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Friday, June 30, 2006

wow im blogging very often now (: but its mostly to reply to tags XD
anyway today was st.john day and we came to school in uniform. the uniform was so darn hot and the weather was so darn hot too! phew! anyway this year's youth day celebration isnt as fun as last year. its boring! the games were boring and stuff. the only good part was the flea market and the screening of the movie TARZAN. (: tarzan was so cute as a baby! i mean which baby will roll down a net cooing and laughing with a leopard chasing it? hes totally adorable! everyone was like: awwwwwwww...... (: but hes a disney character sadly so oh well. but hes still cute! :D

then the flea market. they were selling postcards at $1 for 15 pieces! OMG that was a great bargain and guess how much me and yi'an bought. 45!! we each bought 45 lol and it only cost us $3! (: the postcards are really nice too. movies ands stuff. i got one of orlando bloom mwahahaha :D needless to say our bags were very fat when we went home :D then went out to bugis with cuiting, yi'an and wanyu.

we ate at macdonald and actually wanted to see 'She's the MAN' but bugis was screening THREE movies only -.- so we went to tampines mall lol. phew we were all so tired already and tampines mall didnt have she's the man. so we were considering watching cars but we decided to try our luck in century square and we hauled ourselves to century square but guess what? century square didnt have shes the man OR cars! -.- there was no way we would drag ourselves back to tampines mall so we took neoprints instead -.- but its fun taking with my PANDA and my GOLDFISH (: bloop! :D

anyway jiahui: hope you have a safe trip to and back from shanghai! and hope that your grandfather will get well and stuff k. i'll lend you my notes dont worry. im nice :D anyway we'll miss you lol especially yi'an who'll get so bored sitting on her own! XD take care dear! and i'll wirte you your postcard dont worry (:

replies to tags:

jm: AWWWW im so honoured! thank you thank you my dear 'cousin'! (: but im going to make you my vice leader, so dont think you can slack! (;

fish [bloop bloop]: :D anyway today was BORING grrr only the neoprints were fun! (: anyway you owe me my postcard :D

hosimin: hello! (: yes im soooo glad i didnt die on 12. but i was driven insane by them. i mean SHEESH! (; no prob i'll go upload it now and send it to you guys :D happy youth day too!

yvette: eeek i can't imagine me in VJ uniform either >.<

japanese guys are love

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Footprints ...

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking
Along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene,
He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
He looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
There was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened
At the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him
And he questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that
During the most troublesome times in my life,
There is only one set of footprints. I
don't understand why when I needed
You most you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering, W
hen you see only one set of footprints, I
t was then that I carried you."

---- Margaret Fishback Powers

japanese guys are love

wheee replies to tags (:

/th: sorrryyyyyyyyy! ): i'll miss you all too ): anyway youre lag! fma has fanfic! (: theres THOUSANDS of fans all over the world of FMA! :D

crouching panda hidden moon: HA love your nickname (: your guinea pig loves you too lol. im so touched! thanks ahma (: i'll miss you though ): lets meet up often yea! anyway MUST go chinatown during dec hols! :D

zengan: dont lose faith! just beacause you didnt get in doesnt mean that youre a failure. god has a different plan for you! think of it that way (:

yvette: yea haha i think its confirmed >< haha (:

thanks to ZENGAN. my silent supporter and hes matured alot (: thanks for supporting me throughout everything and dont feel down! god has a different plan for you. thanks for all your advice for helping me walk closer to him. i dont feel it now probably cos i have drifted away from him, but with your advice, i'll try (: you mean alot to me and im glad to have such an awesome friend and brother like you (:

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

:D i got into VJ (: wont elaborate much on it but yea im probably accepting it. ANYWAY today we went on the field trip to kampong glam, little india and chinatown for the IDMI week project. OH YES. from the 6th of July to the 13th of July, we sec 2 pupils have NO school! :D we have this IDMI project which we're supposed to come up with a proposal to conserve little India yet improve it too. so the field trip will help us. sat with cuiting on the bus mwahaha she has to sit in the sun cos shes so white! im black already, cant get any blacker :D

