♥Thursday, August 31, 2006
japanese guys are love
me: eeeeek nooooo!! but anyway i left early today too AHAHA :D
26 Aug 06, 08:21cky: eyerrrr.. din call mi go to buy presents.. now i dunn wad to buy.. and thnn siva present can share not. haish. aniway. suan le. = =
me: i didnt go buy teachers day present! i went to buy ZINA'S present. and anyway you know that the presents bought is for the whole class to share what (:
26 Aug 06, 09:53leesimin: hi i tagged!haha.u must be feeling really satisfied and happy at our last rt.yay im glad u persevered all the way till the end:)
me: woohoo you tagged (: i definitely felt ON TOP OF THE WORLD after our last rt ((: its just really sad that you couldnt join us for PT ):
26 Aug 06, 11:21/th: hey szeying! hahaha. ooo i was heavier lah =.= duh. bleh my hand no muscle one, cannot carry cannot pump =.====== leg also not muscle cant run =.=
me: haha we're ALL heavy (: then train up your muscles la! go to the gym, like me! :D
26 Aug 06, 11:35hosimin: hello szeying! i'm so sorry if i was heavy! ): i had a stitch during pt too. hope you're ok now! =D toc was fun
me: nah you were ok, besides we are all heavy! and the weight is shared among 4 people, so its not so bad (: toc was definitely really fun (: and having a stitch is horrible URGH
26 Aug 06, 15:31CTing: at least there's hols to look forward to +)
26 Aug 06, 15:30CTing: third term's ending!!! and you're leavin..booboo +(
me: baabaa ): dont remind me la and hols is more like a STUDYING holiday >.<
27 Aug 06, 14:14simin: i should stop being a house bumpkin and step out of my house sometime o.o
27 Aug 06, 14:14simin: gawd. mr siva is nice. YAY xD
me: yep mr siva is nice (: house bumpkin? you mean you dont go out? LOL
27 Aug 06, 14:28CTing: cheez...was it that big a matter anyway... =.=
27 Aug 06, 14:27CTing: wowie!!! chill girl!!! I get your point already!! I'll take the initiative alright +p
me: nah, ive learned. lets just let this whole thing blow over
29 Aug 06, 18:52jiahui: hey im here to tag. jiayou for the test kae? and continue imparting ur "wisdom" coughs haha stay urm... piggie? XD
me: hoohoo you're lucky you got to experience my "rare moment of wisdom" k! XD
me: WAHAHAHA arent you glad you're so wanted? :D
29 Aug 06, 21:20zina: anyway i went through your archives before O.O your posts are really different! standard english still looks the best! (:
me: and i agree with you! standard english is DEFINITELY the best (:
29 Aug 06, 21:53JM: LOL. Good luck for chinese test. And was that just an EXTRACT? or was that like another whole blog entry? LOL . COPYRIGHTED ME
me: whoops its a WHOLE blog entry :D hey i copyrighted you k!
29 Aug 06, 21:54
Wei Rong: Hi szeying, i linked frm tze ern's blog
me: HEY! (: long time havent seen you! and you have no tagboard! how to tag you??
29 Aug 06, 22:46simin: gosh. you should take the MDTI personality test. i think you're my personality neighbour or something.
29 Aug 06, 22:46simin: lol. i guess i know what you're talking abt it some way or another. (:
me: whooo i see (: but i duno how to take the MDTI test! duno how to go around the website -.-
30 Aug 06, 21:14hosimin: how come you got curfew? ): anyway it was nice just seeing you there! haha. =D
me: ask my parents :/ yea and you guys gave me the shock of my life! i almost bowled over into the earrings lol :D yep it was nice seeing you there too, even if it was for a few minutes only >.<
31 Aug 06, 07:48CTing: i hate the rain -.-
31 Aug 06, 07:44CTing: wahhh!!! I DON'T GET TO SEE MR YAP GO :'(
me: then why you never come to school today?? then you can see mr yap go ): and the rain is NICE!
31 Aug 06, 16:57zina: update! today's the last day of august!
me: UPDATED! and its a SUPER long post ((: with celebrities too! and ORLANDO BLOOM :D and OLIVER JAMES :D
