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Friday, June 24, 2005

I didn't really want to write an entry under this kind of circumstances, but I guess I have no choice...a very "polite" person just tagged this about me:

anonymous: jus coz u learnt a freakin piano u'r so dam proud of it.u tink u can get in se anytime?don be stupid.u lik a dam shuai guy?u tink u even stand a chance?urgh.im disgusted.
anonymous: hey bEeyatch.whts ure 1*beep*2 prob,boastin bt ure english grades?whu de 1*beep*2 do u tink u r?

*ahem ahem* Okay, I have to admit that I'm really pissed. But, don't you guys think that I deserve to be pissed after someone slandered me? :(
To the person who slandered me:
Okay, I'm really sorry if I've offended you, and I'd apologise if I did, but how am I supposed to when you hide behind the name 'annoymous'? I'm really sorry if I have boasted about my grades, but honestly, they're not good enough to be boasted about. Yes, i'm damn proud that I have a chance to learn the piano and when have I said that I wanted to join se? And about the damn shuai guy I like? Yes, I just think that guy is really shuai, nothing more. I hope you don't get the wrong idea. And if you still persist slandering people and hiding behind 'annoymous', I only have one thing to say. I pity you.
Looking back at my rants (:p), I'm really sorry if I've offended you, but I want to make one thing clear. YOu don't bother me, I don't bother you. You don't slander me, I don't slander you. Fair enough? I hope it is, cuz I don't want to get pissed over something as trivial as this again, okay? :)
Okay, I hope peace is back again! I'm really sorry for those who have to put up with my rants, but I really have to clarify this. :)

japanese guys are love

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Juz came back from church camp on Saturday, and it TOTALLY rawked man! :p (btw, this was the second family camp I went to...)
dAy 1:
Went to church to catch the coach. (btw, daddy didn't go...:( ) The ride there was uneventful and I spent most of my time either reading, listening to my discman or sleeping...:p Reached there at about 12.30 and went to eat lunch in the resort we're staying in...it's called 'water city resort malacca' and it's called there cuz there's practically water everywhere! can go kayaking...woohoo! Except that I dun know how to...-_-'' Met up with yvette and grace cuz they came one day earlier and as there was rest time from 2.30 to 6.30, we swam in the swimming pool! Then, we went for dinner and had worship, followed byspeaker session...then we went for our youth session. There we were introduced to our youth pastor and we played lotsa games.Me n yvette skipped supper and I roomed with her that night (and all the other nights too!) we had instant noddles...yummy!
day 2:
Woke up early and went for breakfast before worship started. Then, we had message and we went for our youth programme.After lunch, there was another speaker session and followed by Bond of Love-in other words, games. Me and Yvette skipped it, cuz we were reeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy tired...:p We spent our time reading and sleeping...lolx. Then, we went for dinner and worship and speaker session. Our youth pastor let us watch a movie! (um, well clips of the movie) it's about angelina jolie and she has 7 more days to live blah blah. After our session, we stayed back to watch the WHOLE movie and honestly, I didn't really understand it...Oh, I remember one 'sex' part and Bernie covered the projector until the music faded! LOLX (Oh and btw, my bro died of aids...those who were dere will know wat i mean...mwahahaha :p)
day 3:
Woke up early and did the usual routine blah blah. But during lunch, me, grace, yvette, daniel and my bro played cards and grace laughed SOOOOO hard, that she inhaled wool! haha. Then, i had very bad runny nose, so me and grace didn't go for the last youth session. We played cards and talked! Then, the rest came back and it was the malacca city tour, which we didn't wanna go, so we had frm 2.30 to 8.30! SO COOL!we continued playing cards and...truth or dare...:( That was TOTALLY embarrassing! Cuz grace and yvette...you know what im saying! *glares daggers at grace, yvette and my bro* But all in all, we really had a lot of fun...and we kept laughing like mad! (thanks to grace! *muack*) Then, we went kayaking. Me and Grace teamed up cuz I like don't know how to kayak? Then we took a shower and met up in Dan's room and continued playing cards and Truth or dare, and I tell you, I wanted to crawl under a stone and hide! :'( Aunty Pik Onn bought back KFC for us (yea!) and it was like HEAVEN after all the buffet meals we've been having! We went down a lil late for the kid's concert and they were like SO pro! The lil kids are like sooooooo cute! :p Then, we went for the tropical fruits supper and I ENJOYED my lovely durian! (and tormenting grace and my bro with their LOVELY smell...mwahahahahahahahaha) Then as it was the last nite, the same gang stayed up to play cards...ahh, lovely! Budden, sadly we couldn't play for long...(grace calls daniel her 'didi' cuz she saes he's no MATURE enuff to become her kor kor! and daniel was like: No way! I am NOT you didi! :p) Yups, we had tons of fun.. :) Oh, and Grace keeps complaining that we're like COPYING her..hahahahahahahaha...Never had so much fun in my life! It was TOTALLY funny...:p
day 4:
Found out that my ma and my bro were locked inside the room! :O We called last nite to tell my ma that we were safely in yvette's room, budden they were locked, so couldn't go and answer. Then, my ma panicked and smsed uncle wheng choong and aunty benglay, bud when uncle wheng choong called the receptionist, the man with the key already went home!-_-'' what kinda hotel service is THAT?? so, my ma threw the house key down to uncle francis and they went up to our room with the hotel staff and picked the lock. And after that, they went inside and locked themselves in too, so had to pick the lock AGAIN...-_-'' Woweee...imagine being locked up in the hotel room! Then, me and yvette met them at the dining hall and we went for worship and as there was no youth service during the closing msg, the same gang went up to play cards and truth or dare...bud this time, abraham came along...he was very poor thing, owez bei4 gan3 into the balcony while the rest drilled others on stuff said on day 3...cuz he wasn't dere that day...Then we went for holy communion and lunch. During lunch, me, daniel, yvette, grace, my bro and abby played truth or dare...and I tell you, abby is TOTALLY merciless when it comes to truth or dare! :p Then sadly, we had to go home, cuz this year, my family isn't going with daniel's family to port dickson like last year...*sniff sniff* This camp was TOTALLY a blast!

