♥Wednesday, October 31, 2007
i finally, FINALLY changed blogskin =D
i know, i know haha
but i liked my light & L blogskin!
it was nice but i felt like changing
and im on this final fantasy craze now,
make that final fantasy VII craze =D
and this is the nicest blogskin i can find
with both cloud & tifa
there are so few ffvii blogskins!
thats surprising
oh, and back to the blogskin-
i fell in love with this one!
so i decided to use it
but then to my horror
the whole thing was screwed up
and no matter what i did
it was still screwed up
so i resigned myself to my light & L blogskin
when i realized that
the "preview" function for the template
is completely screwed!
it screws up every template
but when you "view blog"
its perfectly fine
so happily,
i went to fiddle around with the blogskin
and ta da!
my new blogskin =D
but there's still so many things wrong with it
and they're driving me nuts
for example
i can't change the positioning of the tagboard or links
because if i do so,
my links go
all the way to the left
and my archives just simply wont appear
and i think the picture got cropped off at the top?
arghh this stupid blogskin is driving me nuts
darn you, cloud & tifa
for making me go in a craze over you
and just providing me with one nice, but screwed blogskin
japanese guys are love
these few days have pretty much been a waste of time
going to school that is
because its symposium preparation the whole way
and im a student supporter
oh wow
so that means i have no role in symposium at all
and all im doing is just going down to school
at my usual time
and leaving at like 8 or 9am?
so much for my precious sleeping time
anyway yesterday,
me, amanda & kwanwei
went down to tampines mall
to get siling's present =D
we ate breakfast at macs first
because everything was still closed
when we reached there
and we spent breakfast
relieving nice memories of our korea trip =D
bus three rocks yea! =D
actually korea trip was fun,
come to think of it =D
especially my bus people yay!

my hotcakes + hashbrown =D
then when the shops finally opened,
we walked around for a long time
trying to decide what to get for siling-
we had lots of fun shopping for her present!
first we stopped at minitoons
and got her a nice green slingbag =D
with a "Y" keychain because there wasnt any "S"
we were nice- we didnt get her a "K"
we got her a waterbottle too =D
then we went to kid's republic
and got her a PACIFIER! =D
its from precious thoughts
and has a protective cover =D
its a gag gift haha
amanda's idea!
next we went down to NTUC to get her
chocolates and amanda threw in fisherman's friend!
and our last stop was at toys r us
where we had lots of fun =D
there was this uber cute pooh
which says pinch my tummy!
but as seen in the picture
it doesnt look very right yea X)
and oh thats kwan wei's hand X)

and we saw this "kiappers"
which cant kiap anything lol!