31 Aug 06, 18:06zengan: HALLO!!! Here's a cat tag!!! MU HAHA!!!
me: whats a cat tag? LOL
japanese guys are love
we had our teacher's day celebration today. the concert was so-so, i guess. the atmosphere wasnt really there, it only livened up when the teachers danced and played simon-says :D but im so proud of my mummy! she danced really well and the CS dancers are like all so FLEXIBLE! (im so envious SHHHH) and my mummy danced well and her eyeliner is so cute! AHAHA (:
the highlight of the day was definitely the class party (: me and jiamin ran around calling teachers and we were like PHEW. panting and huffing. we invited Mr Hia, Mr Yap, Mr Siva, Mrs Wong, Mrs Kang, Ms Tang and Mrs Goh (: and we got presents for all of them! and a nice fruit cake too and i could tell that the teachers were really touched (: thanks for everything you've done for us! and Mr hia'a present was the best. we spent lots of money and effort on it. We gave him a jigsaw puzzle (500 pieces) of our nice class photo where he was lying on the floor (: and keatyin made him this really nice collage of photos- memories of 1A '05 and 2A '06 <3.>.<
I'll mis Mr yap! he's leaving us already ): but me and yi'an gave him a really nice present (and expensive too!) we gave him a wristband (: cos he plays tennis (: and for Mr Siva, we gave him a whistle XD cos we didnt know what to buy for him! that was all we bought for ): but we already contributed to the rest for the class presents so its not so bad (: we bought Mrs Goh a really artisitic abstract sculpture, so artistic and abstract that i dont even know what it is >.< , bought Mr Siva a BABY WINNIE THE POOH for his daughter! *jaw drops open* it wasnt my idea alright! so pai seh haha but he was super tickled by the present :D and the other teachers too (: and for the other teachers i think we gave them mugs (: see we're such a nice class AHAHA.
i took a photo with mr yap and mr hia and what mr hia said really touched me alot. he said that he has to treasure me because im leaving them next year ): when he said that i was...feeling sad because my leaving is brought up again. and for Mr hia to know.....i dont know, feels like im letting him down or something :/ anyway after that we went back to YNPS and saw lots of teachers and friends (: the biggest change was MICHELLE. she grew out of her tomboyish-ness and she looks really chio now (: wheee haha.
i didnt go out with them cos i had a CURFEW. so i reached home early, around 2 and did some work and watched anime (: holidays are here, but doesnt feel like them. i mean LOOK at the HUGE pile of books on my table. its more like a studying holiday. sigh. EOYs are exactly 28 days away. wish me luck! and hope that i can concentrate on my studying. ALRIGHT. ive been watching a
fewlot of movies that jiahui lent me (: thank you my parrot! :D and i love She's the Man, Aquamarine and What a girl wants (: so sweet! and i fell in love with the celebrities acting there. they're all so good looking! (:
Amanda Bynes (she's the man, what a girl wants):

Oliver James!!!! :D (hunky guy from what a girl wants)

Both of them ((:

i think they look so cute together!! (:
Emma Roberts (she's REALLY pretty (: ) - Aquamarine

JoJo! (: -Aquamarine

my newest obsession is with OLIVER JAMES ((: but of course, how can i EVER forget orlando bloom? X) <3

yay i feel so accomplished now, after dragging those photos into the post. argh tedious tedious. thats why i dont like posting photos >.< color="#ff0000">to 2A people: HE'S NOT SISSYPANTS!!!!!!
this is a really long post, so i'll post the replies to the tags in another post, which is gonna be quite long too haaha.
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, August 29, 2006
well another stormy day's passed. somehow we dont seem to be getting to the point. -.- nvm i doubt anyone understands what im talking about :D todays boring. i almost fell asleep during maths! sigh and im already behind in trig >< algrebra, i can do. Trig, totally NO-NO. went for lunch and library with yi'an and just met cindy and hosimin before we had to go. we were supposed to go with them, but their lessons ended late and i had to be home early. CURFEW!!! grrr. anyway im supposed to be studying for chinese test tmr!!!!!!! argh. off the com i go now bye (:
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, August 26, 2006
you know looking back at all my previous blog entries gives me a huge shudder down my spine. i cant believe i used to type lIkE tHiS or in super shorthand. *shudders* well im glad im using GOOD english now (: anyway why is suddenly everything falling apart? its already nearing the end of the year. next year we're all split up. into different classes, different schools and different colleges. so shouldnt we be treasuring the time we have together? if time could stop, then i wish it could. believe me i really do. but thats never ever going to happen so all we can do is to treasure what we have right?
time waits for no oneeveryones making an effort to just treasure the time we have left together, but if we just break up because of small things, then whats going to happen to us? its hurting everyone around. maybe sometimes we should swallow our pride, maybe sometimes we should be more considerate of other peoples feelings and not continue with what we're doing because its hurting the other person, maybe sometimes we should stop laughing at others, maybe sometimes we should just try to get along with each other, maybe sometimes we should just open our eyes and see what the other person is feeling, that they dont want you to continue your laughing at them, maybe....
theres so many 'maybe's possible but thats why its called "maybe". because it may never happen. because sometimes we just dont want to take the first step. because sometimes we just dont know that we're hurting others. because sometimes we think that everyone is as strong in their personality as us. because sometimes we dont want to stop. but shouldnt we just push everything aside, concentrate on EOYs and just treasure the time we have left together?
sorry this is just some rambling and stuff that sparked off from some things that happened last time, lately and later.
