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Saturday, December 31, 2005

sorry, im too lazy to blog about my presents, though i promised u guys (: as for yvette, i'll tell u everything i church tmr k? so stop chasing me lar....haha (:

japanese guys are love

ok, i shall now blog as commanded by jiejie (: haha. too lazy wat. and no time. cuz wed thurs and fri was out the whole day. ok, shall review my day as usual.
[[** wednesday **]]
went to science centre with denzel and kenneth and uncle joe. was really fun..haha. we went for the star wars exhibit. it was ok lar. but lord of the rings exhibit still rocked the most man!!! *swoons* went for lunch in mcdonalds. had alot of fun haha. then wanted to go to snow city, but the queue there was ridiculous. it stretched all the way out of the building man. so in the end we were like no way! and left. so we spent the rest of the day in the science centre and boy did we have alot of fun. (: then went to aunt siew tins house for dinner. had mee siam! (: shane was there too. and this cute lil 8month old boy, ethan. he loved me k! (: haha. played with shanice and ethan, then went home.

[[** thursday **]]
had stjohn orientation prep. had to be there by 8. and we were regarded as standard 2s already! stress, stress man. we had maintenance day in the morning. cleaned up the stuff cuz we used alot of stuff during our camps. then we had a talk with mam yu chen. then lunch. had yucky old chicken rice. blergh. couldnt get the noodles. then we did the souveniors. so cute k. so unfair too. last year we just had this paper with an ambulance in front, but this yrs sec 1 they got a tiny little stretcher in a pouch with a plaster!!! so UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!! cheh. and it was like so hard to make. they better not throw it away k. alot of effort went into it. if i see any stretcher in the dustbin im so gonna go after them. hmph. did souveniors until 5 then went home.

then my mums cousin passed away. so sad. she was very nice. ): so mum and dad went for the wake and we stayed home and slept early. i had to, cuz the next day got another orientation prep.

[[** friday **]]
as usual went at 8, then we were split up into diff parts. i did the static display. then doing halfway, the activation team, came over to find another casualty to replace the one on the stretcher. they chose me lor. cuz im small and light. but yay, they found kok swee, who is like 3 kg lighter than me and underweight, so i was let off. (:

BUT. awhile later constance came over and asked me to be their teams casualty. sigh. but not so bad lar. quite fun!!! (: ok, for those who do not know what activation is, activation is they give a real life situation, and there'd be casualties and stuff, so the evacuators got to get them out in time and safely. so, since im light, they can carry me on a stretcher. oh, and that is the highlight of our booth. (: so we spent the whole morning practicing. then had lunch and practiced some more. then we went through the whole thing and were taught what to say to the sec 1s when they come. then had activation one more time then packed up and could go.

dad came to fetch me and we had dinner at parkway while waiting for kor to get his first contact lens in. cuz he needs them for rugby. then went to see my grandad, who was running a high fever, but he was ok when we got there, so we left and went to charmaines birthday celebration. too full to eat the barbecue. haha. then played boggle with kenneth, kor, aunt siewtin, denzel and uncle joe for the rest of the night. it was soooooooooooooo fun. haha! had as much fun as when playing in sentosa (: then played with chloe. so cute!!!! (: and went home, shack kay.haha

thats all i guess...haha. nth else to update. ja!

japanese guys are love

Sunday, December 25, 2005


and happy birthday to Jesus (: his birthday is just 3 days after mine! (:
anyway, thanks to everyone who gave me presents, sent me msges, called me and all the stuff. shall open my presents tonight and will blog tmr on what i got (:


japanese guys are love

Friday, December 23, 2005

okay, since ive blogged about my birthday, i shall blog about my trip to sentosa!!! (: left on monday and came back on wednesday. the trip so totally rocked lar!!! its to compensate for not going korea (: we slacked all the way lar...it was soo fun!! i dont wanna come back *bawls* i wana stay in sentosa some more...haha (:

