♥Monday, July 31, 2006
And so we talked all night
about the rest of our lives
Where we’re gonna be
when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never changeKeep on thinkingthings will always be the sameBut when we leave this year we won’t be coming backNo more hanging out cause we’re on a different trackAnd if you got something
that you need to say
You better say it right now
cause you don’t have another day
Cause we’re moving on and we can’t slow downThese memories are
playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of
that night in june
I didn’t know much of love
But it came too soon
and there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home
talking on the telephone
We’d get so excited,
we’d get so scared
Laughing at our selves
thinking life’s not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change,come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverSo if we get the big jobs
and we make the big money
When we look back now,
will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember
everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy bobby
be the stockbroker man?
Can heather find a job
that won’t interfere with her tan?
I keep,
I keep thinking that it’s not goodbye
Keep on thinking
it’s a time to fly
And this is how it feels
As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change,
come whatever
We will still be, friends foreverLa, la, la, la;
yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la,
we will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow
like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never endAnd suddenly it’s like
we’re women and men
Will the past be a shadow
that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep,
I keep thinking that it’s not goodbyeKeep on thinking
it’s a time to fly
--graduation by vitamin C
japanese guys are love
alright then I shall update my blog for hosimin (: well this few days have been really emotional days. in more ways than one. i shall start off with pop first.
--Passing Out Parade 2006--
met the others at KFC for lunch and we were rushing to get to school by 12.25 because we have to fall in at 12.30 to learn flag raising. guess who our encik is. yup Encik Wen Bin. he kept saying that we were rubbish grr. but we were taught flag raising and flag lowering. who knew that such a simple process like these can be made so complicated?
Then we helped to get the place ready for POP by moving benches and flower pots and stuff. but luckily for us, it rained so we spent our time preparing our performance in the class. But our squad was very noisy and not very cooperative, so we didnt get much done ): After that we were given 10 minutes to change and we did the sizing drill for the parade, and as usual im the shortest. bleh.
During the rehearsal, quite alot of people fell out and eve fainted. gave me quite a scare because she was standing right next to me. then during the actual parade, alot of people fell out because they cant stand it. and eve fainted again. gave me another shock phew. but the parade + rehearsal was really very long and it was a miracle i survived that long. During the changing over parade, we were all really sad as we watched
sgt mam xinying march away and corporal Tiffany take her place. yep but we all didnt cry because it was obviously a parade.
after the parade ended, we had dinner. Me and Jason both had stomachache and we both agreed on one thing. not to eat KFC's shrooms or shrooms sauce again. cos we both ate that and got stomachache. eek. didnt have much appetite for dinner. we went to change after that and went to the hall for social night. i have to say that the std 3s really outdid themselves. the theme was disco and the decorations were simply awesome. the whole hall was dark with spotlights and a disco ball right in the centre of the hall and the disco ball sent lights everywhere. it was simply fantastic (:
When the std 4s came, everyone jumped to their feet and cheered, welcoming them. wow, they all dressed super nicely! the girls wore some dainty slippers or heels and they looked sexy :D the guys were also dressed well, in button-down shirts. then the std 1s performed their item. it was ok, kinda like what we did last year, except theirs is some standard 1 idol. nubbad for their first pop, but couldnt really hear them. but all in all, could see that there was alot of effort put in (:
then it was our turn (: the skit was erm...i dont know. but the dance was really fun (: especially the wildcats! so even though some people may think that our performance flopped, the most important is that the standard 4s enjoyed it and that we had fun performing it (: i got super high after the dance (: oh and throughout the night yi'an and i were crapping all the way (: then the std 3s. their decorations were great, their performance was great, everything was great! theirs was about the ideal boyfriend/girlfriend (: the cutest pair was cpl weisong and yahui (: heh and cpl tiffany can dance! :D
then we had the seniors performance (: haha as usual, sir kinkeong and sir dickson were their funny selves but the funniest that night was sir kianyong (: he pretended to be liang popo and i have to say that he did a really good job! (: their performance was really funny :D the std 4s finally performed and i have to say that their performance rocked the whole house! the dance they did was really difficult and we could tell that they put in a LOT of effort in learning the dance and stuff. and in between dances the girls all switched from pants to skirts! WOW and they didnt even take like a minute. they changed in seconds! :o and sgt yingxiao and staff zhengwei can breakdance man. all in all, their performance was really, really great (:
oh and the whole std 2 squad was so excited that mam xinying paired up with staff jianhui. they were cheering everytime they saw them together! i felt really embarassed for them lol.
but they do look cute together! we had some lucky draw thing and cindy won a adidas toilet roll! :D we presented our souvenirs to the std 4s next. we sewed pillows for them and i think that they liked it (: i gave sgt yuhan hers and eli made me tell her that she sewed the pillow -.- lol. then the std 4s came around to hug all of us.