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, August 25, 2006
yep its zina's birthday today and i gave her a niceeeeee gift (: and i grew attached to her pooh for one day before yi'an stole it from me. GRRRR.
anyway here's an extract:
This week was a freaking stressing and yet strangely hilarious week (x.
Take yesterday for example, Mr Siva was suddenly SO FUNNY xD.
Yesterday, during science, we were talking about SEX HORMONES :D. Then it was damned funny lah. Here's the following extract:
Mr Siva: 'Some woman are so violent because they have too much insert hormone name here in their bodies and thus, are so violent and often bully their husbands (YEAH RIGHT). Women should be the heart of the household while MEN should be the head of the household - thus, I AM KING *pumps hand in air*'
Me: *Starts to laugh like crazy* ' No, they should be made the rectum of the family.'
*Yi Jun and I laughed till we tear.*
Juicy stuf about MR SIVA LATER :D
Then today was the FUNNIEST DAY OF ALL. I kept laughing today - and all through lunch ;) - eh jiahui?
During Lit. today, Mrs Kumaran was super uber funny cause she was telling about her phobia of cats and what happened when she made a phone call that insert company name here to catch the cats.
Mrs Kumaran: 'I ask them whether he can come and catch the cats or not, but he wasn't free so he said: 'YOU can do something too, but make sure no one catches you, so do it at night.'
Mrs K: 'Yeah, yeah? What do I have to do?'
Man: 'First ah, you go buy the mothballs, then at night, you scatter the mothballs on the floor and the cats will think that they are food and when they eat the mothballs, they die.'
Mrs K: 'WHAT? You want me to KILL them ah? Isn't that ILLEGAL?'
Man: 'Yeah lah, that's why you must make sure no one sees it what.'
LOL. SO DAMNED FUNNY CAN. HAHAHAH. I laughed till I cried again. Mrs Kumaran was damned FUNNY.
Then still got.
Mrs K: 'One night, when I was going home with my husband, a group of cats suddenly followed us. I was so scared that I ran around SCREAMING and the cats was following me. My husbad was saying "Dont run lah". But I was so scared so I JUMPED ON HIS BACK. Luckily he taller than me ah or else his neck break, leg also break.'
Thinking of this make me crack up with laughter. LOL.
Then after school, AND DIRECTLY AFTER SCIENCE (foreshadowing) TEST me, anthea, bolong, jiahui, szeying, yi'an and cting went to Plaza Singapura to buy all those presents for teachers' day. Zina couldn't come because she had Wu Dao ):.
After we reached PS, we split to eat at different places cause Szeying, Yi'an, CTing and Bolong wanted to eat MosBurger while Jiahui, Anthea and i wanted to eat at the foodcourt.
SO after we bought our food, we were comparing the prices etc and I was showing Jiahui how hot my 'Don' was - it had steam coming out- and Jia Hui was showing me just HOW COLD HERS WAS AND WAS MUNCHING LIKE A RABBIT WHEN MR SIVA APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE. NONE of us noticed him. I mean, I noticed some guy wearing grey trackpants standing there but it was until Jia Hui looked up and stared at the guy did I notice that it was MR SIVA. Like THIS IS SO COINCIDENTAL CAN???
Then I was so shocked that I just stared at him for ne nano seconds and waited for my brain to receive the message. Then I heard Anthea go 'Oh my GOD' and then my mouth went 'Ohmygod' then Jia Hui went 'OHMYGOD'.
Then Mr Siva was being all so friendly and was like ' Fancy seeing you girls here. What are you doing here?'
Jia Hui: 'We came here to buy some presents, Mr Siva, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??'
Mr S. : 'Oh I came here with my wife to buy somethings for my house. We're going to Cold Storage later.'
Then suddenly Jia Hui nudged me and say 'ASK HIM ABOUT THE CAKE NOW'
So I was like 'MR Siva, do you like Durian or Chocolate better?'
-I thought he was going to say something totaly mean like 'Why leh? You all want to poison me right?'-
Mr S: 'I think chocolate better, durian has that smell...'
Then when he left, he said 'Ok, I'll catch up with you girls LATER'
MR SIVA IS SO NICE WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO HIM PRIVATELY LAH (:. He only acts mean in front of the whole class (:.
Then after he left, the three of us were SCHEMING of going there and seeing his wife.
We came up with A LOT of ideas, like pretending to go buy drinks, etc.
In the end, we decided to go buy a drink and go take a look around to see where they were sitted.
After Anthea and I bought our drinks, we decided to go walk around. JUST when we turned around, we saw Mr Siva walking towards us with smiling so HUGELY. SO I started laughing lah, then I very paiseh what, so I quickly RAN AWAY. AHAHAHHAHAHA. Ok, FINE. I DITCHED Anthea ;P. Sorry my dear dear mummy )x.
Then after we came back to our seats, we were laughing the whole way and was just talking about how to see Mr Siva's wife.
Then, I said 'Why dont we just take our food there and sit down?'
