♥Tuesday, July 31, 2007
chris is a uber nice person! =D
anyway i dont see the point in
maths lessons this week
every teacher is like going through
review week topicsand here is ms yang
plodding on with
linear law & circleswhen they are
not tested
instead of actually spending some worthwhile time
going through the review week topics with us
"off-centre" man
today had
maths tuition & physicsmaths tuition today was so productive =D
we finished like
"one" whole paper!
sort of la haha!
physics i stayed back till like almost
so in the end mummy asked me to take a cab home
and i reached home at about
9.30imagine if i took
bus home-
i'd reach home at
anyway i finished reading
harry potter & the deathly hallows last week
didnt have time to rant
so i shall rant now-
there is so little
draco in the book!
its like before the book came out
there was so much controversy about draco's role
everyone was like wondering whether
he'd like go to the
"light" side or something
but in the end
they just portrayed him as a
coward and traitor;
i mean-
his family was being
and the fact that he
dumbledore is proof that he is
not evil;
misguided due to his upbringing
ARGH i felt so cheated after reading the book`
oh and i dont really like the ending
its so
anticlimax!i think it'd be more believeable and better
if harry died
instead of like fastforwarding
13 yearsand saying
oh he and ginny lived happily every after blah blah
even though i love happy endings
i felt
cheated when i read the ending lol
somehow it doesnt flow
severus diedddddd! )))):
i like him, contrary to what others think
i think he's a very
interesting character =D
and he was just being manipulated by dumbledore ):
and the part about
him & lily was soooo sad
& touching-
i think its so sad that lily chose james over him
unrequited love-my
favourite =D
the only nice genre to read is
angst please
give me a good tearjerker story
anyday =D
oh and
dobby died!
thats so ultra sad
i've gotten used to dobby
and his like
hugeee love for harry
and then he died ):
OH and
remus dieddddddddd!
i was so sad when
remus & severus died
they're like two of my favourite adult characters
other than
lucius =D
harry- but theyre teenagers lol
i think i have a wierd taste in characters lol
-spoilers end-eeyucks okay now back to studying
formulate questions for bioand finish
postmodernism and review week is in less than two days!
replies:turnip HAHA betcha jacket smells reaaaaaal nice =D and its called keeping it for your own good (:
yyiwen i love L too! =D but i love light too haha!
germ HAHA yup yup! kwanwei is uberrrr funny =D
kw LOL we didnt make you sick- its overexposure to perfume X)
cky lol i got exams this thursday! O.O haha and thanks! =DD
zengan you lucky! can go surf the net on your tablet during lesson time rah- im stuch with plain doodling on PAPER
zina haha thankyou mummy (: i miss youuuuuuu!
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, July 28, 2007
college day was a
TOTAL waste of time
first of all10 people out of 29 turned up
in our class
how brilliant
the rest all pon-ned
secondlywe were
stuck in the LTwith just the
projection of the proceedings
which were quite bad a quality
and we didnt know most of the prize winners
thirdlywe were
CAGED in the LT
we needed a
pass to go toilet
and we couldnt even go out when the LT is too cold
or buy food
locked in the LT
but i had
kok, liushuang and shuyeeeeee with me =D
yay at least i still had them
or i think i'd go nuts
fourthlywe were
trying to do
work there
but it was
too noisyso nothing sunk into our heads
what a
total waste of a saturday afternoon
but on the brightside-
RI dramafest 2007 rocked! =D
more like
my brother's performance for dramafest rocked =D
it was
superbly funnyit kept the audience in fits the whole time
and there were
tons of puns and stuff
i laughed till my stomach hurt-
& my brother is not that bad an actor!
well done kor =D
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, July 26, 2007
like every dream
stands on its own
reaching for the sky
i stand alone
i share my world
with no one else
all by myself
i stand alone
- Quest for Camelot; I stand alone
today was one of the better days during indieventure-
we presented today
oh i am SO glad indieventure is finally over
the presentation today was horrid-
we totally botched the experiment lol
cedric added potassium maganese instead of barium nitrate
and our solution turned PURPLE instead
when it was supposed to remain colourless-
we totally freaked out lol
but the good thing is:
tmr we dont need to present!
