♥Sunday, May 27, 2007
omg its so fast!
yay but i cant wait
to talk to my lovely roomie! =D
im almost packed
but still got bits and stuff that i havent packed in yet
tmr im still going to school for k night rehearsal
than to the library for books! :D
we're leaving on the 1125pm flight tmr night
so its another horrible midnight flight again ):
oh well im sure we'll have tons of fun!
plus my group is
me, sharyn, eduardo & yiwen
which will be fun! :D
yesterday was my gran's birthday celebration
oh my grandpa is alot better already!
he's discharged and he can walk around perfectly fine (:
and he is fine,
just that his brain moves slower & he's more reliant on his right side
but generally he's okay thank god (:
yay here are some pictures we took at the birthday celebration

the restaurant we ate at

all the grandchildren present there ^^

me & cheryl!

me, cheryl & sofia :D
okay this will be my last post before korea
ja! :D
japanese guys are love
19 May 07, 22:44wanyu: haha...get well from yr ingrown nail...haha =)19 May 07, 22:45wanyu: long time never tag le...meet up someday in june!!!holis coming19 May 07, 22:45wanyu: anw seriphos did well for intra com...hahame: helloo! :D yup yup lets meet up during june hols yay and seriphos got 2nd! =DDD
19 May 07, 22:53zengan: EHH U"RE NOT SHORT HAHA evil kundan agree. Anyway yeah perfect 5th was amzing! LALALALA but why you only perform once...NOT FUN! HMMPH19 May 07, 22:53zengan: you must erm throw stones at those people who played hotel califronia. HAHA someone strummed wrongly HAHAHA25 May 07, 21:01zengan: ehh NOT FAIR U ALL GO KOREA, I GO OBS! ewewew. AHHHH BUY ME SOMETHING HAHA! And take loads of pics yeah! (O25 May 07, 21:01zengan: have a sfae trip! WHATS TIME UR FLIGHT25 May 07, 21:02zengan: i shall msg kwan wei and you! LIKE 2h before it! HAHAHAHA(O:25 May 07, 21:02zengan: and EHH NV TAG ME! Za feels pissed. nod. HAHAme: haha im used to it already! and the hotel california was brilliant okay! and fineee i got your hints i'll buy tons of food back for you :D have fun in OBS!
20 May 07, 12:19WAYNE: hi jie.. Seems like ur concert was a great success! The two guys making fun of ur height deserve to die23 May 07, 20:45WAYNE: hihi jie!!! lol Dont u wish Korea would come to u right now???? hahahs!me: hahaha! =D yay tmr im flying off! haha see whether i can find anything for you there :D
20 May 07, 19:33zina: glad your concert pulled off a success! your school's PT looks really grand heh =)23 May 07, 00:17zina: alamak you also super pro lah can get gold for your napfa! anyway look at the time now! that's the result of homework and projects---> they deprive me of my sleep ):23 May 07, 19:08zina: yours truly is currently single and happy! no MDM! (:me: hope your concert was a success too! and MDM you got 29/30 for napfa okay! dont talk lol! i'll see whether can get anything for you from korea! :D
21 May 07, 00:14CTing: boo...couldn't go to your concert +( another time maybe +)21 May 07, 00:14CTing: coming back from india on my birthday!!! +D When are you free during the hols??21 May 07, 00:16CTing: and you take care too!!! Don't catch a flu or anything kay +)21 May 07, 00:17CTing: jyane!!me: next time alright! and have fun in india! buy something back for me :D yay we'll go out when im back okay! ja :D
22 May 07, 14:38]: ju22 May 07, 14:39amanda: the previous tag was by sharlene!!!!22 May 07, 14:39amanda: WE ARE IN THE COM LAB!!!!!!!!!me: haha hello amanda & sharlene! :D you two lame people X)
22 May 07, 22:48kw: hahaha..it was damn funny and fun today lah...shuyism...haha....23 May 07, 18:59kw: and i cant wait to finally not seeing her!25 May 07, 21:41kw: haha then both of us reply ur sms at the same time!26 May 07, 15:32kw: haha...lol...parkway was fun and desiree is sick in the mind!and muz tell me wat u all insult her okay..sad that i missed the insulting!me: haha i'll update you everything tmr! :D got a loooong time to update you! bus mate yay! X)
23 May 07, 20:49germz: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!! OMG im soooooo looking forward to it! actually its only the rooming. hahaha23 May 07, 20:50germz: oh and we can fill up the board AGAIN! WHEE! ahah. oh gosh ive got loads to tell u!!!!!!me: OMG ITS TMR! YAAAAAAAAY! i got tons tons tons tons & tons of stuff to tell you! :D