Then Jiahui was like 'Yeah hor, tell his wife - Excuse me, can you sit somewhere else??' ROFLMAO
And Anthea was like 'Can we sit down please *sits down without waiting for answer*'
OF COURSE, these stuff didnt really happen OK ((:. It was just plain fun and we were amusing ourselves. I laughed till I was full =D.
Then afterthat, Jia Hui was our telescope and when she saw Mr Siva and his wife leaving, she was telling me and Anthea to 'HURRY UP LAH'. Then we ran to the Sans Bookshop where Mr Siva and his wife was and almost INVERSE PERISTALSISED (X.
Then we saw his wife and we were DAMNED shocked at how she looked like. We always thought that Mr Siva's wife would be someone VERY slim and looked bery gentle. It was sorta a complete opposite. His wife looked fu4 tai4 (round) and Jia Hui was so mean and was saying that she's so fat. TSK TSK.
Then since Anthea havent finish her drink, and they were waiting for Mr Siva and his wife to appear, we waited by the rubbish bin and when Jia Hui saw Mr Siva appearing, she wastelling Anthea to 'DRINK SLOWLY'. LOL! I couldnt contain my laughter and just burst out laughing. hahahha. And I said VERY loudly 'HI MR SIVA!' And he looked sorta awkward (:.
Then afterthat, Jia Hui and I tried to take pictures of them together but failed cause Anthea was punching us so we didnt manage to take any. AWWWWWWWW ><. But the shopping wasnt that successful. We only managed to buy gifts for Mrs Goh, Mr Yap and another female teacher whom we havent decided yet ><. [taken from jiamin's blog (: ]
yay so she covered almost everything for me (: yep mr siva is very nice he's super funny too! cant believe we were all scared of him. but sometimes he can be fierce but whatever :p. and i only saw mr siva once and he was like: you girls again? LOL and we saw him going into precious thots with his wife so sweet! and i think he and his wife look cute together lor XD
anyway as jiamin mentioned, we went plaza sing and we saw mr siva. i went to search for zina's present and it took me a looooong time but a finally found the perfect one for her (: *hints* my birthday is 22nd December! :D haha this week we had 4 tests in a row. super stressful and all those subjects that require alot of memorising. urgh. BUT im very happy this week cos my maths, english and geog improved!
english- 40/50 (IMPROVED!!!!! im back to normal again (: )
maths- 16.5/20 ( (: a far cry from the 5/20 i got GRRR)
geog- 22/25 ( well THATS the real shocker! my geog has always been at the bottom! *happiness* )
im soooo happy for my english :D finally im getting high marks again (: anyway today was the last training of the term, maybe even for the year and of course i cant miss it because it may be the last training of my WHOLE life. sigh times like this remind me that im leaving DHS. well we had no footdrill today. we mainly did TOC and PT.
lets start with first parade (: oh yes, yi'an helped me polish my boots until damn shiny! so shiny that i took a photo of it ahahhaa (: but the kiwi melted cos it was super hot during first parade, so no more shininess T.T then we had uniform inspection. i didnt get pumped! (: (amazingly) and we had TOC next. it was fun, but tiring because this week we carried real casualties around the school in groups of 8 and cleared obstacles. and as usual, half the time i was being carried. -.-
but honestly its not a really nice feeling because youre like slacking on the stretcher while your squadmates are huffing and panting to carry you and the stretcher and all you can do is lie down there and apologise for being so heavy ): sorry eli, tzu hsiang, hosimin, leesimin, wanyu, eve and chuankai ): but of course i carried people too (: and it was quite heavy but nevermind! train up physical standard. i think TOC was really fun today (: and we had a long session too!
then we had a really dumb changing parade. we promised cpl tiffany that we would change in 5 min, but then that was changing out of uniform. this time we had to change INTO uniform and it was super hard. in the end we took 8 minutes and well we were punished. and the worst thing was my hairnet came out and was hanging on my head by a fraction only. then we changed back again and took 5 min (: but thats changing out of uniform. its so much easier sigh.
after that we had PT. we had a short but very tiring PT. first we ran 1 round around the school and did 20 BX. (BX consists of push-ups, crunches, half-squats and jumping jacks. so if you do 20 BX, you do 20 of each) then we ran up the stairs to sec 3 walless area and did 25 BX. then we ran down and round the whole school again and did our last set of 25 BX. this time the std 3s joined in with us (:
but i had a pretty bad stitch. and it was super pain that i was almost crying and hearing the std 3s scold us like mad well just made the tears flow. alot of people asked me if i wanted to fall out, and last time i would have grabbed the chance to. but this may be my last training with the squad. this may be my last PT. and if i can go on, why should i fall out? so i refused to and im glad to say that i didnt fall out (: thanks for all your concern people (:
then we had last parade and debrief before we left the school. todays training was tough, even though we didnt do that much. but i guess it was worth it (: and JNCO's gonna be much harder. must train up! thats why im going to the gym 2 times a week (: must train up my stamina and lose weight and the same time (:
19 Aug 06, 23:26 /th: hi im at your house too! lololol
me: yes yes and i can imagine you jumping on my bed lol (:
20 Aug 06, 21:56 zengan: here's a tag!!! Haha. So long enver tag, but i do read your blog!! Haha. Anyway Thanks for all the help!!!
