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Monday, February 27, 2006


japanese guys are love

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sze Ying!

  1. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Sze Ying.
  2. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching Sze Ying!
  3. Americans discard enough Sze Ying to rebuild their entire commercial air fleet every 3 months.
  4. Sze Yingicide is the killing of Sze Ying.
  5. If you drop Sze Ying from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first!
  6. Bananas don't grow on trees - they grow on Sze Ying!
  7. Over 46,000 pieces of Sze Ying float on every square mile of ocean.
  8. Sze Ying is 984 feet tall!
  9. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same Sze Ying.
  10. Sze Ying is the largest of Saturn's moons.

go try it its very -.- haha but funny. who knew i was 980 feet tall? MWAHAHA (: got it frm jhs blog LOL. had spring test again. gonna change blogskin!

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

talking to cky now...and complaining cuz got some crazy people drilling downstairs -.- SCARE me to death lar CHEH. todays NOT a good day. i failed my chinese. what the heck sigh....gotta buck up. im already like falling behind in so many subjects -.- ooooo but THURS is SCHOOL HOL!! yay! but i still got tuition -.- nevermind can sleep in! haha. got the yearbook le. im in the picture!!! even though i was absent on phototaking with jm ben and elaine, i still appear in the sj photo!!! ( as one tiny speck -.- haha) interesting....yup the book is very interesting ( and heavy too! -.-)

got so much tuition hw...can die man! i can see myself burried under a pile of hw: tuition and school. and not to forget TESTS. week 10 i got history science chinese and literature test -.- DIE le lar that week sigh. really gotta buck up. ): ok i gotta go do lit. and geog. and revise. and its 9.10. .........AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

japanese guys are love

Friday, February 17, 2006

waaaaaa today training so shuang man! haha. cuz now we got standard 1 juniors! so we not the 'baby' of the corp anymore haha. (: then so shuang ar the first and last parade we did the whole thing + the keluah boris drill too! *woots* haha so fun! then the standard 1s BEHIND us (: and they didnt do anything, not even sedia and senang diri haha. ok i know im sadistic (:

today got measured for uniform and got the uniform accessories. gonna get the uniform end of this month i think. YAY. earlier the better (: i dont like to wear the corp tee... so big! and all the others all wearing uniform -.- haha. today was quite slack lar...then i didnt do pt cuz im sick mah. then doctor gave me one week of sports. so i sat down and had a very enjoyable chat with constance (: haha. my cousins know her! haha so coincidental right (: and when i first got into sj they were like: you know constance? you know you know? haha so funny

but i really heng lor. today they had log pt. means they have to carry logs and run around the school -.- haha. so ke lian. then STANDARD ONES. haha i know i damn sadist but...so shuang seeing them run like first round already half dead le HAHA. we were like that once too lol. then they took like super long to run the second round. OK i know im VERY sadistic. SORRY haha (:

then had last parade then nth much happened after that. haha. today was the most shuang training!!! yay. haha. even though next time i probably wont think that way XP

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

YAY happy valentines day!! (: ok i know im one day late -.- but nevermind, cuz i just received my v day presents today!! (: YAY.

keatyin- thanks so much for the rose...(dying le but NEVERMIND cuz its the thought that counts and i didnt come yesterday XD) and the jia FLOWER (: i love them sooo much!! haha. and the flower stem can bend! haha u all ill-treated my flower *grins* love you! <3

qinlu- thanks for the PIGGIE (: its so cute haha how can anyone not like it? i guess im the LUCKY one (: haha thank you!

hosimin- SIMIN! thanks for the chocs! all my favourite HAHA. ferro rocher, tobleron and milky bar! XD thanks girl! <3 and the wrappings nice (:

mrhia- though he'll prob never read this but nvm HAHA. thanks hia for the erm...photoframe? duno what is it havent opened the plastic yet haha. YAY im glad im in class comm (:

wanyu- thanks for the crackers! yayayay (: love you <3

tzuhsiang- thanks for the NOTE haha (: nvm i know you run out of chocs le HAHA. after all im one day late (: thanks girl <3

yingsi- THANK YOU FOR MY DARLING BABY TIGGER!!! (: YAY love you forever <3 (though you'll prob roll your eyes and go haha. (: )

cant remember who else gave me le HAHA. hoping to receive SOMEMORE from church... *hints* haha (: this years a great valentines day man! (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, February 12, 2006

i.am.sick.very.sick. YUCK i cant even talk! doc said im down with a very bad flu bug. gave me mc for three days and 1 week off sports -.- but im still going sch tmr cuz got eng test and the towner garden CIP. why cant they scheldue it another day????!!!! choi. nevermind. i shall go to sch and spread the flu bug around!! mwahahaha -.- okay nevermind.

yesterdays cny celebration was fun haha. it was shawns birthday too! we started off with this block catching game. i wasnt caught at all BWAHAHAA. -.- i caught sgt tianling but he didnt have any angpow with him -.- SO HORRIBLE haha. caught quite a few ppl. then 3 way soccer chaos and 3 way captain ball chaos. SIERRA rocks man! we got 2nd in soccer and 1st in captain ball! woohoo haha (: then we changed into homeclothes for the steamboat. sat with th and eli with chanel simin and cindy across. was very sian. but we managed to pass the time haha. and th was complaining that there wasnt any wu yue tian song but sgt xinying helped us change to jj lin haha. th and simin went crazy man lol.