23 May 07, 21:18timo: lol nice doodling!24 May 07, 19:25timo: ugh. bad memories of24 May 07, 19:26timo: TIMBOTIMBOTIMBOTIMBOTIMBOTIMBO ALL OVER THE PAPERme: HAHAHA timbo! but wasn't it nice? X)
23 May 07, 23:10asyraf: haha omg the board.23 May 07, 23:10asyraf: must have had trouble erasing the board (:me: cool right? X) nah it was easy; we split it into three and erased like mad! :D
24 May 07, 21:51siling: shuyism movement mwahaX) rmb to do the shuyism homework arhs=Dme: mwahahaha with pleasure ms young :DD
26 May 07, 15:41cky: 2 more days to korea? haha. dun get lost there.. i heard they like to kidnap small small short short cute cute gals with small eyes like u... heheeme: LOL then you'll feel really really sad and cry over me right? HA i knew it you love me! X)
26 May 07, 21:31sharlene: hahas i watched pirates 3 n orlando bloom is as cute as usual!!!! ^^me: omg omg orlando bloom! *faints* X)
27 May 07, 15:54yingsi: heyhey i'm here to tag... i saw the phantom's costumes up close, better than watching the play.. haha... let's have fun in korea!!! LOL!!!me: lalalala but i got to watch the play! :D yay tmr is koreaaa! i shall go over to your room at night and disturb you X)
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, May 25, 2007
today we had our
full day!
yipee for us :D
but as usual mr chan was being boring
and dragging it out agaaaaain
we hung around in class the whole time
actually we were all supposed to go watch
pirates 3!
my lovelyyyyyyy
orlando bloom! :D
he is simply
LOVE <3but we were waiting for
kundan & desso in the end,
kenneth, alicia & a few otherswent ahead without us
in the end, there wasn't mass dance practice
so we hung around in school some more
marcus & chris had to go for their
science olympiadme, des, sling, kundan & kwanwei went to help miss toh
with some stuff before we went to parkway for lunch
oh but before we went for lunch,
the most RETARDED thing happened
kundan was chasing us around with his
video cam,
videoing us all the way
as we hid & ran from him
its damn funny la
we laughed ourselves silly
when we replayed the video
yay hope he sends it to us
but he better not post it on youtube!
the funniest scene was
des hopping away on one foot X)
it was super funny la
we laughed ourselves silly
we finally ate
yoshinoya at parkway
and made des a very happy girl lol
des & sling went home first
me, kundan & kwanwei hung around
we were all staring at the games we wanted la
kundan was staring at his harry potter gamei was staring at my final fantasy gameand kwanwei was staring at his pokemon gameso sad la! i got no PS2 so i cant play ffx )):
kwanwei went home after awhile
and its
me & kundan left
i was hanging around because i had tuition at
5and he was hanging around
because he didnt want to go home lol
he bought
pirates of the carribean 1 & 2 la!
so retarded; I want
pirates 2!
but he'll lend me after he finishes watching yay!
and we're going to have a
movie marathon soon again
at his house yay ^^
oh the funniest part of the day other than the videoing part,
was when
me & kundan were at
burger kingi called
desand he spent the whole time
insulting her
and she didnt realise she was on speakerphone
it was damn funny & silly la,
listening to the both of them insult each other
i was laughing myself silly at one corner
till i almost fell off the chair lol!
it was the funniest conversation i ever had :D
tuition was super fruitful
i finally understand that bloody
heat capacity thing!
YAY for me ^^
met mummy at parkway after that
to shop for the
korea trip stuffim totally exhausted
my legs were killing me
and i was lugging tons of bags
my poor poor legs ):
i can't move a single inch
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, May 23, 2007
right germ? :D
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the past few days have been uneventful
pretty boring
oh just that daddy left for myanmar on sunday morning
so its just me, mummy & korkor at home now
but he's being taken care well over there
so its a big relief ^^
and we just received a lovely email from him yay
today i did my 5 stations for napfa
because i didnt do them last week due to my toe
i got gold!
24 points :D
oh and today after school was super funny
me, germaine & amanda were doodling all over the board
and we managed to fill the WHOLE board! :D
the below pictures will give explanations lol!

