♥Friday, April 27, 2007
you still owe me my cornetto :D
lets have fun during imagineering again! X)
chinese drama performance!
ohgosh we went totally crazy during the performance
because there were no lights at all
we couldnt find anything
and it was like total chaos backstage
then when the scene switched and we had to
transform kevin into an old man,
me & sling were like
she was frantically putting gel on his hair
while for me
i just dumped the whole bottle of powder on his hair X)
everyone told me it looked like pepper spray! X)
and it was superbly funny
because while kevin was dancing
with the lovely, hot & sexy shuangyi,
powder kept flying out of his hair
in like white clouds
i was laughing my head off backstage!
plus i dumped so much powder that his specs
were blurry lol!
sorry kev!
and our lovely, hot & sexy
totally rocked the whole performance!
without him it would have been nothing
everytime he came on stage
the crowd laughed like mad X)
thankyou kwanwei! :D
had openhouse prep after that
me, sling, germaine & kenneth
were PT ushers
me & germaine had fun hopping up and down the PT steps! :DDD
physics practical test after that was urgh
the experiment was easy
but the calculation is a sure fail part
and bob came back! :D
we hung around in class,
playing cards till about 6 plus
before we went home
we reported to school really early
and had to go to our posts by 8am
me & germaine were camwhoring in the PT! :D
then when mrs jay came,
we hid our phones
but when mrs jay was looking somewhere else
germaine hopped down the stairs
and was like:
quick quick! lets take a photo! X)
me, germ & sling!
me & germaine!
the parents started streaming in really late
but this year's turnout was like a lot lesser than we expected
we didnt even touch the second gallery of the PT!
anyway i brought this TKGS girl & her parents around
for the whole day
they were a really nice family ^^
we went to the physics presentation,
maths, electives, helmsman & concourse
it was fun talking to them la (:
OH and dhs sent spies!
they sent a few teachers
and they interrogated kundan
about IH!
but yay for ms sandhya,
she came in and saved the day X)
after that was the mass dance finale
was erm okay i guess
i hope that tkgs girl gets in! ^^
went to parkway
with a HUGE group of people
we bought up food
and went up to the open air space we always go to
after that,
me, sling, kundan, kevin & kwanwei
cabbed down to suntec
that silly marcus went for a tennis match
and that even sillier des had to go home ):
it was super funny
because kundan was like sliding down on the cab seat
and trying to disappear
because the taxi was only supposed to hold 4 people
while we were 5-
the uncle was nice enough to drive us ^^
we walked around for quite some time
and we ate heavenly chocolate at sins!
the chocolate melts in your mouth,
literally melts
oh gosh i can never eat normal chocolate again >.<
we walked down to marina after that
that horrible kundan was making us jealous
by repeating that dhs teachers vs vj teachers
incident over and over again
because we missed it! RAH
anyway we walked around for a long time
and we kept going around in circles
before we got what we finally wanted (:
our legs were breaking already
and we were uber tired
moral of the story?
dont go shopping after open house
some behind the scenes footage!

me, des, sling & kwanwei!

chris with that silly mask we had to wear

woohoo! kevin & our lovely, hot & sexy shuangyi!
pillow fight between jingrong & liushuang in one of the scenes!

darren, kevin & jingrong!
me & kevin!

doing the make up for kwanwei plus his wig

me, sling & des in those silly masks

pictures we took on thursday:

me & des in that black box!