then we took our bags and had debrief. had alot of fun cuz th went around slapping people HAHA and she got slapped too LOL. then shilei and th were scaring me and steffi by telling ghost stories bout our sch HORRIBLE!! haha then steffi and i were arguing over who got the file with SHAWN'S pictures inside LOL. in the end we agreed to split half half HAHA. found another person whos as crazy over shawn as me! woots. and we were bemoaning how we couldnt go for shawns birthday celebration at lido *bawls* then dad fetched me home. had a great time all in all (:

japanese guys are love

Saturday, February 11, 2006

HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY SHAWN!!!! yay its his birthday!! haha (: BUT i cant slack on his birthday cuz i gotta go for sj's cny celebration -.- i dont wannaaaaaaaa go. cheh. *sigh*

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

EEEEEE. tmr got science test and i havent studied for it yet. HOW?? die le lor....sigh....just now was at the campus superstar website. wah. alot of people insult dhs. say that duno what force us to vote for clara, so she still in -.- ok nvm. i duno everything thats happening cuz some how SOMEWAY every monday i always forget to see -.- but i hope others wont insult our sch anymore. cuz they dont force us to vote what. see look at me i classic example -.- always forget to watch blergh. HAHA. diediedie. better go revise science le. later fail blergh. haha

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

uwahhh. so sian. then got so many tests to study for...sigh... I WANT TO SLACK!!!!!

japanese guys are love

Sunday, February 05, 2006

HELLO (: i shall post our class pics at marche.

erm it isnt very clear isit? haha (: thats me ting cky and ben

me ting and jiamin (: JAP GIRLS (: now all we gotta do is find deb...haha.

me ting and cky (:

me and mummy (:

me ting cky stef and cass. (:

FINALLY. the first clear picture -.- haha. me ting cky and jiamin (:

thats about it bah (: sigh. reminds me of so many good times. but nowadays we're just falling apart. maybe there sth wrong with us. but one things certain. we're all falling apart.

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

today was our school cny celebration. so funny right? when other schools are having cny celebration, we are having lessons (+test!!!!) then when other schools are having lessons, we are having cny celebration. -_-'' haha (: the cny celebration was sian. dun wanna talk about it haha. then we had potluck. clinton's mum beehoon is like SUPER nice (: so tasty!!! haha

then we change into skirt (: and blouse then me ting keatyin cass ben and long went to BUGIS!! (: cuz got time to spare before going for class dinner at marche. heeren. orchard. lol. haha (: we went to watch i not stupid too. ben and long didnt watch cuz long watched already then ben say the ticket ($7.90) is super ex and long need some one to pei him,. so he didnt watch. haha. i not stupid too is SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRR nice kay. the first half i laugh like crazy. then the second half i CRY like crazy )': its soooooooooo touching! and so sad!! jack neo really appeals to the heart (: and i cry and cry and cry and used up 4 whole tissues! haha. they were all soaking wet with my tears LOL.

and cuz of me right. i started crying first. then i took out tissue to wipe my tears then i heard keatyin sniffling beside me. so i handed her a tissue. and after that she started crying too! haha. then cass started crying and ting while trying to ask her not to cry started crying too! haha so in the end its all my fault. lol. i was really BAWLING. but without the noise. its sooooooooooo sad!!!! ): then after that i was the only one with red eyes and red nose. the others weren't so obvious -_-''. then when we met up with ben and long they could tell instantly that i've been crying. HAHA. oh. and shawn lee is soooooooooooo good-looking *swoons* HAHA. seriously (:

OH. and keatyin bought me a MICKEY shop skirt that cost her $39.90. like. OHMIGOSH!!!! she's soooo nice!! cuz its for my birthday and christmas present. THANK YOU SO MUCH LAOGONG. *MUACKS* haha. then ben and long bought me this SUPER CUTE teddy bear (blue) haha THANK YOU!! love u guys LOL. but i had to put in my locker cuz my bag to full. haha. shall take it back tmr. (:

OH. i seem to be backtracking -_-''. haha we took neoprint before the movie! then it was sooooo fun cuz keatyin brought her frame specs without degree along and me long and her took turns taking with it. it was SO fun! haha (: OK. now to AFTER THE MOVIE. haha. we went to marche. went to walk walk in heeren WAH hmv got so many great deals! but so sad my dad dun let me buy. SAD. then we met up with the class. mr hia coming along only later. -_-''

so we ate first. and marche is SUPER ex. one lamp chop, three pathetic pieces cost us 15.90 -_-'' so ex right. so me keatyin and ting shared everything (lamb chop, soft shell crab, mashed potato mushroom soup). and our bill still add up to abt 42.10 in total -_-'' im so broke. then we bought sparkling water: espirit. i shared with ben my drink so its less ex HAHA. one bottle like that is 3.80. and one can of drink is 2.80. so ridiculous right the price. lol. had a REALLY good time. me ting and keatyin went around being TAKEN of in photos. HAHA that was so fun. we took up almost 3/4 of the pics taken HAHA. then mr hia came with his wife. hes so nice haha. cuz i free so i help him get the food -_-'' then he let me take one piece of soft shell crab! and three pieces cost like 8 dollars. haha. then was abt 6 plus so went home.
ja ne! (:

japanese guys are love

☆ ME

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brushes: yumei-k

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