haha mam xinying was the funniest. when she hugged me, she said: szeying! you have to grow taller!! and i replied her with: believe me, i AM trying to (: haha she laughed when she heard that (: mam xinying. we will never EVER forget her. she was the one who brought our squad to greater heights and although we had alot of conflict at first, our whole squad grew to love her. then staff yanwen started crying when i hugged her. ): me and tzu hsiang were trying to comfort her and she told us seriphos people to jiayou (: but how can i when i wont be a seriphoian next year? ): and rebekah, we'll miss her tons. we had alot of fun during comp trains together and she always makes us laugh and once you get past her prickly exterior (:P) shes actually a really nice and warm person inside (:
mam constance is also someone we wont forget. she always gives us so much advice and she cares alot for us (: and she knows my cousins! :D cindy started crying, then hosimin, then i started crying because everything just sank in. the std 4s leaving us, ME leaving my beloved squad. well the tears just simply poured out. after we got some of our dignity back, we had mass dance and chengtng and cake for supper (: me and cindy kept going back for seconds! :D we love chengtng, don't we cindy? (:
we had interaction with the std 4s and they made a video for us. when we read mam xinying's msg to us on the video, everyone started crying. im sure even the guys in our squad cried too. the msg was really touching and when she mentioned the ip part, my tears simply came again. and yi'an was crying too. i didnt want to cry again but i could hear everyone including yi'an sniffing around me and yi'an turned to me and said: szeying, im crying! that did it. i started crying again and the ip thing was the trigger. and some say that the instructors were all crying behind. even the guys. even mam xinying. it's like our squad went through so much with them, even though we had so much difficulties. but we came out of it together. and they were NOT a horrible batch of instructors. they did not FAIL to bring our squad to greater heights. who we are today, we owe it to them. if not for their constant pushing, we would truly be a lousy squad.
we failed to appreciate them earlier. so when we finally appreciate them, its too late. its too late to regret already. all we can do is just to look back on all the happy memories we had and treasure them. we will all miss them and im sure they will all miss us too. thank you, std 4s for all you've done for us. You really are a terrific batch of instructors and I thank God that we had a chance to meet you guys. you all have changed my life in one way or another. thank you (:
then they gave out photo frames they made with two pictures of our squad and dvd of the video they showed us. and inside we got a personal message from one of the instructors. sgt nicholas wrote mine (: then all too soon interaction time ended. everyone was crying loudly and sniffing while the std 4 instructors all gave their farewell message to us. this shows how much they have touched our lives and made a difference in them.
sigh. we only had 3 hours to sleep and we slept on hard chairs grr. area cleaning the next day was tedious and we scrapped any plans of meeting cting and the rest at plaza sing and we went straight home. i slept from 9 to 5.30 ok. that was how tired i was. sigh. i really miss them ):
today we had maths test. i cried again. BECAUSE the paper mr hia gave us had so many errors and i mixed them up when he told us the errors. so the equation that should be changed in ques 3, i changed it in ques 2 instead. so i couldnt do the whole paper and thats 16 marks. i cried when i found out. that was the stupidest thing i ever did. 16 marks just poof. gone like that. ): but thank God for my parents. they knew it was an honest mistake. they didnt scold me, they comforted me and told me to be more careful next time. and to try harder for the next test (:
and when i went to watch the video again, i cried again. so now you know why i said that the past few days have been emotional ones for me. and JNCO course is this weekend. i just hope we can make it through TOGETHER AS ONE. not even encik can get us down.
reply to tags:
27 Jul 06, 22:21 hosimin: hello szeying! lol..yi'an told me about that taking postcards thing. you all were so funny la. xD partners in crime.
me: ahaha yup (: it was reallyyyy fun :D
28 Jul 06, 21:34 cky: todae test not as diff as we tot hor? lolx. WUN fail la.. =)
me: yep but im gonna fail TODAY, 31st July's test ):
28 Jul 06, 22:07 *jC: *JOANNA WAS HERE!* heys gurl!! how ya holding up? (= haha. see u arnd yes!!
me: hello! (: im alright i guess haha what about you? yep see you arnd in church sometime (:
29 Jul 06, 09:28 yi'an: blah!! my aim is to beat u in taking postcards!! muahaha..eeyr POP today..sadness..dunno if i'll cry!!
me: ahahaha such a childish aim :p and you DID cry during POP. i didnt want to cry anymore lor. but you made me GRR you. (:
29 Jul 06, 17:18J M: and i dont like high school musical's plot. The songs and dances are nice though. You watched it on youtube right? LOL
29 Jul 06, 17:15 JM: HELLO, long time no tag -_-. I LOVE PIRATES!
me: agreed! i love pirates too (: and HSM plot is predictable, but the songs and dances are what makes it so nice! and yes i watched it on youtube :p
29 Jul 06, 20:40 zina: ohhh and i'm a very good girl. i don't go against escalators unlike you and yi'an
29 Jul 06, 20:39 zina: haaa i agree with you that you i and yi'an are the best partners ever in stealing postcards xD
me: definitely! the postcard stealing trio! :D and going against the escalator is FUN heheh you should try it sometime! :D
30 Jul 06, 20:06 cindy: hellohello! we love chengtng!! =D
me: definitely! we were so greedy ahaha (:
30 Jul 06, 20:13 /th: sec1 comp train tmrw! skully they dont come for morning fd. -.- so sad no more pop. >.<
me: ya so sad POP over ): ahaha but the std 1s are so cute! their fd is so funny and cute ahahhaa. i laughed till i had no more voice left :p now arent you glad you stayed back for fd? :D