we're actually in the box but you cant see here lol

us plus amanda- we can fit into the box!
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, April 25, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DES! <3thanks for being such an awesome friend girl
though today sucked big time
and ruined your birthday
but nvm
we'll celebrate it properly for you on thurs kay (:

lol they splattered powder on her face X)
anyway today was fun
the first half of the day was fun
esp during
facetsit was the last lesson,
we were supposed to watch
fall of the house of usherbut then there was something wrong,
so we couldnt watch ):
we drew story panels instead
fall of the house of usher
random photo: timbo's uber cute & small waterbottle :D
omg my group is SUPER FUN!
me & ashley were laughing the whole time throughout
it was like neverending laughter
we were drawing
timbo's name all over the place
and timbo was like:
OMGGGGGGGG!!!his reaction was super funny
and we had a really great time
and we kept laughing at our story panel
which shows that our group has absolutely no talent in art ^^
i love my group!
ashley, joann, timbo & jingrong;gonna miss them now that facets is over sigh
presenting our
story panel! X)
note: please do click on the pictures to enlarge them to see the detailssidenote: can you count how many timbos are there in each panel? X)
panel 1

panel 2

panel 3

panel 4
me & germ are roomies for korea trip! X)
we could choose
but they definitely wont allow
me, sling & des to room together
sulin, germaine & amanda to room together
so we swopped between ourselves!
me & germ rooming togethersulin & des rooming togetheramanda & sling rooming togetheri hope we can get
zhangqiao to room with us too
to make up the three people ^^
korea trips gonna be fun (:
its the only thing that im holding on to to survive the term
japanese guys are love
18 Apr 07, 22:07kw: reli sad that bob had to leave even though i nv sat wif him b4....but cheer up it is a gd thing that bob can be happy:)19 Apr 07, 20:34kw: dun even think abt it...no no....19 Apr 07, 21:11kw: who lyk this wk.....this shall be emo wk21 Apr 07, 16:44kw: i oso got 4...hi 5...haha the green man...and that car looks nice....25 Apr 07, 18:21kw: i love my IM grp too....even though quite slack now.....haha and our foot got big diff....haha and thanxs for not posting haha me: hello mr sexy! :D haha and im nice- i didnt post the photos; im not that evil la ^^ and your foot ar is horribly big! its like twice the size of mine >.<
18 Apr 07, 22:11siling: sniff. i dont want bob to leave!=(((( but yea, just like kw said, if it makes bob happy then it'll be a good thing=)20 Apr 07, 18:32siling: i finally can see your taggie!=DDD shall be nice and not spam^^ shuangy was funny ahha! and open house is coming up^^25 Apr 07, 17:03siling: omgomgomg spot check! rarrrr. it was like grrr=((((me: haha at least bob came back! and spot check was shit; they have absolutely no respect for us at all i was pissed the whole day and still am pissed; what open house- if this is what is gonna be like now, i'd rather warn all of them to run away while they still can
18 Apr 07, 22:37WAYNE: JIE!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOOOOOOO UNHAPPY!!!!! ARRRGGGGGGHHHH24 Apr 07, 22:01WAYNE: helooooo... HOPE UR FEELING FINE!!! haha. School sucks. haha. miss uuume: im super unhappy too- school sucks big time and i miss you too!
18 Apr 07, 22:59yi'an: hahah wah lao wayne ng...be a man! hahaha and u have a nice fren here too!!me: haha whatever teoyi'an >.<
18 Apr 07, 23:07bolong': goodluck for your results. hahame: thanks ^^ but no use- i still failed almost all -.-
19 Apr 07, 00:05chris: dun be so depressed.... ^^ cheer upme: sigh its getting harder and harder to as school goes downhill esp plus todays spot check
19 Apr 07, 17:19germz: why must bob go???? its like damn sad lah. shld be some other guy who goes.... and anw lit was so funny! esp the GREEN MAN's costume!!!!!!21 Apr 07, 14:11germz: ls! u are really scary lah. keep adding marks! haha. anw today was such a coincidence lah! saw u @ the CIA building. i waited for like very very very long!!!! so many ppl!!!!me: yup school sucks even more as time goes by- oh and the greenman is so very funny X) and the queue was retarded right? lol X)
19 Apr 07, 21:42yijun: haa.. school ended at 11 PM ?? lol am u mean =Dme: WHOOPS haha ends at 11am :D