me: you're welcome (: next time read AND tag :D
21 Aug 06, 18:48 kk: burbur
21 Aug 06, 18:48 kk: hi burburbur smack ur face
21 Aug 06, 18:50 kk: running is healthy
me: lol are you kiankok? and bur bur bur smack your face too (: i know running is healthy sigh. and why today you never go for traning? wah if we're still ICs today im dead la.
22 Aug 06, 16:39 zina: so chim.. the history behind my tag lol (:
me: yes i use cheemology X) 22 Aug 06, 22:33
zengan: HO HO, Here i am once again, tagging at your blog! HAHA. Man update....try to update everyday since u're online. HAHA thanks for all the help. God bless ya! <3
me: yes yes (: sometimes no mood, sometimes got nth to blog what (: how was your interview?
23 Aug 06, 08:27 hosimin: hello szeying. i think kk is kian kok! haha. i'm almost sure (:
me: lol i think it is too haha. yi'an told me it is haha.
24 Aug 06, 20:41 BOLONG': one for mr yap, one for mrs goh and the other one not decided.
24 Aug 06, 20:40 BOLONG': in the end me anthea and jm onli bough 3 presents.
24 Aug 06, 20:39 bolong': HIHI
me: HIHI. lol so unproductive tsk tsk (: ok la not bad alr we found presents for 3 teachers alr. but for mr hia how? and for the other teachers?
24 Aug 06, 20:43 jiahui: hie bolong. btw szeying I CANT BELIEVE THE SIVA INCIDENT TOO
me: YES totally agreed :D
24 Aug 06, 22:42 zina: i wish i was there too. i wanted to witness the siva incident. i badly wanted to go >.<
me: yea i wish you were there too ): but cannot! i was going to buy your present! so cannot but next time must come with us k (: cos no need to buy your present anymore XD
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, August 19, 2006
alright then i shall blog a nice long post for all of you (: hmm first starting with flag day last sat.
it was alright, quite tiring i guess. Seriphos got chosen to go EUNOS. a super ulu place. butttt i met my grandparents ahahha (: i paired with tzuhsiang and peijun and we were collecting donations outside my grandparents flat so yea i wasnt really THAT surprised (: then we went to Bedok after lunch. i stood outside KFC at that huge square there asking for donations. i gotta tell you, peijun is damn good at collecting donations. she asks EVERYONE and shes super hardworking (: her tin is heavier than mine! :O
haha during flagday we met lots of really interesting people. someone almost gave me $50! (: haha it was cos he was looking for coins and he couldnt find any. so he reached into the notes compartment and pulled out a $50 note, stared at me and the tin, then smiled sheepishly and pushed the note back in, apologised and left. haha so cute! of course i was like no prob! after all, who would part with $50 for flag day? other than rich people la, but normal people like us? plus he may need that $50 so....argh im just crapping haha.
BUT miracles do happen! someone gave chanel $50! :O Hera'd prob get the highest cos of that $50 note :p and there was someone else who was really cute. this indian lady saw me and started pulling out her purse: a sign that she wants to donate (sir junxiang said so). so i went over and asked her for donations. then she looked at me, and said: how did you know that i wanted to donate? with this really cute expression and she started laughing (: cute!
it was an experience, as this is my first flagday and last flagday with SJ. :/ so yea. alright then moving on to what happened next. hmmm.... school was quite boring throughout the whole week, so nothing much to blog about. but yesterday, we had our training (: and the sec 1 comp (:
alright shall talk about training first. i was very unlucky that day and got chosen for i/c with kian kok -.- actually xiu han volunteered and was i/c for 15 min before the instructors chose me to take over. -.- it came as a total shock. one minute i was stoning there, the next min cpl wan ting was saying that szeying will replace xiuhan for ic o.O
We had footdrill first. it was really long and we kept doing the same drills over and over again. so we were mentally and physically exhausted. one of the rare times we had footdrill for so long. after that we had TOC. we learnt how to open and close the stretcher and how to change over and stuff. its rather confusing but we'll prob have more practices so its ok (: then we had PT.
before PT i was like going around asking for the warm-up exercises because my mind suddenly went blank -.- so went warm-up came, phew i could remember. and thankfully, kian kok could too (: PT was rather erm slack? we were divided into two groups and one group will stay in pumping position at the obstacle course while the other group does the same at the lockstore.
