♥Tuesday, May 30, 2006
whoo im dead to the world...just came back from ALC with NO sleep arrrrrghh.
[[**day 1**]]
INTRA-COMP. we totally flopped it arrrgh. we got scolded like mad by sir chee hoe for our footdrill ): he said we weren't serious blah. short case....aaaarrgghh. it was SOOOO obvious that it was hyperventilation, but i thought it was shock, then heat exhaustion. sigh but at least i managed to diagnose it correctly. and the wound didn't LOOK like an incision wound. it looked like.....something other than an incision wound! and gwendolyn thought it was a laceration wound rrroar. medium case was fine...just that they forgot to call ambulance and when they finally did, it was 6 minutes already. then home nursing. AAAARRRGGHHHH. we totally flopped it. me and tzu hsiang didnt manage to finish the DSW procedure. we havent even cleaned the wound and the mdm was like: time's up. yuck and i prepared the wrong requisites? grrrrr. anyway after that horrible competition we had games (: and we finally started ALC proper. (: the first game was fun. we had to find the different places but the seniors were running around catching people with water bombs, and if we got caught, we have to surrender one ice-cream stick. i am proud to announce that we got FIRST in this game. (: but we got voted out by other houses so minus two points. grrrr.
the voting out system is like this. after every activity, there is this voting out system like survivor. the house that gets voted out minuses two points from the activity. actually our whole camp theme is survivor XD. then we had flag lowering, dinner. then jungle route. it consists of three games at diff stations. the most interesting one was the maze. we were competiting with jenova and each house has to send one representative each to crawl through a maze constructed with chairs and tables. first round i went first since im the smallest grr. even wei song has grown a few centimetres taller than me GRRR. even the std 1s in my house are taller than me GRRRRR. anyway i went two times. i was the only one to go two times cos for the last round, jenova sent this very hiong std 1 girl to go, so they decided to send me again. we were on par, but the last moment my foot got caught. GRRRR. and we lost sadly. but i got one abrasion wound ON EACH JOINT. that means i have one on both knees, both arms and a flesh wound on my pinkie. i used my pinkie to crawl -.- i was like: *move one step* OW.
then amazing race. this two games were done in the dark and it was creepy. esp amazing race since we had to run around in the dark. the worst station was the last one, where there was the real task and two decoy tasks set by other houses. in this amazing race, houses are allowed to set decoy tasks for other houses. grr. we did the decoy task twice. the last one had 3 tasks. one was to stay in the AVT toilet for 4 min, another stay in the lbrary toilet for 4 min, and stay in the band room toilet for 4 min. we went band room toilet but sir dickson DIDNT tell us that it was in the dark, so when everyone was in the toilet he just turned off the light and we all screamed. we spent the time singing and banging and when 4 min was up, it turned out that we did the decoy task. so we had to choose between avt toilet and library toilet. luckily we chose the library toilet cos it was the right one!! ((: then we had supper, bathed and slept. zzzzzzzzzzzz.
[[**day 2**]]
had the EXILE. something like our urban hike last year, or amazing race.except that it was based only from dhoby gaut to orchard. and again, like last year, it rained so we trekked through rain puddles. if you were there, all you could see was a group of 18 people in diff coloured ponchos trekking through orchard. we were the FIRST group to come back WHOOOOOOO! (: and we spent the least too (: oh yah. on our last station, we ate FROZEN tang yuan from crystal jade restaurant XD we didnt want to waste time defrosting it, so we just ate frozen tang yuan lol. then we had flag lowering, dinner and prepared for social night. well i hate to say this but....social night was a flop. it was very dry, nothing like last year at all. last year social night was fun, fun, and more fun and the atmosphere was great. but this time....the atmosphere was very dry, the performances were dry, and the mass dance was so short. it wasnt really fun ): then after that we had another game but everyone did it half heartedly cos we were all so tired.