19 Apr 07, 22:56asyraf: hey heard guitar got gold ?22 Apr 07, 16:02asyraf: why ? fridays are good. we've got PE and five breaks and EA23 Apr 07, 22:07asyraf: YOU GO LOOK AT OUR MONDAYS ! two humans + three sciences + math ! AND TRAININGme: haha yup guitar got gold! :D and you have one bad day on monday to balance the good day on friday X)
20 Apr 07, 14:14Godmum: Sent you 2 emails to cheer u up! HOpe they work?!me: haha thanks godmum (: are you discharged from the hospital already? feeling better?
20 Apr 07, 20:54CTing: haha...don't be sad..be angry!!! lol...my physics sucks big time..gonna fail that one i guess -.-20 Apr 07, 20:55CTing: how could you say guitar is stupid!!! Guitar's sad T.T20 Apr 07, 20:55CTing: lol...crap..doing jap +)me: im angry + sad! lol i was doodling jap in my chinese tb today during an uber boring chinese lesson X)
20 Apr 07, 21:05sulin: lollll im UPSET TOO! EVERYONE"S UPSET ! goshhhh ~me: im especially upset today la the spotcheck was shit
21 Apr 07, 08:26liushuang: hahaz..i'm e worst..so upset tt i became sick....n sry for scaring u..hahaz..me; haha you silly person apologise for what? lol and dont get so upset till you fall ill okay! health is most impt ^^
21 Apr 07, 15:08jiahui: u wont believe i cried in school and couldnt stop cause i missed 2a ppl. esp you!me:cheer up okay girl (: i miss 2A people majorly too, esp you too ): anyway im here if you need me okay
22 Apr 07, 16:23zina: miss ahourn, misss you, missss the pig family, misssss the times we had together, loveeeee the memories we have forever <322 Apr 07, 16:23zina: when jiahui hugged me and cried that day, i almost cried too. we miss ahourn and we miss you alott! =)me: i miss you all mummy ): esp you and i miss everything we had in 2A! :/ this year hasnt been a very good year so far sigh and im breaking down like very moment
22 Apr 07, 20:40JM: HI SZEYING! I added your name in. And I almost cried that day too ))):. I missed you guys so so much. Mr Ng Kian Boon (rmb last time that guy who punished us cause we were late for assembly) even22 Apr 07, 20:41JM: stopped to ask us whther we were alright ): COME BACK QUICKLY! And dont feel bad abt your results lah (:> Im far worse than you. Haha22 Apr 07, 20:42JM: *should be mr ng boon kiat -_-. sorry ahme; i wanna go out with you guys on labour day! i miss you all terribly but i cant go )): and i saw my name already :D sigh
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japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, April 24, 2007
japanese guys are love
yay today was another
funny day :D
this week is so much better compared to last week
we were late for pe because of the
usher briefingso we couldnt run because it started raining
and we were superbly happy
but in the end
mr yong told us
that we had to run
10 rounds around the hall=.=
it was super retarded
but we spent most of the time laughing
and cheating at the rounds :p
after that there was
interclass floorballme, des, sling, shuyi, daphne and zhangqiaowent to play
because no other girl wanted to play =.=
and it was so unfair
because they didnt tell us that it could be a
mixed gender team
and the JC team we were playing against had boys + girls
while we were all girls
so one of the guys came over to our side
lol without him we would have lost miserably
but the game was super funny
i spent more time
laughing than hitting the ball
and i am so not cut out for floorball
everytime i swing, i miss the ball -.-
then the guys in our class played against JC boys in another class
and it was SUPER funny!
kundan was giving a
running commentary about the game,
sending all of us into stitches
plus our class boys are so funny!
floorball :D
imagineering was the most fun session we had :D
last time i used to hate imagineering and my group
but now its so fun!
i love imagineering + my group we have so much fun together yay!
lol today we kept laughing non-stop
about silly stuff
ranon's huge eraserto
jingrong's lovely shelter ideawith all the
rain sensor and solar panels :D
we kept asking retarded questions
and i laughed till i almost
criedand my tummy hurt X)
it was really really uber funny (:
marcus draws cartoons really well!
see he drew
calvin so well + cute! :D
and i asked him to copy this theme of mine
and he did it halfway before i had to go
he's super talented!