31 Jul 06, 01:15 *jC: hahaha. thanks for the tag (= heEees. anw. takkares of urself ya!! (x catch up soon.
me: thanks for YOUR tag too! (: you take care of yourself too! catch up with you sometime yea (:
31 Jul 06, 08:07 hosimin: hello szeying! haha. (: pop was sad and it passed so fast! got time must update your posts ok..haha. or else i nth to read. xD
me: haha see? this blogpost is dedicated to YOU. now you got something to read (: just blogged a whole chunk about POP! (:
31 Jul 06, 18:51 jiahui: hey im telling you. david marshall shuldnt have done anything so i would only have nice lee kuan yew to digest. LOL aniwaE david marshall is cute XD
me: erm hello are you ok? why are you suddenly talking about lee kuan yew and david marshall? LOL and why is david marshall cute? *shudders* haha anyway thanks for your comfort today (: im alright now just alittle sad ):
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, July 27, 2006
let's start with what i did on tuesday (: me, yi'an and zina went to plaza sing again for lunch :D haha but this time we got off at the right bus stop! (; BUTTTT we didnt know where to go from park mall so we wandered around the mrt and got lost quite a few times haha. then when we finally found plaza sing, we ate at KFC. the fish ole is nice (: and we sat there and crapped and talked :D after that we went up to gv to get POSTCARDS!! and do you know WHAT? this time they had PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEANS II: THE DEAD MAN'S CHEST!!! :O omg! i was so happy when i saw it we took tons and i got the only orlando bloom postcard left! phew! see cting? he's so popular! there was only THREE left when i went there :p
then me and yi'an were being childish and we were running up the escalator in the opposite direction :D imagine the escalator going down and two girls running up while another girl stands there and scolds them :D heh zinananana was scolding us for being so childish! but nana i can't believe you never played that before! lol (: then we went to Cafe Cartel to get some more postcards. but the thing is, we were very paiseh cos we are not eating anything and just taking the postcards!
so we went in and shifted THREE tables and shared a sundae that cost $3.50 :D heh and we asked the waiter if we could take the postcard and he said ok. but that waiter kept hanging around! we were like: omg is he going to go? damn paiseh leh! but he still didnt go haha. then when we got the ok sign to get the postcards, we ran there and starting taking HUMONGOUS stacks of postcards! there were tons of designs! and we got the shock of our life when the waiter snuck up behind us and asked us what flavour we wanted for our sundae! i tell you we almost DIED lol. i was facing the postcard rack and i squeaked out "vanilla" and he left.
our hearts were beating like mad! lol and me and zina ran to put our postcards away before going for second round :D and yi'an kept taking and when she saw that she has a humongous pile, and saw our little piles, she felt very guilty and stopped taking lol. BUT she didnt know that we already took alot and that was our second round! so when she found out she kept saying that she felt very cheated lol :D awwwww sorry yi'an :p OH and me zina and yi'an are officially partners in stealing postcard crime :D zina will be the one to block us and take so obviously haha :D so thick-skinned! while me and yi'an will hide behind her and take ours discreetly :p
so when we were finally satisfied with our pile, we sat down and finished our sundae before scramming out of there! lol i dont think i will dare to show my face in cafe cartel again! ><>< heh OH and i got 19/20 for science (: nubbad my highest so far BUT yi'an got 21 1/2! GRRR and she kept making me test her and keep saying that she'll fail but in the end she gets one of the highest in class! GRRR to you yi'an!
reply to tags:
23 Jul 06, 19:11 zina: I LOVE SZEYING <3 my most recent post?
me: i love you too mummy dearest but what does your tag mean? ><
25 Jul 06, 16:13 zx: YEAH HIGH SCH MUSICAL ROCKS!!!!!
me: whee agreed! (:
25 Jul 06, 18:29 zina: and i've yet to count the number of postcards i kupped haha ((:
25 Jul 06, 18:29 zina: hoho! i think what we did today was really silly, but we had loads of fun LOL ;D
me: YES it was super fun! :D i always have fun kupping postcards with you and yi'an :D i also havent counted lol (:
25 Jul 06, 19:54 /th: WAHAHA sec 1 comp coming >.<
me: yup! lets give them our full support! :D whee and my boyfriend's still much handsomer than yours! :D
me: erm thanks?
26 Jul 06, 21:48 bolong': oo. sy you;ve got yourself a secret admirer. LOLx. btw i hate source based. haha
me: nah you're talking rubbish lol. i hate source based too urgh. esp about the merger *shudders*
27 Jul 06, 19:41 cky: lolx. no one like source base. haish. i am gonna FLUNK tml's maths. haish.
me: i'll probably flunk with you SIGH.
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, July 22, 2006
we're soaring
there's not a star in heaven
that we can't reach
if we're trying
so we're breaking free...
you know the world can see us
in a way that's different from who we are
creating space between us
till we're separate hearts
but your faith
it gives me strength
strength to believe
we're breaking free
we're soaring
there's not a star in heaven
that we can't reach
if we're trying
yea we're breaking free
can you feel it building
like a wave
the ocean just can't control
connected by a feeling
ooh in our very souls
till it lifts us up
till everyone can see
we're breaking free
we're soaring
there's not a star in heaven
that we can't reach
if we're trying
yea we're breaking free
to get to that place
to be all that we can be
now's the time
so we're breaking free
more than hope
more than faith
this is truth
this is fate
and together
we see it coming
more than you
more than me
not a want
but a need
both of us
breaking free
we're soaringflyingthere's not a star in heaventhat we can't reachif we're tryingyea we're breaking free runningclimbingto get to that placeto be all that we can benow's the timeso we're breaking free
you know the world
can see us
in a way
that's different from who we
--breaking free [high school musical]
japanese guys are love
yes i LOVE all of you (: my mummy and my fish too :D dont worry i'll do a full testimonial for all of you guys who have touched my life in some way at the end of the year, not now haha (: love you guys!
anyway yesterday went to singapore symphony orchestra performance with my godma. it was a disappointment! the song that we wanted to hear they cancelled it out and the songs they played were all really creepy and boring songs urgh. i was trying not to fall asleep and the worse thing is we got the balcony seats and i got a crick in my neck! ): heh the only thing that kept me awake was one of the caucasian percussionist (: he's quite handsome! and he plays the drums really well! *swoons* that was pretty much the only thing that kept me awake during the concert :p i was like staring at him the whole time ahahahaha :D
today had zone games day and it was sian, but me elaine peirong and shilei were crapping like mad so yea it was quite fun in that sense (: oh and we had jnco briefing after that. its not compulsory for us who are going ip to go, but moses eve and dawn all said that they would go. i told sir wah wei that i had to think about it because i thought that that week was the week my dad was off and frankly i AM quite scared of JNCO. i mean imagine 5 days of hell urgh. its on the 9th to 13th of december its gonna push us to our limits and if we dont go through it together as one, we are frankly going to die. so yea thats my fear.