we filled up the whole board!~

from left

to right :D

the three culprits! X)

in the flesh lol
oh then
sling came up with this very interesting movement
"shuyism" movement
it was super funny la!
read the whole concept map in the picture
its hilarious
especially the
people involved part :DDD

concept map X)

HAHA structure of shuyism :D

me & des- random photo!
no guitar tmr YAY!
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, May 19, 2007
fridayoh gosh
perfect fifth rocked! :D
after three months of hardwork,
the concert is finally over! ^^
we practiced from
8am all the way till the concert
and it was horrible,
because suddenly all the problems started popping out
till we got really stressed
but we kept practicing over and over again
sheila & me went back during
EA periodand it was lucky that we decided to go back
because lots of information was released
packing list etc.
plus our grouping is out!
i like my group :D
me, sharyn, yiwen & eduardoyay! (:
we were all rushing to change before the concert
and running around, tying
ribbons etc.
that night was torture for me
because my toe was still hurting
plus the stupid
court shoes were so darn tight
i couldn't even walk properly
i spent the whole night
running around
barefoot like an idiot lol
at first they said that the PT was very empty
and we all got really discouraged
who won't be?
and when i peeked out,
the side that i saw had
alot of empty seats
so we were steeling ourselves to play
in front of an empty PT
but when the curtains opened,
we got the biggest shock of our lives
the PT was full!
even the
upper gallery was full!
it was
full house YAY :DDDDD

the senior ensemble
we screwed up the pieces,
but its okay because its over!
during intermission
i met up with
my family + aunt carol & uncle charlesand later with
kundan, marcus, kwanwei & zenganthat horrible
kundan & marcus were bullying me again
pulling my ribbon plus going:
"where's szeying?"hmph
but it was fun talking to them yay
we went up to the
upper gallery during second half
and screamed our lungs out
yay the second half was fun!
and the
hotel california was superbly good (:

one of the small groups

me, stephanie & sheila
after the concert was over,
everyone was super high
and we went around taking photos
section photos,
junior ensemble photos,
IP photos! yay (:
i havent gotten the photos yet
but when i get them i'll post them up (:
perfect fifth 2007 rocked!
cant wait for
perfect fifth 2008 :D
saturdayphantom of the opera day!
oh gosh the play was
superbly superbly superbly superb :D
its the best play i've ever seen
even better than ABBA (:
the actors were all brilliant
and they had great voices
phantom & christine's voices were superb
and the special effects & coordination was great
plus we had great seats-
central and not blocked by anyone :D
to sum it all up:
the play was fantastici was so sad when its over la
and the scene when
christine left the phantommade me cry
lol so it was a fantastic play yay (:
we bought the
original soundtrackand im listening to the songs now (:
i cant stand it
i wanna go watch phantom of the opera again! ):

the original soundtrack

the lovely brochure
japanese guys are love
8 May 07, 20:32ls: hey i also wanna rerun..let's rerun together k?..14 May 07, 19:07ls: omg i neva had surgery before n tt surely hurts alot..@_@..n yup hope ur grandpa get better soon..:)me: haha i dont think im in any state to rerun lol! plus it hurt yup & thanks my granddad is alot better now (:
8 May 07, 21:29kw: oi dun make me feel damn slow lah10 May 07, 20:58kw: quite evil lah...make us feel paiseh in front of our parents.....13 May 07, 22:11kw: cheer up!he will get well soon!16 May 07, 23:01kw: haha JIAYOU ok...i going so better make this concert reli nice!17 May 07, 21:56kw: not mine but szeying...heheme: haha you slow person! and the concert was nice right? worth going! :D and its my money lol
9 May 07, 18:29sulin: LOL yay we have very good health. haaha. the nurse told me about my eyesight then went: " same as her luh !" (pointed to you) heeeh 9 May 07, 18:29sulin: ooohhh i cant wait for cosfest. were to get stuff?16 May 07, 21:49sulin: HELLO SZEYINGGG (: allaalme: HELLO SULIN :D haha and cheers to having good health! i dont know where to get the stuff- im counting on you!
9 May 07, 22:10asyraf: your height very good ? (:15 May 07, 23:17asyraf: try to cheer up okay x) guitar on friday.me: thanks (: and yes my height is very good :D
13 May 07, 15:18zina: back from level camp! good luck for your rerun. you run i run we all ruunnnn~!me: haha im not running! X)
13 May 07, 20:21germz: oh gosh. are u alright? poor gal...17 May 07, 19:58germz: jiay0us for guitar concert!!!!!! WHEE!me: haha yup! thankyou the concert rocked! and NINE DAYS TO KOREA ROOMIE! :D
13 May 07, 20:31sharlene: ya...cheer up n hope he gets better soon!me: hello girl! thanks :D
13 May 07, 22:38jiahui: cheer up! im sure he'll get well (: have faith in God yeah?me: haha thankyou girl (:
13 May 07, 23:47cky: why ur ingrow nail come like that agian? remember that the previous time was super pain...13 May 07, 23:47cky: get well soon kk..14 May 07, 21:05cky: good. u in korea.. i in SINGAPORE> singapore is not too bad lar. =/ hahaa14 May 07, 21:05cky: i have to train for competition T_T15 May 07, 22:29cky: tell u a secret. bolong is super dao. ahahaame: aiyah unlucky lor ): anyway you went malaysia okay! well i was stuck in singapore studying lol and my concert is over nya! X)
14 May 07, 00:18CTing: yoyo!! jia you in life!! love ya +)14 May 07, 00:19CTing: boo..i'm going india 2 days earlier than you =i14 May 07, 00:19CTing: nevrtheless...JIA YOU IN LIFE!!!me: lol you silly person! love you too (: when you coming back from india? take care of yourself over there you hear?
14 May 07, 08:16zengan: Hey! (O: Get well soon, pity your little toe. But yeah God bless! Will be praying for your toe and your granddad too! Don't be sad yeah (O:! Cheerup! Everyone has been through emotionally exhausting14 May 07, 08:18zengan: days before and i know how it feels to see your grandad in the hospital, well my grandad been through that when i was in p4, i guess u knew that right. So cheerup yeah! (O:14 May 07, 08:19zengan: Cheer up sister! (O: Well yeah life is short, so cherish everything you have! HAHAHA meanwhile i shall spam your tagboard with happy messages haha CHEERIOS! (O:14 May 07, 08:19zengan: (O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:(O:me: LOL thanks so much (: and so many smilies!
14 May 07, 16:39tim: wow you think alot. GET WELL SOON SZEYING'S GRANDADDY!me: haha thanks on my grandad's behalf :D and of course i think alot! smart people heh X)
14 May 07, 18:01~dex~: omg thats ur feat? looks like baby's feat haha. well. anw, god bless ur grandadme: HEY its not a baby foot kay! lol
14 May 07, 21:12bolong': the same thing happened to my grandpa too. cheer up anyway me: really? hope your grandpa is okay too
15 May 07, 12:56yijun: yeap cheer up.. plus, get ur toe back in normal state asap yeah! =)) haa, study physics together by doing PE - physical education. haa ok, so spas, -.-me: LAMO GIRL! X) lets study for physics together yay
15 May 07, 14:40:princess: <3me: love you too!
16 May 07, 18:47WAYNE: hi jie.... long time no tok le eh. Hope ur feeling better... dunno wat i can say to cheer u up, but do try and cheer up yah? bye.17 May 07, 19:17WAYNE: JIA YOU FOR CONCERT!!!!!!!!!me: thankyou (: how was your interclass?
16 May 07, 21:27BG: Hallo. LoL. Failing yr subjects... nvm. nx time when u get a bad grade, cheer yrself up by thinking bout a guy in dhs who will always get lower marks than u=)me: no! you're smart too! (:
16 May 07, 23:33jiahui: i would be rejoicing over the misisng of trip sci darling! ><>
me: haha the concert rocked! plus you didnt fail triple science okay darling! X) yay i love concerts so fun! ^^
17 May 07, 21:23zengan: HAHA 1930. WE CNA GO EAT DINNER 1ST KWANster! Jiayou sister! WAT SONG U PLAYING! Is it a duet? Haha. Anyway i really think you guys should have combined with the paino ensemble too haha (O: and choir!
17 May 07, 21:23zengan: then it will be AMAZING! But yeah you guys will do well right?
17 May 07, 21:23zengan: dun let my (kwanwei hehehe) money go down the drain HAHA (O:
me: haha its MY money mister! you haven't paid me back yet hor! lol plus the concert was NICE right??? X)
19 May 07, 11:14`cheryl: isnt VJC GUITAR ENSEMBLE CONCERT ytd? ohwells, i'm slow
me: lololol it was yesterday you silly person X)Labels: tag replies
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 17, 2007
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, May 16, 2007
OMG YAYYY blogger is back to normal! :D
after one whole week of screwed blogger template heh
friday is
guitar concert!
we've been practicing like mad for it la
lets see how long we're practicing this week:
monday: 4-7pm [3 hours]wednesday: 3-9pm [6 hours]friday: 8am-7pm [11 hours]3+6+11= 19hours19 hours! zomg
my poor fingers sigh
but now i dont really feel the pain already
which means that my fingers are already
hard & calloused!
i dont want that to happen!
i want my lovely nice smooth fingers sigh ):
and performing in the PT is so scary la
we can't hear anything from the back
plus the stupid
foot stool brings the guitar so far away from me
i cant see what im playing
and hence i screw up half the time
and im missing
triple science on friday!
so not good-
i failed all my science papers
nothing much happened these few days
they've been boring days
when will we get our
full day?
mr chan has been postponing it for a long time sigh
oh but this saturday is
phantom of the opera!
phantom of the opera YAY
omg i cant wait!
its such a nice reward after practicing so hard for the concert ^^
but nowadays i feel it more clearlyreally alot more clearly
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, May 13, 2007