the picture he drew halfway ^^
BOB CAME BACK TODAY! :DDDoh yay he looks nice in his
vs uniform (:
and he seems quite okay now
maybe hes settling back down well in vs
oh well
we'll always support bob's decision (:
some photos from yesterday's
chinese drama:
kwanwei was uber
he dressed up as
in a
wig & dress :D
i took loads of photos
but since hes so sporting
and he threatened to kill me if i posted the photos
i wont (:

the uber crappy kevin ^^

jingrong still owes me my cornetto! :D

me and kwanwei were comparing feet size; he's feet is super big!

mine and marcus foot; his foot is so big too! T.T
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, April 23, 2007
today was a funny day! x)
well i forgot why it was so funny
but so many funny things happened today;
too many yay (:
oh but bob's last day was today
so its a sad thing among all the funny things :/
i guess this week seems to be a lot better than last week
chinese drama was uber fun :D
we had so much fun la!
me & marcus just sat on the stairs thing
while the others were acting
YAY slackers rule ^^
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, April 20, 2007
fridayurgh i do not like fridays
because we have
triple science on that day
chinese was boring
as usual
chem was horrible
because i couldnt follow at all ):
we're supposed to draw some
3D diagram of ionic compoundso.O
i only managed to draw the
cubeand it doesnt look right either
i havent even drawn in the elements! T.T
oh and during
biowe got scolded by ms chua
because for the
bio EUsome of the groups
copy and paste informationinstead of rewriting it
me des & sling got
level 4! :DDDDD
me & sling were super happy after that
so we spent the whole recess
camwhoring :D


big hand + small hand!

silly kwanwei with his umbrella
imagineering was fun!
because we spent the whole lesson crapping
and making fun of
green man! =D
and i doodled on his hand
with *ahem*
permanent marker :D

after that we had
chinese drama in
LT AVAit was super funny la
kevin is the crappiest person on earth
he took away the suitcase and hid it somewhere
and i had to look high and low for it,
and chase after him for the suitcase cheh X)

kwanwei :D

the main actors

SILLY kevin!
rushed for
tuition after that
it ended at
7.30i was half asleep throughout the whole time >.<
because i was really tired
then when i finally reached home
i had to go out to
bedok interchange again
to take photos to update my passport
i was in a horribly bad mood after that
but i found SO many
nice anime + jesse themesi was happy again ^^
saturdaywent to update
passport photothe queue was
zigzag-ed throughout the
whole building
because we were there at like
7.30and the office wasnt even open yet
we queued for a horribly long time
but thankfully when the building finally opened
we finished really fast
germaine there too! :D
maths tuition after that
*YAWN* im so tired
gotta do my
physics essay )):

HEH ms toh told marcus to stop bullying us and let us take photos of him X)