then sir hua wei wanted to talk to us std2 squad. so he talked and we tried not to fall asleep. thenm he asked us to fall in outside parade square we were like huh? then sgt grace tan and sgt yi wei came. it turned out that we were having a NIGHT WALK. we totally freaked out. AAAAAAHHHH!! sgt yiwei was very scary. his face, his voice EVERYTHING. then they started telling us ghost stories of the whole school. we got very freaked out and some people started crying. me? i just sat there, clasped my ear and tried not to cry. i was shivering very badly arrrgh. it was totally creepy. then i asked what was the purpose of telling us these stories. then sgt grace asked which was the story she elaborated most on. we were horrified when we realised which one was it. we had to re-enact the story of the foetus. ok for those who aren't from dunman high, the story goes like this:
last time still in this current campus, there was this girl who got pregnant. she tried to conceal it by tucking out her shirt alot and some how, some way she managed to hide it. until one day, in class her water bag broke. she asked for permission to go to the toilet and she went to the AVT toilet to give birth. after about an hour or so, she still hasnt came out yet. so the teacher went to investigate. and when they went in, they saw the girl in a pool of blood and next to her was the dead foetus lying here in a pool of blood too. this part, im not very sure, but i think they put the foetus in a jar of water and in the science lab. i dont think its there anymore, but according to some people, when they walk past the science lab at night, they can hear the sound of a small baby crying. and the girl didnt die. she didnt die in that toilet, but she committed sucide about two days later.
OKAY now im freaked out. this story may not seem scary, but it really is when you're re-enacting the story. we have to go in pairs, so me and wanyu went together. but sgt xinying split us up because i think that she can sense that we're both very scared. so she paired me with kian kok and wanyu with kaiming. everyone wanted to pair with boys cos we were all so scared *shivers* yi'an and chuan kai was the first pair to go. then the rest of us waited at the parade square and tried to calm down. but after awhile. it was so sian. everyone fell asleep on the parade square because each pair was dispatched in an interval of about 5 to 15 min. and it was VERY long. but soon me and kian kok went. i wasn't scared anymore because i was very sian and tired and from where i could see, the school didnt seem so creepy. BUT. when sgt constance led us down the corridor, we could see that the rest of the corridor was pitch black. it was THEN that i started freaking out again. all we had was a light stick and our first station was at 1I. so we walked and i was blabbering on cos i was so scared and needed to fill the silence.
at 1I, we both garnered the courage to go in. but when we went in, we suddenly heard a voice. read my diary. we were both freaked out when we heard the voice at first, but then we were like: arrrrgh so idiotic. because it was SO obvious that it was a tape recording. and the stupid thing kept replaying. anyway. we found the diary and we read it. then we saw the map pasted in the diary leading to the next clue. then suddenly we heard footsteps and voices and the previous two pairs, wanyu and kaiming, canice and kok swee and shi lei burst into the classroom. they were looking at the map and they told us that they couldnt find the place. me and kian kok were like HUH? anyway they said that they searched alll over but couldnt find anything, so we went to find sgt xinying. while kian kok and I were looking over the map, we heard a sneezing sound. but the other pairs, including wanyu kaiming candice shi lei and kok swee told us that while they were reading the map, there was silence....then suddenly... GET OUT!!!! the boys immediately ran out according to the girls who paired with them XD. but luckily, kian kok and I didnt hear anything like this. haha. then sgt xinying asked us if we saw the foetus at the AVT toilet and we were like HUH?? A FOETUS?? anyway she dispatched us pair by pair again and my pair was the last to be dispatcher. she said that this station is the highlight of the night walk. grrrrr.
when we got to the AVT toilet, we saw candice kok swee and shi lei standing in front of it. they saw everything but didnt get the clue. kok swee led kian kok into the AVT toilet but i didnt dare i was like: omg i dont dare...i dont want to go in....but kian kok didnt really go in too. the boys took a few steps into the toilet then ran out. lol. anyway according to candice and shi lei, what happened to them at this station was that in the girls AVT toilet, the mirror had the word RUN while in the cubicle, there was this jar and inside was a foetus. it was VERY creepy. then while they were inside, they heard noises outside and when they turned to run and leave, they saw a dead body outside. it was sgt sisheng acting as the mother and in his hand was the map. according to them, they didnt get the map because they heard us coming and sgt sisheng locked himself in the boys toilet and refused to give them the map.XD. anwyay cpl yingxiao came and told us LIBRARY before he turned and left.