[[** monday **]]
used the com, then left for habourfront with my mom. the doby gauht station is like WHOA. so big!!!! like airport terminal...haha (: took to habourfront where we ate at subway for lunch. then met up with aunt siewtin and family, then drove to rasa sentosa, our super nice resort (: daddy and kor are driving down later in the evening with our bags. me and kenneth were playing a very sick game of 2 people titee...haha, we were like telling each other our cards lar...haha (: then we reached and checked in. we had to wait really long for our rooms. so i went around with my cam and took photos! (: havent uploaded the photos onto the com yet. shall upload and post when i have time (:

then the rooms were ready. but only one room was and it wasnt adjoining! bad sevice. haha (: me and kenneth read. then played boogle cuz the rest went out to walk. so funny haha. then they came back and we played boggle together. it was so fun!! hahaha. we had alot of 'words under consideration' (: then we changed room cuz they told us the adjoining rooms were ready, and we havent got the other room yet. so we moved to the adjoining room. but so sad. we couldnt book the seaview one. so we faced the forest. haha. then we went to walk on the beach and played table-tennis. then daddy and kor came with dinner, so we ate, then went down to play pool and table-tennis before sleeping. i got the sofa bed!!!! (:

[[** tuesday **]]
woke up late. the adults went out for breakfast and bought back for us. denzel and family came down to join us for the day. we ate and watched tv, then left for the days activities. we went to the luge. it was so fun! but too short...haha. the chairlift had a cam, so the first time we took we were like: huh? when the cam flashed.haha. second time, me and my bro posed!!!! (: haha, but couldnt find the photo...lol.

then we went to the carlsberg sky tower. its like whoa. can see the whole of sentosa!!! and part of singapore too...haha. shanice was with me. shes SOOOO cute!!! uber cute. haha (: then went to sijori wondergolf to play golf. but the course that we liked, the beginner one, was under maintenance!!! *sniff* so we had to do the betong course, which was soooooooo bian tai. it was like so hard lar. cheh. we took 2 1/2 hours to complete the course. the adults sat there for two half hours drinking coffee. lol (: we persevered man. even though we felt like giving up. 18 holes you know.haha.

then went back to the hotel. the adults bought burger king for us!! so nice...haha (: in the end, my bro came in first, me 2nd, kenneth 3rd and denzel 4th for the golf.haha (: then we played cards, then went down to swim. i played with the little ones!! (: then me and shanice bathed together cuz she likes bathing with older jiejies. *squeals* shes like uber cute..haha. the rest went to musical fountain, but me kor kenneth denzel and daddy stayed back to play cards. it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!! uber funny!!! haha. really. lol. we had a great time. then uncle jooi kok came with dinner and we waited for the rest to come back before eating. then we went down for pool and table tennis with zhe min, kors fren. we also met harold and jared ( ithink thats how his name is spelled. lol) au and had a great time playing together.haha. denzel left already.then went to sleep. shared bed with mum. couldnt sleep cuz she squashed me to one side. blergh.

[[** wednesday **]]
was the last day in sentosa. woke up early, had breakfast, then met up with zhemin, harold and jared in our room. played cards then went to play basketball. was fun. haha. then went to arcade to play and cool down before playing pool. then we went to swim. was so fun...even though i was like the only girl. blergh. but i grew up among boys, so not so bad lar...haha. found out that jared was in tao nan and was in same class as anthea and deb. and he knew yvette.haha. he was like: oh man. i know them. then i was like: what do you have against girls?? haha. he said they were gay and i splashed him, then he splashed me back then we got the rest into a water war..haha (:

then shanice came down and i played with her. so cute!! haha. then we went up and bathed together. (: then we ate also. i feel like a big jiejie.haha. i was like feeding her and gave her almost all of my food, cuz we din have lunch. lol. zhe min was up already before we even bathed lar. then we played cards. had a lot of fun too. then went down to play pool. met up with harold and jared, then played a short while before had to check out and leave. so sad!!!!!!!! i din want to go home lar...it was so fun staying there and playing with the guys, *sniff* then went home. unpacked then went to uncle wheebengs house for gift exchange. went home. and conked out.haha (:

japanese guys are love

my birthday was yesterday!!!! (: 22nd dec. (: haha, had a great birthday. shall run through what happened on it (:

met up with yan and went to bugis with my bro. talked and gossiped alot..haha (: then met up with grace, estee and ryan at the control station then went to pastamania to have lunch! daddy gave me $50 to treat everyone to lunch. me and yan shared a ocean-baked pasta. so nice!!!! (: then we sat there and talked. then went to take neoprint!!!! (: haha, it was soooooo funny! we were like squeezing into the chair machine and there were 6 of us. ahaha, the curtain kept coming down on the boys! we laughed and laughed and laughed...i think we were the loudest man! (:

then went to shop around. yan and grace bought matching earrings and i bought this 2 for $2 earrings!! so nice...haha (: shall wear one on christmas (: then we ate ice-cream and went to the arcade. those claw machines are sick alright. i managed to grab the toy all the time but it fell out while i was transporting it. blergh. then yan and grace played a machine where u can get ipod, handphone all the stuff. like whoa yea. its like 5 levels and u have to stop at a number which will either make the thing move up or move down. they spent like over $10 on the machine lar...and they didnt get anything.haha. nvm, next time ba. (:

then went to fetch yvette from the control station and went to buy petrinas present!! (: then estee bought my prince of tennis movie!!!! *squeals* i was like: estee, are you sure??!!! haha. then met up with grace and yan and went to take neoprint!! (: ahaha, then we went home. ryan already left, then yan grace and estee went to the fl screening of narnia while me yvette and my bro went to my house. then we left for tm with my parents and ate sakae sushi!!! (: so nice the food. ahaha. then daddy bought my FUSHIGI YUUGI!!!!! (: *squeals* haha, he actually bought the first 2 boxsets and gave me in sentosa, so he bought the last boxset. gonna buy the ova later....(: thats my christmas and birthday present. (:

then we watched narnia!! (: met aunt siew tin and gang cuz they were also watching the same movie as us (: narnia rocked man. so funny (: and so sad also...the part when aslan died *bawls* but the battle scene was ok. lord of the rings still rock the most man!!! (: then we sent yvette home, bathed and blew my birthday cake. then i opened my presents. thanks to all who gave me!!! (: they were soooooo nice!!! haha. and thanks to those who msged me and wished me happy birthday (: my sms inbox was flooded!!! haha (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, December 18, 2005

came back from camp yesterday. aching all over now...aaaaahhh...they said it was an activity camp, but its more like a TORTURE camp. ok. i shall move down the timetable (thats what the sir likes to say (: )
[[** friday **]]
came to school by 7 to practice for the skit then fell in at 7.30. got briefed, set up the camp blah blah. also got alot of scolding too. blergh. then had team-building activities. some quite lame lar, but really bond the team together. we didnt manage to do the most fun one!! the swinging one...aaaaaarrrgh so unfair.

oh, forget to introduce my team.
*tzu hsiang
*advisor: yiwei

then after that we had lunch. field cooking. so stupid. we couldnt start the fire. so we couldnt cook our lunch. we ate all the can food raw. no maggie mee....aaaaah! :( then we went katong park for games. ook lar. (: then came back and did field cooking again for dinner. this time we had a big fire!! *yaay* cooked about like 5 packs of maggie mee... (:

then got scolded and pumped by officer cuz we forgot our flags :( then we had the campfire. sir kinkeong and staff dickson were the host. and they were soooooooooo funny (: ahahaha (: then we had LIGHT body maintenance. no bathing. -_-'' so eeeew right? :( then we went to sleep. me dawn steffi talked from 12 to 1 then i had to sleep cuz my sancturary duty was like at 3am. then we had the surprise fire drill at 2.45 and another one a few min later. then its our turn to do sancturary duty. staff yiwei talked to us while we took turns in pairs to walk around. then eve fainted. we were like: ohmigosh. staff yiwei took her to medical office then the sir came. and said: red dragon (codename for firedrill) we were like: huh?.......oh!!! red dragon!!!! -_-''

then we ran around like mad chickens to get everyone up and to the assembling place. im proud to say that we took 2min. (: it was about 4. then we washed up and met again for pt at 4.30 am. aaahh. the pt was HORRIBLE, TORTUROUS, just plain SPASTIC. we ran round the school a few times, then did the first activity. we stayed in crunches position and supported a SUPER heavy log with our legs in 90 degrees in the air. so spaz rite. then it was only supposed to be for 5 min, but they stopped the time and scolded us saying wat no coordination, keep scolding each other blah blah. and all the while supporting the log. then they made us do 30 crunches STILL holdin the log and stay there for a while more.