i think the picture is quite self explanatory
stupid ingrown toe nail
the surgery hurt 1000 times more than the previous time la
next time i have this problem again
im going to leave it alone
off centre was quite nice
its scary how fast the actors manage to switch personalities
saturday was meet the parents session
daddy came with me :D
yay thankfully no bad comments from the teachers
generally quite good comments ^^
satuday was a really bad & emo day for me
during the session,
daddy received news that my granddad was in hospital
because he suffered a
major stroke
after we finished meeting all the teachers,
daddy dropped me off at home and rushed to the hospital
then i found out lots of things i didnt know
that made me cry really hard & really long
then at night i went to the doctor
to have that stupid ingrown nail removed
daddy brought all of us to the hospital after that to see my granddad
thank god he's a lot better now
but when i saw him in the hospital bed,
the severity of the situation sunk in
he looked so weak
with tubes up his nose
his speech blurred
and his breath short
in the morning he couldnt recognise people
but then, he was alot better and recognised us
when he looked at me,
said my name & told me i didnt have to come,
i cried
i had a really emotionally exhausting day
and my toe was hurting
and because i didnt want to lose my granddad
it hurt to see him that way
i saw so many old people in the ward
all looking equally frail as my granddad
i felt so...sad
because life was short
and any time it could be taken away
and i dont ever want to lose anyone close to me
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, May 12, 2007
im getting my life back on track
no more distractions
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 10, 2007
eeyucks blogger is still being irritating
i dont feel like blogging since blogger
is being so retarded ><
anyway today we had free lesson during chem
and we were doing the ws ms chia gave us
lol lavan called his mum for help
because we had no idea how to do the ws at all
super cool la ^^
we got back our report books
i got one bloody F for physics
right smack in the middle
so maddd
and my average is so lousy
i've never gotten such lousy marks before
plus my class has like the highest average
i think i really went to the wrong class ><
im waaaaaaay below average la
stayed back to do chem with des
before we went home
lala tmr is off-centre!
at the esplanade
yay ^^
oh and next week's gonna be a killer
i've 13 hours of guitar practice
monday: 4-7pm
wednesday: 3-7pm
friday:12pm all the way to the concert time (around 7)
ohmigosh im so gonna die
plus i failed all three sciences
and im skipping them ><
oh and this saturday is meet the parents session
the students have to go too
so stupid
so we can sit there and hear the teachers complain bout us to our parents =.=
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, May 08, 2007
oh gosh blogger is screwed AGAIN
i cant add any colour to my post rah
anyway today we had 2.4km run for napfa
i got a lousy timing of 15 min around there
thats a B or maybe even a C!
im going to rerun the 2.4 heh =D
and aim for an A
thats my personal goal ^^
had health checkup today
im super happy
because i no need to wear specs!
my vision is still perfect
lol the nurse was like:
"hmmm let me see...
okay your eyesight is very good
your backbone is okay
your height & weight is good
your attendance is good ( i have no idea what this is about lol)
okay! very good ^^"
japanese guys are love
4 May 07, 21:13germz: ursa sucks!! URGHHH. just dunp all these rubbish on us. anw today was so funny!!!! i almost died laughing!
7 May 07, 20:57germz: HAHAHAHHA. i was just kidding! u took it seriously ahhh! hahaha. it was just a passing remark!!!!! ahahhaha.
me: yup! ursa sucks big time lol and our conversations are always so funny! X) and im nice i shall treat you some day remind me kay!
May 07, 22:07kw: oi....i wasnt gaying wif kundan and the debate was quite crap haha and i agree....ursa always laz min one and u guys oso did a greta job cheering!
5 May 07, 16:02kw: yes...i am so proud of ur cheering and screaming!:D
7 May 07, 20:00kw: not seaweed but KIMCHI!and yes i lasted only 1 min plus and ended ok byebye
7 May 07, 21:15kw: lol....idiocracy...damn funny and sick....haha the deleted scenes...and option free period....saved a lot of ppl today.....and early in the morining a lot of ppl gather to copy haha....ppl were scared
mne: haha you were! and see our cheering is superb X) idiocracy is super funny la! and since youre so smart, you must help us lower beings kay!
4 May 07, 23:10cky: * YAWNS* results sucks. hahaaa
7 May 07, 22:09cky: malaysia tml!! haha. will miss u!! whee. =]
me: i agree! T.T im doing super badly la anyway have fun in malaysia! will miss you too ^^
5 May 07, 11:48ls: haha des n kw r so brave to go for e debate..n des really has her own funny style in debatin..haha
me: haha she has absolutely NO debating etiquette at all lol X)
5 May 07, 12:44WAYNE: heloo!!! u so evill eh dat day class outing u barely looked at me??!! argh. looloool. Me watched spidey3 too!!!!! Venom no tongue eh. so weird. Me love rosemary harris!!!! ~~ hahahah
5 May 07, 12:46WAYNE: Fushigi yuugi got OVA de mehhh??
me: lol you left so early what! + i came late haha and fushigi yuugi does have OVA
5 May 07, 17:32asyraf: aquila still rocks more man =D
7 May 07, 22:11asyraf: idiocracy haah the movie's so funny man.