and finally we bought her her last present-
a rubber duckie bubble thing! you squeeze it and bubbles come out =D
heh it was fun yesterday =D and it was a interesting present okay!
and her face today when she opened the presents was super funny X)
yay to me, amanda & kwanwei for being such brilliant financial literacy students-
we had 75 cents left over from our budget =D
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, October 28, 2007
thankfully my group didnt get in
for the finals for presentation =D
me & xinying were like praying really hard that we didnt get in
and during the announcing of groups in the finals
me & germ were praying really hard too not to get in
and our prayers have been answered! =D
but amanda's group won her category
yay congrats! =D
im so envious of her
she got a executive planner
and TWENTY DOLLARS kinokuniya voucher!
*burns with envy*
its been such a looong time since i bought a new book ):
oh and daddy gave amanda & zifeng a lift home
and he was so horrible!
he said things he shouldnt have said
and now i have absolutely no face >.<
amanda- shush!
and our whole family were like discussing
who the humanities genes came from
because me & my brother are all
humanities inclined
and we decided that its from my dad
since my mum its a total maths & science person
and daddy was looking in the mirror
and asking: does this look like a humanities face?
went out with yvette today!
we went TM to eat with cheryl
before she went off
and we sat down and had a really good
heart to heart talk
its like nowadays i have lots of heart to heart talks
which are good! =D
i miss talking to her like that
its so nice to be able to do so again (:
and im so full urgh
i feel like a pig >.<
i shall have to go run during the hols again
i want to play tennis!
but there's no one to play with ):
been spending the whole weekend doing webfolio
its driving me nuts la
it took me the whole of saturday afternoon
just to put the information in
and i just started on the design ):
my webfolio's going to suck man
i swear,
this hols im going to take up photoshop
its like a must nowadays la!
without photoshop skills, like now,
im at a severe disadvantage ):
sigh now back to webfolio
i havent played games for a long time! ):
and i havent started on my final fantasy VII
and i still want my psp & zen vision w!
i havent forgotten about that =D
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, October 25, 2007
today was boring!
compared to yesterday
yesterday we had mainly breakout sessions
and one talk on insurance
breakout sessions were fun =D
more fun than usual haha
we were talking about credit cards
i love my helmsman grp this time too
they're all so fun
yasmin provides entertainment
and xinying is CRAZYYY
today we had two talks
and one breakout session
i was struggling not to fall asleep during all
because they were all so boring
lol then during breakout session
me & xinying sat until our butts damn pain
then we had a brilliant idea
and kop-ed the big cushion
and leaned against it =D
it was comfy until our butts started hurting again
then we sat & leaned on the cushion =D
we had electives walkabout too
me, germ & amanda decided on pyschology
for sem 1!
hope can get it though
i think it'll be really popular
then for term 2
im deciding between
geog, nanotechnology & lang arts electives
dont know which one to take lol
and the way they spread out the electives is like urgh
me & shuyi decided on pyschology & philosophy-
we wanted to take them together
but then the teachers put them both in sem1,
how to take both?
anyway tmr is proj presentation
and we're playing praxis again! =D
yasmin you better not abandon our group kay! X)
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, October 23, 2007
today was the start of
helmsman week 3: financial literacy
its err boring
sadly haha
all the talk about money
and assets and stocks and liabilities
make my head spin
add on to the fact that there are
good assets and bad assets
and a whole other bunch of lingo
this proves that i'll never
be a successful businesswoman lol!
oh but i did learn one thing-
i shall not do impulsive buying anymore! =D
no more walking into shops and seeing cute stuff
and straightaway buying it
and wasting my money T_T
no more
comics connection too
....nahh comics connection can be forgiven =D
anyway i want everything in the shop for a looong time
so its not counted as impulsive buying!
yea, dream on-
anyway we were split into groups
and like 4 groups belong to one class
my group has yasmin, xinying, huijuan & sandesh
and our teacher is mr chad goh! =D
who is uber nice & funny & interesting =D
but sadly the course is still boring lol
we played praxis,
a financial board game
something like game of life
except it has stocks, property etc
it was fun! =D
first round i was super lucky can-
i was the highest in my grp with $30 700
second round i was super unlucky lol!
got only $31 200
must be because of that stupid xinying la!
she whole day curse me
everytime i land on something
and when she roll the dice,
she somehow always manages to knock over my counter -.-
and everytime i land on an employment box,
she starts cursing me more vigorously
and i got retrenched T_T
HA but i got my revenge =D
she was dumb enough not to listen to yasmin to buy insurance
and in the end she had to pay medical fees of $12 000!
HA! =D
after that went to parkway with yingsi & yijun! =D
havent talked to them properly for a long time lol
that stupid yingsi made us walk from the bus stop to comics connection,
then from comics connection to popular,
then back again -.-
we ate at ajisen ramen