candice kok swee and shi lei were like sgt! we need the map! can you give it to us?? SGT!!! XD anwyway the door opened and the map was shoved outside before the door closed and locked again. so since we got the map, me and kian kok didnt go into the toilet and the 5 of us agreed to go together. we cheated i know but i REALLY didnt dare. i think my other partner felt the same too XD. the next station was at the hall. we followed the arrows from the library to the hall and outside was a sign: remove my body. that was freaky. we gathered courage and went into the hall. we saw some movement on the stage behind the curtain and a head quickly popped out before popping back in. candice was like: sgt! we know you're here...come out and give us the clue please...... then we went up the stage and saw sgt rebekah and yuhan. they looked damn pissed and were like: how come you all ALL come and bother us??!!! IF YOU SEE A LIGHT SOURCE APPROACH IT!!! haha i think every pair disturbed them. anyway we turned, saw the light stick and ran towards it. the 'body' was a DHS uniform. and in the pocket was a handphone. candice nearly deleted a contact! lol and the phone suddenly rang when we put it back into the pocket. there was this voice: go to the nearest exit. but candice was the funniest. she took out the phone, pressed the green button and went hello? hello hello? HELLO????? XD
actually sgt rebekah and yuhan were hiding there to call us and make the phone ring. lol then we followed the arrows and came to the air rifle range. inside the range was something, but i cant remember. it said thank you for finding my baby and go to behind 1H classroom. we went there and the others scared us by jumping out but we FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!! :D now that i think back on it, the nightwalk was interesting but dumb too -.- but if you ask me to go again? NO THANKS. so we didnt sleep at all that night. the only time we slept was at the parade square. oh. and everything we did was in the dark. we werent allowed to on any lights so everything was in total darkness. *shivers* even the toilet.
[[**day 3**]]
phew. i think this is a very long post.anyway im stopping soon (: the whole std2 and std4 squad were zombies for the whole day. we slept every moment we got because both squads stayed up allllllll night for the night walk. they organised it. so if you talked to us that day your reply would be zzzzzzzzz..... we had two games that day but the fun one was the giants, wizards and elves. it was something like scissors paper and stone and each house v.s. another house. three houses form an alliance. so the winner house will catch the losing house and those that got to the safety side at the other end of the hall were safe and couldnt be caught. the catch was that this is done in the crab position. that means we move on our hands and legs, our backs above the ground. it was fun (: i didnt get caught woohoo. i only got caught for the first round. second round i didnt get caught (: then it was lunch, area cleaning and prize presentation. WE GOT SECOND FOR ALC!!!!! *gasps* this is the FIRST time we got something other than last WOOHOO. SECOND!!! *faints* and for intracomp, DSA got 1st! YAY (: and we didnt do that bad as well! we got 4th! *double gasps* we lost to dactyl who got 3rd by TEN points only! WE GOT FOURTH!!! *double faints* we were all ecstatic and we didnt get last for footdrill either! we got second last XD. so that day was a happy day! (: then we had flag lowering, photo taking then its HOME YAY (:
when i reached home, i only planned to take a short nap but it turned out i slept from 6 pm last night to 11 today. -.- nevermind catching up on sleep (: anyway im gonna sleep again soon....zzzzzzzzzzzz......
i say seriphos YEA
i say seriphos YEA
i say seriphos WHOO
i say seriphos AAAHH
goooooooo SERIPHOS!!!!
here we go just walking down the street
singing doo-aa-dee-dee-dee-dee-dum-dee-dee-do
snapping our fingers and moving to the beat
singing doo-aa-dee-dee-dee-dee-dum-dee-dee-do
we look good (look good)
we look fine (look fine)
and we nearly blow your mind
goooooooooo SERIPHOS!!!!
