♥Thursday, March 30, 2006
whoo go see this nice webbie :
www.myheritage.com hehheh. quite unbelievable, but still very amusing ((:
according to them, i look most like Ninet Tayeb (who is she??) (72%) followed by zhangziyi and lucy Liu (71%) and Jang Nara (62%) ohmigosh Jang nara is so chio ((: heheh. and i look like matt leblanc too -.- (55%) hardy harhar. and ting looks like Enya (70%) oh and she looks like alot of gothic ppl. im not surpirsed ((: and zina looks like Choi Ji-oo (61%) followed by hikaru utada (59%) oo my mummy has japanese origins ((:
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, March 26, 2006

Your music match is a Sweet Pop Princess
Who's Your Music Match? Brought to you by
Tickle yay im updating >.<>.< haha. in regards to the results above: NO WAY. haha. so crap. that is not me lar haha.
my daddys on a plane to thailand right now. just sent him off at the airport ): gonna miss him loads! even though hes coming back on wed night. sigh. friday was a good and BAD day. good as in i received a piece of VERY good news ((: bad as in:
friday training. during pt we were doing the obstacle course. only two can cross at a time, so the rest stay in pumping position. then while waiting to do the firemans lift, the person in front of me stood up......and stepped on my finger. i was like: OW!!!!!! then i duno who the person is. she was like: oh sorry! then went off. -.- sigh. my finger was like super pain. i started crying INVOLUNTARILY. note the word. then i told sgt jianhui and he told me to go to the canteen to go wash it. so me and simin ( who was not feelinf well) went to the canteen where rebekah helped me put a plaster on it ((: but it was NUMB for awhile and my hand was trembling. ): alot of ppl fall out during that pt. the seniors were like so amused and were counting. i think about 5 to 10 ppl fall out. >.< so we skipped the last parade; i couldnt clench my fist at all. but at least i can skip the pull ups tmr ((:
gotta stop procrastinating and STUDY FOR TEST! ta. (:
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, March 23, 2006
bored. bored. bored. i dont wanna go training tmr!!! ): i just wanna go home and SLEEP. its so not fair sigh. my bro has like two days off school: mon and tues and he didnt go to school today cuz hes SICK. so he has like 3 days off this week. SO NOT FAIR!!! i wanna have day off too! and sleep in SIGH. yay at least my subjects are improving ((: i shall post my results since zina and jm and bolong have also been doing so.
maths stats test: 16 1/2 /20
maths algebra test: 18/20
chinese first test: 22/50
chinese second test 28 1/2 /50
science first test: 13 1/2 /25
science second test: 17/25
english: 29 1/2 /50 )':
geography: 13 1/2 /17
history: 12/15
thats about all the tests so far bah. :s sigh. better go polish my boots or kana pump again >.< ta
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, March 16, 2006
dont feel like blogging >.< sigh. back to homework i guess....... i can imagine myself burried under a pile of homework. crap. ):
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, March 12, 2006
im so happy!!! we got our rank yesterday during promotion ceremony...so we're officially lance-corporals now haha. pt was ok taken by seniors >.
HAHA it was so cool (:
then today we celebrated selenes birthday so no lessons! yay haha. then went out with grace yan and yvette. took taxi to heeren >.< we ate pastamania but i had soup and drink only cuz i was full. haha. then went to watch BIG FAT MAMAS HOUSE 2. it was so funny!! haha. esp the lil boy who keeps jumping off any high thing and landing face flat on the floor. but its really OUCH. haha. then window shopped for awhile and me and yvette sat down to have a drink while yan and grace shopped some more. i had mocha yum! ((: then went back home. me and yan got separated from grace and yvette cuz got LOTSA people. but its okie. cuz me and yan live in the same condo. then we crapped all the way home and yan learned a new thing: INFRA-RAY!! haha ((:
but good thing is TMR NO SCH!!! YAY. march hols are here haha. can sleep in!! (: YAY to march hols!!!
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, March 10, 2006
yay i deleted the post about the descriptions. i guess i was too chong1 dong4 sigh....i shall be calm and think things through. to the person who did it i hope you can own up, or if u dont want too, at least not do it again cuz jiahui spent alot of time thinking up and changing the descriptions. yay im calm (:
japanese guys are love
♥Tuesday, March 07, 2006
tmr is history test. today had science mock test. die le. im like stumped :s gotta go learn. lots of stuff is happening at home. its like a warzone. sigh. i wish everything will be back to normal. even im being pulled into the fray ): i just wish that everything can be settled. and everyone can forgive each other. so that peace can be restored in this family ):
japanese guys are love
♥Saturday, March 04, 2006
today was SUPER sian. no tennis yay but got tuition. cuz my maths and science test on thurs, and my tuitions on thurs, so im going today to make up for it and to revise for test. and anyway i got this dumb class comm training on that day. think i said it in my earlier post >.< was going to fall asleep in tuition. first time i was that TRULY sian in tuition. sad. then went library and forgot to bring my library card. so in the end? i only could borrow one book. then went for dinner and ate chicken rice. so full sigh. tmr got church and my eyes are closing. better go sleep before i fall off the chair. ta
japanese guys are love
♥Friday, March 03, 2006
today had chinese test. ok lar considering that i studied like mad for it. -.- i dont really like the new art teacher. the trainee one. i think mrs goh is much better than her but maybe im just biased. *shrugs* went blogsurfing during geog haha. we were in com lab mah.
then training. not bad lar but they keep counting down when we fall in. and today is the last day we wearing corp tee! yay haha next week we can wear our full uniform le yay haha. got our uniform today!! (: but the blouse collar is so stiff and its so hot -.- then the skirt ohmigosh. its like SO tight. wanyu got same size as me and she just called me to complain that its super tight. thats true lor the skirt is SUPER tight. gonna ask my mum to reposition the hook for me. then the length. its above wanyu's knee cuz shes tall, but since im SHORT it goes way below my knees and is SUPER long. gonna alter if sgt xinying allows.
we had no pt! AMAZING but we had really long foot drill. we spent the whole hour doing sloow march. tmr gonna have stiff legs le sigh. but at least tmr i dont have tennis! (: todays ok lar.. but nxt week got lotsa test. then tmr im going tuition. so gotta study. then thurs i have this stupid class comm training. duno what it is. to MOTIVATE the class. -.- 2.15 to 5.15. aiyoh shall go there and see what they do lor cuz class chairman, two vice chairs, secretary and treasurer must go for this training. and im class secretary -.- nvm. shall take a POSITIVE outlook to it. ta
japanese guys are love
♥Wednesday, March 01, 2006
tomorrow gonna have geography test aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh. sigh. then friday got chinese test. tomorrow might have maths spring test too blergh. sigh. today had the history presentation. i left out the map. can u believe it? and i caused my group to lose marks cuz of that ): todays not a good day...the only good part was when me and ting followed anthea and the rest up to the library so they could do their hist. haha me and ting had a great time laughing at the books (: then i & e. was soo boring. lecture on how to do a business plan. i was really trying not to fall asleep. i was half in lala land, but at least im not asleep right. then that ms eileen teng she scolded us again. she scolded us last week and scolded us again this week. what the heck. we improved lar. if we're so hopeless right. then cancel the i & e lesson lar. not like i care. stupid. getting scolded by every single thing we do and not even considering that we have improved. idiot.
japanese guys are love