and i went over my budget T_T
the financial lingo terms have been stuck in my head lol!
we had a good looooong talk =D
heh can't wait for 2A class outing! =D
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, October 22, 2007
went out with yvette & cheryl yesterday-
we took 14 down to plaza sing & the journey was looong
i saw lots of dhs people there
apparently they were having some sort of game
lol called experience
i was nice!
i donated money =D
we went to food court to eat
and i ate my ban mian after a long time!
but i was having a very bad cold,
went through one packet of tissue in less than half a day
so i couldnt even smell my lovely ban mian ):
walked around for awhile
i found my dream techno gadget!
it can play videos, music, & store photos and stuff
and its 60GB!
thats like the storage space of my computer
its going for $576
i dont mind not having a psp if i can have a zen vision w ):
i can store TONS of anime & movies
and my advent children
and bring it around with me and watch anytime i want!
gosh it sounds more appealing by the minute
i wonder if it'd be too much to ask for as a birthday present
*bambi eyes*
throw in a psp and i'll be the happiest girl alive =D
this is the wonderful zen vision w- i want it! *waves hands around frantically*
today was a total slack day
we went for webpage designing course
and learnt basic dreamweaver
which i've learnt before
but have totally forgotten
ha me & amanda went nuts during the dreamweaver course
we came up with wedding certificates
& the registry of marriage for AHEM AHEM
it was super funny la
then we had the html course after that
its useful
because now i can attempt making my own blogskin
i shall learn photoshop on my own
so i can photoshop pictures
gosh there's so many things i want to learn
but as usual
they all fly out of my head after awhile
i shall write down a list of what i want to do =D
along with studying for chem repaper )))):
we went parkway after that for lunch
and walked around for awhile before going home
i went to play DOA 4 again! haha
but i hate alpha-125
she's horrible
and i love eliot!
everytime my character has to fight against him
my heart breaks ):
and i dont want to play anymore of eliot's story mode
because i've unlocked all the costumes already
biased game producers
giving people like kasumi 8 costumes
while eliot only has 4 ):
and i dont want to play kasumi's story mode
to unlock the other 4 costumes
because i always lose to alpha-125 in the end
and it drives me nuts
so i cant unlock her costumes
oh and the DOA movie sucks man!
compared to the game
its like ayane is JAPANESE
and they put an american actor with a purple wig there
and ryu is supposed to look super cool!
but he looks like a little lapdog of kasumi's
and kasumi is supposed to have red hair!
and she's supposed to be all loving and caring
but in the movie
she's played by devon, the actress who played the imba miho in sin city
and she has absolutely no expression
there's no difference between the times when she laughs or when she's angry
and christie!
she's supposed to have white hair
and she's supposed to be damn cool
and evil and all the stuff
but in the movie
she's even friendlier than kasumi -.-
what a total let down
OH! and ayane & hayate are step-brother & sister!
not lovers!
that's the biggest thing that went wrong!
but then again
with all the horrible choice of cast
its good that my eliot didnt appear
or else he'd be mutilated like the rest
and i can never look upon him in the same light again ):
and did i mention that i hate the voices?
the game is in japanese for goodness sake!
they sound so weird going "princess kasumi"
in a clearly obviously american accent
what a total letdown
sorry i had to get this rant out of my system =D
and i just saw the ending of crisis core
LOL i know
im dumb enough to go spoil the game for myself
lol but cloud looks so cute when he's young =D
forget it, i want a psp & a zen vision w!
pretty please? =D
ha maybe daddy can strike lottery tmr
LOL wishful thinking
but it doesnt hurt to dream yea? X)
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, October 20, 2007
finally got back all our papers today;
thankfully i only failed chem this time round
i passed all the other subjects =DD
my average is really really low
and i guess im kinda disappointed by it
but mummy says its okay
and she's super happy about my results =D
so its okay haha!
oh and today is mummy's birthday-
happy birthday mummy!
i love you tons =D
its funny
last time we were like so upset when we just passed a subject
but now here,
to pass is like REJOICE man!
the changing education system nowadays
anyway i like going home early from school =D
because i can go watch goong again
and i can go play dead or alive 4 on xbox 360
or halo 3
or any other games =D
and i can go play final fantasy 7, 8 & 9
on the computer
or i can go youtube and finish watching shows like
roswell and buffy or summerland
heh i love after exams =D
yesterday i had crabs for dinner!
went out with daddy, auntsiewtin & family
we went to bigeater
and ate LOTS and LOTS of crabs
crabs are nice heh
today we're going to play tennis
but then i haven't played tennis for over a year
so im just going to embarass myself lol!
recently i've been going nuts over final fantasy 7
and dead or alive 4 =D
its so fun to bash people up in DOA 4 =D
especially those characters that i don't like ha!
i LOVE eliot from dead or alive 4
he looks so cute!
and handsome
and like a girl X)
i thought he was a girl at first!
but he looks so fetching in his hoodie & jeans
i think i have a weird fixation
with anime guys who are really pretty =D