me: agreed ursa is yucky >< and idiocracy is so funny but its soooo dumb! lol
5 May 07, 18:35tim: lol the debate sounded really fun.
me: haha it was ^^
5 May 07, 20:14leesimin: hello did u know yi'an is the new sj chairperson-.-"
6 May 07, 16:47leesimin: yup haha nobody expected it lol. now everyone's gonna bully her even more-.-"
me: omg that is like so shocking! lol better teach her well and dont let her screw up or anything like that haha since shes gonna LEAD all of you- gosh i still cant believe it heh
6 May 07, 10:17zina: omgggg simin2? is it?!!
me; haha so retarded right! the last time we saw her she looked like a zombie lol!
6 May 07, 23:20zengan: DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GHAHA thats simple half and hour preparation is sufficent and KW lasted one MIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
6 May 07, 23:20zengan: and I WANT TO GO FOR UR GUITAR CONCERT!! EVILNESS i need a ticket. KWAN WEI COME WITH ME!!!!
6 May 07, 23:20zengan: and KOREA! HAha since kw is buying seaweed already let see i shall ask you to buy erm.....*thinks*
6 May 07, 23:20zengan: btw what was the motion for your debate?
6 May 07, 23:25zengan: AND HEY! Never tag my blog haha (O:
me: haha i replied all on your blog already ^^
7 May 07, 20:13yiwen: hello ZA (:
me: -.- hello to you too yiwen lol link me!
7 May 07, 22:17sher: oooh. the movie's funny! (: haha
me: haha yup! its better than spending all our time copying notes lol
8 May 07, 17:33yijun: so coincident
8 May 07, 17:34yijun: ^coincidental for physics! haa.. =))
me: ya ohmigosh! we both failed + got the exact same mark! ^^ phew i thought i was the only one HEH lets go study physics together!
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japanese guys are love
♥Monday, May 07, 2007
oh gosh blogger is screwed! >.<
anyway today passed rather quickly for once ^^
we had our lit core lecture with ms sandhya
but it wasnt like a lecture,
because it was in the electives hub
and it was really informal ^^
it was fun!
more fun than geog heh
lit option time is a lifesaver!
because i finished my option for this year,
i have four free periods every week
during option ^^
i managed to finish my maths
and all-
i felt so happy and accomplished after that (:
during lang arts we watched this movie
oh gosh its super funny la
and there are so many connotations
and its a sick movie lol
but it was really funny!
but pity that ms yang came in early
and we couldnt finish the movie
its ms yang's fault! lol
during physics it was funny!
my tablemates were crapping nonstop
from "pilots" to "pirates" X)
after school
me, des & sling went to the com lab
oh gosh
that was the funniest time of the day
we laughed so loud
i think we disturbed everyone in the com lab X)
we were teasing des about *AHEM*
and about her napfa thing
then we were playing around with
and the results were super funny!
i still have the blackmail photos lol
GERM! YOU'LL GET YOUR MILO SOON LA! LOLbut its only one mark diff! X)
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, May 04, 2007
wednesdaycivics was
prep for korea trip again
and there was
council investiture in the morning
it was so boring i almost fell asleep zzzz
but i was having fun with
sling and des!
yay we were crapping all the way lol
guitar we had our official seating for the concert already
me & sheila had to keep moving between songs
because mr lim put us in
prime 3 for forrest gumpand
prime 2 for those were the daysat night it was a lovely high night!
i had a uber high and lovely conversation with
yay we were crapping and saying how we cant wait for korea trip ^^
especially since we're roomies YAY
we got lots to gossip about;
more accurately-
we're looking forward to the
korea trip ROOMING :D
T42 with ms toh during break
was talking bout studies & stuff
shes quite nice in person ^^
and funny lol
kundan had the debate thing
but couldnt stay back to support him
because i had piano
ursa won aquilla!
fridayi like my new seating arrangement!
its fun ^^
EA period we had some seminar thing
that after that we had refreshments!
so nice of them ^^
me, sling & des took a lot X)
after that that kundan
was bullying us again lol!
and he & kw were gaying around so funny
but last min the jc people couldnt make it for the debate
so poor kundan was in a panic trying to look for two more people
so in the end
des & kw went
it was like omg
pegasus was so professional and prepared compared to us
kw was the funniest
he was talking in a super loud voice
then a few seconds after the first minute bell rang,
"erm ya- i would like to conclude my speech"it was supposed to be a 6 minute speech
LOL it was so funny
and des this silly woman!
she should never be allowed in debate until she learns debating etiquette
when eduardo raised his hand to rebut,
she turned to him
and went:
ya?like ZOMG O.O
it happened
twice kay
i was banging my head against the table
and everyone was laughing
then when she didnt understand the opposite team's rebuttal,
she went:
"HUH? ...aiyah nevermind la!"T.T
i was banging my head even harder by this time
and she was the only speaker to hit
5 minutesso when she finished her speech and the 5 min bell rang,
she was like:
jumping back to her seat
that woman is dangerous okay! lol
anyway we lost
it was expected
and it was so retarded
we were only told about the debate
half an hour before the actual one
and it was an inter house thing