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 25, 2006
im BACK people! (: ALC is just two days away...competition too urgh. sigh. dont have much hope for this year, but we'll try our best! (: tmr getting our report books *shudders* dont know how i'll do this year urgh but nevermind shall remain positive (: nothing much happened this few days...just that i came down with flu and missed wednesday. HAHA everyone said that wednesday was a BORING day. the balance was upset because my presence was missing! mwahahahaha (: .....-.- ok im delirious ignore me XD. yay looking forward to ALC! last year was so fun this year will be EVEN more fun, cos we have really bonded as a house! (: ok i gotta go copy what i missed on wednesday -.- ciao! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, May 20, 2006
yay go check out this website got it from zina (: the videos really touching go see it! had the test today. WHOA its a killer *dies* im SO dead. but nvm its over already. had class chalet yesterday! it was FUN but sad i didnt stay over. not allowed to ): anyway had comp train then dad fetched me yi'an simin and wanyu to the chalet. we're the
RED ARMY :D haha cos we agreed to wear the ACE tshirt to the chalet (: we reached there and was given a GRAND WELCOMING haha. mr hia was waving like mad and the rest were like: HI SZEYING! lol could hear them from inside the car! :D then later went to Changi Boardwalk with cui ting, yi'an, simin, wanyu, jiahui and zina. it was so freaky lol. it was quite dark and jiahui made things worse by saying that we cant walk in threes cos the middle person will disappear. we all screamed like mad when we discovered we were walking in threes -.- it was really quite scary, really dark so we walked in pairs. me and jiahui walked together and in the end we screamed and ran down -.- haha.we went to the beach and took lotsa photos (: even got one quan2 jia1 fu2 one! but missing out grace and jiamin so im the only one in the NEWEST generation ): haha. we had alot of fun then going back up we screamed and ran up like mad too -.- then we ate and helped to barbecue. mr hia invited the old 2G and it turned out that sgt jianhui came lol. then we played cards and water bombs! aaaargh. cuiting kept getting me wet while filling it up HMPH haha. then it was really funny cos the other 3 of the
RED ARMY were squatting by the side so i joined them and we formed the complete
RED ARMY. we didnt want to get wet so we were like: 1, 2, 3
RED ARMY RETREAT!! then we'll run back a few steps lol.lame but funny (:
oh ya those that want the pics from the chalet sms me, tag on my blog or tell me k. then i'll send to you. but you gotta keep reminding me! lol. bolong stepped on a bee sting! we all freaked out and we were like: first aid manual! wheres the first aid manual!!! :D or at least yi'an was like that (: we flipped thru the manual and found the treatment but none of us dare to remove it! so i went out and called sgt jianhui. he was super SEH so cool! he removed it! i was like: aren't you glad that there is a more experienced first-aider than us? LOL.
then we played pass the parcel. i had to do a forfeit: charades which is 2a brings the house down. haha yi'an and me did together cos we both got the parcel. she had to do her 5 sit-ups first lol. then my dad came and we gave wanyu a lift home. whoa this morning i couldnt wake up at all! i slept at about 12 yesterday haha (: i hope mr hia will organise another chalet then this time I can stay overnight! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, May 17, 2006
we're getting back most of our results now...i think mine is ok EXCEPT for my chinese which i got 56.7 ): anyway keatyin was sick today and went back home. get well soon k (: weeeelll really have to jiayou for semester 2! and zina: dont feel discouraged! must work hard for the 2nd semester k! you can do it! lol ( i sound like a nike ad... >.< ) anyway MY HOME NURSING IMPROVED!!! i managed to memorise quite alot XD tmr and fri is first aid. gotta go learn DIAGNOSIS. then sat is competition already! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! im not prepared ): but this time i shall go there and try my best (:
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, May 14, 2006
People Envy Your Compassion |
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. |
What Do People Envy About You?