poster cover for DOA 4
my eliot =D

he looks so fetching in a hoodie & jeans =D this is my favourite costume yay
and i love final fantasy 7: Advent children
the movie is really nice
and the graphics are really good
like the recent final fatasy games
and there's no aerith!
so there!
cloud should end up with tifa, not aerith
and aerith should end up with zack again
then everything's fine and dandy
poor tifa-
she's been loving cloud for a long time
but all he can think about is aerith
and all she can do is just sit there
and support him silently
keeping her love to herself
cloud is honestly the biggest dumbass on earth
but its so sad that there's so little interaction scenes
between tifa & cloud in the movie
those few interaction scenes between them
are my favourites =D
i shall go play final fantasy 7!
but i think i'm going to be disappointed
because the graphics in ff7 honestly suck to the core
the fmvs are all only animated chibis
which do not look cute at all
and there's still aerith
who's hanging onto cloud
but im still going to play HEH
i want a PSP!
then i can play final fantasy 7: Crisis core on it
which is zack's story!
and tifa & cloud are still going to appear on it heh
and kingdom hearts is coming out next year only on PSP
and on the PSP i can watch videos!
i can upload my anime and bring it to japan with me =D
oooo i love holidays =D
lovely pictures of ff7!

from left: chibified sephiroth, cloud, tifa & aerith

cloud in advent children! the graphics are superb- cloud looks hot there X)

tifa & cloud =D

oooo i like this picture!

i think they look so right together (:

HAHA i've always wondered how cloud can balance with so many huge swords strapped to his back- the swords are even bigger than him!
(shuyi! your favourite word =D)