this uber nice black+pink car that me, stephanie & sheila saw!
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, April 19, 2007
today we had half day
because of good cca results
so school ended at 11pm,
but we had to stay back till like 12.30
because miss toh was going through geog paper with us
went out for lunch with
des, sling, marcus, chris & kwanwei
everyone was feeling really down then la
but lunch was fun (:
we went to jack's place to eat
(finally a new place :D)
and i got the beef sphagetti
lol we were teasing kwanwei
bout his "shuangyi" role
the whole time :D
it was super funny
it really brightened up the mood i guess ^^
met kundan after that
and we went up to the rooftop to talk for awhile
before we went home
all in all today was a bad day
yesterday was a bad day
and this whole week sucks majorly
i failed 4 papers out of 7 papers so far
which is so great i can hardly believe it
i hate this week
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, April 18, 2007
today was not a good day :/
we got back our bio which i failed miserably-
im gonna post all my marks later when i get back all
too lazy to do it now X)
oh marcus & kundan had cross competition today!
they left during ms yang's lesson lucky them!
her lesson was as usual terribly boring
and i couldnt absorb anything
so whats new?
anyway i wanted to go support them!
but i got stupid guitar
stupid horrible guitar
miss ding even told us
that we're not allowed to go
like hello?
its our life
during facets,
we were watching this film adaptation of masque of the red death
christopher lee (sauruman) acted in it
so i expected something good
in the end it was so lousy!
totally deviated from the plot
the masquerade was like 1/4 of the show
when in the text it was the main focus
the seven rooms disappeared!
and there was suddenly this stupid love story in
masque of the red death
like hello its a horror story
there's not supposed to be romance!
usually i wouldnt mind,
in fact i'd love it if there was romance
but some romances like this,
which was so yucky and lacklustre and horrible and no link
make me close my eyes in horror
me & germaine were laughing at the film lol!
the camera quality was so lousy too
it looked like those random things
showing on LCD tvs in shops like BEST X)
then during civivs we had some briefing for the korea trip
we're going for NINE days instead :D
the trip got extended YAY
and we're going seoul (:
after civics,
bob announced that he was leaving us
i mean lavan already told us before hand
but when lavan said it and when bob said it,
there was a huge difference
i didnt feel it that much earlier
but while bob and miss toh were talking to us
i was going to cry
and i was like furiously blinking back tears
then when we were dismissed
amanda started crying
and that set me off la
i mean when i see someone else cry
my waterworks start
especially when i was already trying to hold back tears
miss toh came out, saw me
and pulled me, des & sling in
so me, des, sling, amanda, sulin, germaine and indri
had a like crying session and miss toh was comforting us (:
bob was there too-
haha i bet he was kinda shocked that so many people were crying
actually miss toh is really nice
she's one of the nicest teachers around
i mean the way she craps can cheer you up
ohwell the next time she scolds us
i shall try to be openminded (:
anyway i was quite affected by bob's decision to leave
because i sat with him for like one term
during the temporary seating arrangement
and when he switched with moses
that adds up to one whole term ):
i mean he's so crappy (:
and he's really smart
he always used to help me in maths
because as usual
i dont understand a single thing ms yang's saying
and he's a really nice guy
plus sling, amanda & sulin are sitting with him now
and they have gotten really attached to him