THANKS to jiamin who kindly allowed me to put my things in her bag (: my fellow groupmate! lets go take lots of neoprints during IDMI week :D i was copying like mad in my handy notebook! i gave up on the worksheet lol and ended up copying in my notebook and taking photos cos the notebook can fit in my pocket but the worksheet cant XD whee this three places are interesting and the history is interesting (: but pity that the government doesnt care very much about conserving the heritage ):

anyway i took lots of photos and we did have fun on this trip. we are determined to go back during the hols to chinatown to SHOP :D cos we saw so many nice and cheap stores but we're not allowed to stop and shop ): so gotta go back during the hols! i have my eye on this pink von dutch handbag! it's really nice (: heh nearly drove jm and cting crazy with saying that i want that handbag XD

we also got this hanna, which is the indian custom of drawing on the hand with this erm liquid which will harden and drop off to form the pattern in nice brown (: almost all of the black stuff have dropped off and the brown is very prominent, so its nice! the lady did a flower for me and it cost only one dollar! we got discount :D anyway got back to school late and had to wait quite long for daddy to fetch me ):

ANNOUNCEMENT: FRIDAY IS ST. JOHN'S DAY!! (: we'll be wearing our uniform for the whole day throughout the youth day celebration. so sae!!! XD

reply to tags (:

zina: hey you're not a gone case! ): dont think so lowly of yourself la and of course i know that ALL mothers are naggy! :D

yvette: helloooooooooooooo to you too! (:

zina: haha glad to see you got so much faith in me mummy dearest! (: anyway you better score well too! cos i got FAITH in you, so you will! mwahaha my word is the FINAL word, so if i say you'll score well, you will! XD lol anyway i'm too lazy to get a johari >.<

jm: THANK YOU THANK YOU (: glad to see youve got so much confidence in me! anyway i got in already lol :D this girl is my FELLOW IDMI week group partner! the one that sabo me be group leader GRRRR. XD

hoyee: whee i'll go pass by your blog too :D

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

life is good (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK!!!!! :D on saturday which is technically yesterday :D today we had some casualty stimulation course or something and its REALLY, REALLY boring :s the lecturer was telling us stuff which had absolutely NO relation to the course and he extended the course by one hour :s and i couldnt understand what he was saying cos he didnt speak very clearly -.- anyway i shall reply to my tags here! (: since im miraculously blogging :D

jenna: WHEE i didn't know! :D i saw it and i just thought it was real cute XD anyway when are you coming back to church girl?

zina: YES MUMMY. nag me the whole day pssh. anyway i did have fun this hols :D though some not so fun things happened ): but i dont wanna go back to school!!! )': PANDA EYES. thats what i'll be when you see me tmr

jiahui: whee i gave you back your two tags :D anyway i'll TRY to be but i prob will be dragging my feet there with my eyes shut and in ~lalaland

cky: urgh dont remind me school's starting ): as you can see from above, IVE FINALLY FINISHED MY HOMEWORK!! (: miracle yea. XD you jiayou too! :D

yi'an is a very interesting person to take neoprints with :D

japanese guys are love

Monday, June 19, 2006

i dont know what happened to my blog post!!! ): anyway just ignore the cancellation thing. i was playing around and now i dont know how to get rid of it -.- anyway zina, if youre reading this, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELPPPPPP. ok. thats all i want to say (: ta

japanese guys are love

whee today we had our pet rocket session (: cting and i spent the whole session crapping and fixing our rocket (: the launch was fun and we got wet! XD but the whole workshop was too draggy ): anyway after that we went to bugis with jiamin, cass, zinana and bolong. i ate KFC's shrooms burger - $2.75! budget meal :D thanks to jiamin, cting and bolong for your cheese fries!!! (: i feel greedy XD went to take neoprints. heh wasnt exactly successful but nvm! (:

anyone know where to buy this movie? GRR i was watching it halfway when the plane landed ): its a really nice movie and so far i only found its dvd in laserflair. $39.90. hello do i look so rich to you? )': anyway im looking for the vcd now. wish me luck!

isolde: how many did you have before me?
tristan: none
isolde: and after me?
tristan: none..