its a totally slack and free day tmr =D
that pig desiree left her wallet and handphone in the lab again
so i chased her & stopped her from taking her stuff back
while siling went to "confiscate" it from her
we consficated it for the whole day lol =D
oh and before electives it was really funny-
jing rong started spraying cologne in the classroom
and it stank like mad
kwanwei was super scared by it
so me & germ chased him all over the school
and sprayed him
mwahahaha =D
it was an all-out perfume war la!
me & kok snuck up on sharlene and liushuang and sprayed them
then that amanda see
sprayed it in my mouth
ewwwww >.<
lalala when i went for electives
i totally
REEKED of perfume >.<
couldnt get the smell off lol
tmr's gonna be a
slackkkkk dayand we're gonna be released at
11for prep for college day
which i dont have to stay back for
replies:cky LOL and why am i innocent? :s and indieventure sucks! like idmi lol
zina lalalala i shall hideeeee the $75- shant let you get your hands on them! lol X) and its kinda hard to cheer up when you're feeling depressed ):
turnip lol are you sure? its really REALLy tiring you know haha and it wasnt that fun lol
kw indieventure is a waste of time! and i should have taken perfume- then can spray you everyday mwahaha =D its so much better than my chemical romance la urgh
wayne HAHA you're so funny =D
the woman who moved//cting LOL i know you told me you moved behind your house LOL you're so weird X) and i have guitar on wed laaaa! ): and i got no indieventure to rush! because its OVER =DDDDDD
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, July 24, 2007
indieventure this week-
i expected it to be better -.-
but actually in the first place
i never expected much from it at all
my chemical romance-
its just some funny project
which combines
chem & lit;
some wierd guy is
killedand some
white powder is found on him
so we're supposed to identify the white powder
through funny experiments
and then conclude who killed him
sounds fun right?
it would be fun
if...well i dont know lol
anyway i think its not very worthwhile
and we can spend more time
studying for review week-
im going to fail it again la;
bad memories urgh
anyway my group is kinda crazy-
me, gracilia, clara, cedric & benjaminlol its kinda amusing watching
cedric & clara fight
today other than one measly
half hourconsultation session with ms chiawe were free the whole day
but we couldnt leave school till
12.45totally ridiculous
i mean its a total waste of time la!
making us come to school
for one little consultation session
when i can just sleep at home
lol i feel depressed now
so this post shall be depressing-
oh and i didnt realize i had
"harry potter and the deathly hallows"lol how dumb is that
my dad bought it on
saturdayand because my whole sat was gone
i didnt realize until my brother told me
sunday AFTERNOONlol i was like
anyway i havent had a chance to sit down
and properly read the book
because unfortunately
by the time i discovered i had the book
school was starting -.-
SOMEONE, i wont mention who,
SOMEONE spoiled the book for me-
assholeargh*stabs the person*
i cant stand him
i feel like wringing his neck
and the thing was
he told me in the morning
and i only realized it at night when i showered -.-
i think im seriously lagging these few days
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, July 22, 2007
WE GOT FIFTH FOR THE HERITAGE RUN!omg its so hard to believe-
we got
fifth! =D
prize money worth
$300;meaning like around
$75 for each of us =D
anyway the heritage run sorta
sucked for us
it was so darn tiring
and ALL of us ran till our legs were about to collapse
or walked in my case >.<
our team,
me, siling, kundan & chriswent with the v11 team-
michelle, gaille, renjie & jonathanthe map they gave us was screwed up
and we had like near
20 stationsand we went almost all over singapore
we didnt just stick to central
and it was so darn hard to find the blue shirt people with the stamps
anyway its all thanks to
kundan, michelle, gaille & jonathanbecause the four of them were the ones running
to find the stations while we figured out the other stations
me & siling were dead tired
and couldn't run anymore
in the end,
we were so frustrated
and grumpy
and not to mention tired
that we gave up-
we left
6 stations blank
and just handed in the answer sheet
and the worst thing was
we were caught in the rain
and none of us brought an
umbrella LOL
so our socks and shoes were
completely weti was miserable yesterday ):
because my shoe was kind of spoilt
and water leaked in really easily
so my socks were the first one to be completely wet
anyway it was really cool because
VIP bagged three places in the top five =Dwhen they were preparing to give out the fifth prize,
we really didnt expect to hear our team name
then suddenly,
"the fifth prize for educational category goes to:07v14 team- team leader: KUNDAN SARIPALLI REDDY"we were like O.O
couldn't believe our ears
its like totally unexpected
we honestly didnt expect to get anything
because we didnt finish up the whole thing
and we gave up lol
and then the
fourth prize, $300,
went to
v11 team!
haha our two teams went together =D
we were super happy
v12 got the
2nd prize!