BUT i was thinking about it while waiting for my dad and after talking to yi'an i decided to go. because JNCO no matter how tough it is, it will be a memorable experience for me and my last year with my beloved squadmates will at least end on a bang. (: and i will have more time with them before i leave them so thats a plus side. and we're TOGETHER AS ONE. there's nothing we cannot achieve. so after much crapping here this is my final verdict: I AM GOING FOR JNCO (: std 2 o'6, lets do our best for this training camp! oh and it helped that Moses while waiting for his dad too was telling me that i HAD TO GO. :D heh. so there, im going yi'an, tzu hsiang, hosimin, wanyu, leesimin and all those who asked me if im going for jnco (:
im really gonna miss my squad URGH. and i'll probably never feel this closeness, this bond between a group of people again. ): sigh. i'll have more time to accept it later. now we must focus on preparing for JNCO! and school of course :D oh and sec 1 comp is coming up! yipee im going to help with the comp training. but can you believe it they only have 6 trainings before the comp! omg and the comp is on 18th august, so they got really little time to prepare. and they arent going in case style anymore. now they're competing in pairs or in threes and there are individual cases too! OMG imagine you go in there alone and you gotta diagnose and treat the casualty and stuff ALL ON YOUR OWN and with the sir STARING at you. *shivers* im glad that i was sec 1 last year :D anyway seriphos std 1s! jiayou for comp! (:
tmr going out with jiejie yvonne and gen and yvette! (: its been so long since ive seen jiejie yvonne it'll be great to see her again! (: looking forward to tmr yea. oh and jiahui, better thank me when you get high marks for your oral presentation!! you know what i mean haha (:
reply to tags:
17 Jul 06, 22:05 zina: ur most recent post referring to sb? anyway i'm so so sorry. promise to give you a postcard very soon kz?
me:yea but not you (: i could never do that to my mummy yea! anyway youve been promising me that postcard for verryyyyy long!
18 Jul 06, 17:50 /th: helloooooo. xD jiayou for POP! lol we can stay overnight! CUTE LEH YOUR HAIR LOLOLOL
me: YES YES I KNOW you love my hair! haha (: and cant wait for pop the dance is gonna rock ahaha so fun! and it makes you so high! :D
18 Jul 06, 20:32 yi'an: yank yank..eeyer damn low today la..sian lk xiao..urgh..dun worry man probably get my HIGHNESS back after all the tests and stuff...hehe..ty for waiting !! lol..i noe u sure say no prob one right..=)
me: how did you know? (; anyway youve been so MOODY nowadays glad you're alot BETTER now (: AND IM GOING FOR JNCO!
18 Jul 06, 20:59 cky: cos i am BORED. wakaka..
18 Jul 06, 20:58 cky: i am LAME.
18 Jul 06, 20:58 cky: bye bye. -__________-
18 Jul 06, 20:57 cky: HI HI!!!
me: wow haha erm lets see. HI! bye? yes you are lame :p and i understand haha (:
19 Jul 06, 11:29 jiahui: hey. in com lab lolol go tag at my blogg kae?
18 Jul 06, 22:13 jiahui: i managed to stash a stack of postcards from CAFE CARTEL. yay we're postcards robbers! ><
me: HELLO MY FELLOW POSTCARD ROBBER (: i tagged! (: two too! haha it rhymes lol. anyway thats the stack that yi'an has been wanting to steal too! just that she doesnt dare to go in because we didnt eat there! :p
19 Jul 06, 19:30 CTing: MWAHAHAHAHA....Steven rox +)
19 Jul 06, 19:30 CTing: at least i got free drink!!! +)
19 Jul 06, 19:29 CTing: baddest day of our life T.T
me: not the baddest but one of the worst. yup. anyway MARY rocks more! i am marys lawyer i represent her! haha. and where did you get free drink?
19 Jul 06, 21:49 cky: at least this is not mai baddest dae. >.< there is worst one lo..
19 Jul 06, 21:49 cky: xiann la. wad is this todae. haishh. nvm.. sze ying have to stay happi worx. hahaaa
me: yes you also! (: think positive! ahahaha. im contradicting my self lol
19 Jul 06, 22:10 CTing: i'm repeating myself -.-
19 Jul 06, 22:10 CTing: be yourself ok? the truest form of you that you can muster +)
19 Jul 06, 22:09 CTing: everything will be ok... it always does...so cheer!!
me: yes you are haha and thanks for always being there for me (: aiyah everything is in the blogpost about you that you treasure lol
20 Jul 06, 18:16 cky: haishh. tml STILL GOT chinese. T_T. awwwwwww. i wanan die liao. i forgot bring mai txt bk back HOME.
me: haha how can you forget? anyway SEE all the words that i practice came out! the xiao3 xi1 also! haha.