it was supposed to be a mixed team of jc & ip
but since all the jc students backed out,
our whole team was ip1 students
so horrible right?
they didnt even have a decent half hour to prepare
plus ursa only had
3 supportersme, germ & iris- my guitar senior who is also in debate, helping us
while pegasus had 10 over
so retarded right?
i do not like ursa
they dump all this kinda things last minute on us
then turn around and blame us when things dont work out
just like sports day urgh
japanese guys are love
1 May 07, 21:25yasmin: i see the box!!! that box that u all like to fit into! 3 May 07, 22:58yasmin: desiree is super funny... haha. i am SO NOT LIKE THAT!!!me: haha NO you are SO LIKE THAT! :D
1 May 07, 21:52zina: thanks!!! finally saw you today too! next time we shall play golf at sentosa xDme: haha yup! go play liliput golf and watch the lil golf balls go over humps and through caves :D and yijun can display her powerful golf skills yay!
1 May 07, 21:56yijun: hello! see u in 24hrs too... =) haa.. ok, next time go sentosa golf. lol =P. ps: JM still looking for her brain =)2 May 07, 12:35yijun: haa. u still looking for ur brain la jm. btw, sze ying, saw u in 24 hrs already haa!! =)me: haha jm is FOREVER looking for her brain =D YAY and we saw each other in 24 hours X)
1 May 07, 23:48JM: OI. I HAVE STOPPED ROLLING ABOUT OK >.<. ANd yijun: I HAVE NEVER LOST MY BRAIN!!!1 May 07, 23:48JM: heehee. MISSED YA COUS!me: HAHA living in self denial =D and i missed ya too cous!
2 May 07, 00:21leo: c ur having lotsa fun hahah!me: yup! ^^ you looked so funny in sc investiture LOL =D
2 May 07, 17:56tim: lol the person who forgot her own birthday was funny.me: lol only that person can forget her birthday X)
2 May 07, 19:59germz: OMG. des is soooo funny!!!!! hahahaha. but shes cute too lah ahah. ive got loads to tell yah roomie! cant wait for korea trip!!!!!me: i cant wait for korea trip too! omg im gonna die waiting >.< and i got TONS and TONS of stuff to tell you roomie! (:
2 May 07, 20:13cass: haha...saw your post about the outing...had fun too...hahame: haha YAY lets have another outing soon^^
2 May 07, 21:23sulin: LOL DES IS FUNNY. and she calls other people slow. hurhurhur x) oh pointy woman agn tml! hehme: heh she never learns tsk and no pointy woman today! lol X) and lets go to the anime convention thing together yay ^^
2 May 07, 21:56kw: omg i cant believe that desiree is so slow.if i were u,i wuld jump down lol....and are koreans' hair always messy....and is mine too?i think so arhhh!i got no face liao!me: omg kw! your hair is messy! =D and you were so funny during debate today lol! but you guys did a great job cheers! ^^
May 07, 21:56siling: desiree is a blurpok! a super uber duper blurpok! like zomg, just like her bag says, i am so stressed out i can choke her alreadyX)me: haha SAME! thats why we bought the bag lol! X)
2 May 07, 22:16yi'an: :D HAHAHA ^^ im satisfied now eeyer i look horrible in tt photo lolme: lol you looked like a zombie that day :D
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japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, May 01, 2007
HAPPY REALLY BELATED BIRTHDAY TEO YI'AN!there i've given you your birthday post already ^^
mondayfirst day sitting with new group!
my new group consists of
sulin, chenxi, kenneth & lavanduring maths it was so so funny
we kept laughing about
pointy things
and ms yang kept looking over at our table
because we laughed so much lol! X)
oh gosh and when we gave des her present,
it was the most retarded thing i ever went through
when i first handed her the bag she went:
"oh! this is yiwen's present? EH why never tell me so i can share?"O.O
after that it was even better
when we told her exasperatedly that its her present,
she went:
"huh? but why would you all buy me something all of a sudden? you crazy people!"O.O
wait there's more-
kundan was moments away from strangling her
ne & sling too
i told her:
"whose birthday was it a few days ago?"she went:
"whose? eh tell me leh!"kundan was really about to strangle her already
and he went in a sacarstic tone:
"ya, see that girl waaaay over there? its her birthday"believe it or not,
she was like
"where? where? you know her meh?"at that time,
the sound you heard
was all of us banging our head against the locker
and when we finally told her that
NO, its not for that girl over thereNO its not for yiwenYES its for youYES it was for your birthdayshe went:
"huh? my birthday? hmmmmm... OH YA! IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!"zomg,
i was banging my head repeatedly against the locker
and she thought that the huge present we got her
was a small lil wallet
with lots of newspaper + wrapping paper around it
so that when you tear off one layer,
you gotta do something
she never guessed that it was a bag
i cant stand it! >.<
went for niceeeee
jap food for dinner
raffles town club!we ate
and the chef was so nice-
he gave us two extra FREE bowls of
fried ricewhen one cost
$4 :D
i was a really happy girl that night YAY
i stuffed myself full ^^
tuesdaywent to watch
spiderman 3 at plaza sing!
mummy booked our tickets through
erm some people
thats why we could get the tickets ^^
spiderman 3 was really nice;
i just realised how cute
james franco is!
my new heartthrob sigh ;)
went to meet up with the 2A people after that!
but i went late because the movie ended at 3 plus
so when i got there,
jiahui, anthea & shenmei had to go ):

