♥Friday, June 29, 2007
whoo finally made it through the first week of school;
i thought that it'd never end! >.<
anyway school's boring as usual *yawn*
went out with germ today after school! =D
haha we sat down and ate for like hours at jack's place
before we went to get the stuff that we needed (:
so fun to go out with her =DD
oh and theres a new comics connection at parkway!
ha i can imagine lots of happy hours spent there
the whole week's been lousy
stupid stuff's been happening again sigh
why is it that once i solve one problem
another one pops up?
i am so not looking forward to the rest of term three
eeyucks don't feel like blogging;
im so boreddddd
zina i miss you too mummy! i dont like schoooooool ):
kundan lol! its rare to see you drop by- anyway its the only solo picture i have with you; so of course have to put it up! =D
wayne hahaha i did not have a good week- i dont like school eeyucks ):
germ haha we both received nice letters (; and that lavan la! just volunteered us without asking lol!
kw sigh lets not bother about that already and try to forget it >.<
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, June 26, 2007
eeyucks its
back to school already ):
school is yucky;
friends are fun (:
that's what makes school tolerable
oh and yesterday i received a niceeeee
letter! =D
made me happy since it was in the start of the day
YAY (:
haha it was great to see everyone again
lessons were
boring & tiring as usual
everyone was falling asleep
OH and my
LA presentation is finally overrrr!
the stupid LA presentation
me, sulin, kenneth & lavan spent the whole weekend
freaking out over
and lavan made us go first
ms ong was like:
who wants to go first?lavan went:
US! WE WANT TO GO FIRST!cue the rest of our expressions:
O.Ooh well it went kinda crappy i guess
we were bombarded with questions
and ms ong pointed out alot of our presentation skills mistakes ):
siling's group was the worst;
Q&A session was longer than the presentation! >.<
yesterday only
my group & siling group presented
which is terribly unfair ):
oh and one more thing to be happy about:
IMAGINEERING IS FINALLY OVER! =DDDDHA no more yucky imagineering (:
we just presented today to
mr yang & ms yadav;
mr yang said our analysis was good! =DDD
haha it seems quite positive yay
oh but one thing to bring my whole happy mood down;
i changed my set of uniform
and daddy refuses to let me alter my ugly skirt
and its too big for me
so even after folding
two folds its still dropping down
thats the worst thing ever
and i look
FAT in the uniform;
i hate my new uniform ):
oh well but the two major presentations are over-
thats enough to bring my mood back up =D
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, June 21, 2007
the past
two days after coming back from malaysia,
i've been swamped with
projects >.<
we had
project K meeting;
yiwen & sharyn came over to my house
it was kind of productive i guess
but after awhile,
we just watched yiwen do
quizzes the whole time
& laughing at him as his self-esteem hit rock bottom XD
and we went down to the
playground!i havent gone to the playground this whole year lol
and the
swimming poolgosh
i underutilize the condo facilities >.<
today we had
lang arts meeting;
sulin & kenneth came over
lavan had some religious stuff the whole week
and we couldn't reach
chenxiso it was just the three of us ):
but thankfully,
the meeting was really productive!
we basically finished the outline of the powerpoint
the rest would be done by lavan
and we just have to do our own scripts
then we're done
i dont want to go back to school ):
holidays have passed so fast
big sigh
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, June 19, 2007
im back from
pulau desaru!
it was
three lovely days of slacking around =D
we simply just holed ourselves up in the hotel room,
snuggled under our blankets
with fluffy pillows around us
and watched
nickelodeanthe whole day =D
it was such a lovely trip
sigh i wish we stayed longer there
we'll go back there again soon (:
and watch more nickelodean! X)
i'll blog bout the trip when i upload the photos
but honestly
theres nothing to blog about
because we seriously just spent the whole time slacking there X)
hmm okay i got tagged by
shermaine to do this
"According to the rules of the theme: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 7 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'You are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog."1. im totally obsessed about anime and im PROUD of it! =D2. im the laziest person on earth- really3. i hate onions, but i love love love onion rings!4. i usually watch shows for the guys X) hee!5. my heart breaks whenever callouses form on my fingers after playing the guitar, because im worried that no guy will want to hold my hand in the future X)[its really embarassing + wierd! and poor stephanie and sheila have been listening to my complaints the whole time :P]6. i get really exited bout a trip, but during the few days before i trip, i start wishing that im not going for the trip- proven by the korea trip!7. i love singing in the shower X) lalala~okay im done ^^
the next 7 people:
whoever wants to do the quiz X)
im too lazy HEH
tag replies:cky haha its more fun if they take too what! X) and desaru is FUN for slacking =DDD hope you had fun in genting!
yiwen lol i know you love my phone =D i love my phone too!
kw yup! lets go again the next holidays =D i feel so depressed, saying the next holidays ):
wayne you silly person! seriously! you dont sleep for days, then when you sleep for two hours- you're superbly happy? lol sleep more!
germ i love you too! =DDDD lol just blog! and blog bout our lovely nights together =D
siling nopeeeee bugis street is boring X) and nope, thankfully i didnt buy anything; otherwise i'd be more broke! ):
van hello small hands no. two ((:
asyraf you silly person! you miss homework? o.O no thankyou! i rather just stay at home and slack =D
sher see! i did it- aren't you proud of me X)
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, June 16, 2007
im off to pulau desaru for THREE days of slacking around;
-three days of separation from my computer T.T-
expect me back on tuesday ^^
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, June 14, 2007
day 5: national science museumthat whole day sucked totally for me
from the
start till the endit was a rather emotional day
and i was really exhausted by the end of it
anyway we went to the
national science museum first
and it was rather fruitless
because everything was in
kundan was really really really nice that day ^^
yiwen too (:
i love this mirror! =D
i hate this one ):anyway after that we went to this
educational museumwhich bored me to tears
plus i was really tired & my back was aching
me & amanda on tiny chairs- believe it or not this was miss toh's idea!
dinner was okay
with a few events that happened
for the millionth time;
i love germ!
the both of us really could relate to each other
and well since that day was a really emotional day for both of us
oh and at night,
lavan was really really nice ^^
day 6: expo park & korean folk villagewe went to the
expo park in the morning
its a really big place
different halls & exhibits on scienceand there were lots of
3-D stuff too
it was alot better than the national science museum