20 Jul 06, 22:01 CTing: i'm spamming +p
20 Jul 06, 22:00 CTing: love you loads!!! won't forget you like forever!!!
20 Jul 06, 22:00 CTing: about the lunch thing.. i'm afraid i'll always be late -.- sorry lar...
20 Jul 06, 21:58 CTing: don't worry, your panda loves you too!!!
20 Jul 06, 21:58 CTing: oh my gosh!!! that's like sooo touching!!!
me: of course i know you love me! :D anyway i already given up on you being on time for ONCE. haha. and yes you are spamming (: AIYAH everything is in that post la!
21 Jul 06, 18:23 yi'an: OIII im jealous..eeyer u shld hv came today cos i was preety high..JEALUS...XD say u lurve moi too!!
me: ahahahaha i know you were telling me on the phone lol. you know you mumble into the phone? must speak clearly! (: and no need to be jealous la you silly fish! i love you too! haha
21 Jul 06, 20:54 yvette: do you want me to send that song to you? its nice (: i'll send it to you nextime i see you online okay? SMILE!
me: sure! thanks haha hope you didnt mind me taking that from your blog. just thought it fit my situation perfectly (: anyway thanks jiejie and before you say anything, i love you too haha. cant wait for tmr!
21 Jul 06, 22:01 zina: nono! of course my daughter loves me the most right? sorry i still owe you a postcard. very tight with all the tests coming up ><
me: haha i love you all EQUALLY (: you too mummy! <3 and hurry with my postcard!! GRRR
22 Jul 06, 12:32 CTing: but don't contaminate my precious post!!! mwahahaha...
22 Jul 06, 12:32 CTing: fish you want me to kiss you? i'll gladly do that +p
me: eeeek no PDA on my blog please! haha. urgh imagine a panda kissing a fish AHAHHAA :D and for the last time i know you love your post! :D
phew! im finally through the tags. (: decided to adopt /th's way of answering tags because like that its clearer (: and i love high school musical! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, July 20, 2006
this post is dedicated to my dear PANDA.
cuiting- thanks for everything. we weren't very close at first i was scared of you actually haha. because when you dont smile your face is damn scary. and your moodswings are scarier XD but im glad i was able to see through all that and see you for the real you (: you became my confidante and i could spill everything to you. you were also always there lending a listening ear to me and giving me advice, just like an older sister. we tided through many rough things and im glad we're still as close as ever! thanks for yesterday, for letting me vent my anger out on you and later giving me advice and helping me calm down. although we won't be in the same school next year, you'll always be my bestest buddy (: and we still gotta go out for lunch often yea! (: love you my bestest bud! <3
lots of love from your guinea pig
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, July 19, 2006
i feel like cursing. F***. today was a shitty day. oh i started off very happy, esp during phototaking and all. but you know what. trying to be happy for the sake of others wears me down. i dont have the smile on my face 24/7 ok. i cant take it anymore. it totally sucks la. being pushed around like a piece of crap. i wish that from now on there arent any more pairwork or group projects or anything. just individual work. wont that solve everything?
all these group work and stuff just result in people being hurt. for what? for one freaking piece of work. i hate this. sometimes i just cant wait to go to VJ and leave all these things behind. this is wearing me down. i hate this kinda stuff. all these can be avoided. its just that they are too stubborn to back out. PLEASE. next year im leaving the school already. i want to leave the school with happy memories. not shitty ones like this.
the only thing that cheered me up today was the POP prep. it was sian and stuff, but the music was all groovy and just makes you want to dance. and the plus points are the squadmates too. when i go, i will miss them tons.
when everything is
going wrongand things are just a little
strangeits been so
long now
forgotten how to
smileand overhead the
skies are clearbut it only seems to
rain on youand your only
friendsall have
better things to dowhen you're
down and lostand you need a
helping handwhen you're
down and lostalong the way
just try a
little hardertry your best to
make it through the dayor just
tell yourself
it'll be ok-taken from yvette's blog
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, July 17, 2006
you thought you knew,
but in a short period of time,
everything changes.
you're the one being driven away
you're the one being wronged.
so why do you feel like it's your fault?
you get swayed over too easily
take a stand.
is that what you are willing to tolerate?
is that what you want in your life.
or do just want to let it pass silently.
that's the question.
reply to tags:
cting: yes yes i know i think it rocks too! (: and awwwww why you dont wanna read it? (; its such an interesting post and stuff.
/th: haha how soon lol (: anyway you ruffle my hair so many times that its out of place! haha
selene: HEYYYY (: thank you for the compliment :D i am coming on sundays! just got some sj stuff that they always put on sundays, so im prevented from coming to church ): anyway im always good in school BABEH (: see you on sunday too!
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, July 16, 2006
i watched PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN II: THE DEAD MAN'S CHEST (: its super nice, but then any movie with orlando bloom is nice :D watched with my family and pirates of the caribbean II is much funnier then I. the whole cinema laughed like mad (: but it is also scarier (you can say) than the first in the trilogy, and it ends with a maddening cliffhanger. argh. anyway SPOILERS AHEAD. those who havent seen the show and dont want the surprise spoiled for you, please do not scroll down.