lovely picture of them from my favourite scene =D
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, October 17, 2007
got back some of our results-
we got back chem last week
and i FAILED chem!
im going to have to take repaper argh
today we got back chinese, physics & maths
i just passed chinese
physics i got 70/100 just nice! =D
and maths i got 62- quite okay i guess
but i should have done better
and now i can get more storage space for my com HA
because i made a deal with my dad-
if i get 70 for maths or physics
he'll get me extra storage space
so i got more space to put my anime!
today during break
we were playing bingo =D
a modified version of bingo haha
we replaced bingo with all 5 letter words we could think of
it was damn funny la haha
recently i've been hooked on xbox lol
and dead or alive 4;
its a nice fighting game =D
i've almost completed the story mode for all the characters
but my favourites are still ayane & eliot =D
eliot is so hot X)
heehee tmr i'll upload pics of them
i wanna go sleep already lol
im going to fall asleep any moment haha
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, October 15, 2007
today had 07v14 class outing!
about 17 people turned up,
so its more than half which is good! =D
met amanda at bedok interchange
and we took bus down to tao nan
LOL we were trying to drag and drag
so as to give AHEM and AHEM more time alone
but alas
jonathan ar
he ruined our plan lol!
met germ, chris & jonathan
at the tao nan bus stop
and chris led us to ECP macs
lol he took so many detours and stuff
we were saying that we'd end up back in the same place!
we ate lunch at macs
and met the rest there
before going down to the beach to play
we played a bit of volleyball & captain's ball
before the sky got really dark
and it started to rain ):
so we took refuge in the bowling alley
we played two games each
my first game was quite good! =D
but my second game was really really lousy lol!
no face already haha
we went up to the lousy arcade after that
and hung around
before me & germ decided that we didnt come to the beach to play arcade
so we went off to rollerblade
its really expensive to rent rollerblades!
$10 for 2 hours jeez
next time we'll just bring our own la
chris wanted to learn too,
so he rented rollerblades
while the rest cycled
it was really exhausting & hard to teach him
because it was raining and it was really wet
so the chances of falling were really high lol!
he fell quite alot of times haha!
but he managed to get the hang of it!
all he needs is more practice-
but i think he's sworn off rollerblading already heh
then when we were returning our skates
chris banged into germ on a slope and i banged into him
and we all fell in one huge pile lol!
it was really funny
and we just sat there and started laughing haha
we went to macs after that to wash up and stuff
before going home
urgh tmr there's school
and we're getting our papers back
i hope i dont have to do any more repapers!
having to do one is bad enough already
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, October 14, 2007
finally went back to church again
after a loong time-
and im glad i went,
because we got this magazine called
"Hope Xtreme"and i think its a really good magazine
because it spoke to me,
or rather God used it to speak to me
to get me over & tide me over
this difficult time im facing now
The Rejection EffectWanting revengeIt's really easy to get sucked into the revenge game because you want the person who hurt you to hurt the same way you do...or worse! You think it'll make you feel better, but it only creates more problems.
Because if you cause others pain, you are no better than they are.Revenge only kicks off a chain reaction because when you get that person back, he will want to get you back, and pretty soon you have a war of wills that's going nowhere. Who wins? No one!
Jesus said, "You know that you have been taught 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But i tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you."Dealing with angerIt's okay to feel angry when you're hurt, but if revenge isn't the answer, how do you shake off your anger? The key is to be angry at the person's actions, not at the person. Anger is an emotion, and in time it will go away all by itself unless you are holding a grudge against the person who hurt you.
Jesus said, "But i promise you that if you are angry with someone, you will have to stand trial. If you call someone a fool, you will be taken to court."Getting rid of a grudgeThe best way to purge a grudge is to forgive the person who hurt you. That doesn't mean you agree with what the person did or that you have to trust the person again. Forgiveness just means you're not going to hold a person's actions against him. You've made a decision to get over it. You won't rub it into his face, and you won't try to get back at him.Sounds like you're letting the offending person off way too easily? Forgiveness is actually the best thing you can do for you.
That's because if you keep holding on to the pain after someone hurts you, it will only make you mega-miserable.Maybe you think the other person doesn't deserve your forgiveness. Well, you're right- he doesn't!
No one deserves forgiveness, not even you. But its the best way to go, and you never know when you might need someone's else forgiveness too! Just think about all those times someone has forgiven you, even when you didn't deserve it/
Will I ever be able to trust again?After you have been rejected, you might be scared to trust anyone else. It takes time for anyone to build trust back up after being totally let down, but as long as you deal with your anger and forgive the one who hurt you, your ability to turst will eventually come back. The key is learning to trust the right people.
* "Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the prophets are all about."* "Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. God will be as hard as you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them."i've been doing a bit of self reflecting
after many things have made me aware
of things that i have never known
and its not going to be easy living
with what i have chosen to do
but im willing to take the first step
God has shown me this article for a reason,
and for once, i will accept it bravely
and follow His Word.
Its not going to be easy, i know
i may disappoint him many times,
and i may disappoint myself
but i will take the first step to finding peace in my heart
and finding space to forgive others
i am not proud of how i've been acting
i've been distancing myself from Him this whole year
he has given me many trials and tribulations
and he's been waiting patiently at one side,
for me to just lower my pride,
forget everything
and just seek him for help
but i've ignored him
i've struggled on with my worldly strength,
strength that will get me nowhere
and i've been continually failing
and exhausting myself
but He's always been waiting at one side for me,
waiting for the day that i face up to my mistakes
and seek him and go back to him
and he has proven faithful
although what he has given me may not be much
but it has given me the strength
to take the first step
towards forgiveness
For He has said:
"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strenth."-Isaiah 40:29-31Its still hard to forgive,
because the wound is still fresh,
and it may take days, weeks or even months,
but with time and with God's strength and guidance
I know i will be able to fully forgive and forget
I want to shine for him
and be an example to the rest of the world
and not be petty and hang on to grudges
like others do
because i have God's peace within me
some may scoff and say that im just spouting bullshit
but that's okay because i know better
and it doesn't matter what they think
or what i appear to them as
because i am proud to be me
and i am proud of my decision
and no one can ever fault me that
i just feel sorry for them
because they've not experienced what i have
and for that, they will never find peace
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, October 13, 2007
had full day yesterday! =D
it was such a nice day haha
me, germ, amanda, siling, kwanwei, chris & jonathan
went out to marina square to play arcade! =D
kwan wei went home first to get his clothes
because he never bring home clothes
ahahaha X)
and we stayed around in class awhile longer
and me, alicia, germ & amanda were talking about
*ahem* something X)
then we took a bus down to marinasquare
& met kw & jonathan at mcdonalds for breakfast!
i didnt eat pancakes because recently
daddy's been cooking pancakes for breakfast
so i ate egg mcmuffin!
been a long time since i ate mcdonalds breakfast
then chris was the first one to finish
so he started to make a mini-pie
made up of:
pepper, salt, butter, chilli, milk powder, sugar, jam & maple syrup
ewwww! >.<
lol my stomach's churning now, thinking of it

then we went to ARCADE! =D
me & kw wasted 3 dollars on house of the dead 4,
but its okay
since the two of us were itching to get our hands on it
& shoot some zombies
and relieve some stress lol!