Your True Love Is a Cancer |
Why you'll love a Cancer: Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt.Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up! Why a Cancer will love you: You're laid back enough to deal with Cancer's little mood swings and freak-outs.A fellow homebody, you know how make Cancer comfortable and at home with you. |
What Sign Is Your True Love?
((: yay haha
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
hmmm really? (;
What Your Face Says |
At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced. Overall, your true self is passive and thoughtful. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic. |
What Do People Think Of Your Face?
wow that seems to ask a lot of me >.<
Your Birth Month is December |
You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe.Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity. Your soul reflects: Celebration, success, and wealth Your gemstone: Blue Topaz Your flower: Narcissus Your colors: Indigo, green, and blue-green |
What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
yay i love being a december kid (:
Your Birthdate: December 22 |
You tend to be understated and under appreciated.You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way.People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little.Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
im neither a boy or girl? lol
Your Scholastic Strength Is Inspiring Others |
You are great at developing a vision, and getting others to adopt your way of thinking.You are talented at leading, balancing tasks, and helping people work together. You should major in: CounselingEnvironmental studiesLawSocial workPolitical scienceNursing |
What Should You Major In?
yay thats what i want to major in XD
Your World View |
You are a fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably content. You value kindness and try to live by your ideals. You have strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material. You respect truth and are flexible. You like people, and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you. |
no comment :p
Your Hidden Talent |
You have the power to persuade and influence others.You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
wow (:
k i better stop with the quizzes (:
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, May 12, 2006
i just realised that i have 105 posts so far (: haha i was sian enough to go count -.- so this is my 106th post on my blog (: and im going to change my blogskin yay. today didnt do much. slept until 12.30 WHOA. i hardly sleep that late anyway nevermind. today is super slow and there are people in my house now, so i gtg go entertain them (: ....AFTER updating the class blog XD
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, May 11, 2006
I MISS LEVEL CAMP!! ): ok it was very fun. at first i was super un-enthu and hated the camp, but slowly i felt the bond in our group and i miss them like crazy! and not to forget stuart, our dear mouse instructor ):
[[** Monday **]]
horrible day. was super un-enthu and sarimbun campsite wasnt exactly great. i wasnt very close to my group members either. the only people i knew were shi lei, sandra, bing geng, jarib and geng zhi. We settled in and had our activities. all our wet activities were on monday, so we could get dirty one-shot. First was river challenge. we had to swim in the pond, the DIRTY pond. it goes like this. one person has to swim across the river to tie a safety rope while the others construct a raft to carry us across.
chaojie swam across with his goggles XD and i went first on the raft with a few others. our shoes and socks were WET. very wet. it was like i was carrying a gallon of water in my shoe for the whole day. then i offered to swim back with the raft and had to go another time. then stuart told us what was inside the pond *shudders* oh ya, our group is CHAOREN!!! (: then we had NATURE RAMBLE.
oh that activity rocked. we were hiking in nature. even though there were lotsa ups-and-downs (figuratively and literally) and mud, we still survived it (: there was one part where the mud came up to nearly my knee bleh. then to gain extra points, i sat down in the mud -.- ewww my shoe was totally CAKED in mud. you cant even see the shoe cuz the mud covered everything. and the shoe can get stuck in the mud. we saw lots of shoes stuck in the mud. *shudders*
then we went to a mangrove swamp to wash off the mud. we saw apple snails (: and we walked through the stream. the water almost came up to waist level and there was even a mini waterfall! all in all, nature ramble ROCKED because we got to really experience nature in its true self. then we didnt have much time for king of the hill, but we had lotsa fun sliding down the soapy mat (: then had shower. the toilets are SUPER DIRTY. dinner was ok, then reflections. we slept in tents and it totally sucked. i kept waking up and i got 3/4 of my mosquito bites there, which is alot. ):