i was at the obstacle course and its kinda unfair, cos the route from the obstacle course was MUCH longer. grrr. and we were required to go in pairs carrying a stretcher so yea. so 2 pairs went together and me, wanyu, elaine and kiankok went first. haha at first i was like erm its not so bad. then kian kok told us to jog slowly because the route is really long and we'll get tired very easily, esp with the stretcher. halfway through the parade square, i was huffing and panting and yep he's right bleh. so we mantained a slow jog with the stretcher to the lock store.
but this PT, we didnt get to bond. when we were split into two groups, our cheering was so empty and it feels incomplete, cos half of the squad is gone. our morale for PT yesterday was a far-cry from the first routine with the std 3s, where the PT really pushed us to our limits and our morale was really high. so yea.
when everyone completed the relay, we went to the sit-up bench and we were told by the instructors that this was where we would make it up to them for our mistakes. because on zone games day, some didnt wear standardised socks, so the socks ic (hosimin) would run 2 rounds around the field. because our beret wasnt properly seasoned and some didnt bring yesterday, the beret ic (cindy) would run 2 rounds too. because our hair is out of place and messy, the hair ic (hoyee) will run 2 rounds. and because today, 2 people didnt bring beret and 2 people didnt bring PT kit, the squad ics for that day (me and kiankok) would run two rounds too. while the rest will sit or stand or stay in pumping position and watch us run.
urgh horrible punishment. the squad offered to run with all of us, but the instructors refused because this, according to them, would make us think twice before committing the same mistakes again. so hosimin and hoyee ran first, then me cindy and kian kok ran. it was kinda touching? hearing the squad cheer for us. we were huffing and puffing because we just ran the relay with the stretchers and now we had to run 2 rounds around the field. but hearing the "3 cheers for ICs" that the squad gave when we finished, it wasnt that bad i think (:
then it was the prize-giving ceremony for the std 1 comp. we were very worried and stuff for our own juniors. in the end, here are the results.
1st: Jenova
2nd: Benedictus
3rd: Hera
4th: Dactyl
5th: Aegis
6th: Seriphos
so yup we got last. but is kinda ok because last year we got really low too but even though the std 1s got last, im sure they had a very memorable competition and they'll strive harder for next year's intra-comp (: and maybe this will also teach them to take comp train seriously because for them, they dont have time to slack during comp train because they only had 6 comp trains before the competition. and this year wasnt very good because they were running on a really tight schedule and the std 1s were only informed of the date on zone games day, which gives them approximately 3 weeks ONLY to prepare for comp.
so to Seriphos std 1s: its alright and you didnt really disappoint us. we just hope that you had a memorable sec 1 comp and you had fun during comp train and learnt alot (: and also bonded with your house seniors more (: so jiayou for next year's intra-comp! (:
and to the rest of the std 1s: congrats to all of you! you are all winners (:
8 Aug 06, 22:20JM: tagged AFTER A VER LONGGGG TIME
me: yes my dear cousin (:
8 Aug 06, 22:44zina: your one really subtle, but still, YAY SZEYING!! ((: today was great!
me: haha im pro what can i say? (: yup i had a blast that day :D
8 Aug 06, 23:01/th: LOL. eeyer how can your win class mascot lah. my clas one more moronic. LOL HAHAH MR HIA BIASED! LOL
8 Aug 06, 23:02/th: haha ok just jk hahaha there seems to be a lot fo 2a pple i siam alr! just a joke ah. LOL. bye
me: honestly, i dont know how we won either XD and was mr hia the judge? lol you crappy /th (:
9 Aug 06, 00:33CTing: LoL...Lakehouse rocks, although it oesn't make sense..but who cares lar!!!+D
9 Aug 06, 00:32CTing: you woke me up from my beauty sleep!!!
me: :D and yup it doesnt make sense at all XD
9 Aug 06, 11:13jiahui: i dun get the time thing in lakehouse either! haha =D
me: phew! im not the only one ;D
9 Aug 06, 12:31/th: happy nat day!
me: happy nat day to you too (: (really belated)
9 Aug 06, 12:45zina: happy national day! nobody owes anybody anything (:
me: couldnt have said it better my dear mummy (: happy nat day to you too. (really belated)
10 Aug 06, 00:31zengan: HEY! I was so happy when u tagged m tagboard with that heartwarming msg! Haha. Yeah, NDP was cool. St John's was cool, but why didn't u go for NDP... Haha. And yeah lets catch up!!!! Long time no talk
me: whoa haha (: glad you had fun during NDP. i wasnt chosen for NDP lol. i didnt even know there was this selection thing haha XD yep lets catch up some time (:
10 Aug 06, 20:58CTing: let's watch movie at my house someday..snores...
me: yup...snores...
12 Aug 06, 10:47dannyboy: wahaha high school musical. just droppin by to say hi. cya in church!
me: yup high school musical (: its a nice show haha. see you in church!
