♥Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Aiyoh....my tagboard is soooooooooo dead.....haha
Changed my blogskin...got tired of the old one...so kawaii rite, dis new one...its CHIBI gundam seed!!!!!! :p
EOY coming soon...im freakin out already......especially after the talk Ms chong gave us....n juz had my jap oral today...din turn out well, yea...couldnt ans alot of ques....*sigh*
den got dis thing abt takin photos in our squad dats causing a lot of problems......*Sigh* n tmr's my Jap paper n i haven study for it yet.......
im broke now....n EOY coming soon...life couldn't be worse....haha
enuff of my selfpity n ranting lar...haha....i shall stop now n continue studying jap.... Gambatte!!!!!! --> jiayou in jap...haha
aaaahh!!! forgot to add....i PASSED my piano exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D i got 117/150....so happy yea....okok, i really gotta go study jap le
japanese guys are love
♥Sunday, September 18, 2005

Guilty as charged...i forgot to blog for a really long time yea...sorry...
i wanna change my blogskin n my music, but too lazy! n exams comin round, so no time lar...mayb after exams i'll change??
haha. sorry, dis is a short post...:) buaiz
japanese guys are love
♥Thursday, September 01, 2005
HIHI!!! :) juz had our tcher dae celebration in sch...veri fun! even more fun den pri sch de...haha...we had class party, so at 7 rite, me, laogong, ah jie(CT) and an run to mac to buy burgers for everyone!! haha...very delicious de...den shen mei draw very nice pics of raja, hia, wang lao shi n chong...wang lao shi so touched! she wan a copy of her pic...haha...:p den we give hia our presents and he also very touched by them... n the "ai xin zao can" hahaden we set up the food for tchers...we had to finish dem on our own! i put on weight le... haiz....den we went for the concert. cky sit with xx...budden lemme clear up dis misunderstanding...mayb i alil disappointed lar...budden we aso pangseh cky alot of times...den she aso feel a lil hurt mah...budden straightaway ok le! like me...haha...i 1 min later ok le! :D cuz i still got ct, jiahui, yian, jiamin, anthea, wanyu, simin2...haha! cant blame cky lar...she aso wanna sit with her darling! heehee...:D um, i din c cky call us over...i was shaking my head to ct de..haha...dats why i sae MISUNDERSTANDING! :) so dun tok abt pangseh le, k? :D (thanks lar, ct a.k.a jiejie...cuz i noe u veri concerned abt me...*muacks* :D) so, everyone be frens again, k? (heehee, i feel qian4 bian3...hahhahahaha) ok, back to the concert! it was veri fun! din imagine mr low can sing so well! n he's our vp! :O haha...den the best part was dat dan dan chao ren perform TWICE!!! Oh my...me n jiahui almost fainted...haha...all in all, de performance was really fun!sorry lar, laogong...din mean to ignore u! i not angry de...haha..so dun b angry with me,k? :Dden we all fen1 kai1...me n ling rush back to sch to meet our tchers and frens n it was really fun too! :D haha...budden alot of ppl din come...*sigh* (joan become a punk!!!!!!!!!! :O i m SOOOOOO shocked...*sigh* haha) we hung out for really long, catching up before going home...den i went to aunt layhar's house...the food was really nice! I spent most of my time playing xbox...haha! the game was so fun lor...soulcalibur or sth...wanna go buy, but no money...heeheez...ok, i think i wrote a really long post dis time...haha....gotta go revise my work le!
japanese guys are love