$800-im so envious lol
and the first prize went to ACSI -.-
whee im so happy =D
but now i cant walk properly lol
my legs are killing me haha
oh and special mention to
kwanwei & germ!
who faithfully stayed by the phone & internet
doing their shifts
and not complaining
when we called them up at random times
to get answers
THANK YOU! =Dthe best part of the race was AFTER it
not during it =D
lol during the race we were like:
next year im so NOT going to take partbut after we got our fifth prize
we went:
"next year im SO going to take part in the race" =Dyay next year all the teams are going to take part again!
and also thanks to
miss toh & yiruiwho drove around all the places
giving answers & directions to all the ip teams =D
now back to homework >.<
replies:cky haha yup! and she's not even a professional actor lol- & cting that woman i think moved somewhere near her previous house -.-
wayne haha its okay! anyway it was badminton, not soccer lol and i think ootp was nice- but thats because i didnt read the book haha
asyraf thankyou! you guys really did a great job too (: really, honestly- a much better job than us
turnip haha YAY! =D
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, July 20, 2007
tomorrow is the
Heritage Run!
lol im so dead
today we went to
"scout" the place
and we walked so much
my legs are
aching to the moon
and i think i cant run tmr
so im so
deadplus my
general knowledge on singapore is
zilchso im even more dead
oh nevermind-
its for fun anyway
but i want to get the
$1000 prize! >.<
OH and
the shirt and logo is nice =D
just that the smallest size is
waaaaay too big for me
today we went to
central areato scout the place because the race is centred mainly around there-
our class has
two teams07v14 team: me, siling, kundan & kwanweilala team: lavan, shuyi, daphne & kennethme, siling, KOK aka NJ ambassador aka DAPHNE, kundan, lavan & chriswent to scout the area
we took bus to
marina squareand met the
v11 team at macdonalds
oh today is marcus' birthday too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCUS! =Dyou spastic guy haha!
marcus and tim came along too
and we walked ALOT
we walked from
marina squareto
esplanadeand to and fro
until i dont know where we were going
my sense of direction is hopeless
but it was super funny
because of
me, siling and kok invented the
"kok stride"!and im
"kok 1" & siling is
"kok 2"=D
such a fun team
we spent more time laughing
it was darn funny
and at suntec we were changing the names of the stores
and adding in
"kok"in honour of daphne =D
YAY today was so fun
kok was so funsiling was so fun!and marcus was spastic hahaand kundan was spastic tooreached home at
i solemnly swear
that i
HATE, absolutely
LOATHEcitylinkits so darn long
and my legs were already falling apart
i shall pray that we will get the
imagine how much i can do with
kwanwei and germ are our informers~
kwanwei is taking the
8am-11.30am shift
germ is taking the
11.30-3.30 shift
next week is
indieventure weekno lessons!
but its like ending really late every week
and i think its kinda waste of time
because we can spend the time
mugging for review week
heck it
i shall just go and have fun tmr =D
replies:kwanwei draco does not suck! he's so brilliant! POKE
/th haha mine are still the best- the stories are nice nice nice yes? <3!
timbo yes ryoma is forever great- and DRACO DOES NOT LOOK FAT! he's so nice and slender
turnip no PRETTY draco! and harry urghhh X)
zina YES! i agree mummy- i miss laughing with you and grace in class over every silly thing ):
cting HELLO! lala wizards are so cute in the cloaks X) and you're moving house tmr? thats so soon! tell me your new add & number straightaway alright! and when's your tuition day? lol you silly- give me the time but dont give me the day; MIS YOU TONS AND TONS!
amanda DRACO <3 and pokes you back =D char siew pirate rocks!
cky luna lovegood! haha she's really cute =D but to me the movie is good because i didnt read the book lol!
yingsi LOL you're being lame too girl! haha and what you taking for indieventure?
zengan haha because we couldn't wait to watch! haha but its so outrageous- they gave draco SO little screen time ): and our review week is in TWO weeks time ): so uber horrid
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, July 16, 2007
two nice pictures to start of the post with!