12 Aug 06, 22:41JM: happy very brlated national day, Cousin!
me: a very very very VERY belated nat day to you too dear cousin (:
14 Aug 06, 18:51jiahui: hey girl update =)
me: see? i updated (:
14 Aug 06, 22:43simin: im the only person who posted an emoticon in your tagboard o.o *hides*
14 Aug 06, 22:42simin: i need people to read my personality type thingy on my blog. gogo.
14 Aug 06, 22:42simin: troy = <3
me: haha yep troy= <3 and i read the personality type thing on your blog i think i understand? o.O haha
16 Aug 06, 08:12hosimin: hello! (:
me: hello! (:
16 Aug 06, 17:05yi'an: arpdatee...
me: i arpdateeed alreadyyyyyyyyy
17 Aug 06, 22:08/th: you had lit test? well i have to say lor. delusion of characters! if you get what i mean. do you>?
17 Aug 06, 22:07/th: actually i dunno what to tag lah. but since you asked me to spam...... well,.
17 Aug 06, 22:07/th: hello
me: erm hello? lol i didnt really ask you to spam haha. and i....DONT get what you mean ><
17 Aug 06, 22:38jiahui: is ur blog dead?? LOL haha i followed simin
me: nope my blogs not dead anymore i REVIVED it (:
18 Aug 06, 11:00zina: hello bye!
me: hello bye! haha i know the history behind your tag :D
18 Aug 06, 23:22bolong': HAHA
18 Aug 06, 23:22bolong': bye!
18 Aug 06, 23:22bolong': bye hello
me: o.O erm bye?
19 Aug 06, 12:15CTing and Ben: we're in your house!!!
me: -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- yes i know -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, August 18, 2006
im in comp lab now :D finally giving the update you have been asking for (: byeeeeeeeee wish me luck for training today (: and the std 1s luck for the comp!
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, August 08, 2006
hmm today's national day celebration was BORING. :/ the only fun part for me was the "we're all in this together" dance from HSM which we danced for POP (: or rather, it WOULD be the only fun part for me IF everyone danced too. in the end i also didnt want to dance cause NO one was dancing! and got no time to find squadmates to dance with. booo :/
BuT i finally heard Clara sing (: haha i always missed her, so this was the first time i heard her song. not bad, she sang home and her voice blended in nicely with the singer. but the real shocker was eva! didnt know she could sing that well (: she sang "Where I Belong" and it was really good (: haha we were all singing really loudly at the back and the sec 1s looked at us as if we were crazy XD amazingly, we won the mascot competition! (:
however we had english test after that so booo. AND some unpleasant stuff happened. ARGH im staying out of everything. you do whatever you want honestly i don't really care anymore. GRRR. then we were supposed to have lit project, but SOMETHING else cropped up, so we didnt do the project and instead, me, cuiting, wanyu, zina and fiona went ahead to plaza sing first. we bought the tickets for lake house and walked around for awhile before going to mos burger (: the Ebi Rice Burger is niceeeeeee (: the recommended choice :D
Jiahui and Yi'an joined us after their project and we went to watch the lakehouse. Jiamin was supposed to come too lor but she had something on BOO. :/ but the lake house is quite nice (: but i dont really understand the movie. how can the past interact with the future and how can after waiting two years, the past and future intertwine? haha i bet you dont know what im talking about :D shall let you find out on your own. go watch the lakehouse! even though its quite draggy and sometimes you feel like going up to the characters and wringing their neck, saying: JUST KISS EACH OTHER ALREADY!!! its still quite a sweet show and it was kinda worth it watching (:
then we took np at action city and i got my first one with fiona! and it turned out quite nicely too (: then we ate at yoshinoya because we got the vouchers. urgh me and yi'an have been having an overdose of yoshinoya eek. we went home after that and just basically crapped all the way on the mrt (: today was fun but sadly got not much postcards for us to kup ): and got alot of people there! next time must go after school then ps is empty and got a lot of postcards for us to kup (: and today no movie postcards :/ instead its some national day postcards with only TWO design. sigh. nevermind i decided i shall start a postcard collection! i got so many i'll get an album and put all the different types in it! (: WHEN i got time. note the when :D
6 Aug 06, 23:14 jiahui: congrats on surviving JNCO...course haha congrats aniwae =D and u'll get ur postcard on tues. hopefully =D
me: thank you! and you did give it to me today (: today was quite fun! :D
8 Aug 06, 19:05 eve: : D postcards on friday! promise. : D
me: heh ok! i shall remind you too heheh :D
[Please do not make a mountain out of a molehill. you'll find that life is easier when you dont exaggerate everything. oh also please do not just assume things. nobody owes you anything. just a piece of friendly advice to you.]