desiree, me, siling & yiwen with newton =D
siling, me & desiree in the expo park
i love the big yellow thing =D
on this giant ant
happy feet! (:
in the afternoon it was the korean folk village
and i loved it! =D
because if im not wrong,
da chang jin & king and the clown were filmed there
which means:
king and the clown= lee joon ki= me stepping on the same soil that he did
i went bonkers there!
hee X)
doesnt it look like the da chang jin village?
the see-saw
this was in the king and the clown! =D
performing tricks on the horse
and i got dragged into a haunted house
my first time okay!
i've faithfully stayed away from haunted houses for my own sanity
and i promptly get dragged into one
but thank god it wasnt scary at all
it was all machines and it was really dumb
it'd probably be my first & last haunted house in my entire life ^^
i finally got a picture with kundan!oh and at night
i promptly came down with a fever of
yiwen was nice enough to lend me his ear thermometer
and germ took care of me the whole night ((((:
day 7: dmz lazing around in the hotel roomDMZ day-
but i was grounded in the hotel
thats right;
because i was still running a fever
the teachers asked me to stay in the hotel ))):
so i missed the DMZ tour ))):
which i was looking forward to ))):
oh well anyway luckily i had
janel for company (:
she was also running a fever
and there were
6 late people,
who werent allowed to go
so it was quite a big group
janel & me just lazed around in her hotel room
we watched
korean dramas
and attempted to figure out the plot
and slept from
9am to 3pm ^^
i caught up with my lost sleep yay!
and we were coming up with brilliant plans
to explore the hotel when they came back ):
apparently shopping was cancelled
and they came back to the hotel to do
reflections + project K
my group decided on what to do for proj K (:
then we went for some
cultural performance thing
which bored me so much
i called daddy in the middle of it to talk :P
day 8: Seoul zoological gardens, Seoul land & SHOPPING!
we went to the
zoo in the morning;
it was yucky
because the animals were so badly treated there ):
compared to the singapore zoo
it was a totally disappointing place
oh but my group took the
chairliftwhich was really nice;
me & sharyn- my lovely groupmate (:then
seoul land!
it totally rocked;
it was really the best part of the trip-
i forgot everything and just had fun ^^
me & sharyn went with timbo, willie & asyrafwe sat the
two roller coasters first
i am so proud to announce
that i have finally sat a
loop coaster-
double loop one in fact!
and a
corkscrew too =DDDDD
oh gosh i was so proud of myself (:
and still am!
i sat this!
we ate at dunkin donuts for lunch
and the donuts werent as good as i expected them to be
after hearing all the talk about it
we went for the flume ride next
and it was so unexpected ^^
it looked so mild
but the slope down was so fast and scary-
it was so fun! =D
five of us at dunkin donuts
and the viking was just plain brilliant
it went so much higher than the Singapore one!
it went so high that i kept feeling like i was going to literally drop out =D
oh and joann squeezed my hand so hard-
she left fingernail marks X)
oh and i almost got dragged into the haunted house
thank god we decided against it last minute
because those that went said that it was quite scary
and there were real people jumping out
thank god i didnt go in
or i would have totally lost my sanity
we went for the bumper cars after that;
it was so fun!
and we used our last ride on the corkscrew thing again ^^
it wasnt that bad the second time haha!
me & asyraf- the birthday boy (:
dinner was seriously superbly funny
me, amanda, kwanwei & kundan sat with the vegetarians,
and kwan wei spent the whole dinner sending us into fits
because he was laughing so hard at neha's face =.=
but we really laughed so hard that our stomach hurt the entire time =D
after dinner was finally SHOPPING! =D
oh gosh i love that word ^^
me, siling, kwan wei & kudan went together
and i went crazy over all the lee joon ki stuff!
i got a tissue pouch with his face on it =D
we bought quite alot of stuff since there wouldnt be any more shopping
and i got my cap! (:
too bad shopping was only for 2 hours
OH and i got a lovely lovely bag
which im carrying around everywhere now =D
that day was really the best best best day of the trip (:

kundan, kwanwei, me & siling
day 9: home!we went to
kia motors in the morning
but we didnt see much
the workers were on
strike that day
thats why we only saw a small part of the factory;
but it was cool!
we saw cars in the building process
after that we ate
udon for lunch
oh gosh lovely
japanese foodafter korean food for 8 days =D
and we did some last minute food shopping at the supermarket

me & amanda with our korean tour guide (:
i sat with
kwan wei on the flight home! =D
we both went crazy over this page of really cute animals (:
nearing the end of the flight
he changed places with
jingrongand jingrong drove me crazy for the rest of the plane ride X)

anticlockwise: lavan, me, germ, jingrong & christopher in the plane
it's so great being home (:
oh some photos from
phoenix park resort-
apparently this was where
autumn in my heart was filmed! =D
and i watched it on youtube ha!
see the bigggg banner behind? =D
this is as close to the real people as i can get =D
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, June 12, 2007
today was a lovely lovely day!
went out with the lovely
germaine kwek =D
hee i met
felicia poh at the bedok mrt station
and she was going
bugis too! X)
haha so i had company for the train ride;
it was great seeing her again & catching up with her ^^
then in the end,
my timing was off!
i reached bugis at
10.30 when i was supposed to reach at
germ was late la, that woman
so i spent my time in
reading the
complete visual guide to pirates of the carribbean =D
we ate at
pastamania for lunch
and walked around after that-
can you believe it?
that woman has never been to bugis before!
-total shock-=D
we got matching
bestie keychains! (((:
and we took
neoprints after that =D
the neoprints were nice yay!
and we spent a long time at
kinokuniyalol- germ went crazy because of me =D
but i dont regret it! (((:
went to
bugis street after that-
once again,
i dont see why everyone likes bugis street so much;
to me,
it doesnt have much allure
we bought
bubble teaand sat down to talk for a long time (:
i love talking to germ yay =D
rushed home to keep my
5pm curfewtoday was fun fun fun! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, June 11, 2007
went to
kundan's house today!
me, desiree, kwanwei, marcus & yiweni carried my bag bought from korea!
yay i love it =D
we had
pasta fresco for lunch!
i ate
there were so many
oysters gosh
but on the bright side,
there were so many
prawns too!
stayed at his house till like
6plusbefore going home
then there was this guy on the bus
singing christian songs out loud
it was kinda touching,
his passion for God,
but it also kinda freaked me & yiwen out
i guess
--what a
lousy ending to a lovely day--
/th I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU =D haha i think you heard enough of me proclaiming my love for you already ^^ lets go out again soon okay! and to comics connection X)
jiahui eeeyucks its not really the best place in the world to me lol but half the trip is up already! i'll post about the other half soon when i got the time kay (:
wayne i did stay back mister! and i caught the ending scene HA and mister- what are you doing not sleeping for two nights? go sleep now! shoo! and cheer up about what happened alright- get some rest (:
tim NOOO! will is such a lovely character (: and orlando bloom is such a lovely actor (:
cheryl sorry ):
ahairyturnip i feel so touched! =D tag more often alright! today was fun (:
yiwen you're anorexic too! lol eat more! and i sent you all the pics already- say thankyou!
siling haha its only half the trip- but its better than nothing! i'll post about the other half soon (:
amanda HAHAHAHA but they're so funny! and nice! how can i not post them X)
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, June 09, 2007
here's the long awaited
korea post!
but as usual, it'll span over a few posts;
i hate it whenever i blog about trips;
because i upload practically every picture i have!
day 1: at the airporthmm it was rather exciting;
because its the first time im going overseas on my own
+ im going with my friends (:

07v14 at the airport!
we flew by
korean airlinesand took the
11.25pm flight
i daresay we made lots of noise! X)
i settled down to sleep straight away
but can you believe it?
they woke me up at
3am for breakfast
bloody 3am-
so in the end, my anticipated
5 hours of sleep=2 hours of sleepRAH
day 2: city tour + LGwe had a
city tour;
but the most exciting place was the
dongdaemun palace;
its the palace where
goong was filmed!
amanda went crazy over there
about her
char bee hoon X)

yiwen & eduardo; attempting a jump shot

me, siling, kenneth & desiree
it was rather cool;
because i recognised quite a few places
from goong in the palace ^^
and we
camwhored like mad there;
it was super duper fun! (:

at the statue of some emperor i think >.<

oh this is our favourite photo; watch my hand + amanda!
with the guards!
LG was really cool;
they had all these futuristic stuff-
one of it was to predict what your baby looks like!
miss toh forced
me & thaiyong to go up
it was super embarassing can >.<

at LG; yiwen, me, amanda, kwanwei & christopher
a brief stop at kranji war memorial; sulin, me, amanda& siling
yay then the first night with GERM!
my lovely lovely roomate ^^
we really talked the whole night-
im so glad she's my roommate!
i would have seriously totally died without her
i love germ!day 3: visit to KMLAwe visited this stream
right smack in the middle of the
business district;its part of
innovationand its supposed to
rejuvenate and stuff
we camwhored there!

at the stream; amanda, yiwen, me, eduardo
me, desiree, siling
the visit to the prestigious academy,
KMLAits for future leaders of korea;
and every single one of them either go to
seoul national universityor
overseas universityamazing huh;
and their entry procedure is the same as ours!
application form, admission test & interviewoh fun fact:
they dont have to pay school fees there!we split into groups according to classes
and we had a personal tour around the school;

this is just their field!
the school is superbly huge
and the environment is really great;
my student tour guide speaks english really fluently
she studied abroad for two years;
its kinda embarassing actually
they're koreans,
but their english is better than ours!

us with our student tour guides; mine is the only other girl there ^^

in the bus; in order of hands- mine, kwanwei & kundan- there's a funny story behind it
k-night SUCKED
totally sucked
im just glad that we got through it alive.

a funny picture to end off; mrs jaya & miss sandhya in their aprons!
day 4: National Pyong Chang Youth Centreanother fun day!
we started off with
samulnori lessons,korean traditional music-
the drum is damn cool
and we had lots of fun playing it!

with tan yi wen on the bus
me, vanesssa & amanda with the traditional drum
i loved the
iron painting class.
you know why?
look at the top two blocks

that reads:
Lee Joon Ki- I love you!heh! the teacher helped me write that;
he added in the
"i love you" on his own!
and he helped me write my name ^^
he's super duper nice!
we had a i think close to two hour lunch break;
me, amanda, kwan wei, kundan & christopherwent around the whole place camwhoring ^^

i hereby conclude that tan yi wen is anorexic; his plate is the rightmost one, mine is the middle and amanda's is the leftmost one

a somewhat class photo

heehee- social controversy of art!

kwanwei, amanda, me & kundan
me & sheila!
this was kundan's brilliant idea

and this was kwanwei's =DD
amanda, me, kundan, christopher and kwan wei at the lake
after that was
i didnt manage to hit the board
but oh well;
it was fun ^^
but the
martial arts was rather boring i guess lol

the nice iron painting instructor; he's the archery instructor too!

cute little green dotted frogs =D
miss chua, siling & me
at night we had
stargazingit was rather boring too!
but i guess it was then that the trouble started
amanda, asyraf, yiwen & me
me, jingrong's cap & jing rong =D
charlie looks like he's going to kiss yiwen! =D
group shot with charlie
indri, germ & me; roomates at phoenix park hotel
japanese guys are love