japanese guys are love

Monday, June 06, 2005

Um okay, im really sorry...yar...but its like all my FAVE blogskins keep conking out on me...*Takes out a hammer and hammers the creator of those blogskins* it's really irritating lor...cant count on one hand how many times my blogskins conked out in me...so you guyz hafta bear wif me, kay, cuz i haf a feeling im gonna hafta change many, MANY more blogskins...:(

japanese guys are love

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Omg, yesterday was like the WORST theme park outing ever! (And I seriously mean the WORST) We were like supposed to celebrate ah ting's b-dae, but only about 7 peepz went. Me, keat yin, jiahui, ben, bolong, ah ting and yu tse. Pathetic, rite??? We had the maid with us and me, jiahui, bolong and yu tse paid CHILD rate! mwahahahahahahaha and thats $8.30. The rest paid ADULT rate, which was $16.50...hahaha! -_-'' Okay, but it really sucked lor...a lot of rides were under maintanence lor...waste of money...den we went on the new ride: Flipper. It goes very high and you spin around in this little booths. it SUCKED...actually i din wanna go lor, budden dey force me to...haiz...den we sat the yakult straight after that. -_-'' I mean, could we ever been more dumb??? After the ride, all of us were like: omg, im gonna vomit... Den jiahui and I sat down to rest cuz we were like SERIOUSLY gonna vomit and the rest went to sit the viking. -_-'' They're totally SIAO! Den rite, ah ting, keat yin and yu tse went to sit wet 'n' wild. And yu tse got off after one time, but ah ting and keat yin sat 4, and I mean 4 more times. We were like: omg, they're TOTALLY siao, looney blah blah! Then we sat the family coaster...it was very fun, cuz we kept screaming...haha. Then, they went to the haunted house. Me and jiahui were lyke: count me out, man! And you noe wat they did? They went into the haunted house about 5 times!!! While waiting, me n jiahui went to pig out on food and tempt the rest with our coke light...mwahahahahahaha.. den they sat the rainbow but, me and bolong were too short...:'( We wanted to sit the panasonic, budden the queue nvr move one lor! So we went to sit the viking. We had a LOT of fun...we were lyke: 1, 2, 3 SCREAM!!!! hahaaha...bud after our first time, a boy vomited and ben gave him his water bottle to drink, and he threw away after dat, saeing: wah loah...why muz drink my water??? :p It was DISGUSTING and it STANK, and you noe wat the lady in charge did? She swept ALL the vomit into the wet 'n' wild water!!!! :O We went: EWWWWWW!!!! Esp keat yin and cuiting, cuz they sat it lyke 5 times! So we were teasing dem saeing dat they're covered in vomit water and they seriously looked like they wanted to hurl...so while the lady was cleaning up, we were watching peepz go in2 the water and we were lyke: Hey! thats the 10th one to go into vomit water~! :p Then we sat the viking two more times and it ROCKED! We separated into two grps and while the ship was moving, we were shouting to one another across...so FUN!!! Then, me, jiahui, bolong and ben cannot tahan liao, so we went to eat lunch while ting, keat yin and yu tse went to sit the revolution and the flipper...-_-'' stomach of steel, man! We went to ting's house and played with donut! and jiahui and bolong were too scared of donut (hes a dog) so they stayed outside. -_-'' den we went bugis to take neoprint, and another BIG failure! The pen wasnt working blah blah and i din appear in 3 photos!!!!! :( Haiz...it was a failed outing...budden we decided to go another day wen we got the 'ling2 gan3'! :p

japanese guys are love

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