on the way to the arcade, we saw this chocolate santa!
then we went to bowl =D
i love bowling yay!
believe it or not, its the first time kwan wei is bowling!
and he doesnt know how to lol!
damn funny;
he push the ball right,
the ball move damn slowly
and still got sound effect lor!
but he got the highest among the boys,
thanks to my coaching! X)
and the boys were so sad,
the girls total score was like 3 times theirs =D
and it was damn funny
because we were shouting stuff when each person bowled
like for germ,
we shouted: chrissypoo! X)
you get the idea haha!
then we went to play arcade again,
and we played this bish machine,
damn cute! X)
and we banged the machine
until our hands were all red,
trembling and cannot move already
and kw & chris played paraparaparadise!
we almost died laughing
chris is good la! like professional
while kw ar,
he was just waving his hands around like a chicken-
chris playing advanced already right,
kw still doing tutorial

heehee kw flapping his hands around

chris looking like a pro =D
then we walked around for a long time
me, siling, kw & jonathan were trying to
but then it failed miserably can
we walked over to suntec to take neoprints
and the neoprints were okay,
but the machine sucked! lol
went home after that,
was playing the thumb game with them
and im not the a_r____l____ okay kw!
you are! X)

me & germ outside that lousy neoprint machine lol!
there are different kinds of people in this world
its your misfortune to run into some
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, October 09, 2007
had invigorate today!
i actually planned on not playing
and slacking off for once
but then
sadly i had to play lol
but it was kinda fun
but really tiring
we joined with the senior ip2 class
& we got trashed by all the other classes
*hides face*
but it was nice la
because we got to know more of the seniors
and found out that
people like nicole, amelia & josephine
are really nice =D
we played from like 8.30 to 2.30
it was darn tiring
and the sun was really hot
if we werent playing
we were cheering for the class people
today we had basketball & netball
i played one match for basketball
and all the matches for netball phew
i felt really useless lol
but its cray
because each game we play 3-4 matches
and some back-to-back
so we were really exhausted
haha and we went nuts
pouring cold water over ourselves
and over other people
like kwanwei X)
i was totally soaked by the end of the day lol
and now im not only really tan, or black
im also red because of sunburn!
my face is totally red la
confirm sunburn already >.<
then still got tmr >.<
eeks haha
then after invigorate
a few of us,
me, amanda, siling, alicia, chris, kwanwei & jonathan
stayed back in class to watch battle royale
its alot better than i expected it to be
i was really really scared when the movie started
because i know the story in & out, really well
and i foolishly thought that the manga
would be less gory
so i went to read it
& after the second chapter i couldn't take it
i felt like hurling la-
its much much much worse than the movie
that was quite some time ago
when the movie started
i was literally shaking in my seat la
the front part was really gory
but lucky i didnt see-
i spent more time "self-censoring" myself
and hiding behind a pillow that i kop from willie haha
then after that it wasnt so bad already
i could stomach most of the scenes
and laugh even-
tatsuya fujiwara is so cute!
heh he's kinda the main reason why i came to know of battle royale
anyway battle royale is this fictional story
set in japan, under a facist government,
i think around 800,000 students skipped school
and students were getting more and more rebellious
so the adults and the government came up with the BR act,
which involves a class of 42 students
being sent to an unknown island
and made to literally battle to the death, kill each other
until there's only one survivor-
and in three days,
if there's more than one student left
all the collars on them detonate
and explode, killing everyone
the collars monitor the pulse of the students
giving them their location & their movements
& whether they are still alive
trying to take them off would make them explode
and every 6 hours,
there would be new danger zones announced
and the names of those students
that were killed within that 6 hour period
danger zones are zones in the island
that have been marked
so as to force the students together
and ensure that they kill each other
if someone is caught in the danger zone
they have a limited amount of time
(i still think 40 seconds!)
to get out of the danger zone
or their collars will go off
and did i mention that they are all students?
in the show, the students were 15 years old
i can see the controversy behind the show
as 15 year old students killing 15 year old students
is not a very good image
and its a bit hard to imagine
when you are placed in a situation like that
and you are forced to kill or be killed
and those people that will kill you or be killed by you
are your classmates,
your best friends that you spent countless of time with
its not a very good thought
and when i first found out about this
i went to see all the information available
and i felt really horrible after that
because the idea of such a thing is like
this concept really makes people think i guess
it did make me think
and make me feel really uneasy
but im still glad that i watched the film
it widened my concept of the world heh
okay enough of serious lamenting and reflection-
im going off to watch ouran high school host club again! =D
or maybe final fantasy 7 advent children-
the one that alicia lent me =D
and i shall go pester daddy to give me a deep heating rub
so i can play tmr haha!
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, October 08, 2007
aww sadly in the end we didn't go bugis today
because by the time amanda finished
it was almost 3 and it was really late
plus we cant stay out for long if we go today
so we decided to go on another day this week! =D
we went to parkway to eat instead
because we were starving
we ate at jack's place! =D
and it was super darn funny
because of jack & jackfruit & jackplace =D
"no, i dont want mango cake!"
heh it was darn funny
we laughed so hard
until we couldn't breathe
and stomach were damn pain
heh germ kwek that woman
laugh with her heart,
so her heart pain X)
we walked around for awhile
went to comics connection-
my comics arent out yet! ):
then went home after that

ice cream!