me & zina! missed her so much <3>
cass, me & yijun
lol it was so funny we were trying to take photos of each other X)
me, yijun, jiamin, cass, yi'an, zina & deb
walked around plaza for a loong time
we had alot of fun
insulting jm :D
bet shes still rolling about somewhere HEH X)
and me & yijun exchanged lots of gossip about vj :D
it was so great to see all of them again ^^
lets have another class outing soon! ((:
oh and YIJUN!
see you in less than 24 hours X)
it was so funny yay (:

me & yi'an's feet

cass, me & yi'an ^^
japanese guys are love
25 Apr 07, 20:58germz: hello ROOM- MATE!!! this will be sooooo fun! WHEE. and spot check sucked big time! and we have to be guai again trm coz we have IH geog!! BLEAH26 Apr 07, 21:30germz: des looks soooo funny! ahahah. nice white powder for her since she doesnt wanna get tanned!29 Apr 07, 12:33germz: and i didnt expect to see kw so clam on seeing the shuangyi pics.... hehe. so i can post them too right!! WHEE!29 Apr 07, 12:32germz: OH was fun! hahah. plus the funny things we did, jumping up and down, camwhoring! hahaha. cant wait to room with u during korea trip!!!me: yo room-mate! =D we're gonna have so much fun during korea trip! yay camwhoring, complaining bout STUFF that we can both relate to- got one long list already lol!
25 Apr 07, 21:37yijun: yeah, spot check sucks.. but cheer up =) hope u receive the lame-nism and SMILE =).. haame: HELLO! (: i've received your lame-nism doublefold already today since got JM around ^^ bet shes still rolling around looking for her brain lol! see you in less than 24 hours! X)
25 Apr 07, 22:02liushuang: nice DESIREE photo!..haha..i can stare n laugh at it for a long long time..29 Apr 07, 11:57liushuang: e quality of e photoes u took r really much much better than LeMoN's..hahaz..n kw really looked hot n sexy with his makeup..me: haha dont tell her that! ;) and of course i take better than her X)
25 Apr 07, 22:05kw: haha...desiree looks damn nice....haha....and spot check was damn sudden and i oso lyk choosing my own room mates....yay!26 Apr 07, 19:22kw: since chris saed dun be lyk him....then be lyk me...always cheerful:)29 Apr 07, 11:56kw: oi....i was considered the "centre of attraction' ok and u all pangseh me.....leave me alone then go pt to assemble!and openhouse was a bit the disappointing lah and desiree was damn silly dunno wat29 Apr 07, 11:57kw: bus to take home and also the chocs were damn nice lah...and i help ensure that the chocs were fresh!29 Apr 07, 14:58kw: onli for the one on the actual day and only that!me: haha sorry! ): we thought we were really late already lol and you're SHO funny i cant stand it X)
25 Apr 07, 23:24asyraf: i'm sleepy27 Apr 07, 09:59asyraf: yes i'll post for your bday too la29 Apr 07, 16:34asyraf: haha gosh. i dont know what to say, some of the pics are really funnyme: haha i have somemore funny pics X) and i just realised that your tags are really short lol!
25 Apr 07, 23:46chris: cheer up sze ying... dun be so sadd....u ppl all so pessimistic....totlly like me...cannot be like me!! cos im a bd example of a guy.. ^^me: lol no la you silly person ^^
26 Apr 07, 07:40zengan: WHAT! even your drawsting was confiscated! UR PRINCIPAL's weird but anyway what u expect. He was from HCI anyway so yeah. TOtalitarian communist school enforces super arbitary rules. ):28 Apr 07, 23:09zengan: LIKE OMG! KWAN WEI LOOKS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!28 Apr 07, 23:09zengan: HE LOOKS LIKE ...some tai tai whose hair got blasted by the permr...AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA KWAN WEI..TSK28 Apr 07, 23:10zengan: haha and is that eyeshadow! YOU've got to be kidding...WHY UR CLDRAMA SO FUN! HAHA kwan wei..he looks like....*creepy*28 Apr 07, 23:11zengan: and really! HE WORE A DRESS! OH MINE GOOSH, i can't beleive this. I can hardly contain my laughter now. i wonder how u survived sze ying, must have laughed till ur tears flowed! (O:me: HAHA oh gosh kw- i didnt say all these! go kill zengan instead X))
26 Apr 07, 09:53WAYNE: helooo... wat in the world is a drawstring?? lol seems ur teacher really sucks.26 Apr 07, 09:54WAYNE: oooh u going Korea! haha. hope u enjoy ur trip.26 Apr 07, 09:54WAYNE: I got a chem test today haha hope i do well\27 Apr 07, 22:34WAYNE: helooooooo!!!! i think i noe what drawstrings are! Isit the stuff that ppl put at the rim of their shirts to make it possible to fold in?27 Apr 07, 22:34WAYNE: And i think i did okayokay for chem.. sighsigh27 Apr 07, 22:34WAYNE: and today's TEOYIAN's Birthday!!!29 Apr 07, 11:05WAYNE: OMG THAT PERSON IN THE WIG LOOKS REALLL SCARY!29 Apr 07, 11:05WAYNE: Hope ur open house thingy went well29 Apr 07, 11:07WAYNE: whoa bday boy is shuai!me: haha good that you know what it is already and have confidence for your chem kay! and openhouse was okay la at least we didnt really screw up lol!
26 Apr 07, 22:37yi'an: MISS ME? ; D EEYA... was looking forward to seeing u one leh..lol see see! now i cant pinch hammie's cheeks : Dme: lol you saw me today already! (: and thankfully you forgot to pinch my cheeks whoo :D you walking zombie!
26 Apr 07, 22:41cky: RELAX. ur cher like super bad. =/ hahahaa.26 Apr 07, 22:41cky: and i got caught by teng like almost everydae still. with my skirt like TWO pathetic cm above my knee only.26 Apr 07, 22:41cky: or is it ONE PATHETIC CM? hahaha. so dun be bothered by ur cher lar. she got EMBARASSED. hahahahaa.26 Apr 07, 22:43cky: and yeah. guess wad? i took out my elasticband aka drawstrings. HAHHAAA. cos teo caught me for tht. =/ hahahame: haha mr teo caught you? lol no more lulu, mr teo come and catch you X) and msteng too? ohgosh you poor poor thing lol!
27 Apr 07, 16:03tim: oh. my. gawd. you posted the comic strip. AAAAHHHH1 May 07, 11:41tim: happy bday jiingrong! omg im so lag. you acted very well!!!me: HEH yes i posted the comic strip X)
27 Apr 07, 20:04CTing: girlgirl!!! chill out over drawstrings!! you look geat already!!! no modification needed +D27 Apr 07, 20:05CTing: bet you've got a major blast of self esteem over私の compliments? +)27 Apr 07, 20:06CTing: miss ya after just two weeks? so sad you can't come to class out T.T27 Apr 07, 20:06CTing: tagged-1 May 07, 19:59CTing: lol...you get to go class out and I slept it away =P sorry sorry...me: awwww i know you love me X) and i miss you too already! and you ar! i struggle to class outing and in the end you're sleeping at home -.- horrible person! go out for lunch again? (:
29 Apr 07, 15:50zina: ohnoooo why you can't come? i'll miss you alottt ):me: i cameeeee! :D and it was so great seeing you mummy <3 and dont worry, your secret is safe with me :D
29 Apr 07, 17:07Umar: hello szeying. dropping by.me: hello! (: i still havent sent THAT photo yet X)
29 Apr 07, 20:13/th: HELLO =Dme: HEY GIRL! (: sorry i'll reply your email REAL soon kay! (:
30 Apr 07, 18:57sulin: ZOMGZOMGZOMG KWAN WEI LOOKS LIKE AN AUNTY IN YOUR FIRST PICTURE !!! ahahhahha so cute lolll~ hehe. today ms yang, 'everything about her is pointy' hehhhhh x))))me: HAHA kw's gonna kill you X) and yesterday was so funny! she kept looking over at our table LOL! X)
1 May 07, 14:07amanda: hellos!! hahas. jingrong really look like smallboy hahas!!!1 May 07, 14:08amanda: and we can fit into the box!!!me: HEH we're small & thin people :DDD so fun lets go sit in the box again X)
1 May 07, 14:40hosimin: hey szeying! (: haven't seen you for v long >.<me: hello! i havent seen you for a looooong time too ):
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japanese guys are love
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