- tristan and isolde

japanese guys are love

Saturday, June 17, 2006

my tagboard's down ): but thanks to tzuhsiang's blog, whose tagboard is also down :D, i have learnt how to read my tags!! ((: just go to cbox admin yea.

zina: yea but there may be MORE than just 3 xmen movies :D

dannyboy: yea i know but glad you guys had fun in church camp! i did have fun in perth. just that one incident.

jiaqi: i'd love to but duno whether my parents will agree....jurong is awfully far...but nevermind! shall try to convince them :D

zina: hohohohohoho (: so glad you're back! what time did you reach? lol i touched down at 5. anyway i did have fun in perth. just that incident only ): hope you had fun in genting!

anyway im SUPPOSED to be at squad outing now, but something came up last minute this afternoon which i have to go ): so i cant go squad outing )): you guys must tell me how it went yea (: bye!

japanese guys are love

Friday, June 16, 2006

wheee im back (: anyway im too lazy to blog about my trip in perth. maybe when i feel hardworking enough (: but the worst thing happened to me on tuesday, which is my last full day in perth. we were at this lookout point at Reabold Hill and we were only gone for 5 to 10 minutes. when we came back, the bus was broken into. the side panel of the bus was smashed and all our stuff gone. grrr.

we thought it was safe to leave our stuff in the bus cos we were only leaving for a short time and the tour guide told us that she would lock the bus up. who would have expected that this would happen? lemme list out the things i lost

1) my pink adidas handbag - $25

2) my library book - fine $10

3) 52 australian currency - A$52

4) hairband, comb etc.

5) nice shells that i've collected along one of the beaches.

6) DAD'S HANDPHONE - he left his handphone in my bag ): my hp is safe cos i brought it up with me

7) dad's haversack - cost alot

8) dad's pocket pc - $400 plus

9) house keys

and alot other stuff. whoever stole our things is such a b******. they were obviously waiting for us and when we left, they strike. the side panel was very small and only a kid or very small adult can fit in, so its obviously a team effort. they were really fast! 5 to 10 minutes and BOOM all our stuff gone and they were gone too. grrr. at least we didnt lose our passports. thank God. two other people in the tour group lost theirs.

our tour guide, kim, was very frantic but she was really nice. i like her! she helped us sort out all the stuff and she was just really nice. she came down the next day to help those who lost their passports. actually shes not obligated to help, cos we were on day tour. that means we book this trip free and easy, but we sign up with local tours there. so shes just the nicest tour guide i ever had. (:

it was almost the end of the tour. the last stop, shopping at hillarys boat harbour, was replaced with police report ): the Wembly police station people were horrible! kim told them that two people's passports were lost and they were like: so? what can we do? make them appear magically? what a b****!!! sorry i seem to be swearing alot but i mean. GRRRRR.

and they were like: sorry we're closing, so we cant help you. it was a freaking 3.30 only!!! even if its winter shops dont close that early, much less POLICE STATION. and they rejected a man by saying: oh sorry sir, we're closing please come back tmr. it reflects horribly on them! kim was shocked too to see that her fellow australians were so unhelpful and unkind. we called down a patrol car to take our police reports and we went straight back to the hotel after that.

well, as a lot of people been telling me, we're VERY unlucky. if it happens in Europe, im not surprised, cos Europe has a lot of thefts. but when we were in europe, nothing happened! but here in perth, we were robbed! when people think of thefts, they dont think of australia! i would think that australia is a relatively safe place, but now i gotta rethink my opinions. NOWHERE is safe.

anyway this is a lesson learnt. next time, DON'T leave your stuff anywhere. always carry them with you no matter what. ):

japanese guys are love

Friday, June 09, 2006

countdown: 1 day to perth ((:

oh yea! im leaving for perth tmr :D happiness........haha anyway went out for lunch with cting. HA got her hooked on jump5 with me too! (: anyway cant wait for tmr! my flight is at 9am tmr so gotta wake up very early urgh. but im sure i'll have a fun time at perth :D

Hey you just dont understand
sometimes my sky's a little gray
and i know eventually
i'll be feeling alright again
life's been a friend to me
dont need to convince me
It's a beautiful world
I know its a beautiful world.....