then we ran again, then did the 2nd activity. circuit pumping. 500. ok lar. not so bad. can distribute among the whole squad. but they were nice. they let us do 350. then do 10 more together. then we ran some more. then did commando crawl. i hated that one ok. we were supposed to stay in pumping position while one by one they commando crawl through underneath us. it was like so tiring and alot of people were crying by then. plus me. i mean what can u expect? run so much, then did the log thing, followed by circuit pumping and now this??!!!! cannot tahan already lar. then we run somemore. then got scolded by the instructors cuz we like not coordintated blah. then we did the last activity. 5 bx. except they were nice and took away the pumping cuz they said we did alot already. so we did 25 half-squats, 25 jumping jacks and 25 crunches. then we ran to fall in.

then after that we had the "aixin zao can" that was also so spaz kay. we each took a piece of bread. put whatever topping you want then pile up with the others. then were supposed to take a bite each round and finish the whole thing. then i was damn suay lar. one of the rounds i took a bite and u know what was it? sardines plus nutella. eeeeeeeeew!! it was so disgusting lar. we somehow, someway managed to finish it. then we had some more activities. then cleaned up the camp. then lastly had evalution and went home. THANKFULLY.

if sec 1 ACTIVITY camp is already like this, then sec two JNCO die already lar. thats a 5 day 4 nite TRAINING CAMP. and all my seniors are like so scared of it lar. i think todays the last day or 2nd last day of JNCO. shall ask elvina bout it. (: but looking back, even thoh the camp was so spaz, but it actually helped bond our squad together and the so SPAZ pt actually helped us inprove our physical standard. so yar. even though im aching all over now. really pain lar.

yesterday i was a ZOMBIE man. Then today had the FL christmas party. it was ok. had games blah. then did the gift exchange. i gave a quite a cute mug. duno who got it. i shall ren, ren until christmas to open the presents, shall ren until birthday to open my presents. edlyn was so nice. she gave us a really nice glass bottle with our name and filled with tibits. shes soo nice (:

then went tibit shopping for our sentosa trip tmr!! cant wait!! going to stay at rasa sentosa for 3 days 2 nights. my relax therapy from the torturous camp. (: kinda to make it up for our korea trip (: havent packed yet. shall pack at night (: and shall stop here, be good and do my work. (:

japanese guys are love

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

just went out with cuiting and laogong keatyin today to bugis, then to bishan..(: joined them late cuz i had my last piano lesson of the year...aunt carol gave me my christmas present!!! *yaay* so when i went there they were already at the np shop, so waited for the np to print out and went down for lunch. we were all starving cuz din eat breakfast n it was like one o'clock like that.

ate takopachi *yaay* haha (: sat around and talked. oh, me n keatyin were bluetoothing stuff to each other on the hp and ting was like: huh? ahahaha (: then she went:zzzzzz....to chim for me..... haha(: then we took pity and her and went to take np. got scared by this group of erm...china or hongkong or whatever people cuz they were like hanging out around our machine and they were like staring at us. eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! and they were like so gangster like lar!!! me and ting hid in the machine while brave laogong went out to put the coins in. we were like: *shiver shiver shiver* eeeee!!! so scary!!!! (:

then we went to bishan. then there was this guy staring at us for the whole time. we were like: eeeeeee!!! so freaky!!!! haha. n we were bluetoothing stuff as usual and ting was as usual: zzzzzzzzzzzz...... hahaha(: then we reached bishan and walked around....admired my baby tigger (: laogong wanted to buy for me for birthday present but ting say that keni buying for me le (yaay!! keni so nice!! (: ) so in the end didnt. then we went to food junction to eat octopus. for them that is. i stuck to sushi (soooo nice!!!! (: ) then mum called me to tell me to eat dinner out, so i ate udon with keatyin. and another box of sushi. haaha (: and ting was happily munching on her octopus.