heh, me & amanda see with our ice creams! =D

another photo lol

in the toilet this time

taken with germ's phone =D

split second blurry photo on the escalator!
spent the whole night
packing my room & filing my worksheets
while watching ouran high school host club! =D
honey-sempai & kaoru are so uber cute-
i love them ^^
the feeling of relaxation
knowing that exams are finally over
is a nice feeling =D
japanese guys are love
waiting for amanda now in school
to finish her MSP exam
before we go out! =D
with shuyi & germ & amanda
shuyi wants to say something
but she's too paiseh to
hee =D
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, October 05, 2007
today there was
no paper =D
yay for us;
instead there was
j2 farewell assemblyit was as expected, boring
but thank god for company haha
mr chan exceeded his time as usual
and the concert wasnt that erm fantastic
but the
house comm performance was hilarious!
they parodied the whole school,
from the teachers to the lectures lol!
kundan was acting!
i felt super sorry for him ):
he was
taupok-ed by like a whole pile of people
AND he got
dumped into a rubbish bin!
head first!
how sad is that? ):
and he had to stay there for a looong time
and his legs were
waving aboutLOL X)
and the teachers
sang & gave a performance!
not bad-
they could actually sing!
honestly! =D
then there was
mass dance!
by then everyone was super high =D
and like half of our class
formed a circle and we danced-
so fun! =D
after that went parkway with
germ, shuyi & amandawe had a nice gossip session at
pastamania =D
it was darn funny la
when we went there
it wasnt open yet,
there were still preparing
germaine kwek this woman
was too eager already
we were telling her:
wait until all the lights come on& they stand behind the counterthen go inand just nice they turned on ALL the lights
except the
front two rowsand she refused to go in!
because all the lights werent on yet X)
haha we sat at
pastamania for quite awhile
and talked
me & germ had to go for
lets see:
three more days!
actually to be exact,
two more days, 14 hours and thirty minutes to FREEDOM! =Dim still counting down (:
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, October 04, 2007
ooo if i wait for a few more days
it'd be officially
one month since i last updated =D
exams are not over yet
but it feels like its over! =D
now there's only
one paper left
and thats
maths on monday-
all the other papers are over
after a grueling
one and a half weekskay lets run through the subjects-
IH (geog core + lit core)okaay i guess
geog was retarded
i thought i could score on physics >.< color="#3333ff">
chineseokay =D
i finally understood
all the comprehension passages =D
my chinese is improving yay!
language artshmmm alright i guess
paper 3 was kinda tough for me
mainly because of the struggle for meaning questions
in the end all that came out was application questions
and it was damn hard-
and everything was on digestion!
it was damn hard
come lets list the reasons why:
1. study also no use because its all application 2. there's not enough time but even if you give me more time, i still cannot do3. the whole of the structured question section was on gasoline- like i know anything about gasoline4. got alot of mole concept too yuckverdict-chemistry SUCKS and is a waste of my time
and confirm take
re-paper already
lit optionoh its super suay because before the paper
me, amanda & germwere saying that we didnt want
flaneur or terrified mind to come out
because we dont know how to do,
and to our horror when we flipped open the paper
both came out and they were the only questions
i was like O.O
four more days-
four more days to total freedom!
weekend hurry up and pass please? =DD
and there's something wrong with my computer again
it just
reformatted itself for no reason at all
and its like everytime it starts up
it hangs at this
red screen
and all my stuff is gone
totally gone
even the websites under
my favourites are gone
thank god i backup-ed mystuff in the
storage sectionotherwise i'll seriously cry
i discovered it last night
but because i knew i
backed it upi just stoned there
sigh gotta go
repair it again
and plus i think everytime i start up the computer
reformats itself again
so its like
but at least there's still internet =D
last paper- mathsi wanna hurry up and get over with it!
then exams officially end =D
yay and i got so many people to meet after exams =D
can't wait! ((:
i shall give myself a GOOD break today =D
japanese guys are love