- its a beautiful world by jump5

japanese guys are love

Thursday, June 08, 2006

countdown: 2 days to perth ((:

wheee im going perth! (: 10th to 14th YAY anyway zina is going genting same time as me! so maybe we'll meet by some miracle yea mummy? (: anyway since im hardworking enough to blog, i shall reply to tags here :D

/th: HELLO!!! (: thanks i think i'll definitely enjoy myself there (: squad outing!! 17th june!!! (:

jm: you're still spamming LOL (: anyway doesnt matter :D yes ive watched XMEN 3 and whoa it rocks! (: but xmen 2 nicer...cos xmen 3 is super dark and i cant believe they killed off scott and the professor!! GRRR its like all the major characters are gone. and in the end jean died too whats this?? haha. anyway i love your skin! can make an anime skin for me??? :D oh and about the 15th. im not sure whether i can go my parents still on pending mode. so tell you when they decide yea

zina: i wanna go!!! (: but my parents cant decide lol. anyway have fun in genting!! (:

zengan: dont be so depressed maybe god has a plan for you somewhere else yea. cheer up! theres still tjc. (:

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

whoops i have been lacking in the blogging department so i shall blog now (: spent the whole day out today phew! went to the marine parade library to borrow books and to return my overdue books. oops :D and i got caught in the rain urgh. my slippers were wet throughout the whole day ): anyway went to the tution centre to fetch my mummy so that we can have lunch at parkway and i was lugging this enormously huge bag consisting of my wallet, hp, umbrella and NINE books. so yea you can picture what i looked like.

we ran some errands at parkway and went to aunt chiat chin's house later. spent most of the time talking. actually, they talked, i listened :D and then went my gran's house after that. i was VERY full. my stomach almost burst after eating my gran's fried rice which she generously dished out to all of us. anyway my bro is in EUROPE now. lucky guy and currently he's in berlin and he says its cold there. hope he wont freeze! (: anyway shall reply to some tags here since im hardworking enough to blog (:

zina: ok i get your point :D IM SCARED!! (;

jm: wow you're welcome to spam my tagboard anytime you like! :D anyway im not sure cos im coming back from perth on the 14th. shall go ask my parents and tell you when i get the ok from them (: anyway who's going? and THANK YOU. sheesh

xiuhan: welcome dear! (: you're not a burden to us! without you our team will not be seriphos anymore (:

yvette: YEP it rocks! hammy the squirrel is still cuter lol. go watch it then tell me who you think is cute!! (: have fun at church camp!

adaleen: lol im not that hardworking :D great seeing you again! (:

yi'an: aww i'll miss you like crazy :D and i bet you'll miss me too! :D anyway when you come back tag to say you're bacK! (: and tell me how your trip was yea. see you tmr at tuition! (:

japanese guys are love

Friday, June 02, 2006

HA i know that everyone is BOWLED over by my long entry XD and for the last time you sadistic people nightwalk is SCARY and FREAKY grrrr haha. anyway over the hedge is the cutest show ever!!! ok ONE of the cutest shows (: i love hammy the squirrel! the super ultra tremendously cute and hyper one :D i like ozzie too (: the possum who excels at playing dead mwahahaha (:

RJ and hammy the rabid squirrel :D who's too cute to scare anyone XD

Ozzie and Heather, the play dead duo (:

my beloved hammy! (: <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6695/936/1600/over-the-hedge-02.0.jpg">


stella the MASTER BLASTER (:


Ozzie doing what he does best :D i see the light!

japanese guys are love

☆ ME

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