ok i gues this is long enough :D ok the movie starts of with Elizabeth sitting in the rain, and it turns out that the rain has ruined her and will's wedding. Will is brought in chains and Elizabeth is too arrested for their "charges" of helping the notorious pirate Jack Sparrow escape. yup. oh yeah, Commadore Norrington is gone and he is replaced by this evil guy. didn't bother to remember his name :p
Will is set free to retrieve the compass that Jack always carries around with him. The one that doesn't work in exchange for his and Elizabeth's freedom, as the penalty of those charges is death. He sets off to find Jack and the compass and he's given many misleading leads. one of the funniest was SINGAPORE!! :O one of the men actually said that jack sparrow was in SINGAPORE! lol. that was funny :D
Will found the black pearl marooned at the island and went to find the crew, but he got caught by these Native dwellers there who are actually cannibals and they believe that Jack is the God trapped in a mortal's body and they are going to roast him and eat him to free the God. The escape scene is terribly funny, the funniest in the movie i think :D you have to watch it :D
anyway Elizabeth herself escapes and she threatens the new commodore at gunpoint to sign an agreement stating that Jack will be the commodore and blah blah if he comes back. so she stows away in a ship and she leaves her dress there, so the crew believe that there is a female ghost on the ship. she plays on their fear as she puppets the dress around and convinces them to go to tortuga where Jack is.
meanwhile, Will was tricked onto the Flying Dutchman by Jack to find a key to Davy Jone's chest. Inside the chest is Davy Jone's heart and DJ is the tentacles guy. eeek. so Will got caught and it turns out that Jack sent him to settle his debt with DJ, meaning that he wants Will to die for him so that he can save his sorry hide. GRRR. evil. Jack negotiates with DJ and he has to find 99 souls in 3 days for his debt to be fully paid off. poor Will is still kept on the Flying Dutchman, but he finds his father! Bootstrap Bill. His father was forced to whip him by Davy Jones and Will harbours great resentment to him. But Will challenges the captain to a game of "bluff" and the stakes are an eternity of servitude to the captain to the key that Jack wants. Will's father steps in unexpectedly to play and sacrifices himself for Will. so Bill is condemned to an eternity of servitude on the flying dutchman.
Will gets the key secretly and with a promise that he'll return to save his father, he leaves and gets picked up by the ship Elizabeth was on. Now, at Tortugal Jack is recruiting crew to pay of his debt and commodore Norrington, now reduced to a man no better than a pirate turns up. He is recruited, but causes a brawl at the pub. Elizabeth makes herself known to Jack and the compass that doesn't work works in her hand. The compass only points to what your heart desires and it points to the location of Davy Jone's chest as it is what she needs to save Will.
So they set off to the chest. Meanwhile the ship Will was picked up onto got swallowed by the Kraken. a terrifying creature of the sea but will manages to escape and turns up on the island where Davy Jone's treasure is. Jack, norrington and elizabeth who are already there, were shocked and glad to see him with the key. but before will turned up, they were trying to locate Davy Jone's chest and the compass points to Jack instead. :O there has been some flirting on the ship between this two people. (EVIL!!) but they still found the chest and the heart beating inside. gross. the three men started fighting over the key to the chest, each wanting it for their own reason and Elizabeth tries in many unsuccessful and funny ways to stop them. the fighting scene is again funny :D
the two pirates from the first movie, you know the ones that dress up as females to attract the navy's attention? they escaped from jail and become crew on the Black Pearl and they decided that it is good for all of them if they take the chest XD so Elizabeth chased after them for the chest. But davy jones sent his erm deformed pirates after them because he can only step onto land once every 10 years. so they all start running away from the pirates and Jack gets away with the key and stuffs the heart into the jar of sand that the Tia Dalma gave him. (erm thats in the beginning of the movie but im not mentioning it)
Norrington finds the heart and keeps it while volunteering himself to distract the pirates. One may think that it's a noble sacrifice, but its because he wants to get away with the heart. grrr. so they return to the black pearl and Davy Jones commands the kraken to destroy the black pearl. They hold up against the Kraken unsuccessfully and Jack actually escapes. but he returns in the end. They decided to abandon ship and they move to the long boat to escape. Elizabeth kisses Jack passionately as she backs him into the bow of the ship. i did mention that a fair bit of flirting has been going on between them yea. Will pops up to grab some more stuff and he sees them. He is stunned and stares at his hands, wondering how this could be.
Elizabeth shackles Jack to the bow of the ship while kissing him, crying and telling him that she does not regret this. Jack smiles and affectionally calls her a pirate. she climbs onto the long boat and tells them that Jack has sacrificed himself for them and they escape. Will stares at her in disbelief as she cries and refuses to meet anyone's eyes. Jack manages to get himself free and he leaps into the kraken's mouth bravely with his sword as the ship goes down.
They go to Tia Dalma's house for refuge and she comforts everyone. She asks if they are willing to go to the ends of the earth to rescue the ship and their captain and everyone "ayes" determinedly, except for Will, who echoes it softly. she says that they need a brave captain who can bring them to the ends of the earth and a loud clump can be heard as footsteps descend the stairway. and who is it? Barbossa. the movie ends here.
such an annoying cliff hanger yea! grrrrrrrr. anyway my feelings: i think the Jack/Elizabeth kiss is horrible. because i think Will/Elizabeth is better. i mean Will is willing to sacrifice anything, even his life for Elizabeth. (in an earlier scene, Will tells Jack that he is willing to sacrifice anything for Elizabeth, even his life) and this is how she repays him. The kiss may be to distract Jack so that she can shackle him to the bow, but they both look flustered when they break away and it is a very passionate kiss. Not to mention the flirting in the movie. (norrington tells Elizabeth that he would do anything for her to look at him in the same way. It is after Elizabeth talks to Jack, so he is saying that he wishes she would look at him the way she does to Jack).