[[** tuesday **]]
did rather tame activities today, compared to monday lol. i had to throw my shoes away. they stank ): i was carried through the game spider web bleh ): because they were like: small people, stand one side! then everyone turned to me and looked at me. me: WHAT?? them: szeying, go stand one side! bully me cheh. i managed to get over the rock wall aided (: we didnt complete the obstacle course which was so fun because it rained ): we also missed rock climbing )': then the teachers felt sorry for us and moved us into the dormitories and A-huts. our night activity was cancelled and we spent the time moving into the dorm. i was with jiahui, anthea, deborah, simin and yihui (: we got the EXTRA LARGE dorm :D
[[** wednesday **]]
had the hike today, but we were given a chance to do rock climbing! (: i climbed 1/4 but i dropped down cos the stones were too far for my hand to reach. as you all know, i have a short body, short legs and short hands ): sadly. anyway we set off at 12.30 while other groups set off at 9.30. they had to complete a min of 8 stations, but since we set out so late, we were not given a limit, but we completed 8 stations! chaoren rocks! (: then prep for campfire night. then CAMPFIRE (: it totally rocked! the atmosphere was great and every one was super high (: i was the cheerleader for our grp with shi lei, valerie, hui yi, junyu and chaojie and i messed it up ): but our item with Darlie was great (: it was really very fun and our principal came down too! he boogied with us (: mr sng rocks! we had lotsa games in between and songs, and the mass dance at the end was SUPER fun (: all in all campfire rocked (:
[[** thursday **]]
worst day man. clean up time ): the striking of tents was really tedious, hot and horrible. and we had to wash the boys toilet ):
wanyu: [walking by] HEY SZEYING!! having fun cleaning the toilet?
me: [scrubbing the mud on the floor with the broom]
me: LIM WAN YU! you say some more im going to smack your face with this broom! [holds up broom threateningly]
wanyu: [laughs and run away]
shes so horrible right? then we had reflections and went back to school. it was sad cos we all missed our instructors. some even cried, even the boys. Then went back to school and stuart treated us to drinks (: he came back to dhs too lol. took cab with cting home as she had no hp, no money and no bus pass. haha she came up and we talked and talked until like 5. that was when she went home (:
I was a super lousy group leader but chaoren ROCKS (: oh ya. the camp food rocked too (: anyway the camp was great and we had tons of fun thanks to chaoren for making this camp so fun for me! (:
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, May 07, 2006
i think my internet is screwed. ah neverminnd. had 2.4 on friday came in i think 77th bleh. it was also our last training. it was so funny lol. sgt xinying was like: D, E, F students can go for the 2.4. the whole squad left except 9 of us (A, B, C) the seniors were like HUH?? haha. it was kinda sad to think that this is the last time they'd be taking us, even though there are so many up and downs in the 9 months with them. ah whatever i won't think about this anymore.
missed EDS concert yesterday. double bleh. cuz i had to go for my grandma's birthday celebration sadness ): anyway tmr is level camp. at sarimbun. time flies so fast and im packing for level camp now....and i can't find my track pants! yuck. anyway while all of you are having tests, i'll be suffering in sarimbun wish me luck (although i may not think that way after the camp but we'll see how it goes yea) ok i better get back to packing ta!
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, May 03, 2006
whoo im out of breath now. jiahui will know what im talking about (: haha. science test today seemed ok when doing the paper, but in the end its like i got so many wrong. this paper is SUPER tricky. bleh. sighhhh. nevermind shall retain a POSITIVE outlook (: i'll study chinese later i want to slack for awhile (: hmm...really got nth to say...except that...wanyu is very sexy!!!!! HAHA. go ask me for out neoprint you'll see why (; k i gotta go do maths now. the hw yuck. ta!
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, May 02, 2006

this post is dedicated to ZINA.
i'm so sorry for not going for your qingchun concert yea. i know saying sorry now won't help, but im really, really sorry. i can imagine how you felt, with no 2A supporters to support you. i didnt even realise until i read your post. i am such a crap daughter. *bows* anyway, you may believe me, you may not. but i just want you to know that im really sorry k. even though i wasn't there (due to some idiotic actions on my part) im sure you did wonderfully (: sooooo...don't feel sad anymore k. smileeeee (:
for you (:
japanese guys are love