its heartbreaking for him to leave ):
but i guess its his decision
and we'll support him 100% (:
so after our crying session,
i had to take another half hour out
to calm down
and wait for my red eyes & nose to subside >.<
it always gets like this after i cry!
so i went for guitar one and a half hours late
sigh now because of bob leaving
lots of people are thinking of leaving too
for me well i dont know
i just know that IP has been making me really stressed
and well my results totally suck
japanese guys are love
14 Apr 07, 22:02sulin: at least we'll know HOW BADLY we failed or something. maybe fail not as badly as we expected : DDD17 Apr 07, 20:38sulin: ZOMG I TOTALLY AGREE JESSE IS SO HOT ! : D we seem to have the same taste in men. hahahahahahme: HAHA jesse is uber cute + hot! :D this shows we have GREAT taste in men X) oh and this week has sucked so far ): especially today )):
15 Apr 07, 13:12`cheryl: hellos. why nvr come church today? BOO! and we wanted to see ur new phone!15 Apr 07, 13:13`cheryl: anw, u look quite nice in overalls wad, just tat u're too short. me: haha you can see this sunday! i overslept oops! and you're not that tall either alright! only one or two cm taller than me okay girl!
15 Apr 07, 14:47zina: yijun's so easy to dump since she's so light! haha i'll help you to check on your school yearbook asap! hopefully i'll remember and i have the time! see you soon! (:16 Apr 07, 21:51zina: the new pair of ports shoes you bought are cool!17 Apr 07, 22:50zina: nahh you won't fail all lah! you are an intelligent daughter (passed down from your mother ahem!) so believe in yourself xDme: haha okay thanks mummy! and nope the smart genes got lost halfway :/
15 Apr 07, 15:05kw: u look weird...and i not that gd in everything X)16 Apr 07, 19:49kw: haha...thanxs zengan....anw u shuld try the i-message and see if it works....but noce shoes anw...so pink and white me: haha i know! and you're like super smart hmph; and my shoes are purple & gray!
15 Apr 07, 17:57CTing: you look kawaii in it la!!!17 Apr 07, 22:35CTing: choi!!! yi'an sounds as if you're gonna die or sth +.+17 Apr 07, 22:36CTing: hey..your grades are okay already yeah...and your dad just wanted the best for you so chill it off!! dont hurt your dad yeah +)17 Apr 07, 22:37CTing: jiayou pig!! hana kimi awaits you!!!me: my hanakimi! :D and noooo i look wierd in it >.< and my grades suck alright- out of five subjects so far i only passed two
15 Apr 07, 19:52yijun: how come u were spared? hahha... nvm.. i'll run towards u.. heh heh.. maybe get ying si along. easier to dunk rite? lol =Dme: haha i'll run away from you! :D
15 Apr 07, 20:35chanel: hellohello!me: hey! (:
15 Apr 07, 22:10cky: HA. i also got NEW sports shoe!~!15 Apr 07, 22:11cky: AND U LOOK SO KAWAII IN the overall!!15 Apr 07, 22:11cky: no more sperm. =/15 Apr 07, 22:11cky: ha16 Apr 07, 22:15cky: ha u good lor. my maths sucks manme: noooo i dont! lol and WHAT SPERM MDM! hmph; and your maths is like better than mine puhlease~
16 Apr 07, 01:44chris: hiya....my blog is soo dead liao...hmm nvm im gonna post more cos it's almost time to stop playing liao...anyway...the guy's photos in ur ecent post is really ugly...(not tt im not ugly as well but..)me: HOW DARE YOU SAY JESSE IS UGLY! he's not! he's uber hot :D
16 Apr 07, 14:09selene: i<3u!me: i <3 you too!
16 Apr 07, 18:05zengan: HELLO SISTER! HOW DID REVIEW WEEK GO! I heard your results are out this week. AND COOOL SHOES and bag! And summerland's kinda like byawatch? ....ek>.<16 Apr 07, 18:06zengan: LONG TIME NOI TAG! I shall crpa here. I WANT PASTAMANIA haha no lah..and how could y'salll push kundan into the fountain tsk tsk tsk. And even in TJ teachers kinda hate us IP kids16 Apr 07, 18:07zengan: must be they scared our inteeligence surpass the JC 1s..coz we';re learning the same stuff...BUT IP KIDS ROCK! ROCK ON! and TJ's also having the open house on the same day as VJ! HAHAHAHAHA16 Apr 07, 18:08zengan: and KW tour guide. HAHA he will start crapping haha! KW and I are crappist enthusiast! Engage kwan wei if you want to be happy for 5 hours. We once laughed for 6 hours traight! NON STOP! from schme: noooo we tried to save kundan! really; and summerland is uber nice (: not like baywatch! and i know kw is super crap X)