Jack says that Elizabeth will sooner or later succumb to his charms because of CURIOSITY. and i think he's right. Will is her stronghold, the stable one she can return to when she feels lost. but with Jack she has freedom. so only the last movie will tell us who she chooses. and i conclude that Elizabeth is a two-timing female. GRRR. she has
orlando bloom Will Turner head over heels in love with her, so why does she want anyone else?
anway i admit im biased because Will is orland bloom LOL. but thats how i feel. grrr its gonna be eternity waiting for the third movie to come out. anyway reply to tags:
hosimin: YUP (: anyway when i get yours, i'll write back to you asap too! :p
JM: LOL and we all know who it is :p
yi'an: WAH you damn evil leh. heh hosimin is so nice you want her get pumped for what? lol. and you very -.-. who else would notice the 14 except for you? :P
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, July 14, 2006
the past few days have been eventful days (: lets start off with wednesday, when we had the IDMI presentation. URGH. could anything be worse? we totally flopped it. the accessors were mrs koh swee ling and mdm lai e-von (or something?) and they mdm lai totally niao-ed our grp ): kept saying that we're CONSERVING, not DEMOLISHING. yea i admit that our idea did demolish a few shophouses, but niao us until like that! grrr. anyway idmi is over and im glad! went with cuiting and yi'an to plaza singapore for lunch and we took 14. but ahahaha, we didn't know where to stop so we got lost in dhoby ghaut lol. we had to walk back all the way from the highway to plaza sing, but i got in some good interaction time with my dear panda and
gold fish (:
we went to yoshinoya to eat again and we were exchanging ghost stories *shivers* why is it that when im with them we ALWAYS talk about ghost stories? :p then we ran up and took postcards! :D my new hobby is to TAKE POSTCARDS! ahahaa :D then we discovered we were late for tuition and we rushed to katong mall (: heh mrs fun couldn't believe it when we told her that we got lost in dhoby ghaut! :D
next. thursday. went to queenstown with my dear zina and yi'an (: to change FISH'S class tee. sigh. alllll the way to queenstown! and we went there at like 10 and majority of the shops were closed. so we kept eating and eating while waiting for the shop to open and zina and i spent a looong time breathing in the delicious aroma of katong laksa from the second floor :D and yi'an escaped to the other half of the mall and called us siao cos she hates laksa :D heh it was funny. we wanted to eat but were too full cos we gorged ourselves on food earlier! GRRR. then the dumb shop still wasnt open so we went to some foodcourt nearby to take postcards. omg that was damn paiseh and funny. me and yi'an were trying to take as little as possible and were trying to hide our face cos damn paiseh and got alot of people around. here's the scenario:
me and yi'an: omg damn paiseh let's hurry up take and go! *taking one small bunch at a time*
zina: YOU ALL SO SCARED FOR WHAT? MUST TAKE ALOT! *takes HUGE bunches of postcards at a time and goes many rounds*
me and yi'an: *jaw drops open and start taking more*
heh imagine this scenario and us laughing hysterically. me and yi'an were trying to hide our postcards, but zina was WAVING her gigantic bunch around in public! we were laughing hysterically when we left the foodcourt, crossed the road and went into the shopping mall again. imagine 3 dhs girls laughing like siao at the traffic light. that's prob how we looked :D the stupid shop STILL wasn't open again, so we left. OH, yi'an took 74 postcards, i took 80 postcards and zina took a whopping 94 postcards. add all this together, you get 248 postcards! *jaw drops open* that postcard rack has a lot of postcards! and it's all diff variety so its worth it (:
me and the FISH went back to school for the POP meeting which only 1/4 of the squad turned up for. it's so freaking pathetic. we have 36 people in our squad and only like 9 turned up? most of the squad isnt interested anyway. anyway the 1/4 of the squad learned how to dance the song that we're planning to perform for pop. we stayed around and got very sian but we accomplished quite alot. we left at around 4 plus and i watched ORLANDO BLOOM on tvmobile! :D can ask hosimin or teoyi'an (:
friday. phew. it's back to school again. gahh. music was quite interesting cos we're learning to do like digital music. put it together in the computer (: pop-ish! :D heh and cuiting is SUCH a fickle person TSK TSK. you should know what im talking about :D then after school we had our first training with the std 3s. they're ok bah. just that some of them niao us like siao ): but to control such a big squad like ours, i guess we got no choice but to accept it. anyway they're kinda like the std 4s but stricter. and yet caring too. i don't really mind them. just that i cant stand it when they stand outside the toilet door and count down the time limit for us GRRRR. we nursings had our first Transport Of Casusalty lesson and its MUCH MUCH more fun than homenursing. grr. i only carried siling piggy back. the rest of the time i was being carried -.- but TOC is fun (: oh and steffi and daphne are SUPER strong! (: they cradled and did the fireman's lift for me. even yi'an cant do it! TSK TSK. the fish got no strength :p
then we had quite a long pt. we ran one round around the school then went up to sec 3 walless area and we stayed in pumping position while pair by pair participated in an obstacle course. i paired with siling and we're supposed to wheelbarrow to a station, then commando crawl to another station, wheel barrow to ANOTHER station and finally sprint back to the walless classroom where the next pair will go. argh. my shirt is super dirty from commando crawl and i scraped my elbow. it's not bleeding, but its like sorta wet. and a scab is forming already. eek and it was super painful when cpl daphne washed it for me and when i bathed. grrr. then we ran some more, did circuit pumping with the instructors (: (first time any instructor did with us! :D ) then had cool down and finally lay down there and stone. before last parade we had debrief and after last parade we received our PROMOTION CERTIFICATE! omg its so cool :D too bad its the only promotion certificate im recieving )': i got into vj, but i she3 bu4 de2 leave my squad!!! ): and cpl tiffany put me and hosimin in charge of changing the telephone network cos alot of people always dont receive message, namely ME and hosimin and a few others. so those that are not happy with your line or dont receive msgs, tell me or hosimin k (:
then took 30 home with cindy, hosimin, eli and tzuhsiang. reached home around 7 plus, lugging my bag, uniform cover, boots AND dinner. argh i was ready to drop dead anytime and i was like swaying unsteadily while i was walking -.- wellllll POP is coming and i hope that our performance will IMPRESS the std 4s (for once!) (:
replies to tags:
bolong: HELLO (:
zhixuan: erm thanks? (: haha but seriously thanks :D
grace: lol you dont have to be jealous you silly girl (: you're SUPER smart too! you can write like dozens of poems and you got FIFTH in class! (:
yvette: THANK YOU! i think its cool too :D
zina: yep but you paid me back already (: anyway im not so thick-skinned like you to show off that THICK THICK stack of postcards in public LOL. we were like so paiseh and you were guang1 ming2 zhen4 da4! :p anyway you didnt pass down your thick-skinnedness to me mummy! :D heh and YOU OWE ME A POSTCARD. BY MONDAY!!! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, July 11, 2006

samsung YP-Z5 (: i got this 4-gig mp3 from my parents as a present for getting into VJ (: i got the black one wheee it's got more class :D anyway idmi week is GRRRR. theres not enough time! sheesh. anyway tmr is the presentation. hope we do well and yongseng, PLEASE bring the model. wish us luck! :D
reply to tags:
/th: lol ok then haha.