so funny, cuz the first time ting tried it she hated it, but then now she loves it!!! haaha (: then we sat around and talked and talked and talked, then went to comics connection to see the comics and stuff there. then went to op to look around. then to mac to drink. by then broke le...so they so nicely treated me to a coke. (thanks!!! (: ) then keatyin rushed off to meet her fren n me n ting stayed around a lil more before going home.

then we wanted to try the new service 59, but then my bro told me the WRONG directions, so we had to walk back to the other bus stop on the OTHER side. aaaaaarggh. then finally reached the bus stop and 3 88 passed by. ting was resisting temptation cuz the bus goes to her house. ahahahaha (: then 59 came and we went on it. quite ok. 40 min. then ting took 21 home and it took her an hour cuz it went round the whole of tampines. HAHAHA (: sorry ting...next time u take 88 kay (: or next time we take mrt lars (:

then i came home bathed and onto the com! and i shall stop now.tomorrow going carolling. cant wait!! (: then ting going to hongkong on the 17th. will miss u jie!! :( must buy back sth for me k? harhar (: then friday sat got stjohn activity camp. its not training camp!!! yaaay!! i thought it was training camp...ahaha! (: ja!!

japanese guys are love

Monday, December 12, 2005

like oh my. now theres another game going around. and as usual, yvette is the one who saboed me lar....wat the heck...

List (in no particular order) 3 people you talk to online, 4 people you see in school, 2 teachers, 3 people you love goin out with and 3 people in your sms inbox.

isnt this like so stupid. arrgh. and on top of that my coms going crazy. *blergh*

2.grace (sch)
3.keat yin

4. cuiting

8.ms chong
9.mr hia



what do you think of number 4?
cuiting? shes very ahma...HAHA (: but shes also very nice...very fun to hang out with too!! one of my great frens (:

how would you feel if number 4 slapped your face?
i'll be like: o_o.....cuz shes a very non-violent person. but if she really did, i'd be pretty hurt........ :(

how nice is number 6?
bolong?? HAHA (: hes sooo cute!!! (even though hes like taller than me now..hmph!! ) but hes a nice guy...(:

on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate number 5?
keat yin? shes my laogong, so of course like 9 10 like dat (: *big grin*

would you ever fall for number 11?
keatyin? erm....shes my laogong, but we're both gurls?? AHAHAHA (:

honestly, if number 8 meets with an accident, what wld you do?
ms chong????? i'd scream, panic, call my frens and pray for her, cuz shes like the nicest teacher in the world (:

what sport would you play with number 12?
yvette? i like duno, cuz we've never really played any sport together...

what if number 1 got a boyfriend?
AHHAHAHAHAHAAHA (: i'd be like sooooo happy for her and tease her all day *big grins* and i also do know who it is... *grins*

do you hate number 9?
ah hia?? hahahaha (: he maybe quite unbearable sometimes, but hes sooo funny....harharhar (:

how much do you like number 2?
grace? AHHAHAHA (: one of the laughing trio and our captain!!! shes sooooooooooooo funny....harharhahar (:

will 13 and 7 make a good couple?-
oh.my.gosh. petrina and ben ben?? like NO!!!! (: first of all, ben ben is tall, but still shorter than her, and theres like a 7 year age gap between them. lastly. cuz they wont meet haha (: no offense!!! (:

would 14 one day kill you?
aiyorh!!! why do all the violence ques ALWAYS involve ting?? anyway...i hope not...but if i irritate her enuff maybe she will. AHAHAHA (: honestly lar. i dun think so. only if either one of us become assassins. which is HIGHLY unlikely

who do you like more 3 or 10?
keatyin or cuiting??? AAAAAHHHHH!!!! how can u ask me to choose between my laogong and "ahma dajie"???!!!! and they're like both my very good frens lar..... (: anyway, i like them both very much so there!!! (:

there. im done. now im suppose to sabo 5 people. heheheheh.
daniel. cuz im mad at him.
shen mei (:
zina (:
jiamin (:
keatyin (:

japanese guys are love

Saturday, December 10, 2005

.............................i caNNOT believe this. first i get saboed by yvette. then by laogong cky. and then by cynthia. fine. this shall be the last time i do this!!!! *arrrrghhhhhh*

1) i have no idea why im doing this again

2) I play tennis everyweek.