today school was yucky
because we got scolded by
ms ongfor talking too much in class
next time i'll just
shut up during langarts ):
im so ultra duper happy
because i found out how to make themes
and i made a
there's none on the internet la!
how horrific is that
so i decided to make my own
and it turned out quite nice,
i have to admit X)
i made lots of nice
anime themes too (:
oh and that reminds me-
im going to finish
prince of tennis already! ):
7 months of watching-
i've finally reached the
170 plus episodes ):
i dont want it to end!
but nevermind;
there's still the
oh i cant stand
momoshiroi feel like strangling him whenever he comes onto the screen
he like restricts ryoma so much
and he's so darn irritating
i hate momoshiro (:
and i love ryoma <3
review week's coming up
and i've been studying
but i think i'll still do badly sigh
oh and i just realized how dirty my keyboard is
under the keys
i shall have to find a way to clean it
and im still on my
disney hypeand
harry potter hypeand
anime hypeoh dear-
see now why i can't start on games like
maple story?
nevermind just ignore this post
its all full of random stuff lol
repliesstephanie haha quit too la! X) then got no IP students left then they cant bully us =D
yvette haha yup i agree! this sunday- on alright! i'll msg you soon ^^
timbo HELLO TIMBO! =D yes luna is so cute- everyone finds her cute!
amanda haha yup! EA was damn funny- we were laughing all the way right in front of the VP la! X) and dont think i forgot what you said! you good la~
wayne haha dont care la guitar very boring
turnip go watch la! i dont mind watching again X) and sha shou is a sick mv! you're a sick and twisted girl man!
sher YES! stupid EA periods- they just dont want to let us go home early la
cky i wanted to crash dhs open house! but i think parents wont allow lol and im failing chem too! hi-5 =D
/th YAY fellow draco lover- i got a draco theme! and i LOVE d/h =D got lots of nice ones and good ones too! show you soon; we really should go out sometime lets arrange!
sharlene YAY TOM FELTON! +D haha and yes- harry's becoming shorter and shorter; draco towers over him! X)
kw everyone loves luna =D
sulin YAY another fellow draco lover =D psshhh to those who dont know how to appreciate him- and its okay; i dont mind older guys X)
asyraf really? but i dont have HBO! ):
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, July 14, 2007
i watched it today (:
the cinema was seriously fully booked!
all the timings today
me & daddy spent like 15 minutes
online trying to decide which timing
has the furthest seats from the screen
and in the end,
we ended up with seats in the D row-
can you believe it?
and the only timing with seats in the D row
was 6pm lol
so we went for the 6pm show
but it was rather expected
because we kinda decided to watch it last minute
the show was seriously lovely-
i disagree with those who say it was lousy;
i think its really nice!
and its not too long
the only thing im not happy about
is the lack of DRACO
hmph he appeared in like 2 scenes?
and it was all so short
and he was bullying harry in all
he has a nice side too alright!
luna is so cute =D
and she's really pretty too i think
and harry's so angsty
he tugged at my heatstrings T.T
and draco's as hot as usual =D
now the last movie left to watch is
goblet of fire
which im most likely to watch
only AFTER the EOYs ):
so sad-
and i hate that stupid chinese paper
its so darn hard
i tell you the whole world's out against me >.<
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, July 13, 2007
lol i just realised that
the piano score to mulan's reflection
states the tempo as
like DUH we can pretty much guess from the title
lol nvm im just being random
im feeling accomplished now;
finally understood that dratted bio!
and now its just
dratted bio-
no more dratted =D
school's been uber lousy these past few days
lousy till it cant get even lousier
my life is just spiraling out of control
life sucks
oh well
at least the weekend is here
for me to recharge
i am so exhausted
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, July 11, 2007
KONG BA BAO!KBB for short =D
the wonderful organisation made up of
me, siling, kwanwei & chrisdes left her wallet in class today
so we decided to teach her a lesson-
we hid her wallet and made a video for her
the wrath of kong ba baomwahahahaha-
we were brilliant actors
she didnt suspect a thing!
it was really funny
too bad i had to go for for yucky stupid
guitarme & sheila are seriously thinking of quitting
okay now they've cancelled the national day concert
but now they have
another concertnear our review week too
and the pieces are so darn hard
and they separated me & my dear sheila! ):
im happy anyway
because i finished
ALL my homework-
i by all i mean
and i studied alot this week too!
finally got into the studying mood-
things are kinda perking up for studies wise i guess ^^
but life
still sucks
repliessiling mwahaha our lovely KONG BA BAO! =D it was so funny today haha the HIGHLIGHT!