jiahui: you're back! :D sorry bout your grandad ): anyway idmi week is GRRRRR. ><
cting: glad you realize it. its GRRRRRRRR.
zina: i know you love me XD YOUR DAUGHTER LOVES YOU TOO! :D
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday was an interesting day :D the highlight of the day was the POSTCARDS! :D me and yi'an went to plaza singapore BECAUSE they have free postcards and we've bothe NEVER been to plaza sing before :p we were very greedy lol XD we took before lunch and after lunch at yoshinoya. we also saw a dhs girl with her boyfriend lol. we actually didnt want to take after lunch...buuuuuuuut we both were greedy and wanted more XD so we ran up snatched a few and ran down again all the while laughing maniacally. I think the people at the snack counter and ticketing counter in the cinema had the time of their life watching us -.- then we went for tuition and counted our stash. i took 4o postcards and yi'an took 30 XD but im gonna give zina some since she took for me last time :D
today was our first meeting with the teacher mentor and we went to jm's house. our group is super slow compared to the other grps ): but we're also very crappy XD haha didnt know the boys were that funny lol. then we played basketball. clinton and yongseng were like madmen. they played super well. after clinton went home, we played with 3 small boys. but boy, they were very violent. and fast but we still won :D 3 baskets to nil. yongseng was a madman for this game too. he was like: zoom zoom SCORE! XD heh then went home with shih ting and yong seng. im just gonna say this. im NEVER taking the purple line again GRRRR. tmr we're going little india. sigh. i got a blister already from playing basketball and walking ):
reply to tags:
yvette: yes whats so bad about it grrrr XD
zina: YES im very happy :D i also kupped some for you k :D and whats wrong with just discovering youtube? grrrrr.
jm: GREAT (: you're the best too cous <3
/th: :D thanks for all your advice last time about vj (: and you better write me back! :D
/th: anyway thanks for letting me use the skin lol. i know you love your green FMA skin :D anyway i'll give the credits to you dont worry lol. but im not planning on changing my skin soon anyway :D
cting: ya lor you guys dont wanna go out what ):
bolong: yo :D
hosimin: WELCOME :D no prob if you give me on sunday :D
japanese guys are love
♥Monday, July 03, 2006
I JUST DISCOVERED YOUTUBE!!!! omg i cant believe i didnt discover the beauty of youtube for so long!! aaaaaahhhh!!! :p im s-l-a-c-k-i-n-g at home :D
replies to tags:
jm: aiyoh forget about the maths paper. its over, you did your best! (: and i cant wait to go out with you too cousin (: anyway its rare for someone to put my name in BIG RED LETTERS too so THANK YOU :D
cting: -.-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" firstly i did NOT abduct your jump5. who was it who introduced you to jump5 hmmmmmm? and secondly ahmas are not supposed to listen to jump5! pandas too :D 5 is probably a lucky number that we never knew existed :D
guinea pig-out
xunlin: hey dont be sad k (: the full version is on your blog ahahaha :D anyway about the fullstop i shall try to remove it again -.- :D
chanel: HELLO (: thank you i love my skin too :D
/th: YOYO. i know its a new skin :D
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, July 02, 2006
to be fair to jm i shall put her name in
BIG BIG RED LETTERS TOO (:JIAYOU JM FOR THE NJC ADMISSION TEST AND STUFF!!there i did it (: heh jiayou k. you wont die i got FAITH in you my 'cousin'!! (: reply to tags (: :
zina: EEEEK ok i'll write to you my dear! :D dont be mad k haha. and i love you to bits too mummy (: blue is out and purple is in! :D
shenmei: THANK YOU! (: you look very artistic in my beret! want the picture? (:
hosimin: AGREED AGAIN! (: the two of them are NOT a good combination! :p welcome ha hope you liked the pics i think its very nice XD
jm: got meh? lol you're too obsessed with sakura! :D and can you see my BIG BIG RED LETTERS? (: you wont die trust me!
japanese guys are love