3) i have a waterbed.

4) i have my dn angel set *yipee!*

5) im hoping to get either fushigi yuugi or gundam seed for my birthday or christmas. whichever.

the 5 people: the people that i have named before and havent done this yet.

okokokokokok!!!! im done!!! im begging u guys, please dun sabo me anymore???

japanese guys are love

aiyorh!!! can get saboed twice meh???!!!!! so UNFAIR!!!! wat the heck lar...*sigh* its all LAOGONGS FAULT!!!!!! (: fine. i shall do this game AGAIN.
those who dont know the rules refer to the previous post.

5 wierd or random things about me: (*sigh* here we go again.......)

1) i like teen titans cuz theyre uber cute. ( i mean really!!! like anime liddat!! (:)

2) i like to bully my brother. and he likes to bully me back.

3) i spend 3/4 of my time in front of the com...ok maybe thats too exaggerated. 1/2 of my time.

4) my quilt cover and pillow are this pic of a very cute dog, cat and mouse.

5) i like to listen to the jap anime songs. they totally rock.

ok, im done, and ppl. PLS do NOT sabo me back ok. i shall not care anymore!!!! XD

yvette(if i have to suffer, she has too!!!! (:).daniel.cynthia.jiahui.deborah.

there!! im done. i shall wash my hands off this game!!! (:

japanese guys are love

Friday, December 09, 2005

1) post 5 weird or random stuff about yourself
2)at the end, write 5 people's name, the people who you want to do this quiz next. then tag their
blog. leave them a note to tell them to read your blog

ok. this is totally yvettes fault cuz she picked me to do it..haha (: but since im sian and dun wanna do hw, i shall humor her... (:

5 wierd or random stuff bout me:
1) the song playing now is 'shinkai no koduko' from gundam seed destiny.

2) i absolutely LOVE anime (isnt that an understatement?)

3) i hate maths ( i think ive like emphasized that a billion times already...XD)

4) i watch sabrina the teenage witch, winx club and teen titans(rocks!! theyre like soooo cute!!!) every day during now (hols) since theyre like right after each other.

5) hmmm....oh yar. i absolutely LOVE amos!!! (hes my dahling (: )

ok. im done..haha, that wasnt so bad...hmm...so now who to sabo....

now its UR turn to get saboed!! mwahahaha (:

japanese guys are love

i HATE maths. nothing can describe how much i hate MATHS.

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

ello!! just went to watch aeonflux with aunt carol and it was not bad...quite nice...haha...with a few disturbing scenes....mwahahaha...lol (: aniwae. pls be oh so kind to tag when u visit. i shall appreciate it greatly! (: thank you for ur kindness... (:
ja!! (:

japanese guys are love

Sunday, December 04, 2005

current status: broke
current culprit: christmas shopping XD
current job: housework
current pay:
1) folding clothes: 50 cents
2) ironing clothes: 50 cents per piece
3) sweeping the floor: $2
4) mopping the floor: $3
(still with more to come)

see? so poor thing rite me....no allowance this hols...no money...gotta work (do lotsa housework XD) but actually the pay's not bad lar.... (: for those who have allowance this hols, consider yourselves LUCKY!!!! (:

japanese guys are love

Friday, December 02, 2005

hmm....maybe i should tell you guys that im not going korea anymore. because my mum doesnt feel safe going. it maybe god at work, or maybe just my mum, but anyway, we've accepted it and are not going korea anymore ): but its ok lar....so i cant buy back anything for you guys! :p anyway, going for a buffet lunch later, then going to shop at marine parade. i aim to buy new clothes!!!! (: oh, and let me broadcast one more thing. I GOT MY DN ANGEL SET!!! (: i know its old news lar...but what the heck? (:

japanese guys are love

☆ ME

victoria junior college (IP)
22nd december
JE boys


put God first in my life
arashi/NEWS/kat-tun merchandise
japanese dramas
go to japan again


2A blog



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