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, August 06, 2006
we survived 31st junior NCO training course!!!!!!!!! :D congratulate us man (: i wonder if im allowed to blog about it HMMM. anyway shall not because jnco is top secret info. cannot spread esp to std 1s! must let them have their own experience when its time for their own jnco (:
argh im talking like ive gone thru jnco already when actually all we've gone thru is the course -.- oh ya weep for us people. our jnco dates have been changed. now its either 20th to 24th december OR 26th to 30th december AND its in the new school :/ so near christmas! (technically its either one day before christmas or one day after) and theres a possibility that i may spend my birthday during JNCO! *cries* 22nd december, the day i was born 14 years ago, spent in pumping position -.-
well. im damn scared of jnco, but after going through the course, i feel that its wasted to not go for the camp because the course is to train you up for the camp and if you dont go for the camp then the two days are wasted. geddit? haha.
andddddd we must all jiayou for the camp itself! we got through the course, it can be considered an obstacle that we overcome. even though we get degraded, scolded and pumped like mad by the seniors, must believe that there are people out there who BELIEVE in us, who CRIED for us and who TAUGHT us everything. lets all jiayou k!
reply to tags:
2 Aug 06, 20:40/th: haha fd is soo fun.
2 Aug 06, 20:40/th: hello (: hahaha. wahh/. i think im the only one that havent watched the vid again. no time too lazy hehehe. omg lah. jnco course -.- some std 1 tagged at my blog. ahem WHO?! -.-
me: lol if you dont know who that std 1 is, do you think i'd know? :p anyway go watch the video when you can! its worth it (:
3 Aug 06, 05:43cky: xianned. STRESSED for the stupid chiense and history. argh. c. mi so early wake up. T_T
me: be glad its over! see i also sleep super late cos of that.
3 Aug 06, 18:53 eve: will u miss me? : D remind me abt the postcards. : D HALLELUJAH!
me: obviously i'll miss you! green pea! :D and my postcard! i'll go remind you on monday. (:
me: eeyoh its not like youre the one leaving ): ARGH ok i shall stop making my blog so depressing (:
5 Aug 06, 08:40cky: yeahh! we survived tests and exams!! lets call ourselves.. " the surviors. =)
me: haha ok!
5 Aug 06, 12:54CTing: baabaa...
me: poopoo....
5 Aug 06, 23:31 selene: totally agree with what you blogged abour treasuring those around us! THANKYOU for the reminder babeh!
me: WELCOME! and yup we must treasure those around us otherwise it'll be too late ):
5 Aug 06, 23:48 zina: gee after reading your blog i guess i have alot to write in the postcard alrdy ;D
5 Aug 06, 23:47 zina: and i'm your mummy so i'm your parent as well. don't feel bad for your test okay? i love you! muacks (:
5 Aug 06, 23:46 zina: hahahaha i think it's pretty weird of yi'an saying "szeying, i'm crying" LOL
me: ahahaha i felt the same way too, so when i heard that, it shocked me so much that i burst into tears! :p and im not upset about my test anymore (: thank you mummy i love you too (: youre the bestest of the best! <3 and my constant reminder of my postcard!
6 Aug 06, 21:02/th: BOO! i do not activate the lame thing lorrrrrrr
me: ahaha yes you do (: so about what we talked about? how? ):
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, August 02, 2006
today was sian i think. nothing much happened bleh. but i want to say this: treasure the people around you because by the time you start appreciating and stuff, its too late. you leave or they leave. dont make the same mistake as me ):
1 Aug 06, 05:12 cky: aw. shouldnt have slapped ur face. must have hurt. T_T
1 Aug 06, 05:12 cky: AHHHHHHHHH. * slap ur face awake* stop thinkin bout that er. MATHS thingy liao lo!!!!!!!! just JIA YOU!!!!!! =)=)
me: im not thinking about it anymore! :D and how can you slap my face? lol
1 Aug 06, 20:57 bekah: prickly me =)
me: YAY yes prickly you just like a cactus (: a NICE cactus :D we miss you guys! seeing the std 1s train, makes me wish that its us training and YOURE the one training us. we have so much fun during comp train! (: argh you better not forget us k! or i come after you GRR. and i wrote a super long message for you you'll get tmr (:
1 Aug 06, 22:41 eve: i miss comp train! time flies. eh but this year sec ones damn cute leh. >,<
me: yes! agreed! the sec ones are chao cute and i really miss comp train! you know when i go down during the comp trains to help, i wish that it's us there and bekah and the rest are training us ):
2 Aug 06, 17:25 leesimin: and thank me i shot the ice at yian so she shut up before she could insult any of us any further
2 Aug 06, 17:24 leesimin: hey.haha.just wanna tell you that all of us will never ever forget you!not even yi'an,who has the shortest memory span.so we shud cherish the time we have left so that tere wont be any regrets:)
me: thanks! (: i'll never EVER forget all of you too! you've all changed my life in so many ways im just sad that im leaving this closeness that ive just found so soon ): and yi'an has the brain capacity of a gold fish! :D OH and today was damn funny! ahahaha especially the ice thing did you see the look on her face? :D THANK YOU! (:
japanese guys are love