i had to blog about it =DD
germ haha secretary taken by me already! X)
wayne haha its a looooong story X)
cky haha neither would i ^^ ewwww- and whats so fun about doing quizzes lol you silly billy
yvette I CAN'T GO- and we gotta postpone our lunch arghhh
kw haha YES! you never know when kong ba bao is gonna get you X)
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, July 10, 2007
today had
tuition with germ-
they gave us
EA periods to replace that imagineering ones
like hello;
one hour forty minutes- like how much can i do in that time?
how is
EA period going to add value to my life?
we go home so late everyday
they least they should do is let us go during imagineering
so we can go home early
STUDYanyway i hate
coordinate geometryits so freaking hard and it screws my brain up
guitar tmr yucks
me & sheila are thinking of
its become so boring
and plus they're having a concert on
national day-
erm like hello-
WE are having our
review week during national day week
but as usual
no one cares about the
IP kids;thats so sad`
nothing good to blog about
recently nothing good's been happening
life is so complicated
i feel like such a hypocritewhat i dont want others to do to mei do to othersbut sometimes i just can't help itdamn itwhy can't life be simple
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, July 06, 2007
second week of school is over;
i really do need more sleep >.<
and i feel so lazy to blog
tuesday went for
tuition with germ!
that silly girl spent the whole time
mrs ng lol (:
then we went for
dinner before going home
wednesday i had
guitar-and we got sorted into our sections already;
im in
altowhich is the tiny guitar
its hard to play!
because the note we're playing
5 notes below the sound of the note ):
sheila's in bass! )):
we were so sadddd la
today we finally had
project k presentation
its finally over! =D
the judging took quite some time
but its finally over (:
thanks to my lovely group members:
sharyn, yiwen & eduardo =Doh and
lit make up lesson today was funny;
we were so obsessed with the word
SHOCK& busy taking photos of des asleep
i tell you;
that girl sleeps in the most interesting poses ever!
lol X)
tmr is
physics tuition at
who wakes up at such unholy hours?? >.<
replies:kw haha yup chucky eeyucks! and disney songs are LOVE
siling lol the doll seriously freaked me out; and thanks to our lovely vibes we made it in time for the movie =D
turnip we were planning to watch ocean's thirteen at first- but since you already watched it we didnt ask you along ): & what the heck is tiddly dums?
yvette i miss you too!
zina lol im grounded now! ): such a sad yucky life
grace o.O i disappeared?
wayne LOL i dont watch masked rider ryuuki- i just see trailers lol and harry potter! ohmigosh i cant wait =D
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, July 02, 2007
no school today! =D
because of the lovely
youth day;went out with
siling, kundan & kwanweito
marina squaremet
siling at
city hall mrt to walk to marina square
because i'd most likely get lost X)
we went up to the theatre first
and waited for the guys to come
kundan was
4 minutes late! X)
we couldn't make it for
ocean's thirteen,
so we watched
transformers instead
it was not bad a movie-
$7 for a 2 hour 45 minute movie (:it was kinda nice
better than i expected-
i thought it'd be like the yucky
masked rider ryuuki on kids central
with the lousiest dub ever
but thankfully it wasnt;
it was nice to sit through!
OH and before the movie,
me & siling literally ran
all OVER marina squareto find one dumb
7-11we spent half hour just to search for it,
buy our stuff and rush back to the cinema T.T
stupid marina square-
why must it be so big?
after that we went to eat
kundan had to rush off for track
me, siling & kwanwei hung around awhile longer
we went to the
esplanade library!
and we got so uber freaked out by esplanade
because in the basement,
they were showing some freaky
chucky thing
and its all in
black and white and fuzzysuper freaky
the three of us scaredy-cats
were uber freaked out >.<
and i forgot that there was
chinese zuo wen!
thankgod i met them today
and they reminded me
or else i'd dieeee >.<
prisoner of azkaban part two tonight! =D
oh and im so darn happy
because i downloaded lots of disney songs-
im on a
disney craze!
replies:yyiwen YES! we must must must get that kinokuniya voucher =D
victoria deleted already! haha sorry forgot bout it- been a long time since i organized my links! >.<
turnip you're the silliest person ever! how can the kinokuniya voucher turn people off?
zina haha because i was too lazy to put in colours! X)
cting eeyucks to what?
zengan moocow? lol haha i love chocolates! especially rittersport milk chocolat =D and school is yucky >.<
japanese guys are love