itself:
the foot
1. the probability of getting blisters when you're wearing a new pair of shoes that haven't been broken in to is 100%
- which again leads to even more extreme pain & hobbling around the whole time looking like an idiot
2. it has a very low tolerance for pain
-which is bad for clumsy people like me who have to knock into at least something everyday
what's brought on this sudden hate for feet?
that's because of this new pair of shoes that i bought
which gave me blisters,
very BAD blisters
causing me to hobble around bugis the whole day today
anyway went out with tzuhsiang today
and while out, realized that my blisters are really bad
and promptly bought one pack of plasters
which i went through in just one day
brilliant huh
we went to eat at yoshinoya
and talked ANIME! =DDDDD
my favourite topic heh
and updating each other
we didnt walk around much
thanks to the most evil part of the body
a.k.a my feet
or more specifically, my BLISTERED feet
but we bought socks! =D
and we spun this really cute machine
and i got one mickey keychain and one donald keychain
which you're supposed to jam your keys into
and they're really cute =D
tzuhsiang has a donald one too
we took a photo of it
but somehow i cant post pictures today
i swear- the whole world is against me today!
and my camera button spoiled!
can you believe it?
its like the end of the world
i feel like crying
but on a happier note
tzuhsiang's gonna come over & learn japanese with me next week!
ahahaha =D
we're gonna spend most of the time watching anime i bet heh
and tmr's class chalet!
and im watching gakuen alice now!
its ultra duper cute heh
okay im gonna go off & watch gakuen alice already =D
anyone got any good anime series to recommend?
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, November 03, 2007
i know whats wrong already
my archives are hidden by the picture T_T
but i still havent figured out how to rearrange them lol
shall experiment another time again
anyway school is officially over! =D
today was the last day,
the whole week was prep for symposium
and its filled with two things:
1. stoning around
2. going out for lunch with the usual people
lol thats all i did this whole week
but it was quite fun la, going out for lunch =D
we had secret erhem CODE NAMES X)
and mine is absolutely retarded T_T
its like i've become known by ____ la!
what a disgrace >.<
anw yesterday went out for a nice dinner
with daddy and mummy;
wore high heels for once
and know what happened?
when i was getting up from my chair
my foot slipped
and banged really hard against the foot of the table
two nails on my left foot (thankfully not the big one)
cracked and there was blood everywhere-
lol and it was darn painful!
and bleeding alot
and the nails cant decide whether
they want to drop off or stay put -.-
how unlucky
and it was bleeding all over lol
and the blood was a rich dark red
daddy was really mean-
he laughed at me
and refused to sympathise with me >.<
add on to what he said to amanda & zifeng-
he's the meanest daddy on earth! >.<
symposium was slack-
i got there waaay early
so i just sat down,
plugged in my earphones
and read my book, which i thankfully felt like bringing
alicia & siling were late -.-
and i saw myself in the korea photos! >.<
they put the photo of us making the bibimbap,
in the ppt presentation & concourse T_T
how embarassing
for the concurrent sessions,
we went to watch earthkeepers & to support germaine,
then american hist to help them start the bidding
LOL in the end the students (namely us)
were the only ones bidding
then it was to LT2 to get our helmsman report,
results slip, my electives report, & imagineering report
it was quite alright-
and now its holidayy! =D
but i gotta take chem repaper T_T
that means i got to study throughout the holidays T_T
japanese guys are love