16 Apr 07, 20:29yi'an: wad bout me?? ur death note cds are out alrdy i think : D no moneyyy17 Apr 07, 22:05yi'an: dont be sad~~ you're only 14 me: haha im still waiting! and how can i not be sad with my lousy marks? :/
16 Apr 07, 21:13fel-: yo gurl!! long timee no c worx~me: FELLLL! :D yup long time no see
17 Apr 07, 11:12Godmum: WWwelllll, looking at it from the bright side, with this kind of results sooo far, there's now nowhere to go but up, right!? ^^ Don't fret, perhaps some of the other 5 papers will prove to be better17 Apr 07, 11:13Godmum: then you expected !! Cheer up , chin up , godDot! me: nope, the other subjects are equally bad sigh ): anyway thanks godmum see you tmr!
17 Apr 07, 18:21jiahui: dont stress! i almost failed my bio prac. how lame is that?! haha (:me: haha it is not lame- i failed my bio paper! by 4 and a half marks!
17 Apr 07, 20:12liushuang: wow where did u get tt statistics of maths..so cool..so there are 20 PRC scholars..n 23 passed..then..:X..me: i heard it from everywhere! :D
17 Apr 07, 20:57sher: i failed math and bio! so we're on par now! haha. still fighting for bottom place? lol.me: hey girl i failed maths, bio and lit! lol so im worse off than you X) no competition already, since im clearly the bottom :D
17 Apr 07, 22:03tim: dont buy shoes! buy CDS! ALBUMS! haha...me: haha i'd buy ANIME! DRAMA SERIALS! :D
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japanese guys are love
♥Monday, April 16, 2007
we got back two papers today
and oh wow
i failed
bothbrilliant huh-
i never knew i was that smart ^^
lit was so retarded;
it was the last thing i'd expect to fail-
actually i kinda expected to fail
but its a major bummer i guess
because language has always been my strong point
and poof
when i come here
its one of the bottom
HEY but i failed by only
half a mark okay!
(trying to console myself)
maths was expected-
i failed like duh
lemme give you a breakdown of the statistics of maths
23 people passed maths in the whole cohort (120 people)an average of 6 people per class passed07v14 had the highest number of passes, which is 8and the average of the classes are like 12? or something like thatbut im kinda happy bout my results-
because i got a
double digit number!
but apparently some people arent happyim sorry that my maths suckim sorry that my maths is not as good as yoursbut you dont understand mei honestly thought i'd get below 10getting above that is an accomplishment for mebut apparently its not good enough for you huhguitar today was
tiring + boringit was till
7 la!
can't wait for the concert to be over argh
and give my poor fingers a rest
they're in agony now
after pressing the strings for
2 hours :/
lalala and i still think
jesse mccartney is super hot X)
two papers down,five more papers to fail
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, April 15, 2007
went out with daddy and mummy today
i bought my new pair of shoes! (:
i wanted a pair of converse shoes,
but apparently they are very against flat-soled shoes
sigh so i had to give up my hope of converse shoes
i bought a pair of new balance shoes instead
i wanted an orange one,
but they said it'd get dirty easily
so i ended up with this pair of shoes
its nice, i like it
but in the end, im not the one making the decision
i bought a fila handbag too!it was i think around 10 bucksthe price was cut down greatly ^^
oh and these few days,i've been hooked on summerland (:

jesse mccartney acted in it as bradin!
how is it possible that someone can be so cute X)

japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, April 14, 2007
finally went out with
cuiting today (:
she was late as usual, for about an hour
i've gotten used to it already
we ate at macs &
she updated me on quite alot of stuff ^^
while i updated her on stuff too
life's changing
walked around for awhile after that
i finally got my rubber bands!
and i've spotted my hanakimi vcd :D
when the price drops,
she'll buy it for me
went to 77th street
and she made me try on this overalls thing;
i look wierd
overalls are so not my thing X)
what she made me try on lol
rushed back home after that
before the parents start making a fuss -.-
omg getting back results next week
two days till my doom
oh wow
i can hardly wait
japanese guys are love
10 Apr 07, 20:54yi'an: -___- so qian da lahhh im OLDER OK! ^^ WHICH REMINDS ME 27TH IS EDGINGGG12 Apr 07, 21:32yi'an: and..nahh i think tokyo juliet's quite draggy..just started onlyme: hmm whats on 27th? is it a special date? X) sigh & that cting talked me out of getting it :/
10 Apr 07, 21:10cky: HAHAHAA> actually, i wanted to put purple LONG ago. since.. I AM PRINCE WILLIAM's COUSIN!!! =]] muahhahaa = =13 Apr 07, 22:21cky: sperm sperm!!! i get so excited whnn i see ur hair. = = HAHAHAAA>13 Apr 07, 22:21cky: ok lar, i not so sick. == hahaaame: HA if you're prince william's cousin im lee joon ki's wife! :D heh and not sperm! >.<
10 Apr 07, 21:47kw: haha...helmsman was nice...the body talk.....lol....and celebs look sucky w/o their makeup.....ewwww10 Apr 07, 21:56kw: btw muz buy me gifts then i will feel loved ok...haha:D new phone too....so sad....oh ya....desiree was damn funny today.....reli funny ur roleplay...haha....and IM suxs...so does the scolding!me: haha helmsman week was fun! X) and your sarpino tour group! and the roleplay was so embarassing gosh
11 Apr 07, 21:10sulin: hello hello ! : D our group was funny just now w/ all the WEAKNESSES AHAHH : Dme: haha our group rocks man! with all the weaknesses thing X)
11 Apr 07, 21:37zina: ever since your review week was over, your posts seems very light and relaxed! all the way daughter (:13 Apr 07, 17:05zina: your new phone looks really cool heh:):)me: haha because i feel relaxed YAY (: hope you feel the same way too mummy (: and i LURVE my new phone!
12 Apr 07, 00:12CTing: psh..kinda get a bad feeling the day we're going out's really late in June o.o12 Apr 07, 00:13CTing: ><>
12 Apr 07, 00:14CTing: tagged- hip hopping guinea pig =P
me: haha nope! we went out today YAY X) and the overalls look wierd lol
13 Apr 07, 19:05siling: nice phone^^ and know thyself was rather boring=( you lucky girl, got ms chia.
me: haha mschia was super cute X) and of course know thyself was boring- how fun can sitting on a beach and meditating be?
13 Apr 07, 23:16liushuang: hahaz..kw can be a gd model...
me: HAHA kw can be good at anything X)
14 Apr 07, 14:15WAYNE: lol wateva helmsman is, sure seems fun!!! haha. hope ur doing fine..
14 Apr 07, 14:15WAYNE: u never sms me to tell me ur number
me; it is fun! (: and i just told you my number what haha
14 Apr 07, 14:55yijun: yo szeying! i kana dunked yesterday! arghh.... never dunk u yet! hahah =) shall dunk u soon - the next time we go east coast park =X
me: YAY i was spared X) oh and the next time we go ecp- im gonna stay very faaaaar away from you :DLabels: tag replies
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, April 13, 2007
today was the
last day of
helmsman week: agape :/
this helmsman week was
much much more fun than
i&e week
sigh next week we're getting back our results
i want helmsman week to go on! ):
anyway today was mainly taken up
simple pleasuresits this event where we all go to the beach
and just hang out with the class
and do whatever we want ^^
but it started
raining before we set off :/
so in the end we all trooped to the
helmsman centreand watched a
it was pretty nice ^^
oh and thankfully by
chapter 4 the rain stopped,
so we set off for
ecp YAY :D
we played
freeze and meltand that stupid tim keeps chasing me
playing freeze & melt!hmm we didnt do much;
hung out at the beachsat on the breakwaterplayed gamesdrew in the sandate pizza! (:
our feet! :D
o7v14 rocks ^^
sling, me & des!
vip 'o7 (:at
12.15 we were dismissed
we stayed back a lil while and in the end,
it started raining heavily again :/
why is it that whenever we go to ecp,
we get
bad weather?
we walked back in the rain
and i literally walked in the rain
without a care
my beloved handphone and walletis in
jonathon's bag which is under the
umbrella ^^
in school we had a
deathnote marathon! :DDDD
jingrong brought
deathnote 1 & 2and
chris hooked up his laptop to the projector;
i took off my
socks and shoes and aired them-
it feels so nice staying barefooted!
kwanwei, our tourguide of the Sarpino's tour group! :DDDDDI LOVE
LIGHT & L!they're so
i spent most of the time
explaining the story because im the expert :D
haha nah just that i've
watched it before+read the manga+watch the animeohmigosh that silly kundan & marcuskept pointing out sick stuff,turning a perfectly innocent movieinto a sick one! >.<amazing how their imagination can wander
we finished watching the two movies at
6pmme, des, marcus & kundan went back home after that
oh yay i love deathnote!
and tmr going out with
cuiting double YAY! :D
japanese guys are love